Turkmenistan highly appreciated Germany's position on environmental and climate issues
Turkmenistan highly appreciated Germany's position on environmental and climate issues
Published 17.09.2024

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the second «Central Asia–Germany» summit in Astana, highly appreciated the position of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on environmental and climate issues. 

«Of course, the priority of cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany is ecology and the climate agenda. Here, Turkmenistan highly appreciates the position of the German Government, its commitment to cooperation with the countries of our region, and its active and proactive role in promoting narrative projects and programs», -the head of state said.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan also noted the importance of the high-level conference «Green Central Asia» held in Berlin in 2020, at which an interested exchange of views took place, and joint practical steps were outlined to implement the events. In this regard, it was proposed to continue the dialogue on the «green» theme.

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