By order of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the signing ceremony of the Joint Program with the United Nations Organization “Raising awareness and engaging youth to mitigate the multidimensional risks and threats posed by the global pandemic” was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From UN side the document was signed by the UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan Dmitry Shlapachenko.
The given project is aimed at strengthening the capacity of government officials at the local level, as well as implementation in these communities of the Socio-economic response plan with a human security approach in an integrated and people-centered way.
Besides that, the Program is aimed at the youth in separate districts so that to increase their resilience and allow them to contribute to the development of local communities.
This project will be implemented within the framework of the joint activities of the Government of Turkmenistan and the United Nations Organization directed to realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at national level.
As is known, in the scope of SDG and cooperation development with UN, the head of state in the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 20 August, emphasized an importance of the priority positions of our country, defined in the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which started it work on 14 September of the current year in New-York.
These positions, later published in the press, being an important document of international concern, were shaped based on the constructive suggestions of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and include a number of hot topics.
One of them is the consolidation of efforts of the international community directed at combating a dangerous novel infection and mitigating the socio-economic consequences caused by its spread.
In this context the actions will be taken for the realization of earlier announced by the leader of nation initiatives and concrete proposals. Among them – the activation of international interaction along the line of scientific diplomacy, establishment of multilateral mechanism of the World Health Organization (WHO) on TB control, development of WHO Special program for study of the coronavirus disease genome, creation of the WHO Methodological Center on treatment and prevention of the acute infectious diseases, as well as Center of epidemiology, virology and bacteriology in the Central Asia.
In this context, the President of Turkmenistan called on the world community to close consolidation of efforts directed at combating a dangerous novel infection and mitigating the socio-economic consequences caused by its spread. In this regard, it was underlined the significance of the active work to recover and strengthen resilience of the international transport systems in the face of emergencies.
The strengthening of global peace and security is of prime importance under present-day conditions.
In the course of the current session the work will be performed on realization of the launched by Turkmenistan initiatives aimed at strengthening of peace, security and stability, sustainable development in Central Asia (CA).
In order to enhance the key part of CA in the modern world geopolicy, and for coordination of the reforms implemented in the region with the global agenda, the Turkmen side proposes a project of the respective Resolution of the UN General Assembly.
This document will create a favourable prerequisite for the promotion within UN of the international proposals announced in the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia held on August 6, 2021 in our country on initiative of the Turkmen leader.
Besides, in the 76th session of the UN General Assembly it is provided to announce a proposal on creation of zone of peace, trust and cooperation “Central Asia – Caspian region”. It is advisable its legal confirmation at the VI Caspian Summit which will be held this year in Turkmenistan.
Our country will henceforth give comprehensive support to the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia located in Ashgabat.
Within the framework of the implementation of adopted this year on the initiative of Turkmen side Special Resolution of the UN General Assembly on the activity of UNRCCA, during the 76th session of the UN General Assembly it is envisaged to develop such forms of the international cooperation as the Academy of Preventive Diplomacy for youth and Women's Dialogue of CA countries.
Among the priority positions of Turkmenistan, the anti-terrorism effort was also specified. In this regard the Community of Nations will be proposed to consider an issue concerning the opening in Ashgabat of the structure on international projects of the UN Counter-Terrorism Center.
Turkmenistan lays special emphasis to the strengthening of multistakeholder partnership in order to reach a sustainable development at the world and regional scope. Being the member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOS), our country pays considerable attention to the extension of relations with the UN profile regional structures for the implementation of goals of sustainable development.
In this aspect, within the chairmanship in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation our country has prepared a draft of the GA Resolution on interaction between UN and OEC. For adoption of this document and implementation of its provisions the respective international events are planned during the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
In order to provide universal access to the sources of energy, that is one of SDG, it is suggested, together with UN initiative “Sustainable Energy for All” to organize the International forum on this problem.
In the scope of settlement of proposal of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the field of the sustainable transport, it is scheduled to hold in Turkmenistan in 2022 the International conference of the ministers of the landlocked developing countries. Besides, it seems reasonable to propose to elaborate a Special program on development of the interregional transport communication under patronage of UN.
Along with that, it is planned to carry out works on the practical realization of initiatives of the leader of nation, concerning preparing in the scope of UN of Strategy on development of the low-carbon energy, and of the international “Road map” for development of hydrogen energy.
For this purpose, it is offered to enhance cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
In the scope of the multilateral humanitarian cooperation of Turkmenistan, being the member of UN Commission for Social Development for 2021-2025, it proposes to make an emphasis on implementation of the national, regional and global strategies, programs and plans.
Taking into account the migration state in the world, it seems reasonable the activization the relations with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and International Organization for Migration.
Besides, it is scheduled to expand participation of our country in the activity of the United Nations Organization on education, science and culture (UNESCO).
In particular, it is provided the optimal enjoyment of opportunities of Turkmenistan as a member of the Executive Council of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport, and promotion of its election to the Intergovernmental Council of International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO for 2021-2025.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during above meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers stressed the unfailing commitment of the independent neutral Fatherland to the constructive cooperation – both in multilateral and in bilateral format, including in the framework of the credible international organizations.
Our country implements a multi-faceted strategic partnership with UN, which is filled with new spirit from year to year. As the head of state noted, the specific initiatives of Turkmenistan on key areas of international relations are meant to promote it. In the initiated by our country proposals the prospective vectors of cooperation development are stated with regard to present-day developments.
In this context Turkmenistan considers its participation in the work of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly as continuation of the sequential activity as a full member of the Community of Nations.
Speaking on it, the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that the foreign political strategy of our state, based on the legal status of permanent neutrality, twice confirmed by the UN General Assembly, meets both the national interests and long-term targets of the world society. This strategy complies with principles of UN Charter and serves as a reliable basis for realization of joint mutually benefit projects in various fields.