The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 21.07.2023

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which considered issues of social and economic development of the country and drafts of some documents.

The first floor was given to Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed on the activity of the national parliament.

As was informed, at present development of bills connected with further political, social and economic and cultural development of our fatherland and protection of the rights and interests of citizens, increase of standards of living of population is consistently carried out.

At the same time, credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil were received. During the meetings taken place with the representative of OSCE, members of the delegation led by the Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Iran to our country prospects of strengthening of cooperation were discussed. Deputies and specialists of the Mejlis took part in the actions organised by corresponding state structures together with international organisations.

In addition to that, the information on the work carried out to explain to the population the goals designated at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, devoted to results of the first half of the year, goals of social and economic transformations carried out in our state, adopted important decisions as well as political importance of the 32nd anniversary of independence of our fatherland sounded.

Summing up the delivered information, the head of the state drew attention to importance of further systematic improvement of acts in force.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov reported on the work conducted by subordinate structures as well as undertaken practical steps for perfection of acts in area of social security.

The information on drafts of documents – “Procedure for entitlement to personal pensions for special merits in front of Turkmenistan” and “On the composition of the Commission for assignment of individual pensions for special merits to Turkmenistan”, prepared according to provisions of the Code of social protection of population in this connection sounded.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that the basic principle of social policy realized in our country is “State - for people!” Proceeding from it. Special attention is given to the bringing of regulatory legal acts regulating the relations in the given sphere into conformity with realities of time, the head of Turkmenistan underlined and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Amanov reported on the state of affairs in the sphere under his supervision, in particular, in enterprises of "Türkmennebit" State Concern.

Measures implemented to increase the production level of oil and effective development of oil wells at the expense of further modernisation of infrastructure of the sector and introduction of advanced energy saving technologies in practice were reported.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused attention on priorities of energy policy of Turkmenistan. Having noted importance of rational use of the richest natural resources, industrial, scientific and technical potential of oil and gas sector for sustainable development and expansion of export possibilities of national economy with a view of increase of wellbeing of people, the head of the state gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet corresponding instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev reported on seasonal agricultural campaigns carried out in regions of the country.

It was marked that at present, care of crops, in particular, inter-row cultivation, top dressing with mineral fertilizers and vegetative watering is carried out in cotton fields according to agro-technical standards. Corresponding work on preparation of agricultural machinery for the cotton-picking harvest season is conducted.

In addition to that, fields cleaned from wheat are ploughed and levelled. Potato, vegetables and gourds harvesting proceeds and measures for supply markets of the country with the given production are undertaken. Besides it, preparation for the autumn sowing of agricultural crops goes on.

The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet also reported that in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats care of rice crops, in Mary region - vegetative watering of sugar beet is carried out.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to importance of current seasonal agricultural work. In this connection, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet received the concrete instructions, concerning preparations of the fields under crops, which were designated for the next year’s wheat crop as well as strict observance of requirements of agro-technical standards for care of crops of cotton and constant control over preparation for the sowing of winter crops.

The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Atdayev reported on the work carried out to get Turkmenistan ready for participation in forthcoming international forums abroad. Among them – EXPO-2025 world fair as well as international exposition EXPO-2023 to be held from October 2 to March 28, 2024 devoted to the theme of protection of natural resources and environment, prevention of desertification, water saving, development of alternative energy sources, creations of green cities and others.

Besides it, work on the organisation of participation in the X International trading exhibition «Foodex Saudi» which will be held in Riyadh (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in September of the current year is carried out.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that participation of Turkmenistan in the world exhibition forums gives possibility widely to show to the international community achievement and successes of our country, and at the same time to familiarise with the advanced world experience in various spheres, to expand geography of mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners.

The head of the state focused attention to necessities of organizational issues of preparation for forthcoming international exhibitions abroad and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet instructions to this end.

During the meeting of the Government for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan the draft of the Resolution “On construction of the shopping centre at the Turkmen-Uzbek frontier zone in Dashoguz velayat“ was submitted.

Having signed the submitted document, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent to the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet online and gave him a number of concrete instructions.

Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on the work carried out for further development of the sphere of culture.

As was marked, thanks to efforts of the President of Turkmenistan a large scale and multifaceted work is carried out to promote and popularise the national cultural heritage of Turkmen people in the world. In this connection, corresponding measures are taken to develop international cooperation and to study and introduce world experience.

Having heard the report, the head of the state underlined importance of various cultural events called to stimulate dynamical development of the country in all spheres and gave the Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet corresponding instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Turkmenistan N.Amannepesov reported on the work carried out to strengthen further the scientific potential of the country.

As was marked, in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State complex actions are carried out to develop innovative technologies, to increase efficiency of scientific researches in priority areas of social and economic development of Turkmenistan as well as to introduce them actively in manufacture.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that it is namely the scientific and technical progress that serves the major and integral condition of accelerated, innovative development of our sovereign fatherland.

Having focused attention on necessities of further strengthening of interrelation between science and manufacture, perfection of activity of the scientific-technological centres based on high technologies as well as importance of study of advanced world experience in this area, the head of the state gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet concrete instructions on intensification of work in the given area.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, minister of foreign affairs R.Meredov reported on undertaken steps for further activization of international activity of Turkmenistan.

It was noted that with a view of fulfilment of concrete instructions given by the head of the state at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the results of the first half of the year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs carries out corresponding work. Thereupon the Program of international actions for the second half of 2023, which then will be submitted for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan, is developed.

Throughout the report the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, minister of foreign affairs made a number of proposals on effective realisation of foreign policy of our neutral fatherland during the current year.

So, it was proposed to prepare “Priority positions of Turkmenistan at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly”. In the document initiatives and approaches of our country to the major issues of the global agenda, concerning maintenance of peace, security and sustainable development, ecology and preservation of the environment, climate change, public health services and humanitarian sphere will be stated.

It was proposed to develop also the draft of “Medium-term strategy of basic areas of foreign policy of Turkmenistan”. Its preparation will be carried out taking into account the conditions, which developed in various regions, including neighbouring ones, geopolitical conjuncture as well as the basis of the Concept of foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022-2028.

At present, one of the key goals is to strengthen regional and global partnership in the security sphere. With a view of continuation of constructive interaction in the given area, it was proposed to develop the draft “The plan on intensification of international cooperation of corresponding official bodies of Turkmenistan to combat terrorism for 2023-2025”. In the given aspect, there are many opportunities for intensification of partnership with the United Nations, EU, OSCE, and OIS, other authoritative organisations as well as neighbouring and other countries.

In addition to it, it was proposed to prepare the draft of the “Programs of development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the tourist sector for 2024-2025”. It was noted that in the given sphere our country with its rich historical and cultural heritage and natural sights has a high potential. The program will be aimed at activization of interaction with international tourist organisations, exchange of experience with foreign partners and implementation of joint actions.

For consideration of the head of the state, the proposal on development of the draft of the “Concept of development of international exhibition activity of Turkmenistan for 2024-2025” was also submitted. In the document the purposes, issues and basic vectors of interaction in this area will be reflected, including actions for support of local commodity producers, businesspersons and profile structures are defined.

Summarising the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that being attached to the policy of peaceful disposition, positive neutrality and wide constructive cooperation, Turkmenistan will further develop fruitful multiplane relations with the states of the planet and authoritative international organisations.

Aspiring to make most use of creative potential, our country puts forward the concrete initiatives, called to promote solution of actual problems of the present, maintenance of universal peace, security and well-being. Speaking about it, the head of the state underlined necessity of the most serious and responsible preparation for participation in the next, 78th session of the UN General Assembly and careful study of priority positions of Turkmenistan which will be sounded at it.

Having approved the submitted proposals and having emphasised importance of the above-named areas, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noticed that realisation of provided measures will give a new impulse, supplement mutually beneficial cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats, and serve the strengthening of effective partnership with international organisations. In the given context, the head of the state gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, the head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a number of corresponding instructions.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on measures taken to increase overall performance of the marine sector.

As was informed, activity for expansion of the marine fleet, protection of environment of water basin of the Caspian Sea, strengthening of standard-legal basis of the branch is carried out.

Having heard the report, the head of the state noted that our country takes an active part in development of international interaction in the field of sea transport in modern realities, maintenance of ecological balance of the Caspian Sea and realisation of all nature protection problems. In this connection, the head of the Agency was entrusted to continue work in this area.

Addressing participants of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that large scale social and economic reforms realized in the country are based on the latest scientific achievements. In a short space of time, planned measures were carried out successfully to strengthen the basis of the sphere of science and its conformity with world standards. Today, this work acquires a system character, being a major factor of harmonious development of national economy, the head of the state said.

Having noted that application of latest solutions and achievements of world science in branches of national economy acts as an actual requirement, the President of the country gave members of the Cabinet concrete instructions.

A number of other issues were also considered at the meeting and the documents aimed at development of various branches were signed.

Having concluded the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and big successes in their work for further prosperity of our sovereign fatherland.

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