The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zimbabwe is accredited in Turkmenistan
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zimbabwe is accredited in Turkmenistan
Published 07.12.2023

On December 7, 2023, Chairman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova accepted credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zimbabwe to Turkmenistan Bright Kupemba.

On behalf of the head of state, the head of the national Parliament congratulated the plenipotentiary representative of a friendly country on his appointment to a responsible diplomatic post, wishing him success in fulfilling the important mission entrusted to him.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, the diplomat conveyed cordial greetings from the top leadership of the Republic of Zimbabwe to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, addressing best wishes to all the Turkmen people.

The Ambassador was informed about the priority directions of Turkmenistan’s domestic policy. Special emphasis was placed on our country’s foreign policy, based on the principles of positive neutrality, peacefulness and constructive cooperation with all states of the planet, including those located on the African continent.

The parties exchanged views on the prospects and opportunities for bilateral cooperation. The Ambassador was also familiarized with the structure and activities of the Mejlis, its role in the legislative and legal support of the large-scale socio-economic transformations and democratic reforms being carried out in Turkmenistan. It was noted that the establishment of mutually beneficial contacts through the parliamentary line would serve to enrich the content of relations between the two friendly countries.

Stressing that it is a great honor for him to represent the Republic of Zimbabwe in neutral Turkmenistan, whose peace-loving policies and creative initiatives have gained widespread international recognition and support, the diplomat assured that for his part he will fully contribute to the further development of traditional interstate dialogue.

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