Modern water management facilities have opened in the country's regions
Modern water management facilities have opened in the country's regions
Published 28.03.2025

On the 28th of March, opening ceremonies of modern water treatment facilities and wastewater treatment plants were held in the Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats of the country. The celebrations were attended by heads of local governments, respected elders and numerous residents of the velayats. 

Providing the population with clean drinking water is defined as one of the key tasks in the large-scale transformation programs initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag and successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. 

In recent years, within the framework of the «Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028», as well as the «National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centres for the period up to 2028», modern water treatment facilities equipped with advanced equipment from global manufacturers are regularly put into operation in all regions of the country.

During the opening ceremonies of water management facilities, inspired song and music performances by masters of the arts of the velayats took place.

Participants in the celebrations proudly noted that modern water facilities have become a wonderful gift to the people in the International Year of Peace and Trust, marked by the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality. Sincere gratitude was also expressed to Hero Arkadagly Serdar and Hero Arkadag for the regular construction and commissioning of structures and buildings that ensure an increase in the social and living standards of the population in the regions of the country. 

The participants of the celebration got acquainted with the work of the new facilities, their capacities and the capabilities of modern technologies.

At the wastewater treatment facility with a daily capacity of 10 thousand cubic metres, located in the territory of the Kaka etrap of the Ahal velayat, advanced equipment has been installed for the purpose of rational water use. The opening of the new complex was a wonderful gift to the population of the Dushak village of this etrap and nearby villages.

A complex of water intake structures with pumping stations of the 1st and 2nd lifts, put into operation in the city of Gyzylarbat of the Gyzylarbat etrap of the Balkan velayat, is designed to purify 30 thousand cubic metres of water per day. There is an administrative building here, where the operation of the complex is managed using modern technologies, as well as a laboratory that constantly monitors the composition of the water. The facility, which occupies an area of 4.5 hectares, includes technical rooms, tanks with drinking and technical water for extinguishing fires, swimming pools, water supply and plumbing systems. 

The complex, which was put into operation in the village of Dovletli in the Hojambaz etrap of the Lebap velayat, is capable of purifying 5 thousand cubic meters of wastewater per day. Situated on an area of about 2.5 hectares, it is equipped with modern equipment that allows for high-quality purification of wastewater and its reuse for agricultural purposes, which is important from the point of view of the rational use of water resources. The operation of the facility is controlled using a computer system.

The grand opening of a 20,000 cubic metre drinking water treatment facility in the Tagtabazar etrap of the Mary velayat was also attended by many people. The new facility purifies water taken from underground sources and supplies it uninterruptedly to the population of Serhetabat and nearby villages. The complex has an administrative building and a technical room.

The conditions created at the water management facilities commissioned in the regions of the country meet the high requirements imposed in the water industry for work on supplying the population with drinking water. The adjacent territories are landscaped, and tree seedlings are planted here. These facilities, along with providing the population with clean drinking water, contribute to the creation of new jobs.

It should be especially noted that all the water treatment facilities and structures opened today were built by individual developers. This indicates that representatives of the private sector are actively involved in the implementation of the country's socio-economic development programs. Currently, domestic construction companies are entrusted with large projects, favourable conditions are created for their work, making their contribution to the prosperity of our state. As part of the events held, memorable gifts were presented to particularly distinguished builders in a ceremonial atmosphere. The commissioning of new facilities has become further evidence that our Fatherland, under the leadership of the head of state, is confidently moving towards new heights of progress in the name of a prosperous and happy life for the people. 

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