Events of the week
Creative energy of the people - the basis for prosperity of the Fatherland
Events of the week
Creative energy of the people - the basis for prosperity of the Fatherland
Published 06.09.2022

Turkmenistan is preparing to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland. Following the traditions of our people, a significant date is celebrated with labor victories, architectural premieres and achievements in all spheres of life. A vivid illustration of this is the events of the past week, demonstrating the success of the policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in achieving the strategic goals of state development in the year “The era of the people with Arkadag”.

The course of seasonal agricultural work, issues of further socio-economic development of the velayats, as well as the organization of events scheduled for September dedicated to the next anniversary of sacred independence, preparation for the new academic year were considered at a workshop via the digital system held on August 29.

The head of state focused on the proper organization of wheat sowing, providing farmers with high-quality seeds, machinery and mineral fertilizers, as well as comprehensive preparations for the cotton harvest.

Along with this, the need to keep under constant control the cultivation of winter potatoes and other fruits and vegetables was emphasized.

Noting that the ongoing construction of social and industrial facilities was identified among a number of priority tasks, the President of the country gave a number of instructions to address them in a timely manner and ensure that high-level opening ceremonies for new schools and kindergartens, festive events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth.

On the same day, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Alexei Miller, Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom.

During the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan and the chairman of the board of PJSC Gazprom exchanged views on the prospects for further partnership, taking into account many years of positive experience and solid potential. Particular attention was paid to the purchase of Turkmen gas by the Russian holding under the current contract and the expansion of cooperation in this area on a long-term basis.

On September 1, the next, VII congress of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly was held in the Mekan Palace in the capital. The forum was attended by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

During the congress, which brought together delegates from the capital and all velayats of the country, an analysis of the work done over the past period was given, priority tasks were identified. Organizational issues were also considered, a new composition of the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization and its leaders was elected.

Speaking at the forum, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that in the Epoch of Revival of a New era of powerful state, we have set ourselves great goals, set tasks to ensure prosperity and socio-economic growth, further improve the social and living standards of the people, strengthen peace and trust on the planet, and in achieving them we are especially relying on our youth.

As the head of state noted, today the main part of the country's population is the young generation that has formed over the years of independence, which we look at as the creators of the future of the Fatherland.

With the participation of representatives of ministries and sectoral departments, political parties, public organizations, as well as youth, the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan developed a draft of a new version of the Law “On State Youth Policy”. Its key goal is to ensure the active participation of young people in the economic, political and cultural life of the Motherland, the creation of favorable legal conditions for educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, humanism and hard work. The adoption of this Law significantly strengthens the legal base of the policy pursued in the country.

In his speech, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov outlined the tasks facing the Youth Organization today: creation of all conditions for educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, civic responsibility, diligence, obtaining a quality education, engaging in creativity and sports, and fully revealing their abilities; support and encouragement of social and personal initiatives of young Turkmen citizens, increasing their legal literacy, stimulating the desire to actively participate in public associations.

Along with this, the main goals of the activities carried out in this area include the formation of a generation with a broad worldview, versed in high technologies, providing the necessary conditions for in-depth study of foreign languages by young people, classes in literature and art, in connection with which creative competitions should be held regularly.

The commitment of the younger generation to integrity and family values are also fundamental principles. Education of such qualities in a young person should become the duty and the main goal of the Youth Organization, the head of state emphasized.

Having expressed firm confidence that young people of Turkmenistan, fulfilling their sacred duty to their parents, people and country, will become worthy people and will selflessly work for the prosperity of the Fatherland, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Law “On State Youth Policy”, which was received with great enthusiasm by the participants of the forum.

In the speeches of the congress delegates, it was noted that the Law signed at this historic congress, prepared, guided by the instructions of the head of Turkmenistan and the initiatives of the Hero-Arkadag, taking into account the proposals of the younger generation, will become a fundamental legal document that provides young people with all the opportunities for the full realization of their potential and abilities in various spheres of life of the state and society.

On September 1, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to Turkmenistan, Ion Naval.

During the meeting, prospects for the development of Turkmen-Romanian relations were considered. The interlocutors noted with satisfaction the wide opportunities for intensifying mutually beneficial trade and economic partnership in various areas, including in strategic areas - energy, trade, agriculture, transport and communications, chemical and light industry. As noted, an important role in this work is given to the Joint Intergovernmental Turkmen-Romanian Commission for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

Priority issues of state life were discussed at a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, held by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov via a digital system on September 2.

The topics discussed included the improvement of national legislation, the creation of an optimal business environment, strengthening the investment attractiveness of the oil industry, the implementation of transport and logistics potential, the progress of seasonal agricultural work, preparations for the International Conference “Independent Turkmenistan in the international information space”.

Having addressed the wish to farmers and all agricultural workers of the country: “May your harmans be plentiful, courageous cotton growers!”, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov blessed the start of harvesting “white gold” in Akhal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats on September 7, and in Dashoguz velayat - September 14.

Proposals on the creation of a reliable drainage system in the territory of Ashgabat, carrying out repair and restoration work at the Türkmendemirönümleri state enterprise of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production and purchase of necessary materials, the draft State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Seismological Science in Turkmenistan for 2022-2026 the Action Plan for its implementation were submitted for consideration by the head of state and.

The proposal of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on the formation of a new industrial zone in the Ak Bugday etrap of Akhal velayat near the currently operating industrial zone was also voiced. On this territory, it is planned to build enterprises for the production of import-substituting and export-oriented goods, which will also contribute to the creation of more than 10,000 new jobs.

A separate topic of the meeting was the development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and foreign partners, including international organizations, in the fields of education, sports and youth policy.

In this context, a number of proposals were submitted for consideration by the head of state, in particular, on strengthening the traditional partnership with UNESCO and its Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Culture and Sports (CIGEPS). In this regard, it is proposed to submit the candidacy of Turkmenistan for election to CIGEPS for the period 2023-2027, as well as to consider the possibility of holding the International Conference of Ministers Responsible for Physical Culture and Sports (MINEPS) in our country in the coming years.

Along with this, proposals were made to expand cooperation with UNESCO in the scientific and educational field, to involve student youth in events held by this largest specialized agency of the United Nations.

In addition, the participation of the Turkmen delegation in the work of the Global Summit dedicated to the issues of reforming the world education system, which will be held in New York on September 16-19 under the auspices of UNESCO, is planned.

A proposal was also made for the participation of the delegation of Turkmenistan in the 41st General Assembly of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), to be held in the city of Phnom Penh (Kingdom of Cambodia) on October 2-5 this year. It is also proposed to hold a regular meeting of the OCA Executive Committee in our country in the coming years.

It seems effective to promote cooperation with reputable sports organizations, in particular, with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the entry of Turkmenistan into the International Federation of Sports Medicine, interaction in the field of physical culture and sports within the Commonwealth of Independent States, in particular, with the relevant Council of the CIS.

At the same time, it is proposed to consider the possibility of holding regional and world-class sports competitions in our country in the period 2023-2025.

At the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Decree on the purchase of compressors and spare parts by the State Concern Türkmengaz, as well as the Decree, allowing the hyakimlik of the city of Ashgabat to a contract free of charge with JSC PA Vozrozhdenie (RF) to modernize the new monument to Magtymguly in Ashgabat Fraghi and landscaping of the adjacent territory at the expense of this joint-stock company.

Guided by the primordial principles of goodwill and humanism of our people, in order to provide humanitarian assistance to the friendly Pakistani people in the context of the natural disasters taking place in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in September 2022, which led to numerous casualties, injuries and large-scale destruction, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Order, according to which the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Textile Industry, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs are instructed to donate the relevant medicines and medical products, goods and food products to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

On September 2, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Turkmenistan Michael Uwe Bierhoff, who presented his credentials to the head of state.

During the meeting, the state and prospects of Turkmen-German relations, which are successfully developing both in bilateral and multilateral formats, were discussed.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the German plenipotentiary stressed the desire to diversify cooperation that meets the interests of both countries. Among the key segments, the trade and economic sphere was designated. It was noted that Turkmenistan and Germany fruitfully cooperate in various industries, agriculture, the banking sector, as well as in the transport and communications complex.

Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of intensifying ties in the humanitarian sphere, where a long-term partnership in the field of healthcare serves as an exemplary example.

Other events of the past week include a telephone conversation between Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko.

Congratulating the Hero-Arkadag on being awarded the Order of Russia “For Services to the Fatherland” of IV degree, the speaker of the upper house of the Parliament of the Russian Federation conveyed words of greeting and congratulations on this occasion from President Vladimir Putin. Expressing sincere wishes for good health, longevity and new successes in work, Valentina Matviyenko noted the wide contribution of the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty to the promotion of interstate relations based on the principles of good neighborliness, friendship and effective cooperation.

Noting the special role of inter-parliamentary cooperation in strengthening contacts, which are an important component of the Turkmen-Russian partnership, Hero-Arkadag and the speaker of the upper house of the Parliament of the Russian Federation confirmed their mutual readiness to maintain relations between legislative bodies, using them for comprehensive communication on the broad agenda of bilateral dialogue.

The speaker of the upper house of Parliament of Russian Federation also noted that the Russian Federation is waiting for the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh on an official visit.

Last week, on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh, Honorary Elder of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Mary velayat, where he got acquainted with the situation in the region.

The founder of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care, Haji Arkadag visited the preoperative department of the velayat children's hospital, inquired about the activities of the medical staff, talked with young patients and their parents and handed over the Savina 300 ventilator manufactured by Drager and purchased at the expense of the Foundation to the hospital staff.

Hero-Arkadag took part in the opening ceremony of a new 4-storey 48-apartment residential building in Sakarchaga etrap, designed for people with disabilities, which was built at the expense of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation.

Having visited the apartment of one of the new settlers, Haji Arkadag got acquainted with the conditions created here for comfortable living and from the Charitable Foundation handed over a new stroller to the head of the family, and also presented gifts on behalf of the President of the country.

Hero-Arkadag met with teachers and students of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan. The university, created to train highly qualified personnel for the country's dynamically developing energy industry, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

Speaking to the audience, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh, Honorary Elder of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on ways to improve the youth policy of the state, the need for the steady development of educational work based on advanced methods and modern technologies.

Participants also discussed further development of the industry, increasing the country's energy potential and export opportunities, introducing environmentally friendly technologies, creating a unified national energy system and implementing new projects in this area.

On the same day, Arkadag visited the Gurbanguly-hadji mosque, where prayers were offered for success to all the noble undertakings of Arkadagly Serdar in the name of the happiness of the people and the progress of the Fatherland.

In Ashgabat, on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a ceremony was held to honor athletes who won prizes in recent major competitions - the VII International Sports Games “Children of Asia”, held in the city of Vladivostok, Russian Federation and the V Islamic Solidarity Games in the city of Konya, the Republic of Turkey.

Members of the Government, leaders and representatives of the Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis Milli Gengesh, ministries and departments, public organizations, universities, and the media took part in the solemn event, held in the conference hall of the Sport Hotel in the Olympic Village.

On behalf of the head of state, to the thunderous applause of the gathered spectators, athletes, who won prizes, were presented with gifts, as well as a special sports uniform from the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care.

There was also a ceremony of presenting gifts on behalf of Arkadagly Serdar to athletes who took part in international competitions and won second and third prizes, and their coaches, who make a worthy contribution to the search for new talents for big-time sports and the education of the Olympic reserve.

On September 1, large-scale celebrations were held in Turkmenistan on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth.

By tradition, the first day of autumn began for Ashgabat schoolchildren and students with a flower-laying ceremony at the Monument of Independence and the monument to Berdimuhamed Annayev, installed in secondary school No. 27 of the village of Yzgant, Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat.

In secondary schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, ceremonial lines were held, at which a welcoming Address by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was read, advising the younger generation on a good and bright path to the world of knowledge and great discoveries.

A joyful event for those who crossed the school threshold for the first time was the presentation on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan and the Hero-Arkadag of a wonderful gift - a study computer “Bilimli” with specially installed software.

By the beginning of the new academic year, a series of architectural premieres took place in all regions of the Fatherland, in which representatives of local executive authorities and public organizations, honorary elders, residents of cities and villages took part.

The new buildings include a secondary school for 720 students in the Yasmansalyk residential complex in the Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat.

Housewarming was also celebrated by young residents of Dushak village, Kaakhka etrap, Akhal velayat, where a general education school for 600 children and a kindergarten for 320 students were opened. The kindergarten, built in the city of Geoktepe, Akhal velayat, is designed for the same number of places.

The network of general educational institutions of the country was replenished with modern schools for 600 places each, built in the village of Saganly of the city of Balkanabat of the Balkan velayat, in the city of Dashoguz and in the village of Buyanly, in the etrap named after S.A. Niyazov of the Dashoguz velayat. In addition, 240 preschool children celebrated housewarming in the kindergarten in the administrative center of the northern region.

In the Sayat etrap of the Lebap velayat, ceremonies were held to open a kindergarten for 160 children in the village of Gushchy of the Lebaby gengeshlik and a secondary school for 600 children in the village of Gyzylgaya of the gengeshlik of Esgi.

For students of the city of Bayramali, Mary velayat, the first bell sounded within the walls of a new modern school designed for 500 students. And in the village of Chonur, gengeshlik of Khojadepe, Sakarchaga etrap, Mary velayat, a kindergarten for 320 children hospitably opened its doors.

The construction of all these facilities was carried out by domestic individual enterprises.

As part of the implementation of state programs in the administrative center of the Lebap velayat - the city of Turkmenabat and in the city of Serdar of the Balkan velayat, opening ceremonies of new pharmacies owned by a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country - individual enterprise “Tebigat çeşmesi” - were held.

The trading floors offer a wide range of high-quality medicines and medical products produced both in our country and in European countries, as well as miraculous medicinal plants growing on Turkmen land.

On September 2, sowing of winter wheat began in all velayats of the country. The bread field will occupy 690,000 hectares of land, from which 1,400,000 tons of grain will be harvested in 2023. High-quality seeds of productive grades of food wheat are prepared. The current campaign will involve 1972 plowing, 1545 row-crop tractors and seeders from such leading world companies as John Deere, CLAAS, Case, as well as other equipment that ensures high labor productivity of farmers.

The final of the children's music and song contest “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri” was among the series of festive celebrations dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan. More than a thousand gifted children from all over the country took part in the creative festival.

On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, the winners were awarded valuable prizes and diplomas, as well as gifts to all the finalists of the creative review.

In general, the events of the past week have become a clear reflection of the most important priorities of the state policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, aimed at the successful implementation of long-term reform programs, the dynamic development of the Motherland, steadily moving forward along the chosen path of peace, creation and progress.

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