Solemn assembly on the occasion of the Last Bell were held in Turkmenistan
Solemn assembly on the occasion of the Last Bell were held in Turkmenistan
Published 25.05.2023

Today, festive events dedicated to the end of the academic year were held in all secondary schools of Turkmenistan. This wonderful bright holiday has become an unforgettable event in the lives of tens of thousands of young boys and girls, and the Last Bell sounded according to tradition for them.

For graduates, farewell to the school is an exciting moment, accompanied by stormy joyful emotions, and at the same time it is an enthusiastic expectation of the long-awaited entry into an adult, independent life, full of hope and new amazing discoveries. During their school years, they received versatile knowledge, which became a reliable foundation for self-improvement in all areas.

Thanks to the socially oriented policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, among the main aspects of which are concern for health, upbringing, education and increasing the intellectual potential of the younger generation, able to contribute to the development and prosperity of the Homeland, many roads are open to school graduates, they are provided with great opportunities to continue education both in the universities of the country and in educational institutions abroad.

Today, large-scale work is being carried out in our independent neutral Turkmenistan to form a national education system, within which advanced methodologies are widely introduced, curricula are systematically improved, and the content of textbooks and teaching aids is enriched.

Young specialists are required to have extensive knowledge in various fields, including knowledge of innovative technologies. Therefore, in order to train highly qualified personnel in our country, the material and technical base of the profile sphere is being purposefully strengthened, conditions are being created for the implementation of the most ambitious plans, joint projects with leading scientific and educational centers in Asia, Europe and America.

... By tradition, in the early morning, the best school graduates, excellent students, as well as educators laid flowers at the majestic Monument of Independence – a symbol of the modern history of the Motherland – and at the monument to Berdimuhamed Annaev, installed in secondary school No. 27 of Yzgant village, Geokdepe etrap, Akhal velayat.

Boys and girls who distinguished themselves over the years of study, who defended the honor of the school in various sports competitions, won in Olympiads, performed in creative competitions and amateur art shows, on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, as well as the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag were awarded mementos.

Then solemn assembly took place in all schools of the country. Many kind words and wishes were expressed to the pupils, parents, teachers and mentors. Special attention was paid to teachers who brought up strong physically and in spirit erudite fellows and girls with a broad outlook. Today is a wonderful day for them – a holiday of youth, knowledge and noble aspirations – will be remembered as an important event in life.

As it is emphasized in the Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to graduates of secondary schools, which has become a good parting word, the Last Bell ceremony, which marks the beginning of a new stage in life, full of bright dreams and grandiose goals, and the celebrations of this year timed to coincide with it, held under the motto “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, increase the feeling of patriotism of young Turkmen people, who will advance the Homeland along the path of prosperity with their knowledge, abilities and energy, inspire them to take confident steps towards a brighter future.

We connect our tomorrow with youth. The happy young people of Turkmenistan have a great mission ahead – to study hard, learn, create and build for the bright future of an independent Homeland, steadily adhering to the primordial national principles of patriotism, humanism, hard work and noble human qualities, the message of the head of state says.

The participants of the celebration accepted a grateful Address to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which expresses deep gratitude for the great concern for the development of the sphere of domestic education, the creation of all conditions for fruitful work and study, the formation of a highly educated, new-thinking and purposeful young generation, the realization of its intellectual and creativity.

It should be noted that in the modern era, the education system of Turkmenistan is experiencing an unprecedented rise. Every year, not only in cities, but also in the most remote corners of the country, educational institutions equipped with the latest computers, educational and technical equipment, and multimedia technologies are put into operation.

The sphere of education is constantly being improved, topical innovations are being introduced into the educational process – the transition to a twelve-year general secondary education, inclusion of such disciplines in the school schedule as the basics of economics, the cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, world culture, modeling and graphics, information and communication and innovative technologies, foreign (Eastern and European) languages that expand the opportunities of young people in mastering new knowledge. Therefore, every year the number of winners of national and international Olympiads increases, humanitarian cooperation develops, Turkmen youth achieve high results in sports and creativity.

All future scientists, philosophers, poets, doctors, engineers, builders, creators of high technologies, etc. are united by an ardent desire to be useful to the Homeland, to make a worthy contribution to the further progressive development and prosperity of our independent neutral state, to increase its power and glory.

…And today the graduates, having already been adult, beautiful, independent, with bated breath listened to the sounds of the Last Bell, which aroused an exciting feeling of sadness in everyone’s soul. This ceremony is always particularly touching, because yesterday’s schoolchildren say goodbye to childhood, to their mentors, thank teachers and parents, pass the symbolic baton to the world of knowledge to the kids, who are preparing to sit down for the first time at their desks.

It is noteworthy that the festivities on the occasion of the Last Bell coincide with the Day of Ashgabat city – the heart of our Homeland, the center of political, business, social and cultural life. In the white marble capital today there is an atmosphere of a double holiday – a great and bright celebration of youth.

In the evening, the celebrations unfolded on the square in front of the State Circus, and a concert of masters of art took place in the Ashgabat Song and Music Center. Artists, choreographic ensembles, folklore groups dedicated their performances to the beautiful capital, Homeland and people, school years.

Also today, various cultural events were held in honor of secondary school graduates in all velayats of the country.

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