Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 02.11.2022

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the State Security Council, which reviewed the results of work done by military and law enforcement agencies over ten months of this year. The agenda also included topical issues related to maintaining security and tranquility in our independent state, upgrading material and technical resources of law enforcement agencies and further improving their performance.

The first to speak was Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defense B. Gundogdyev, who reported on the work carried out in January-October, the implemented comprehensive measures to introduce a digital system in supervised formations, improve the skills of officers and train professional personnel for the Armed Forces, and address social issues of military personnel.

Prosecutor General S. Myalikgulyev reported on the activities carried out by institutions under his supervision over ten months of 2022, the steps taken to monitor the strict and precise compliance with the rule of law in all areas. A report also covered the results of inspections conducted on the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan on the implementation of provisions contained in regulatory legal instruments.

Further, Minister of Internal Affairs M. Hydyrov reported on the results of work done by the services under his supervision since the beginning of the year, the measures taken to prevent offenses, maintain public order in the country, ensure fire safety and prevent accidents on highways. The report included information on the progress of introducing advanced technologies into the activities of the supervised agency.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov reported on the work results of the institutions under his supervision over the period under review, the implementation of the Judicial System Development Program, as well as the conditions created for the fruitful service of employees.

Then Minister of National Security G. Annaev reported on the results of activities for ten months, the practical steps taken to maintain a favorable social climate in the country, and introduce a digital system in institutions under his supervision.

Further, Chief of the State Border Service Ya. Nuryev reported on the results of work carried out during the reporting period, the comprehensive measures implemented to ensure reliable protection of the sacred borders of the Homeland, upgrade frontier posts, and enhance personnel.

Minister of Adalat M. Taganov reported on the steps taken in January-October of the ongoing year to bring the national legislative framework in line with the realities of the time, raise legal awareness of citizens, and provide legal assistance to citizens of Turkmenistan.

Then Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Hudaykulyev reported on the results of work done over ten months of the current year in the supervised agency, as well as on the measures taken to organize its activities in accordance with the requirements of the time due to the increase in the flow of goods passing through the border of Turkmenistan, including transit.

Chairman of the State Immigration Service N. Atagaraev reported on the comprehensive steps taken since the beginning of the year to implement the relevant Development Program in this area, as well as on the progress of introducing a digital system and modern methods in the activities of the Service, and strengthening its human resources.

Summing up the reports, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that in accordance with the Military Doctrine, which is purely defensive in nature, the material and technical resources of the country’s Armed Forces is systematically upgraded, the most advanced machinery and equipment are acquired, and the combat training of officers and soldiers is improved. This is also manifested during demonstrative joint tactical exercises, which are a review of the military power of the National Army, the combat skills of servicemen.

All practical steps taken are aimed at ensuring the security of the Homeland, protecting its sacred borders, the head of Turkmen state continued, focusing on the urgent objectives facing the military and law enforcement agencies. Pointing out the need to strengthen the HR capacity and systematically improve the professional skills of military personnel, organize patriotic and educational events among the personnel of law enforcement agencies and young soldiers, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country gave the Defense Minister, Secretary of the State Security Council a number of specific instructions.

Particular emphasis was placed on the need to control the compliance with law and order in Turkmenistan. At the same time, the importance of ensuring the coordinated movement of vehicles both in the capital and in the regions, systematic inspections of compliance with fire safety rules in all institutions, was emphasized.

Further at the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the importance of the reforms ongoing in the judicial system. To successfully achieve the goals ahead, it is necessary to organize seminars to improve the professional skills of employees of this institution using innovative technologies, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country underscored, having given the head of the department relevant instructions.

Summing up the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the firm commitment of our independent neutral Homeland to its legal status of neutrality. As was emphasized in this regard, Turkmenistan steadily maintains relations of friendship and good neighborliness with the countries and peoples around the world.

Based on these principles, our Military Doctrine is purely defensive in nature, in accordance with which the infrastructure of military and law enforcement agencies will be further systematically improved, and the defense capability of the Homeland will be strengthened, the head of state said.

Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that a large-scale work will be continued in the future to improve the social, living and service conditions of military personnel and members of their families, and ample opportunities will be created for the effective performance of officers.

Other issues were also considered at the meeting of the State Security Council, on which appropriate decisions were taken.

At the end of the meeting, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished all the participants sound health, wellbeing and great success in responsible service for the peaceful and happy life of the people.

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