The President of Turkmenistan opened a new complex of buildings of the Academy of Civil Service
The President of Turkmenistan opened a new complex of buildings of the Academy of Civil Service
Published 01.09.2023

On the Day of Knowledge and Students in Ashgabat, with the participation of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, another festive architectural premiere took place. The head of state took part in the opening ceremony of a new complex of buildings of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan.

To the applause of the audience, the President of Turkmenistan cut the festive ribbon, opening a new facility. The head of state got acquainted with the Academy complex, where all conditions have been created for the training of senior managers and civil servants, their professional development in accordance with the requirements of the time.

In the structure of the Academy, which is an educational institution for advanced postgraduate education, there are two faculties: public administration and advanced training. There are 7 departments here: state and international law, civil law, economics and finance, management, digital economy and information technology, social sciences, foreign languages. In a number of areas, training in the magistracy is carried out.

It is noteworthy that this year, this Academy, established in accordance with the relevant Decree of the head of state, is celebrating its 15th anniversary. The effective work of employees of state bodies and bodies of local executive power and self-government is an important condition for the progressive socio-economic development of the Motherland, its active integration into the modern system of world economic relations. To this end, the Academy has been given serious and responsible tasks to train, retrain and improve the skills of specialists who are called upon to make a worthy contribution to the prosperity and further progress of our country.

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