The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 05.02.2025

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country general Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the meeting of the State Security Council, at which results of the work of military and law enforcement bodies for the first month of the current year were considered.

Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence B.Gundogdyev who reported on results of the work carried out from the beginning of the year within the Program of development of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan as well as fulfilment of the instructions given by the head of the state on increase of defensibility of our country, was the first to take the floor. 

He informed on the office and residential buildings put into operation on the occasion of Day of Defenders of the fatherland.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that sovereign Turkmenistan will be always committed to its neutral status and high principles of humanism primordially inherent in Turkmen people and good neighbourhood, on which the Military doctrine of our country, which bears fully a  defensive character, is based. 

Having pointed out importance of modernisation of the material and technical basis of the Armed Forces of the country, enhancement of professionalism of career servicemen and education of the youth in the spirit of boundless love to our fatherland, the head of the state gave the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence concrete instructions.

Attorney General B.Muhamedov reported on the practical steps taken to realise due supervision by the institution headed him over fulfilment of normative legal acts in the country. As he marked, in the given context a special significance is given to wide introduction of digital system, improvement of professional skill of employees and modernisation of the material and technical basis of bodies of the Office of Attorney General.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov especially underlined that the strengthening of law and order in our sovereign state, protection of the rights and freedom of citizens remain to be the most important task. The head of the Office of Attorney General was instructed to hold under strict control accurate and strict fulfilment of adopted normative legal acts as well as the work carried out to prevent offences.

Further, the floor was given to Minister of Internal Affairs M.Khydyrov who reported on the work carried out in January of this year in structural divisions of the department to maintain public order and prevention of violation of the law in the country.

Practical steps undertaken to provide enforcement bodies with the latest equipment and technology, active introduction of digital technologies  as well as conduction of regular preventive actions, organized with a view of maintenance of observance of traffic regulations and norms of fire safety became a separate topic of the report.

He also reported on commissioning of a new complex of buildings of Fire Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Choganly residential area of the Bagtyyarlyk district in the capital on the occasion of Day of defenders of the Fatherland as well as a new phase of buildings in the residential area named after  Malikguly Berdimuhamedov, two modern 4-storeyed apartment houses of 32 flats each for employees of the Police Department of Balkan velayat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, office buildings of diagnostics and registration of technical condition of cars at regional departments of the police.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov designated maintenance of law and order, prevention of offences among priority goals of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The importance of organization of regular events of explanatory character devoted to necessity of observance of traffic regulations and requirements of fire safety among the population was also underlined.

Chairman of the Supreme Court B.Khojamgulyev reported on results of activity of the institution headed by him from the beginning of the current year, in particular, the adopted measures for further improvement of the national system of justice. As he noted, a big role in this work is given to active use of digital technologies and improvement of professional skill of judges.

Having heard the report, the head of the state drew the attention to importance of successful solution of the goals outlined in the Program of development of judicial system of Turkmenistan for 2022-2028. In this context, necessity of organisation of activity of judicial system according to realities of the time and strengthening of material and technical basis of subordinated structures was marked.

Speaking of a huge responsibility assigned to employees of the given structure, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country pointed out to the necessity of constant increase of level of their qualification, having given corresponding instructions.

 Then Minister of National Security N.Atagarayev reported on results of the work carried out from the beginning of the current year and the course of fulfilment of the Program of development of MNS for 2022-2028 as well as complex measures under realization.

He also informed on the opening of new modern office buildings in the structure of the Ministry and apartment houses.

Having heard the report and having drew the attention to tasks in view, the head of Turkmenistan underlined necessity to continue measures for maintenance of national security and gave the minister a number of concrete instructions.

Further, head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev reported on practical steps undertaken from the beginning of the year to ensure reliable protection of sacred boundaries of our fatherland, creation of appropriate conditions for fruitful service and life of frontier guards.

Summing up the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country underlined that the frontier of independent neutral Turkmenistan is the border of friendship with all adjacent countries, with peoples of which centuries-old relations of good neighbourhood and cooperation connect us.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted importance of maintenance of reliable protection of sacred boundaries of our fatherland, strengthening of material and technical basis of the Service, having given the head of the department concrete instructions.

Minister of Adalat M.Taganov reported on results of the work carried out for the first month of this year for all round development of the national legislative basis and its conformity with requirements of the time.

For consideration of the head of the state, the draft of the Resolution on construction of office buildings of bodies of Adalat in Turkmenbashi city of Balkan velayat and Dashoguz velayat of the Ministry of Adalat was submitted. 

Having heard the report and having marked necessity of further perfection of national legislation, maintenance of conformity of bills developed by the state structures with requirements of the time, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country gave the minister a number of concrete instructions.

Throughout the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution «On construction of office buildings of bodies of the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan in Turkmenbashi city of Balkan velayat and Dashoguz velayat».

Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaykuliyev reported on results of the work carried out for the accounting period, practical steps for successful solution of the goals following from the Program of development of the accountable structure, and fulfilment of instructions given earlier by the head of Turkmenistan for perfection of the ongoing activity.

Having heard the report and having noted importance of modernisation of material and technical basis of the department, improvement of work of checkpoints with a view of maintenance of careful examination of all goods passing through the border and cargoes, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the head of the Service corresponding instructions.

Further, Chairman of the State Migration Service A.Sazakov reported on the work carried out from the beginning of this year and concrete steps taken for effective solution of priorities tasks facing the department.

Besides it, he also reported on the opening and commissioning of a new office building of the Kerki etrap department of the Lebap regional office of the State Migration Service on the occasion of Day of defenders of the Fatherland.

Summing up the report, the head of Turkmenistan defined steady perfection of activity and strengthening of material and technical basis of all divisions of the Service, improvement of conditions of service and life of employees, increase of their qualification among priority goals.

Then, addressing participants of the meeting, the President of the country noted that according to the Military doctrine, which bears fully a defensive character, regular measures are taken to maintain security and integrity of our independent neutral fatherland, strengthening of its defensibility and improvement of social living conditions of defenders of our fatherland and members of their families at high level.   As he underlined, work towards that end will continue henceforth.

At the end of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country general Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished all participants sound health, well-being and great successes in their responsible service for peace and happy life of our people.

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