Integrated organization of summer holidays is a subject of the session of Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases
Integrated organization of summer holidays is a subject of the session of Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases
Published 14.05.2021

Offsite session of Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases has been held with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Avaza National tourist zone.

At the session, Chairman of the State Migration Service B. Ovezov has reported on measures for improvement of activity of the Service taking into account the pandemics, implementation of advanced practice in this sphere and efficient use of digital technologies.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the main vectors of coming work and requested to form up special group for tor the period of summer holiday, which has to carry out relative work in coordination with other profile departments in Avaza National tourist zone. At the same time, special attention has to be paid to compliance of permit documents issued to the citizens, leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said and gave certain instructions to the head of the Service.

Further, Minister of Interior M. Chakiyev has reported on preparation to summer holiday season in the structures under his command, practical measures for prevention of negative impact of various infectious diseases.

Speaking of big importance of preventive measures for protection from virus infection, the President of Turkmenistan has focused on the necessity of systematic explanatory work among the population. The head of the state has ordered to provide proper control of availability of relevant documents of the citizens and provision of fire safety.

Chairman of the Türkmenhowaýollary Agency D. Saburov has reported on current situation and work for further combating the spread of infectious diseases. 

It was informed that measures for organization of additional flights are taken according to the planned schedule of summer holiday in Avaza National tourist zone. All arriving and leaving passengers are regularly checked by personnel of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry in international airports. Waiting halls of all airports are also provided with protective equipment.

Having noted that the government taken necessary measures for support of the industry, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to take own efficient methods of adaptation of civil aviation to work in new conditions.

It is necessary to use airport with better efficiency, to conduct sanitization, maintenance of air crafts, to provide quality services to the passengers, Turkmen leader highlighted addressing the head of the agency with instructions on solutions of set objectives.

Chairman of the Türkmendemirýollary Agency A. Atamyradov has reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and measures for combating further spread of infectios diseases.

According to the planned schedule of summer holidays in Avaza National tourist zone, special passenger trains Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy – Ashgabat will be arranged from the June 1 this year.

Together with personnel of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, daily cleaning and disinfection of carriers, buildings of railway stations and public places will be made during transportation of passengers.

Health-improving center Kerwen of the Türkmendemirýollary Agency in Avaza is prepared to receive the guests.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused the attention that provision of proper level of work of railroad transport is a priority today, having given relative instructions to the chairman of the Agency.

Taking into account current situation, the leader of the nation gave instructions to the head of the Türkmendemirýollary Agency related to increment of range of passenger services, responsible approach to medical test of the citizens going for holidays. All preventive measures have also be held under strict control.

Further, Chairman of the Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency G. Akmammedov has reported in the measures for improvement of activity of the structures under his supervision under preparation to summer holiday season as well as on work for expansion of servies given to the population, enhancement of service culture.

It was mentioned that new routes are planned to be opened during the period for improvement of transport services given to the citizens coming to Avaza National tourist zone in summer season.

Having listened to the report, the head of the state also requested to elaborate on the subjects related to study of the wishes of the citizens, especially those who come to holidays, as well as opening of new routes inside Avaza and intercity bus routes.

Further, the floor was given to Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov who reported on current situation, work of the Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases and proposals for implementation of preventive measures for mitigation of negative impact of various infectious diseases.

According to the instruction of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, planned activity is carried out together with ministries and departments for prevention of entry to the country and prevention of infectious diseases, for explanatory activity of the principles of healthy life style, strict compliance of preventive measures and medical advices by mass media and doctors.

Before going on holidays to the regions and capital, the citizens will be vaccinated against COVID-19 in special health centers. In this regard, it was highlighted that all necessary diagnostic and consumable materials are available in sufficient amount, the reserve of these materials has been made. In addition, two units of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have been delivered to the country according to relative plan. These units will be installed in the laboratory of Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in Turkmenbashy.

Citizens over 18 who are going on holiday will receive document certifying COVID-19 vaccination and medical test withing the next 72 hours as well as relative test of absence of coronavirus infection. The citizens young than 18 years will receive document on medical test for the last three days.

Personnel of service sphere in Avaza will have to undergo medical inspection and have document on COVID-19 test. At present time, all personnel have been vaccinated.

Personnel of service sphere in National tourist zone will work on rotational basis 15 days on and 15 days off and will undergo COVID-19 test each shift.

3 types of vaccine for the Russian Federation and 2 vaccines from the PRC have been delivered to the country according to the initiative of the head of the state.

Temperature of all people coming to Avaza National tourist zone will be measured in airport, railway station and bus stations of Turkmenbashy in summer holiday season. 

Rooms and isolation wards with shifts of experienced doctors are made for patients suspected with acute infection provided with all necessary medical things for uninterrupted organization of holidays in all hotels, cottages and health centers of Avaza.

24/7 medical facility with ambulance will be opened for provision of immediate medical service. 35 doctors, 35 nurses and 12 sanitary doctors will provide medical services at facilities of tourist zone during holiday season.

According to the requests of the President, people suspected with acute lung inflammation will be placed in quarantine center located in Avaza district.

Disinfections, pest and vermin control works are regularly conducted at the facilities and surrounding territory. Control of organization of catering, quality, safety and storage of food products will be carried out in canteens and cafes.

Issues of ecological, sanitary and epidemiological condition of water of the Caspian Sea, desalination units and other facilities as well as in the place of swimming and leisure of people will be under permanent control. Samples of water, soil and air will be taken and tests in certain points of Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea.

The Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry has informed that sanatoriums of the country are fully prepared to summer holiday season. Sanatorium voucher from the health center of permanent residence and health certificates are required to the citizens in order to rehabilitate health in any of health-improving centers. The permit for coming and staying in Avaza Sanatorium for rehabilitation of health is given to the citizens based on additional vaccination from COVID-19.

Special commission, which implements the control of all performed work, is established for preparation of children health-improving centers. Preventive measures are planned to be carried out in summer holiday season.

Addressing the participants of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that national health protection system is improved and activity for prevention, diagnostics and therapy of infectious diseases is modernized on systematic basis.

The channel of exchange of relative practice with other countries works in stationary mode. Turkmenistan supports close cooperation with the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies and World Health Organizations.

From the first day of detection of acute pneumonia, the head of the state continued, the government of the country showed responsible and well-thought approach to prevention of dangerous infection – activity of ministries and profile departments, especially medical facilities, have been oriented on combating new threat.

Taking into account global format of its spread and negative impact on usual rhythm of life of the states of the planet, Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases, which sessions are held twice a week, has been established. Important decisions are taken at the sessions of the Commission, which result in implementation of integrated measures for prevention of acute pneumonia.

Having noted that healthcare facilities are provided with all necessary medical equipment, personal protective equipment, disinfection materials and test systems for strengthening of measures for prevention of dangerous disease, The President of the country highlighted that 24/7 shifts of teams of personnel and specialists of border guard, migration, medical and agricultural services are organized at border checkpoints.

Strict control of quality and safety of food production, which is exported to the country, has been implemented. Relative information is broadcasted through mass media, the head of the state continued highlighting that procurement and staged delivery of the vaccine have been arranged under provision of preventive measures this year.

Order of conducting public events and explanatory work among the population have been developed for organization of summer holiday season of citizens in Avaza National tourist zone, head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

The decision of lifting of certain restrictions, which have been introduced previously, has been made, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted focusing the attention of heads of some departments on their priority objectives.

Addressing Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov, the head of the state ordered to find a place of the Control Center in Avaza, which will be chaired by the Minister himself, to approve its composition and deputy. It was also requested to develop and present the action plan for provision of the safety of the citizens for approval.

Ministries and profile departments, which hotels and cottages alre located in Avaza National tourist zone, have to give reservation vouchers to those who wish to have holiday in Avaza. Turkmen leader highlighted.

The President specified optimal organization of the holidays of the citizens in Avaza National tourist zone in summer period, explanatory and education events among the population among the main objectives of the Control Center.

Continuing, the head of the state has said about the importance of provision of 24/7 work of desalination units and their protection in high-alert mode according to set order in tourist zone.

The head of Turkmenistan has also focused on the necessity of daily reporting the list of citizens with reservations to the Control Center and authorities of the State Migration Service by local hotels. Opportunity to verify relative information online has to be provided for timely placement of the citizens in the hotels based on reservation, the head of the state said.

Gathered information has to be sent to the Main Control Center under the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having focused on the necessity of regular works for support of clean conditions of the place.

Addressing Chairman of the State Migration Service B. Ovezov, Turkmen leader ordered to appoint a responsible person who together with representatives of other authorized bodies would be on duty at the checkpoint of Avaza National tourist zone. The instructions have also been given regarding checking of documents under authorities and registration of citizens coming for work and holidays at control checkpoint, establishment of regular control of the registration of the citizens coming from Ashgabat and regions.

Minister of Interior M. Chakiyev has been ordered to request officially registered certificates made by relative authorities of the State Migration Service from the citizens who came from the regions and work at the facilities in tourist zone during issue of temporary permits.

Organization of 24/7 shift of personnel of traffic police and public security at the control checkpoints at the entrance to tourist zone, provision of stop of transport only in special designated places were also among the main orders.

Video surveillance system, which has to be used optimally, has to be used efficiently for support of public order and safe traffic, the leader of the nation said.

The head of the state addressed Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev with request to arrange uninterrupted provision of electricity to facilities located in Avaza.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev, the President requested to provide permanent monitoring of ecological condition of the coast of Avaza National tourist zone and Caspian Sea.

The President addressed Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova with number of certain instructions, in particular to work on contract basis with hotels and tourist agencies located in Ashgabat and regions, hotels in Avaza, to inform about types of services provided in mass media.

In addition, relative officials received instructions regarding establishment, provision of internet services and services of fiber optic communication at facilities in tourism zone, provision of the Control Center with communication and internet facilities as well as proper level of services provided to the citizens, control of compliance with shopping, food and service standards in Avaza Shopping Center.

During the session of Emergency Commission for combating of the spread of diseases, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov was requested to provide information to diplomatic missions and consulates of foreign states accredited in our country on the requirements of temporary holiday organization in Avaza National tourist zone.

Focusing on importance of sanitary and disinfection measures on the territory surrounding Avaza, the President requested to establish proper operation of medical facilities in health improving centers, duty of ambulance and experienced medical personnel during holiday season as well as to provide necessary amount of pharmaceutical and medical materials, work of pharmacies.

It is necessary to hold sanitary condition of swimming and recreation places under strict control, the President of the country noted.

It was highlighted that it is necessary to provide daily submission of electronic list of COVID-19 vaccinated citizens to the Control Center, relative authorities of the Ministry of Interior and State Migration Service. Having noted the importance of systematic monitoring and strict control of epidemiological situation in the country, the head of Turkmenistan wished success in solution of objectives in this direction.

Summing up his speech, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that current objectives for prevention of the spread of diseases have been reviewed at the current session.

Further, the head of the regions have reported on preparation of summer holiday season.

It was informed that relative preparation work is carried out in health centers of the regions at present time. Special attention is paid to preventive measures against various diseases.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that practical measures for prevention of the spread of coronavirus infection give positive results. In this context, the head of the state has focused on preparation of health resorts of the country to summer holiday season in strict compliance with set requirements.

Further, the President of Turkmenistan has expressed the interest in the situation at the construction sites of the country and gave floor to Minister of Construction and Architecture R. Gandymov who reported on works at various social, cultural and production facilities. The report on measures for acceleration of rates of construction of facilities, which opening is planned to be timed to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence this year, has been presented.

Further, the President inspected the works for development of the infrastructure of Avaza National tourist zone, having flown by helicopter around sea resort, which is located at environmentally clean Caspian coast and was turned in resort of international class.

Looking around the facilities of the infrastructure of Avaza National tourist zone, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to focus on development of surrounding territory.

Looking around the Caspian coast from the helicopter, the head of the state inspected the construction of cottage complex at the territory of resort and further, the construction of new industrial, transport and communication complexes at the Caspian coast.

Having finished the flight and given certain instructions on number of directions of development of Avaza national tourist zone and seaside in general to relative officials, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to Turkmenbashy International Airport and left for the capital.

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