Working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Balkan velayat
Working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Balkan velayat
Published 13.06.2023

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the western region of the country, during which he got acquainted with the implementation of the state program for the socio-economic development of the velayats and the pace of grain harvesting campaign.

In the morning, the President's helicopter headed from the capital to the Kizilarvat etrap of Balkan velayat.

...The helicopter of the head of state landed next to the land plot of an individual enterprise "Batly gadam" in the Kizilarvat etrap.

Here, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was warmly welcomed by A. Yazmyradov, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the agricultural complex and T. Atakhallyev, Hyakim of Balkan velayat.

The head of Turkmenistan went to the field, where the farmers' hard work resulted in a rich harvest of wheat. Combine harvesters are lined up at the edge of the field, ready for mowing.

This year, the fields of Balkan velayat have been sown with high-yielding varieties of wheat. As a result of the support provided by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the agro-industrial complex, modern combine harvesters of well-known companies "John Deere" and "Claas" are used in the current harvest of grain, which work around the clock, helping farmers quickly and without losses to harvest grown crop.

Then, the head of state talked with G. Amanmuradov, the farmer of the individual enterprise "Batly gadam".

The president of Turkmenistan inquired about the working conditions and marital status of the farmer, as well as about the types of crops he grows on the leased land and the yields in the wheat fields.

The farmer expressed his sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero-Arkadag for the constant care of the agricultural workers, the conditions created by the state for obtaining generous harvests, a decent life and fruitful work. According to farmer, he has been working on the land for 23 years and this year he plans to harvest 112.5 tons of wheat from an area of 25 hectares.

Wishing the agricultural worker success in his work, the head of Turkmenistan presented him with a commemorative gift for his contribution to ensuring food abundance in the country.

In turn, farmer G. Amanmyradov expressed his heartfelt gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and proudly said that the conditions created by the state contribute to the highly productive work of farmers, the efficient use of land, an increase in the volume of cultivated products, and inspire new labor successes and victories.

Then, at the request of the tenant, the head of state, with the words "Bismilla", gave his blessing to the beginning of grain harvesting and wished a rich harvest, cutting off a sheaf of ripe full-fledged wheat ears.

At this time, machine operators, skillfully managing powerful combine harvesters of the famous brands "John Deere" and "Claas", were ready to start harvesting grain.

Then, the President of Turkmenistan talked to S. Odyaev, a machine operator at the Kizilarvat etrap technical maintenance enterprise of the Balkan velayat Agricultural Production Association of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, asking about working conditions and work experience, his marital status and yields in the wheat fields.

The head of state presented the machine operator with a gift in recognition of his noble work.

The head of state observed the well-coordinated work of the combine harvesters. Endless grain fields are visible evidence that the hard work of farmers has yielded the expected results. Golden full-fledged ears of wheat, swaying in the wind, are a symbol of the people's prosperity.

The high rates of harvesting a generous harvest of grain grown by the selfless labor of farmers is a vivid indicator of the effectiveness of practical steps taken to maintain food abundance in the country and meet the demand of the population, as well as an important factor in the successful implementation of the tasks set.

Then the President spoke with A. Amanmammedov, head of Batly gadam, an individual enterprise specializing in the agricultural sector. Noting with satisfaction the active dynamics of involvement of entrepreneurs in the agro-industrial complex and the growing rate of growth of production resulting from it, the head of Turkmenistan noted that the state would provide the necessary support to improve the efficiency of their work.

Expressing sincere gratitude on behalf of representatives of the private sector engaged in agriculture for the attention paid to the development of this sphere and the support provided to Turkmen businessmen, the entrepreneur assured President Serdar Berdimuhamedov that he would make every effort to successfully complete the tasks set.

There was also an exhibition of vegetables, fruits, grain seeds, bakery products.

The variety of presented products is a vivid example of the wealth of the Turkmen land. Today, as a result of complex transformations and thanks to the work of farmers, generous harvests of wheat, vegetable and berry crops are grown, thereby ensuring food abundance, prosperity of the people and every family.

Products presented by domestic agricultural producers, especially bakery products, are of high quality, nutritious and environmentally friendly. This proves that products grown in the Turkmen land under the hot sunlight meet the world standards in all respects.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov left the scene of the event, wishing everyone success in their work.

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