Turkmenistan - the Federal Republic of Germany: a course towards expanding and diversifying cooperation
Turkmenistan - the Federal Republic of Germany: a course towards expanding and diversifying cooperation
Published 02.05.2023

Among the priority vectors of the foreign policy strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, consistently implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is the development of constructive multi-aspect cooperation with European states. In this context, it should be noted the traditionally friendly, fruitful nature of the interstate dialogue with the Federal Republic of Germany, which is one of the key European partners of our country.

As is known, diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and Germany were established in 1992. Over the past period, a reliable political and regulatory framework has been created for a full-scale partnership that is successfully developing both in bilateral and multilateral formats through authoritative international organizations, including the UN, the OSCE and other structures, as well as in the framework of interaction with European Union.

All these years, Turkmenistan and Germany have demonstrated mutual goodwill and commitment to traditional cooperation covering a wide range of areas. This is also confirmed by systematic contacts at various levels, which contribute to the promotion of mutually beneficial relations. Thus, the issues of further deepening long-term cooperation, determining its new promising vectors were considered during the working visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to the Federal Republic of Germany last week.

During the visit, a number of meetings were held, including with the leaders of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, world-famous German companies, and major banking and financial institutions.

The subject of a thorough discussion was the possibility of building up trade and economic ties, interaction through business structures, and stimulating investment activity. Today, taking into account the large-scale programs of industrialization and diversification of the national economy being implemented in Turkmenistan, favorable prospects are opening up for the intensification of productive bilateral partnerships in various industries, the implementation of new infrastructure projects. There is an impressive potential for this, including in such areas as industry, energy, transport and communications, the agro-industrial sector, etc.

In particular, during negotiations with the leadership of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, within the framework of expanding bilateral cooperation on a systematic basis, a proposal was considered to hold a joint economic forum in Germany. In order to properly prepare it, it was also proposed to organize three preliminary thematic training workshops on the digital system.

A number of leading German companies have been successfully operating on the Turkmen market for a long time, among which is CLAAS, one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery. High-tech tractors and combines of this world-famous brand have proven themselves well in the soil and climatic conditions of our country. It is also noteworthy that in 2012, the CLAAS training center was opened at the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.

In the context of the digitalization of the national agro-industrial complex, cooperation in the field of introducing technologies for precision farming using telematic systems is now very relevant. Equipping them allows you to track the location of agricultural machines, the progress of work performed, fuel consumption and many other indicators in real time through remote monitoring, ensuring optimal functional efficiency of the equipment.

Advanced technological developments also make it possible to use the "automatic documentation" function. All technical, operational and agronomic indicators received from tractors and combines are stored in a database, for the processing and analysis of which artificial intelligence is used. An equally important aspect is the introduction of "green" technologies into the agricultural industry. The German company expresses its readiness to continue to actively work with Turkmen colleagues in these popular areas.

The opportunities created in Turkmenistan for mutually beneficial business partnerships, including a favorable investment climate, determine the growing interest of German business circles in our country. The desire for active cooperation and participation in the implementation of industry projects, in particular, in such an important area as water management, is expressed by “Wilo” company, which is one of the world's largest manufacturers of various types of pumping equipment.

A wide field for effective joint activities is opened by the modernization of the water management complex in Turkmenistan based on the use of modern specialized equipment, the introduction of innovative technologies, including water-saving technologies, scientific achievements, and advanced irrigation methods. All this is of great importance in terms of the rational use of water resources, maintaining irrigation systems in proper operational condition, preventing land salinization, increasing the fertility of agricultural land, as well as from the point of view of the environmental aspect and the principles of the "green" economy.

Taking into account the existing prospects for a long-term partnership, Wilo put forward a proposal to open its representative office in our country.

Among the priorities of the foreign economic strategy of Turkmenistan, the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with leading foreign financial and banking structures, the study of best practices for the introduction of digital technologies, electronic banking, etc. in this sector, were also determined. Long-term reliable partners of our country in this direction are the largest German banks - Deutsche Bank AG and Commerzbank AG, with which productive contacts have been established. Their further strengthening is intended to contribute to the progressive build-up of bilateral economic cooperation in general, and the intensification of cooperation in the investment sphere.

An integral part of interstate relations is also traditional humanitarian and cultural ties, which the parties intend to continue to deepen. Here, along with educational and scientific contacts, the exhibition "Margiana - the kingdom of the Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan" can be cited as an example. The exposition, organized by the relevant departments of the two states, has become a bright cultural event in the history of interstate cooperation, arousing great interest among visitors.

The exhibition, which opened in March 2019, has been familiarizing residents and guests of different cities of Germany with unique artifacts from the museum funds of our country for a long period, allowing you to get a visual idea of the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people.

And of course, a good example of a fruitful Turkmen-German partnership is the successful interaction in the field of healthcare, which is developing on a long-term basis. This large and systematic joint work is yielding impressive results. As you know, modern medical institutions built in our country are equipped with the latest specialized equipment manufactured by leading German companies. Regular nature is inherent in the contacts of domestic and German doctors, including mutual visits of specialists, consultations, meetings and conferences.

In particular, in January of this year, the jubilee X Turkmen-German Health Forum was held online. Its participants summed up the results of many years of cooperation, and also considered the current directions for its continuation. Special attention was paid to issues related to the effective exchange of experience in the field of medical science and practice, joint scientific research, advanced training of personnel, the development of innovative technologies, developments and methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

In a word, the diverse potential of interstate cooperation and the mutual desire of the parties for its optimal implementation provide opportunities for expanding the range of partnership, identifying its relevant areas with a long-term perspective.

This topic also became the subject of an interesting discussion during the recent visit to the Federal Republic of Germany of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

As already reported, during the visit Hero-Arkadag visited the Horse Breeding Complex. In the modern era, Turkmen-German cooperation has reached a new level of development, covering a wide range of areas, one of which is the horse breeding sector. German horse breeders often visit Turkmenistan, the birthplace of the Akhal-Teke horses, interested in the history of the origin of this ancient breed, its unique features. Representatives of Germany are also members of the International Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding Association, established on the initiative of Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in 2010.

In this regard, it is noteworthy that the visit of the Hero-Arkagag to Germany took place on the eve of the National holiday of the Turkmen horse, which is annually celebrated in our country on the last Sunday of April. On behalf of the leadership of the Horse Breeding Complex and German industry experts, heartfelt congratulations were expressed to the National Leader of the Turkmen people on this wonderful holiday, on the occasion of which grandiose celebrations are organized in Turkmenistan.

During the visit to the Complex, Hero-Arkadag got acquainted with the work being carried out here, inquiring about the features of the German breed horses and the conditions for their maintenance. In the conversation, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty also spoke about the Akhal-Teke horses, their unique exterior, and distinctive character traits. Stressing that Turkmenistan attaches special importance to the development of horse breeding, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spoke in favor of continuing mutually beneficial cooperation with German horse breeders and specialists, which will undoubtedly serve to further improve the industry in both countries.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people invited the German partners to take part in the celebrations dedicated to the opening of the new city of Arkadag, built in one of the most beautiful corners of Turkmenistan, where the phenomenal Akhal-Teke horse breed was born. It is noteworthy that in its center there is a monument to the legendary horse Akhan, the world record holder. The construction in the new city of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev, the Research and Production Center for Horse Breeding, the State Equestrian Circus named after Gyorogly testifies to the great attention paid in our country to "winged" horses.

By the way, the city of Arkadag in a concentrated form reflects the achievements of an independent neutral Motherland in the latest historical era. At the same time, it is designed to become a major scientific, educational and cultural center of our country. As you know, its construction is carried out on the basis of advanced methods of architecture and urban planning, using the standards of "smart" cities, digital interactive and "green" technologies, in accordance with high environmental standards. All this determines the prerequisites for the transformation of the new city into a center of effective international partnership.

Hero-Arkadag, who is a true connoisseur and connoisseur of Akhal-Teke horses, the initiator of large-scale work carried out in Turkmenistan to preserve, study and continue the original horse breeding traditions of the Turkmen people, donated his books to the management of the Complex, which contain extensive information about the origin and history of "heavenly" horses , the methodology of their education, training and preparation for the races, about the centuries-old experience of domestic horse breeders and seyis in this area.

Thus, the commitment of Turkmenistan and the Federal Republic of Germany to traditional relations of friendship and fruitful cooperation, the mutual focus of the parties on the maximum realization of the existing impressive partnership potential, which, of course, will give qualitatively new incentives and content to the interstate dialogue, have been reaffirmed.

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