The President of Turkmenistan visits gasoline production plan and flies around big construction sites
The President of Turkmenistan visits gasoline production plan and flies around big construction sites
Published 20.05.2021

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas, which was built in Ahal Region, where inspected the activity of this modern industrial complex and exchange the views with officials of oil and gas sector on construction of the second phase of the plant as well as made a helicopter flight around number of big facilities inspecting the course of construction works.

In the morning, the head of the state has come to the GTL plant in Ahal Region.

Implementation of this grandiose investment project was another step to realization of the energy strategy, in which fundamental modernization and diversification of fuel and energy complex is the key vector together with increment of production volumes of oil and gas and expansion of export supply routes of energy resources.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasize the production of quality, demanded and competitive production of oil and gas industry received from the processing of hydrocarbons based on advanced technologies among the priorities in this sphere.

 Director of Ahal GTL plant D. Sapbayev has expressed gratitude to the head of the state for construction of this industrial giant, which is provided with state-of-art equipment. The head of the complex has reported that all works have been arranged, technological processes are continued without any interruption and necessary measures are taken for gradual increment of production of high-quality gasoline.

Being in the four place in the world by natural gas reserves, Turkmenistan steadily promotes the idea of integration to energy markets of Europe and Asia. In this regard, certain measures are taken for implementation of strategic projects, which are to provide the transit to production and use of eco-friendly energy, which is dictated by intent of our country to promote the solution of global issues of environmental protection as well as activation of interstate trade and economic relations in this sphere.

Satisfaction of current demand and growing internal requirements in energy carriers, which is provided by intensification of growth of the key segments of national economy – oil and gas, chemical, power energy and construction industries, is among the main goals of fuel and energy sector.

Modern industrial facilities, which specialized in deep processing of hydrocarbon resources, have been built in the last years. It includes the first in the world and unique plant producing eco-friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Region.

Further, the President has visited the control center of the plant, where organization process gasoline production has been presented to him.

New plant looks like super modern scientific and technical laboratory, on the territory of which a complex of silver metal constructions and modules of various shapes and sizes has been built. The process of gas refining to liquid fuel has requested the construction of entire train of technological units especially for deep purification of gas, synthesis of gas and methanol as well as for production and improvement of quality of gasoline.

Complicated chemical reaction – the conversion of gas to liquid hydrocarbons, is ongoing under high pressure and temperature at the facility. All processes are automated and operated from the control center.

Speaking with specialist, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has asked him about working conditions, his life and education. Having noted that all necessary things have been made in this place for fruitful work, the worker of the complex expressed gratitude to the head of the state for his care.

Turkmen leader has also had a talk with another employee who told that the first, the gas is cleaned from the sulphur, which is converted to organic sulphur compounds by catalysts located inside the reactors of special installation.

Further, hydrocarbon compounds of purified gas are broken into carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), Hydrogen (H) and methane admixture in the reactors of gas synthesis unit. After further increment of the temperature, the gas is delivered to auto thermal reforming reactor where it reacts with oxygen and burns, after which a breakdown of certain part of hydrocarbons is occurred. 

Further, the temperature is reduced in heat exchanges in the result of reforming reaction. Purifying of gas from ammonia (NH3), which is produced from prussic acid (HCN) from gas composition by special reactors, is carried out at the final stage of the synthesis.

The head of the state has also asked specialist about working conditions, his life, what university he graduated and where he had a practical training. Having answered the questions, the worker expressed gratitude to the President for the conditions made for work.

Continuing studying technological process, the head of the state asked another special of the control center of the plant about his work. It was informed that in methanol synthesis unit, purified gas is sent to four sequential reactors under high pressure. Using catalysts, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and dioxide in the composition of synthetic gas reacts and turns into methanol, which is stored in 7,600 cubic meters tank.

The next stage of conversion of gas into liquid hydrocarbons takes place in gasoline synthesis unit. Using pumps, the solution of synthetic methanol is pumped from the tank and heat up in three heat exchangers, after which it goes to six special reactors. In these reactors, synthetic methanol is converted into synthetic gasoline using catalysts. Further, separation of light gases and condensed water from the gasoline is made in final separators. In the result, crude gasoline is produced.

During further conversation with specialists of the plant, it was mentioned that methane and ethane are extracted as the first stage and liquefied gas is extracted at the second stage in the installation for improvement of gasoline quality. At the third stage, the gasoline is divided into light and heavy fractions containing durene. Extracted light gasoline is filled into tanks.

At the fourth state heavy gasoline is supplied to two units for improvement of fuel quality where the level of durene is reduced. Later, it is delivered to two 230 cu m tanks. commercial gasoline is produced by mixing of light and heavy gasoline coming from four tanks by pipelines. 

Sulphur free diesel fuel is produced in special units during production of light and heavy gasoline. 

Therefore, synthetic fuel made by the plant is distinguished with almost ideal ecological characteristics - it does not contain sulphur compounds, nitrogen organic compositions harmful for environment. The main product of the plant, ECO-93 gasoline is stored in three tanks of 18,000 cubic meter tanks where special equipment works to provide its quality.

Liquefied gas, which is associated product, goes to 2,000 cubic meter spherical reservoir, while sulphur free diesel fuel to 360 cubic meter tank.

All tanks are provided with proper firefighting equipment. The system of shipment of readymade production to consumers includes railway and motor transport gasoline loading bays as well as for loading of unconditional gasoline, diesel fuel and liquefied gas to tanker trucks.

According to specification of the plant, its infrastructure includes number of other units, including for treatment of water used in production process. Cleaned from any additives, the water goes to firefighting water system. After adding necessary chemicals, it is delivered to water cooling tower. Certain part of water is run through ionizers and demineralized. Mineral-free water goes to steam boilers.

There are two outdoor facility for cooling of water at the territory. One of which is sued for gas processing and gasoline production units while the second one for auxiliary facilities.

Air separating unit is provided with equipment from the famous world producers. Atmospheric air is purified by special filters and compressors. Further, it is compressed n steam generator and brought to average pressure.

After cooling down, the air undergoes deep cleaning from water remains, carbon dioxide gases and other hydrocarbon additives. Further, it is divided into two parts and turned into liquid nitrogen and oxygen using heat exchangers, which in their turn are turned into gaseous condition and distributed to the gas processing and gasoline production units.

Relative distribution system provides the plant with various pressure and compression air, which is necessary for production process.

Steam generator unit is equipped with three steam boilers producing 400 tons of steam per hour, which is distributed by pipelines.

The system of uninterrupted energy provision of the facility is also well-arranged. It produces 38MWt electricity per hour. In addition, it has 2,500 kV reserve generator, which start automatically.

All gas and liquid wastes are burnt at the torch, for safe operation of which medium pressure steam conductor is working. The facility for cleaning of technological condensate is also provided.

Drain water treatment unit works taking into account the requirements of ecological safety. It is provided with modern profile equipment including special filters, oil catchers, water softening and additive separation systems. Cleaned drain water is diverted for the second use in the production. Such enclosed cycle supports the provision of good environment and its reliable protection from pollution.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held working session with officials of oil and gas complex and heads of relative educational institutes. Current near-term objectives of the leading branch of national economy have been specified at the session.

The head of the state has note that fuel and energy resources of the country are to serve not only to Turkmen people by to entire humankind. Supplies of Turkmen gas to the world markets by pipelines and diversification of this industry have been outlined as the most priority directions of energy policy of Turkmenistan.

Our country takes leading positions in the world by gas reserves. Therefore, we pay special attention to gas processing and making of petrochemical production, which is on high demand in foreign countries. Major projects are steadily implemented in this direction, the President highlighted.

As is known, political and legal, financial and economic base required for implementation of similar projects using foreign investments has been made in Turkmenistan. Polymeric plant producing polypropylene and polyethylene from natural gas has been built in Kiyanly and plant for production of carbamide fertilizers has been built in Garaboaz. First in the world plant for production of industrial volumes of ECO-93 gasoline from natural gas has been put into operation as well.

These big projects, made in close cooperation with the world famous companies from Japan, The Republic of Korea, European countries, play an important role in diversification of supplies of Turkmen energy carriers to the world markets.

Continuing on this subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that production of eco-friendly production meeting to the world standards is taken into account in implementation of similar project. Special attention is paid to strict compliance with requirements of environmental protection.

The President has also pointed out that for provision of uninterrupted operation of the plant and its management, the specialists with high education are required. 

Speaking of this, the head of Turkmenistan highlighted that the work will be continued for development of processing industry, construction of petrochemical complexes, training of specialists of international level. The government program has been adopted in this direction. 

All of these is made for provision of happy and wealthy life of our people as well as for achievement of the Sustainable development goals on global level, the leader of the nation said.

At the same time, it was highlighted that timely payback of financial attracted from foreign investment during realization of such major projects is an important objective.

Further, Director of Ahal GTL plant D. Sapbayev has reported on the situation at the facility. It was mentioned that the entire facility operates according to set requirements.

1,800 tons of gasoline is produced per day. This quality production, which meets ecological requirements, is supplied to Afghanistan and European countries based on the contracts. 

In addition, it was informed about work for construction of the second phase of the plant. At the same time, it was noted that it would be relevant to introduce innovations and digital system during development of the project in order to improve the production process.

Having listened to the report, the President pointed out that it is necessary to hold high quality of production under permanent control. Taking into account growing demand in the world in eco-friendly gasoline, it is necessary to expand sale markets in foreign countries, the head of Turkmenistan said and gave relative instructions.

State Minister, Chairman of the State Concern Türkmengaz B. Amanov has reported on increment of production, processing and export of gas. 

It was noted that integrated activities are carried out for this purpose to increase the volume of gas production, increment of gas well output as well as development of new wells, use of advanced technologies and digital system.

In addition, it was reported about works for development of Galkynys Field, which are carried out together with reliable foreign partners.

Head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that effective solution of the objectives related to processing of natural gas, increment of its supplies to foreign countries together with strengthening of the economy of the country would provide effective character of interregional cooperation. Therefore, works carried out in this direction have to be based on advanced practice and high scientific achievements as well as innovative technologies. 

Further, Chairman of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa N. Niyazliyev has made a report and noted that infrastructure of this segment is improved every year in the result of the policy for development and diversification of national economy including chemical industry.

Our country not only export hydrocarbon resources but also process raw material making chemical production, which is on high demand in the world market. Such major projects as construction of new production complexes Marykarbamid, Garabogazkarbamid, polymeric plant in Kiyanly and GTL plant in Ahal Region have been built in the last years. All these facilities are equipped with innovative technologies and are eco-friendly. 

The adopted government programs provide implementation of number of other projects for development of petrochemical industry in future. At present time, the leading companies of developed countries of the world show their interest in these projects.

Together with established production of ammonia, carbamide, polyethylene and polypropylene, gasoline, our country has big opportunities for opening of new facilities for processing of hydrocarbon resources including for production of methanol, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate, formaldehyde and hydrogen.

Three main directions can be identified in deep processing of natural gas. In particular, the production of synthetic ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers can be established based on synthetic gas. Production of methanol, which is widely used on production of various formaldehyde resins, plastic, artificial fiber as well as other production, is the second direction. Having made propane – butane mixture, it can be used for production of entire range of products like naphthene and synthetic rubber, high-quality fuel, polyethylene and polypropylene by gas liquefaction technology.

In addition, the relevance to pay special attention to the opportunities to establish and study the production of hydrogen, which is developed as a strategy of future fuel in developed countries of the world, has been noted.

Having focused on important objectives given to the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa, the head Turkmenistan pointed out the necessity of further processing of rich hydrocarbon resources of the country.

Further, Director of Yagshigeldy Kakayev International Oil and Gas University B. Atamanov has informed on integrated works for education of qualified specialists for modern facilities of oil and gas industry.

In this regard, relative disciplines, including for study of equipment and new technologies used in Kiyanly polymeric plant, carbamide plant in Garabogaz, GTL plant in Ahal Region and Garlyk Potassium Ore Mining Complex, have been introduced to syllabus and training programs have been renewed.

Taking into account the technologies used at the GTL plant, the training of specialists in “Chemical technology of oil and gas processing” for oil and gas sphere, chemical industry, education of bachelors in chemical technology in English as well as students in Standardization and Certification and Environment Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources have been started. In addition, according to received specialties, the students are sent to big processing complexes for practical works.

The director said that graduates of this higher educational institute have been sent to the GTL plant in Ahal from the moment of its opening until today. It was also informed about works carried out in relation with ecological features of petrochemical facilities.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on importance of activation of beneficial cooperation with international universities and other prestige educational institutes, use of modern communication systems in training of qualified specialists, conducting of scientific and research works. In addition, Turkmen students have to participate in prestige international contests, their scientific works have to be implemented into production.

In his turn, Director of Scientific and Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern Türkmengaz B. Pirniyazov has informed that modern technological developments are used in activity of the Concern.

Scientific studies for improvement of quality of commercial gas are carried out at the facilities of Galkynys Gas Field at present.

The institute has also made technical and economic analysis of construction of petrochemical plants. The results have been sent to the State Concern Türkmengaz.

At the same time, the information that specialists of scientific and research institute make preliminary technical, economic and scientific evaluation of construction of facility for production of 6,000 tons of isobutene per year at the GTL plant in Ahal Region as well as new modern petrochemical complex in Balkan Region.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has specified industrial development of super giant Galkynys Field, which resources together with Ýaşlar and Garaköl are estimated at 27.4 trillion cubic meters, among big investment project for increment of resources base of the industry.

Being one of the world leaders by natural gas reserves, our country is among the producers of eco-friendly fuel in Eurasian space.  The world demand n electrical energy is always growing, especially on natural gas, which is economically beneficial and environmentally friendly fuel. At the same time, the consumption of gas by living and transport spheres will be growing.

At the same time, the focus will be made on development of renewable sources of energy as well as hydrogen energy, innovations in energy saving technologies and digitization of fuel and energy complex, which is provided by growing concern of the world community with climate change issues. Following this, the head of the state has requested to accelerate the rates of works in this direction.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has given floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrahmanov who reported on the situation in fuel and energy complex of the country and coming works. The vice-premier has noted that opening of the plant in 2019 with participation of the head of the state has triggered the chain of scientific and technological initiatives.

Fuel and energy complex occupies the key place in national economy as it contains a colossal resource, industrial and scientific potential, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Introduction of advanced achievements to science and technologies will not only provide its rapid development but will also strengthen the positions of Turkmenistan in global energy market.

In this context, the importance of construction of unique and only in the world for production of eco-friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas, which would make considerable effect on increment of export potential of the country, has been noted.

The head of the state has requested to hold under permanent control the activity of the complex and to focus on solution of issues related to strengthening of personnel potential of facilities by training of qualified specialists.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on the necessity of planned modernization of production by introduction of advanced scientific and technological developments.

Having expressed the confidence that the participants would make deserving contribution to solution of set objectives for development of the industry, the head of the state wished them success in work and left the place of event.


Further, the head of the state has flown around Ashgabat on helicopter, having inspected the course of construction of new facilities, which opening is timed to the 140th anniversary of the capital and 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.

Situation at construction site of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway as well as development of surrounding territory have raised keen interest of the head of the state.

Development and modernization of transport and communication infrastructure are priority directions of changes expanded in the capital and all around the country. The President has requested profile officials to hold under strict control the solution of these issues, including the issues of replacement of road pavement of existing roads and construction of new roads, improvement of bus stops, pedestrian under and overpasses.

According to relative Resolution of the head of the state, the above-mentioned project is planned to completed in three phases.

Completion of this project is to support the increment of volumes and rates of cargo traffic across Turkmenistan. After connection of new road with Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy highway, the road connecting the eastern region of the country with its center would give opportunity to heavy transport to enter directly to International seaport in Turkmenbashy.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also looked around cottage complex in the north of the country, which construction is on the final stage. Everything is provided for comfortable living of people in this residential estate, which will be a ceberation gift for Ashgabat residents.

After, helicopter of the President of Turkmenistan has made a turn toward fashionable Garagum Hotel, which is built in business center of the capital. New park and underpass are also under construction in this area.

According to the order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the construction of facilities is carried out on high-quality level and will be accomplished as per the schedule.

Continuing flight, the head of the state inspected the construction of Ashgabat Shopping Complex. Its opening is timed to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

Further, helicopter of the President of Turkmenistan has headed the southern part of the capital. From the altitude, the head of the state has inspected the works in this place, care of plantations as well as development of surrounding territory.

Continuing the flight, the head of the state has asked about the construction of Arkadag Hotel in one of picturesque part of the capital and formation of green zones around hotel complex, having stated with delight that new facilities built in this place make single harmonious ensemble.

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