The sports infrastructure of the city of Arkadag promotes a healthy lifestyle
The sports infrastructure of the city of Arkadag promotes a healthy lifestyle
Published 29.06.2023

A sports infrastructure has been created in Arkadag, Turkmenistan's first "smart" city that promotes healthy lifestyle principles in society.

It is no coincidence that consistent work being carried out in the country to improve people's health and implementation of the State program "Saglyk" are inextricably linked with systematic steps being taken to stimulate and develop the mass physical culture and sports movement and broadly involve the population, especially young people, in it.

For this purpose, the Main City Department of Physical Culture and Sports was established in the city of Arkadag and there were built a multidisciplinary sports complex and Sports Center (Water Sports Complex), a stadium for 10 thousand seats, equipped with appropriate equipment and supplies. All conditions have been created here for practicing martial arts, football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, table tennis, weightlifting, track and field athletics, gymnastics, fencing, chess, checkers and other sports, including water sports. There are also fitness, exercise and conference rooms, treatment rooms, etc. In addition to a large swimming pool, there is a children's pool with water attractions in the Sports Center.

It should also be noted that a football team of the same name has been created in the city of Arkadag, which is currently leading in the national football championship.

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