Transition to Clean Energy is the Goal of Turkmenistan’s Economic Strategy
Transition to Clean Energy is the Goal of Turkmenistan’s Economic Strategy
Published 05.06.2024

Today, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Energy Prospects, New Technologies and Environmental Aspects of Hydrocarbon Field Development” (TESC-2024), organized by the Türkmengaz, Türkmennebit State Concerns and the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation began its work at the Arçabil Hotel in the capital.

The event is held not only in a traditional format, but is also broadcast to dozens of countries around the world online.

The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by heads of industry departments, heads of diplomatic missions and reputable international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, specialists from well-known oil and gas business structures and financial institutions, leading experts from companies involved in this field, representatives of public organizations, the media, foreign guests, etc.

The current forum brought together various national and foreign specialized companies, whose specialists made presentations on the formation of a strategy for the future of the international, regional and domestic fuel and energy industry, as well as review analytical materials on the state of affairs in the world oil market and marketing strategies.

The purpose of the conference is to strengthen cooperation between Turkmen and major energy companies, international organizations, academia and financial institutions focused on environmental protection and a green future.

At the plenary session “Energy prospects, new technologies and environmental aspects of the development of hydrocarbon fields,” experts noted that such forums make it possible to assess the prospects for the development of energy diplomacy. It was stated the need to create new technologies and energy transition, review priorities and address issues of energy security and environmental protection.

As emphasized, our independent neutral Homeland, possessing huge reserves of hydrocarbon resources, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is consistently implementing a comprehensive strategy in the fuel and energy sector. Its key components are the modernization of the core infrastructure based on advanced technologies and developments, where special attention is paid to the environmental factor, increasing the capacity of the mining and processing industries, and diversifying the supply routes for “blue fuel”.

During the meeting, experts noted that due to the need to improve the environmental friendliness of oil fields, the technologies used should facilitate human environmental activities. Therefore, the development of effective and environmentally friendly methods for the rational development of oil and gas fields is of paramount importance for protecting the environment from pollution.

As practice shows, techno-genesis is characteristic of all stages of the development of hydrocarbon deposits: drilling of exploration and production wells, development and operation of deposits, and liquidation of field structures. These circumstances create a huge threat to environmental safety.

Currently, proposals and standards are being developed for the use of accumulated advanced experience and new technologies for nature conservation. Active development of oil and gas fields also involves the development of infrastructure. Therefore, in order to reduce the anthropogenic load on nature, the latest equipment and modern technologies for hydrocarbon production should be used.

The conference then continued with thematic sessions “New Technologies and the Energy Transition: A Look into the Future”, “Reducing Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Hydrocarbon Production and Monetization” and “Green Energy Initiatives and New Financing Opportunities”.

The meetings and panel discussions of the conference were attended by the UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan Dmitry Shlapachenko, Ambassador, Head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat John McGregor, Chief Executive Officer of Capterio Mark Davis, member of the Board of Directors of SPE-International, Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa H.Zubari, member of the board of Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited I.Zgurov, specialists from well-known international companies such as PETRONAS Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd, Baker Hughes (USA), NaPeCo, Mitro International, ADNOC, CNPC, Eni S.p.A., Dragon oil, Lukoil, etc., as well as managers and representatives of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Global Gas Center, Forum of Gas Exporting Countries, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Energy Charter Secretariat.

Representatives of major international organizations and financial institutions – the UN, OSCE, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Japan Bank for International Cooperation – took part in the discussions, including via videoconference.

During the sessions, presentations were made by managers and leading specialists from both the domestic oil and gas sector and foreign companies.

As noted, the fight against climate change is becoming one of the fundamental principles of energy policy in countries around the world. The future of the energy sector largely depends on what solutions to climate problems are chosen and how successful it is in achieving sustainable development goals within a particular country and in the world as a whole. The first steps towards organizing a global climate management system at the international level were taken in 1992, when the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed, followed by the adoption of a number of documents on managing the planet’s climate.

A landmark event was the conclusion of the Paris Agreement in 2015 within the framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The agreement aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of renewable energy sources (RES) and promote carbon dioxide capture activities.

One of the factors contributing to changing the current situation is the development of energy technologies, which determine the methods of production, distribution and consumption of energy. Currently, these changes are most noticeable in the generation sector, where sharp declines in the cost of energy produced by solar photovoltaic and, to a lesser extent, wind power plants have stimulated an active influx of investment in renewable energy projects.

Possible futures will depend on the degree to which these policies are transparent and effective, as well as their alignment with international climate agendas, moving towards a low-carbon economy and a sustainable future.

The radical reduction in cost and rapid spread of electricity production technologies from solar and wind power plants is the basis of the energy transition, which consists of four elements – energy efficiency, decarbonization, decentralization and digitalization.

The first energy transition occurred from biomass to coal. The second is associated with the transition of consumption from coal to oil, the third led to the widespread use of natural gas. At the stage of the fourth energy transition, in contrast to the previous three, the main directions of development will be decarbonization of the economy – a reduction in the industrial use of oil, gas, coal and the transition to the use of renewable energy sources, as well as the fight against global climate change.

As the foreign guests emphasized, a constructive approach to issues of mutually beneficial partnership, Turkmenistan’s creative initiatives to form a new architecture for global energy security receive broad support from the world community.

Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that the transition to clean energy is a priority of the economic strategy of Turkmenistan, which ranks fourth in the world in terms of natural gas reserves and implements a policy based on the principles of long-term, openness, taking into account national interests and mutual responsibility of the parties.

Conference participants noted the importance of solving problems related to building partnerships with companies producing equipment for the oil and gas industry and investment organizations.

Also during the discussions, proposals from the Turkmen side to expand cooperation in this area were voiced, especially since the conditions created in the country – a favorable investment climate, tax incentives, and others – became the real prerequisites for attracting financial investments in the development of the mining and processing industries of the fuel and energy complex.

Those present emphasized that the most important factor determining the energy transformation of the domestic fuel and energy complex is environmental requirements. Important topics were discussed regarding data and methods for accounting for methane and associated gas emissions in elements of the value chain for hydrocarbon production and the supply of environmentally friendly goods and services. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and, accordingly, increasing demand for natural gas is the main long-term trend in the development of global energy, associated with the desire of the world community to combat climate change.

In his speech on September 19, 2023 in New York City of the United States of America, at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that with accession to the Paris Agreement, a number of national programs were adopted in our country. National measures are being implemented to reduce and eradicate the negative consequences of methane emissions into the atmosphere. And first of all, we are talking about a phased transition to the introduction and use of modern environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies, especially in the fields of energy, industry and transport.

At the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-28), held on December 1 in Dubai (UAE), the head of Turkmenistan announced our country’s accession to the Global Methane Commitment and continued active cooperation with international organizations and partner states to solve climate problems.

The participants also spoke on such pressing issues for our country as the active development of renewable energy sources, primarily wind and solar. In this regard, the transition to “green” energy technologies that will prevent the destruction of the environment is being considered. Having wide access to inexpensive, reliable, modern energy sources is crucial for the progressive development of all countries and the well-being of their people.

The role of technological innovation in emissions measurement was examined, as well as the effectiveness of digital resources and computing services that will help the oil and gas industry reduce greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide emissions and provide clean energy in the near future.

The solution to the problem of climate change is currently being promoted as the fuel of the future – hydrogen, which, thanks to innovations in the energy technology infrastructure, is beginning to “develop” new markets. In industrial production, it can provide heat without generating greenhouse gases, since the heating value of hydrogen is 3 times higher than that of other fuels. In addition, it can be used as an energy storage device. The advantages of this modern energy carrier are clean fuel with zero gas emissions, fast refueling, safety, efficiency, and competitiveness.

It was also noted during the forum that Turkmenistan plans to achieve zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and in the long term, to significantly reduce emissions annually both at its own expense and with the support of international organizations and financial institutions.

Particularly emphasized was Turkmenistan’s readiness to open a Regional Center for Technologies related to Climate Change in Central Asia in Ashgabat, as well as the initiatives put forward to develop the UN Water Strategy and the UN Special Program for the Aral Sea and the conservation of the ecosystems of the Caspian Sea.

It was noted that the country is successfully solving environmental problems at the state level, including the creation of forests, land reclamation and the fight against desertification; the “green belt” of Turkmenistan is annually replenished with millions of new seedlings.

At the same time, the speakers emphasized that the Resolution proposed by Turkmenistan, unanimously approved by UN members in March 2022, “Integration of mass cycling into public transport systems in the interests of sustainable development,” states that cycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and solve the problem of climate change.

The international conference will continue its work on June 6. Participants will discuss a wide range of issues at a panel discussion, which will be held jointly with the UN, “Increasing energy security and sustainability of energy systems through energy integration and trade.”

As is known, Turkmenistan offers enormous potential for using its energy resources in the interests of all, voicing a vision of sustainable goals and opportunities to achieve them. Support and stimulation of strategic initiatives in the energy sector are the basis for the implementation of large energy projects in the future.

At the thematic session “Utilization of Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur in the Extraction of Hydrocarbon Resources,” which will be organized jointly with the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), international experts will share their experience with Turkmen colleagues and outline ways to deepen cooperation in the development of hydrocarbon fields with high acid gas content and reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Due to the increasing pace of field development, the volume of gas produced will be significantly increased and the task of chemical utilization of acid gases and their use in the production of fertilizers becomes urgent. Currently, gas processing complexes are being built at the fields of our country, equipped with modern equipment, necessary for the primary processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, gas purification and dehydration, as well as for the production of commercial gas and the processing of hydrogen sulfide into sulfur, granulation and packaging of sulfur.

As part of the conference, meetings will be held, including online, between the heads of structural divisions of the domestic fuel and energy complex and their foreign partners to discuss strategic directions for further interaction.

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