The ensuring of wellbeing of people – a goal of the approved program for further development of the country
The ensuring of wellbeing of people – a goal of the approved program for further development of the country
Published 23.02.2023

A new significant step called to strengthen the economic might of the fatherland in 2023, the motto of which “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, has become an approval of the socio-economic development and investment programs of Turkmenistan for the current year by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. 

Priority  goals outlined in the conceptual document “Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: National socio-economic development program of Turkmenistan for 2022–2052” as well as the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 “ and “National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on reforming the living conditions of population of villages, towns, cities in etraps and etrap centres for the period up to 2028” make up their basis.

The state strategy in economy and as a whole, general areas of radical reforms initiated by National leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and successfully realized under the leadership of the head of Turkmenistan, are based on a scientific approach, proper management, forecasting and planning.

The concept of development of the fatherland implemented at present envisages modernization, diversification and liberalization of economy, efficient combination of elements of the market and state management, wide introduction of latest technologies and innovations, active integration of our state into the world economic relations.

Speaking of “The program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2023“, one should note that it includes indices, industrial and financial plans as well as measures outlined for realization for the current year in the state budget.

The given document outlines top priority goals by each branch of national economy and regions, successful fulfilment of which are called to ensure further development of the country and wellbeing of Turkmen nationals.

Among key goals, first of all, are enhancement of social and living standards of population, including improvement of living conditions and social security as well as improvement of the system of employment of citizens.

In this context, a regular increase in revenues of Turkmen nationals, compliance of systems of regulation of labour relations with realities of the time, creation of additional work places in regions are marked.

Among priorities are the strengthening of macroeconomic stability and economic might of the country, acceleration of transition of national economy to market relations, improvement of activity in development of financial market, flow of financial funds and circulation of securities.

At the same time, a special significance is given to wide use of potential of socio-economic development of the fatherland, increase of level of industrialization of national economy, ensuring of a dynamic growth of sectors and spheres as well as innovative industry, active introduction of digital technologies in all sectors, increase in the share of the system of information and communications technologies in the structure of GDP and strengthening of interrelation between production and science.

For 2023, it is marked to involve a full capacity of enterprises for processing and production of readymade goods, increase of potential of export oriented complexes and diversify the output of import replacing goods. At that, great attention is attached to issues of growth of investment in branches based on innovative technologies.

Among main vectors of work for the current year is use of geo-economics and geopolitical positions of the fatherland, maintenance of economic wellbeing and development of “green “economy.

Along with the ensuring of food security of the country, it is planned to realize measures for increase in the yield of agricultural crops, expansion of opportunities of animal husbandries and increases in the total head of cattle and poultry. A special significance is attached to the growth of the number of Ahalteke horses and Turkmen alabays. 

The state support to the private sector and increase in its share in economy, expansion of the sphere of activity of small and medium sized business in various sectors, development of various forms of state and private partnership and ownership were outlined as a significant aspect of the upcoming work. 

In the given context, one should point out that work will be continued to ensure an efficient management of state property, denationalization and privatization of state properties by sales auctions.

Among priority tasks is also expansion of international cooperation based on the new “Ashgabat format” of interstate and interregional interaction meeting interests of common welfare.

At the same time, it is planned to increase in the goods turnover and passenger transportation by international transport-transit corridors passing through our country, successful realization of sustainable development goals.

Plans for the current year also include creation of industrial and production free economic zones in each velayat, trade, services, transport and logistics, agro-industrial and complex free economic zones taking into account peculiarities of each region. 

For achievement of set goals set the Program plans to take practical measures for increase of state investment activity and attract national and international investments.

The current year it is planned to further develop the social sphere, in particular, to improve the activity of research and education institutions, to ensure sectors with highly qualified specialists and to bring out international cooperation in the given area to a new level, first of all, by training specialists and researchers, who possess scientific knowledge of world significance. Along with that, it is expected to develop further sports of higher achievements and sports among children and strengthen the role of mass sports movement.

A special significance is attached to successful realization of the national program “Saglyk”, issues of protection of maternity and children, implementation of preventative measures and treatment of diseases, ensuring of accessibility of medical services and development of pharmaceutical industry.

Another important aspect is further improvement of the sphere of culture in the Program.  in this regard, goals were set to develop national crafts, carpet making, song and musical art, deep study, preservation and popularization of cultural heritage, ensuring of careful conservation, research and restoration of historical and cultural monuments as well as proper work meeting requirements of the time in inland and international tourism.

Besides it, the above-mentioned document depicts expected results of socio-economic development of the fatherland in the current year.

Speaking of the “Investment Program of Turkmenistan for 2023”, first of all, one should underline that in the socio-economic strategy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a special emphasis is made on increase in investment activity.

As is marked in the Program, at present, the main task in he given area is to ensure balanced development of macroeconomic indices of the country. 

In this connection, the volume of financial investment for dynamic growth of branches of industry, engaged in processing and production of readymade goods grows. As a result, the volumes and list of goods output and exported also grow remarkably. 

Creation and development of the competitive, highly efficient innovative economic system by transformation of branches and structures and active investment policy in Turkmenistan are outlined as the main goal in the document.

Among foremost tasks are technical and technological modernization of local enterprises in accordance with international standards that will enable to increase in labour productivity.

In addition to it, it is planned to carry out practical steps for improvement of financial sources of investment directed to economy, establishment of stable involvement of private enterprises and their funds into the sphere of capital construction of the country and ensuring of economic efficiency of capital investments.

Special attention is attached to renewal of technological and regional infrastructural investments with a view of direction of funds to construction of new projects as well as expansion of industry, reconstruction of enterprises and technical re-equipment.

One of the key aspects is improvement of distribution of funds by forms of ownership. In the given context, the current year, it is expected to use investments of Turkmen entrepreneurs in the most demanded spheres along with foreign investments. 

Thus, the Program envisages investment of a complex of measures for development of key sectors of economy and velayats, including construction of large-scale innovative joint enterprises, export oriented and import replacing industries, improvement of food security, creation of new work places in all regions of the country and maintenance of social security of population.

One should note that based on the positive national experience and great achievements, as a result of successful realization of priority tasks marked in the socio-economic development and investment programs for the current year, Turkmenistan will make another important step on the path of prosperity and progress. As a whole, the socio-economic strategy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, one of the main goals of which is the ensuring of interest of every Turkmen national, fully meets the sustainable development goals of the United Nations organization.

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