Ashgabat hosts an international thematic scientific and practical conference and exhibition
Ashgabat hosts an international thematic scientific and practical conference and exhibition
Published 26.01.2022

Today, on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Turkmen land - the center of cultural values of world popularity” opened in the Turkmen capital.

The opening ceremony and plenary session of the forum, which took place in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was attended by members of the Government, leaders and representatives of the Halk Maslakhaty and the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, ministries and departments, public organizations, scientific and educational community and students. Foreign members of the International Association “Türkmen alabaý itleri” from a number of countries joined the conference via a digital system.

The opening ceremony of the forum was preceded by a video clip about the national historical and cultural heritage, archaeological finds and traditional ancient ornaments, such as “Tazy guýruk”, “It ýatak”, “Güjük yzy”.

An exhibition of decorative-applied artworks was organizrd in the exhibition hall of the CCI, where elegant “ak oy” yurts were set. Ethnographic expositions of the country’s regions and the capital city expressively reveal the artistic specificity of various creative schools.

Thus, samples of pottery, tapestries, carpets, rugs and jewelry are displayed on the ground.

A special place at the exhibition is designated for the books by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The best representatives of the Turkmen Alabai breed of dogs are shown on special sites.

A bright color to the event was attached by a demonstration performance of Alabai’s skills, which, under the guidance of their instructors, demonstrated excellent training in fulfilling service commands.

The plenary session of the scientific and practical conference covered a number of topics such as the development and popularization of the national dog breeding experience, the peculiarities of keeping and training of the Turkmen Alabai, archaeological finds, ornaments and patterns of carpets and rugs that featured the image of the Alabai, etc.

As the speakers highlighted, such international platforms not only bring together specialists in the field of cynology, but also contribute to the expansion of a mutually enriching dialogue between countries and peoples in the cultural and humanitarian fields.

It was specified that one of the priorities of the state policy, being consistently implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is the preservation and popularization of the national historical and cultural heritage around the world. An important aspect of the large-scale work ongoing in this area was the development of the Turkmen Alabais selection, the increase in the number of this unique breed of dogs.

The emphasis in the reports by foreign participants was on world cultural values, which highlighted that the Turkmen land is the center of ancient civilizations and cultural values of world significance. As was noted, the Turkmen people have been making a significant contribution to the spiritual and cultural development of mankind for thousands of years.

Foreign cynologists emphasized that the establishment of the International Association “Türkmen alabaý itleri” with headquarters in Ashgabat, on the initiative of Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was a landmark event.

The book by the head of state “Turkmen Alabai”, which provides an opportunity for readers to more deeply understand the relationship between a person and a dog, get an idea about the peculiarities of keeping and training this breed, describes the significant role of Alabai dogs in the life and fate of our people. This excellent work is a generalized anthology of historical and archival data and many years of research into the origin and development of the Alabai breed.

During the work of the first section “Archaeology, intangible cultural heritage and carpet making art - the property of universal culture”, held at the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, the participants highlighted the unique national schools that have accumulated wide experience over the centuries in the Akhalteke horse Alabai dog breeding, as well as in relation to dutar, a bright symbol of the national culture.

At present, Turkmenistan is putting forward a proposal to include the horse breeding art and the national traditions of breeding the Alabai dogs in the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The second section “The brave Turkmen Alabai is an amazing gift of generous nature”, was held in the building of the International Association “Türkmen alabaý itleri”, where reports were delivered on the faithfulness and courage of the Alabai, a defender, symbol of the indomitable will to win, physical strength and kind spiritual power.

Tomorrow the conference will be continued at the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, the National Museum of Carpet and the Center of Public Organizations of Turkmenistan, where sections will be held on the topics “Brave Turkmen Alabai - a living memory of times” and “Artistic embodiment of the Turkmen Alabai in carpet making and decorative-applied and arts”.

A separate section will be devoted to numerous unique literary works by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which are a source of inspiration and guidance in studying the primordial national values of the Turkmen people.

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