Library Professionals from CIS States Exchange Opinions on Priorities of Collaboration
Library Professionals from CIS States Exchange Opinions on Priorities of Collaboration
Published 11.03.2021

Representatives of the State Library of the State Cultural Center and large regional libraries of Turkmenistan have participated in the two-day International Forum entitled “The Library Community: Achievements and Prospects for Long-Term Partnership” held in an online format. 

The event marks the 30th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Held on the sidelines of the online forum, an expert meeting entitled “Best Practices in 2020 and Targets for 2021” brought together heads of libraries from the CIS countries.  

The development of library services in Turkmenistan has always been and remains the focus of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s attention. The head of state has consistently emphasized the role of libraries as the guardians of national spiritual heritage, and academic research and learning centers helping to popularize the nation’s historical and cultural legacy and modern achievements and to stimulate young people’s intellectual development and patriotic upbringing.   

Today, the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan is in charge of 230 libraries. A considerable number of libraries are directly managed by the Ministry of Education, the Academy of Sciences, sectoral ministries and agencies. Collections of books housed at academic institutions’ libraries constantly continue to expand. 

The State Library of Turkmenistan is a unique treasure trove of our country’s archival materials. Handwritten treatises, lyrical divans (collections of poems), ancient books on astronomy, chemistry, medicine, and others are carefully stored here.    

Active in international book exchanges, the country’s main library closely collaborates with different countries. As a major center of methodological expertise in the library network, it regularly hosts seminars, exhibitions and meetings with creative professionals.  

As highlighted during the meeting, this year marks the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence and Ashgabat’s 140th anniversary. In this context, the participants were familiarized with events planned for the occasions and invited to participate in them, including in a virtual format. 

On March 12, the International Forum entitled “The Library Community: Achievements and Prospects for Long-Term Partnership” will hear a report on the activities of our country’s regional libraries. A panel discussion on the theme of “Challenges of 2020: Questions to be addressed to the library community of the CIS states” will focus on the work of libraries amid imposed restrictions.  

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