Another issue of the magazine "Democracy and Law"
Another issue of the magazine "Democracy and Law"
Published 21.04.2023

The next issue of the quarterly scientific and applied journal "Democracy and Law", published by the Institute of State, Law and Democracy in Turkmen, English and Russian, has been published.

The series of publications is opened by the speech of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, held on February 10 this year. In the speech of the head of state, a detailed analysis of the results of work for 2022 in various areas of the national economy is given, as well as the priorities of the domestic and foreign policy of Turkmenistan in the year “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” are identified.

In particular, the President of Turkmenistan noted that in 2023, 37 billion 400 million manats will be invested in the country's economy from all sources of financing. It is planned to allocate 20 billion 800 million manats for the construction of industrial facilities, 16 billion 600 million manats for social purposes, which will be 55.6 percent and 44.4 percent of the total investment in the country, respectively. This year, it is planned to commission 1 million 58.5 thousand square meters of housing at the expense of all sources of financing. As part of the Investment Program, the construction of a number of facilities and structures in the capital and regions will be launched in order to improve the social and living conditions of the population.

Among other materials of the issue is the article “Organizational and legal basis for holding elections”, dedicated to the election campaign of deputies of the Mejlis, velayat, etrap, city halk maslahaty and Gengeshes. As the author emphasizes, guided by the motto of the President of Turkmenistan “The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!”, the principles of democracy are developing in our country, the democratic foundations of the rights of citizens to participate in managing the affairs of society and the state directly, as well as through their freely elected representatives, are being improved.

In the publication “Foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan and parliamentary diplomacy”, special emphasis is placed on the relevance of a comprehensive scientific study of this topic. As the author notes, today the possibilities and mechanisms of this activity are aimed at protecting national interests in the fields of international organizations and inter-parliamentary assemblies, at developing cooperation with the legislative bodies of the states of the world.

Readers are also invited to the article “Philosophical heritage of Magtymguly Fragi”, which examines the moral views of the great poet and thinker of the Turkmen people. As follows from the publication, in the new historical era, the authority of Magtymguly Fragi is increasing, the demand for his far-sighted thoughts and philosophical views, which, having turned into a universal value, are the spiritual foundation of our modern society.

The widespread introduction of information and communication technologies, the use of the Internet in everyday life, the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan require, first of all, legislative support for strengthening the technological security of information data. This topic is covered in the material "Digital Economy and Legal Protection of Information".

The article "The role of legal consciousness and legal culture in the education of young people" is devoted to one of the urgent problems of our time. As is known, the improvement of the activities carried out in this direction is one of the main conditions for ensuring the rule of law and strengthening the rule of law in society. At the same time, the author focuses on the importance of systemic and interconnected educational work in this area, deep affirmation in the minds of the younger generation of the concepts of rights and obligations, nobility and conscientiousness, ethical standards, teaching the basic provisions of laws from an early age.

The publication “Peculiarities of the use of digital technologies in the criminal process”, which discusses the importance of introducing technical innovations in law enforcement, human rights and judicial practice, will also attract the attention of readers. According to the author, this process requires a deeper scientific analysis and improvement on its basis of the relevant legislative acts, which in the future will serve to ensure the reliable protection of human rights.

The article “Transport Diplomacy and Legal Regulation of the Transport System” notes that at present, this area, being one of the key vectors of interaction between our country and the UN and its specialized agencies, occupies a special place in the foreign policy of Turkmenistan. The emphasis is on the significance of a number of important resolutions in this area adopted by the UN General Assembly at the initiative of our state in modern transport diplomacy.

The next issue of the magazine ends with the traditional heading “Chronicle”, which offers the reader an overview of meetings, meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission for Ensuring the Implementation of Turkmenistan’s International Obligations in the Field of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, seminars and other events held in Ashgabat and abroad on this topic.

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