Events of the week
Under the leadership of the head of state – towards new heights of progress
Events of the week
Under the leadership of the head of state – towards new heights of progress
Published 04.07.2021

Rapid transformations, which in a matter of years have changed the face of our capital beyond recognition, are a convincing evidence of the President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov’s socially-oriented policy backed by Turkmenistan’s powerful economic potential and strategic partnership in the interest of the universal peace and progress.

On June 28, Ashgabat hosted the negotiations between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov, who has arrived in our country on an official visit.

The agenda of negotiations implied a broad range of issues of the bilateral interaction advancement in the political, trade-economic and humanitarian spheres. Consideration was also given to the urgent issues of the regional and international agenda of the sides’ mutual concern.

As the head of state has stated, Turkmenistan is ready to considerably enhance partnership with Kyrgyzstan in such spheres, as the industrial cooperation, agri-industrial complex, textile and chemical industries, as well as to trade the liquefied gas, synthetic gasoline, and other commodities.

The proposal was also initiated to render state support to motivate the Turkmen and Kyrgyz companies’ participation in the joint investment projects implemented in the territories of the two countries.

Touching upon opening of Trade Center of Turkmenistan in Bishkek, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has highlighted his readiness to promote similar organizational work on opening of Trade Center of Kyrgyzstan in Ashgabat.

Regarding the energy sector as one of the most important trends of the Turkmen-Kyrgyz cooperation, the Turkmen leader has expressed readiness to substantially discuss the technical, organizational, and other parameters of the Turkmen natural gas and energy supplies to Kyrgyzstan.

Transport is not the least significant sphere of the two countries’ interaction. As it was stated, Turkmenistan is ready to integrate the countries’ efforts in establishing of the transport corridor intended to connect our countries with the outlet to the Caspian Sea.

The head of state has also stressed the importance of interaction in the ecology sphere, including climate change, rational use of water in the region of Central Asia.

In the course of talks, Sadyr Japarov has invited President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov to pay an official visit to the Kyrgyz Republic whenever it will be convenient to him, having expressed confidence that the visit will give an additional impulse to enhancement of the mutuality-based partnership.

By results of the talks, the heads of states have accepted Joint Statement.

The bilateral documents in the trade-economy sphere, education, culture, sports and youth policy, in the foreign-policy affairs were signed in the course of the official ceremony of documents signing.

Worth of mentioning is the fact that on the past week, food products, chemical and technical means (US $21million), furnishings, confectionery, polypropylene and polyethylene petrochemicals were delivered to the capital of Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek.

The fact is an eloquent corollary of successful realization of the recently signed in Ashgabat agreements on cooperation between the two countries’ business circles.

The full-scale town-building policy pursued under the leadership of the leader of nation is completely consonant with the international status of the Turkmen capital as a large center of the political, diplomatic, economic, and business activities. Being launched in the year of the 30th anniversary of the country’s sacred independence, new complexes have revamped the beauty of the country’s main city intensively-developing at an even greater rate.

The week bygone was marked with yet another remarkable event. On June 29, our countrymen and the leaders of foreign countries, outstanding political and social statesmen have extended their congratulations to t President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov on his birthday, having addressed wishes of splendid health, wealth, inexhaustible energy and new success in his large-scale state and social work in the name of the country’s prosperity and the Turkmen people’s well-being.

It was stressed that the successes of contemporary Turkmenistan in the political and social-economic spheres are the result of the many-year meritorious service to the Motherland, far-sighted policy of the leader of nation.

In the course of the telephone talks, congratulations on the occasion of birthday of the head of the Turkmen state were received from President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, President of the Turkish Republic Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, as well as Chairperson of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko.

Congratulations to President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov on the occasion of his birthday, wishes of splendid health and success at the highest state position of Turkmenistan for the wealth of the country were also avowed in the course of a series of business meetings and negotiations, which were held on that day with the leaders of a number of international organizations and companies working in our country. In this regard, worth of mentioning are the meetings with Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Hadi Soleimanpour, head of “Lukoil” Public Company Vagit Alekperov, General Director of “KAMAZ” Corporation Sergey Kogogin, TURKSOY Secretary General Bagdad Amreyev, the President – General Director of the French company «Bouygues Batiment International» Martin Bouygues, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya Herman, Acting Permanent Coordinator of the UN in Turkmenistan head of the UNICEF Office in Turkmenistan Christine Weigand, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the “Financial-Industrial Group ‘Altkom’” Aleksandr Tislenko, and Chairman of the Executive Board of the Ukrainian Construction Association “Interbudmontazh” Vladimir Petruk.

That same day, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov took part in the solemn ceremony of commissioning of the fashionable hotel “Arkadag”, which was built to order of the capital’s khyakimlik by the French company «Bouygues Batiment International» in the Kopetdag foothills in the southern part of Ashgabat.

A salient feature of the semicircle-shaped 14-story hotel (over 220 thousand sq m total area) is its artificial river running in the territory of the hotel. The improved and landscaped banks of the river are now a park zone intended for walks and rest of guests.

The hotel will welcome its foreign guests in compliance with national traditions and international standards of hospitality industry. At the disposal of guests are the conference-halls, rooms for conducting negotiations, restaurants, tea-rooms, Internet-café, swimming pools, game rooms for children, sport grounds. The interior design of the hotel is decorated with works of art referring to different periods of Turkmenistan’s history.

On the June 29 evening, in the square in front of the Edutainment Center “Alem”, a concert of masters of art was held dedicated to the birthday of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov – a conspicuous social and political statesman of the present.

The festive program was diverse and original, reflecting the vast and rich potential of the Turkmen culture. The words and music to the song “Bagt nury”, now popular with the Turkmen people large, - is the result of the creative talent of the head of state.

Replication of lofty feelings of pride, truly all-nation love and admiration for the Hero-Arkadag has become the song «Uzak ýaşa, Arkadag!» - a grand finale of the concert, which was performed in chorus by all participants of the event and enthusiastically taken up by the spectators.

On June 30, the President received the reports from khyakims of Akhal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap, and Nary velayats of the country on successful fulfillment by grain-producers of the Motherland of their contractual obligations on production of wheat.

It was noted that as a result of the large-scale reforms conducted by the leader of nation and aimed first of the first at ensuring in the country of food abundance and increase of output volumes of agri-products, the Turkmen grain-growers have produces over 1,400,000 tons of grain.

“It is our common achievement, food abundance and wealth of the people”, - the head of Turkmenistan said, having extended heartfelt congratulations on the remarkable achievement to the daikhans, all rural toilers, and the entire Turkmen people.

Pending the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has underlined that the wheat yield is to be loss-free harvested. Particular importance is to be attached to widespread adoption of science achievements and output increase of vegetables and cucurbitaceous crops.

The head of state has also exhorted to exercise unremitting control over all agri-works and successful implementation of the National Urban Development Program.

The results of the 2021 first half-year activity of the military and law enforcement agencies were a key subject of the enlarged session of the State Security Council, which President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov held on July 1. Strengthening of the hardware and logistics base of the security agencies, adoption of the digital system, improvement of the proficient and educational levels of the personnel, implementation of the generally-admitted standards of international law in the laws of Turkmenistan in the light of the state policy priorities – were sorted out among the major near-term directions of the security agencies’ activity.

At the session, the head of state has signed the Resolutions: “On amendments to some legal norms and acts of the President of Turkmenistan and on nullifying some of them”, “On upgrading the activity of the National Security Institute of Turkmenistan”, “On the issues of the Frontier Institute of Turkmenistan”.

The enlarged session was then continued with the participation of the leaders of Mejlis and Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh, Cabinet Deputy Chairmen, khyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city, heads of political parties and social organizations.

The session attendees’ attention President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has concentrated on the importance of solidarity of the society for ensuring wealthy and peaceful life in the country, particularly on the unlawful actions control. It is necessary to thoroughly study the reasons of illegal acts, timely conduct the dovetailed work on their prevention. Our major goal is formation of the consistently developing peaceful society, the leader of nation stressed.

The July 2 online session of the Cabinet of Ministers was also concentrated on the priority issues of the state life. Improvement of the normative legal documents regulating the economic relations, realization of the gas-chemical projects at the expense of foreign investments, increase of the AIC efficiency were the issues the agenda of session was centered on.

Particular attention was fixated on the issues of upgrading the hardware and technical base of the transport sector and construction of infrastructure objects. The talk is about the state of affairs at the shipbuilding-repairing facility “Balkan”, which has repaired scores of foreign and domestic ships; training-staff courses are constantly functioning at the enterprise.

To discuss the country’s export-favored possibilities, a proposal on advisability of conducting the relevant forum of exporters in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was initiated and submitted for consideration of the head of state.

Information was also avowed on interaction of our country with the European Union in the directions of priority.

To strengthen peace and security at the global and regional level, not the least significant is enhancement of partnership with the EU in the sphere of achieving stability in neighboring Afghanistan, the speakers highlighted.

Given the newly-launched directions of cooperation in the energy sphere, it is proposed to organize the scientific-practical conference on the “Green Principle” of Europe and hydrogen and methane strategy of the EU.

To promote comprehensive study and assimilation of the European states’ experience in the sphere of communications and digital technologies, worthy of consideration is the issue of opening in Turkmenistan in association with the EU diplomatic mission of the Information and Digital Technologies Center.

Establishing of the “Turkmenistan-EU” Business Council and initiating the WTO membership proceedings are also seen as the expedient cooperation-favored directions.

Transport and communications were rated among the important directions of cooperation.

At the session of the Government, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has centered attention on one more important aspect – taking of the appropriate measures to protect the people from exposure to sunlight in the upcoming hot days.

The leader of nation has particularly highlighted that it is advisable to avoid sunlight, tighten up control over accurate observance of the fire safety rules, and ensure countrywide efficient use of electric power.

In the course of session, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has signed the Resolution “On approval of the National Strategy for Non-Infectious Diseases Control in Turkmenistan in 2021-2025”. The document was developed by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry in association with other ministries and departments to prevent and control the within-named diseases, increase life expectancy of the people, and popularize the healthy life style in the country.

The head of state has also signed the Resolution “On purchasing of the ammonium nitrate by “Turkmenhimiya” State Concern” and the Order on devolution of land plots for exploiting to the state-run agencies and enterprises.

That same day, the President of Turkmenistan has conducted a working session with the participation of the Chairperson of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh, some Cabinet Deputy Chairmen, heads of ministries and agencies to discuss the issues of the upcoming working trip to Balkan velayat, preparation to the Summit of the Central Asian states’ leaders and other meetings of international level, improvement of the transport-transit corridors functioning in the country.

Proceeding to the international events, worth of mentioning is the past week’s meeting in the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan with Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Hadi Soleimanpour. The ECO-based key vectors of interaction were in the focus of the meeting.

The delegation of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan took part in the online round-table discussion “Role of Global and Regional Platforms and Associations in Enhancing Women’s Participation and Leadership in Conflict Prevention and Peace-building”. Being organized by the UN Development Program and the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, the event was held under the aegis of the dialogue of the Central Asian women-leaders.

The international media-forum “Regional dialog with participation of political scientists and journalists” was held in the International Relations Institute of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan. The online forum brought together representatives of 100 media from about 30 states, including the heads of a number of regional organizations.

The forum participants gave consideration to the prospects for further strengthening of international cooperation. In particular, it was stressed that in compliance with its neutral foreign-policy course, Turkmenistan had established with foreign media regular exchange of news and analytical materials about the political, economic, social and cultural life between the countries of the region and the world.

Thus, the past week’s events are yet another confirmation of success of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov’s ‘open doors’ and broad international cooperation policy in reaching for new heights on the innovatory way of Motherland’s development and improvement of the people’s well-being.

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