Events of the week
Turkmenistan confidently follows the path of large-scale transformations
Events of the week
Turkmenistan confidently follows the path of large-scale transformations
Published 14.08.2022

The events of the past week marked another important step towards the successful realization of the colossal economic and spiritual potential of Turkmenistan, marked the creative essence of the reforms being carried out in the country under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, aimed at ensuring a decent life for citizens, the progressive advancement of an independent neutral Motherland to high levels of progress.

A special place among them is occupied by the groundbreaking ceremony of another important transport infrastructure facility - the automobile bridge across the Garabogaz Kel Bay along the Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz-Kazakhstan border highway, which took place on August 8th with the participation of the head of state, who is on a vacation on the Caspian coast.

In the epoch of the Revival of the new era of a powerful state, one of the priorities of the policy pursued by the President of Turkmenistan is consistent integration of the national transport network into the world system, the development of a modern multimodal infrastructure that meets international standards and includes all types of transport, including road transport.

Thanks to consistently taken measures, large-scale work is underway in the country to form new international transport corridors, consistently increase the volume of freight and passenger traffic, and road construction.

Program work is being carried out to develop the transport and logistics infrastructure in the North-South and East-West directions, which ensures active integration of Turkmenistan into the global transport system.

The implementation of this project was entrusted to the Limited Liability Company “Road construction “Altcom”. In accordance with the contract concluded with the State Agency for Management of the Construction of Highways, a modern highway across the Garabogaz Kel Bay and the roads leading to it will be built along the Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz-Kazakhstan border highway within two years. The total length of the bridge with two-way two-lane traffic will be 354 meters, width - 21 meters.

In parallel, it is planned to erect structures for various purposes along the Turkmenbashi–Garabogaz–Kazakhstan border highway. Among them are recreation centers for drivers and passengers, a hotel, technical service centers, bus stops, automated systems for monitoring the weight and dimensions of vehicles, lighting, and road signs.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that the bridge being laid will become an important part of the North-South route and will be of great importance not only for Turkmenistan, but for the entire region, emphasizing the need to meet the quality of construction with modern requirements, use high-quality building materials, introduce best practices and innovative methods, completion of all scheduled work within the specified time frame.

The new bridge will help increase the volume of trade, cargo and passenger traffic between the eastern and northern velayats of the Motherland, as well as between neighboring states, effectively serve the cargo carriers of Turkmenistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran and India, which will allow them to use the shortest route using sea, rail and road transport, go to the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe.

In addition, it will contribute to the development of the rich natural resources of the sea coast and the Garabogaz Kel Bay. Tourists will have the opportunity to use the services of health resorts and recreation centers located in the city of Turkmenbashi and the Avaza National Tourist Zone.

The bridge will become part of the state highway Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz-Kazakhstan, which is also planned for reconstruction.

This project, aimed at realizing the existing impressive transport and transit potential of the Motherland and expanding mutually beneficial international trade and economic cooperation in the interests of the well-being and sustainable development of the region and the whole world, will directly contribute to improving the living standards of the population.

On August 10th, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on leave in the Balkan velayat, visited the Garşy military unit located in the western region and got acquainted with the Deňiz han corvette class warship.

The facilities of this military unit of the Naval Forces were built in accordance with modern requirements in this area. On its territory there is an administrative building and related infrastructure facilities. The main building housed the department of management, as well as workrooms for military sailors on duty. The conditions created here for the service of military personnel and sailors make it possible to successfully fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

One of the serving officers told the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan about the activities of the command post and the tasks performed by the military personnel. Advanced technologies, a digital system, an electronic map, as well as special software for the information and control system developed by officers of the country's Navy make it possible to constantly monitor passenger and military ships in the Caspian Sea. Radar equipment and technical complexes available on board the Navy warships are used to monitor the coastal part of the sea.

The head of state got acquainted in detail with the Deňiz han corvette-class warship, combat capabilities, technical characteristics and design features of the modern vessel, its functions and compartments. “Deňiz han” is designed to eliminate submarine and surface warships, single land and air targets, as well as targets as part of an enemy ship strike group.

Here, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received a solemn naval parade, where various types of ships, combat boats and boats of the Naval Forces, the State Border Service, the Ministries of Internal Affairs and National Security were presented, which vigilantly stand guard over the security and integrity of maritime borders of the Fatherland, the total length of which is 600 kilometers.

Having noted with satisfaction the high level of the review of the national fleet on the Caspian Sea, the President of the country stressed that the state would continue to pay special attention to strengthening the material and technical base of the Navy, improving the professionalism of military sailors, ensuring the reliability and inviolability of maritime borders. The sacred duty of the military is to solve the tasks outlined in the defensive Military Doctrine, said the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan.

At present, the material and technical base of the Navy is being steadily modernized both through the purchase of the most modern technology, equipment and ships, and the construction of its own ships, and the combat and theoretical training of military sailors is being increased. Measures are being taken to systematically improve the conditions of their service, life and life.

The review of the ships of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of the country clearly demonstrated that the maritime borders of independent neutral Turkmenistan are in reliable hands.

In the business chronicle of the past seven-day meeting, there was an off-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on August 12, at which the results of the socio-economic development of the state in January-July of this year were summed up, and some issues were also considered.

Based on the results of seven months, as a result of successfully implemented comprehensive measures, a sustainable GDP growth rate was ensured. Positive indicators have been achieved in all sectors of the economy.

As part of the implementation of the National Rural Program, the construction of social facilities, housing, water treatment facilities, and engineering systems continues in the country.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on accelerating the process of introducing digital technologies and innovations in the economic, financial and banking complexes, which are among the leading sectors of the national economy.

During the indicated period, purposeful activities were carried out to consistently implement the foreign policy of the Motherland, solve the tasks set by the head of state and fulfill these instructions.

The President of the country noted the importance of continuing systematic work on the implementation of the Concept of foreign policy course of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022-2028.

Reports on the results of work in the fuel and energy, construction and industrial and electric power sectors were also heard at the meeting.

Seasonal agricultural campaigns continue in the velayats. Systematic preparations are being made for the sowing of winter grains and the forthcoming cotton harvest campaign. Appropriate steps are being taken to provide agricultural land with irrigation water.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to take the necessary measures to maximize the use of the production potential of agricultural enterprises and increase their efficiency.

Noting the importance of thorough preparation for the upcoming seasonal campaigns, which is the key to obtaining generous harvests, the President of Turkmenistan focused on taking appropriate steps to widely introduce advanced technologies and water-saving methods in the agro-industrial complex.

The head of state also pointed to the need to create new enterprises in the trade and textile industries, the business sector, increase their capacities and stimulate private business.

During the reporting period, there has been an increase in indicators for the work performed in the field of transport and communications.

During the meeting of the Government, dedicated to the results of the work of the national economic complex for seven months of 2022, the head of state paid special attention to the issues of education, science, culture, healthcare and sports.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized the exceptional importance of further strengthening the legal framework, which is being improved taking into account the priority tasks of the country's socio-economic development in the era of the Revival of the new era of a powerful state.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the relevance of the activities of the sectors of the economy in accordance with the requirements of the time, increasing their capacities. Great importance should be attached to increasing the pace of work of the production structures of the domestic industrial, fuel and energy complexes, agriculture, the energy sector, the processing industry, while developing export potential and private entrepreneurship, the head of state noted, giving a number of instructions to the relevant leaders on this matter.

Focusing on the activities carried out in the fields of science, education, healthcare, sports and youth policy, in public organizations, the President of the country stressed that it is necessary to make every effort for the successful implementation of the cardinal reforms launched in these sectors. In addition, the importance of ensuring a high organizational level of the VII Congress of the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization, which will be held on September 1, was noted.

Noting that September is rich in significant events of historical significance, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that preparations for festive events should begin today, especially for the State Council of Turkmenistan, which will be held on September 23. The forum will consider priority issues of further development of the sovereign Motherland, therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to hold it at a high level, the President of the country said.

On August 12, the scientific-practical conference “The Caspian Sea – the Sea of Friendship and Accord” was held, timed to coincide with the Day of the Caspian Sea, annually celebrated by the Caspian countries.

The forum was attended by heads and specialists of domestic relevant ministries and departments, scientists, as well as representatives of the embassies of the Caspian states accredited in Turkmenistan, authoritative international structures - the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator, the UN Development Program, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the European Union.

The agenda included a wide range of topical issues of interaction between coastal countries in ensuring sustainable development, based on a combination of key factors that include the solution of a single set of economic, social and environmental problems. The presentations reported on the multifaceted activities carried out in the region in this area.

The conference highlighted the main directions and results of the systematic work carried out by Turkmenistan at the national and international levels.

The effectiveness of five-party interaction mechanisms and the possibility of new formats of dialogue were emphasized, along with the special importance of establishing regional cooperation in the conservation, reproduction and use of the biological resources of the Caspian Sea, merchant shipping, tourism development, as well as the development and use of hydrocarbon resources of the bottom and subsoil of the Caspian Sea.

On August 13, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, on behalf of the President of the country, made a working trip to Ahal velayat, where he got acquainted with the construction of a new modern administrative center of the region, projects of structures already under construction and planned for construction, their design and equipment , and also held a workshop on issues related to ensuring the high quality of construction and timely commissioning of facilities.

On August 14, in the Turkmen seaside, with the participation of numerous foreign guests, thematic industry exhibitions were held, demonstrating the success of Turkmenistan in the transport complex and logistics, a wide range of modern services offered, which were organized within the framework of the International Conference at the level of ministers of transport of developing countries that do not have access to the sea.

Thus, the events of the past week once again confirmed that the issues of the country's political, economic and social development are being resolved in an inseparable connection. It is in this complex and comprehensive approach that the universality and far-sightedness of the policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which the realization of national aspirations serves the benefit of all mankind, is most visibly manifested.

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