Events of the week
Priority vectors of the economic strategy of Turkmenistan for the next seven years determined
Events of the week
Priority vectors of the economic strategy of Turkmenistan for the next seven years determined
Published 10.07.2022

The events of the past week have become another clear evidence of the success of the socially oriented policy of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, aimed at turning our Motherland into an advanced state in the world.

The priority vectors of the country's economic strategy for the next seven years are defined in the Program for the socio-economic development of the country for 2022-2028, the National Rural Program and the Concept of Foreign Policy of Neutral Turkmenistan for 2022-2028, prepared on behalf of the head of state. These documents, presented at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on July 8th, reflect the grandiose undertakings and projects of large-scale transformations envisaged for implementation, aimed at ensuring the prosperity of the native people.

Having designated the well-being of the people, the progress of the country as a priority of the state policy of Turkmenistan, the head of state relies on further modernization and diversification of the economy, the widespread introduction of innovative developments, advanced technologies and the best world experience.

The course of seasonal field work in the country, issues of socio-economic development of the regions were discussed at a working meeting, which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held via the digital system on July 4th.

As noted, at present, every effort is being made to fulfill the tasks set for harvesting wheat to the last grain, and cotton is being cared for in strict accordance with agrotechnical standards. Comprehensive measures are being taken to obtain rich harvests of potatoes, vegetables and gourds in order to ensure food abundance in the country's markets.

Rice fields are being cared for in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats.

In the Balkan and Mary velayats, sugar beet sowing continues at a high pace.

In addition, measures are being taken to improve the ameliorative condition of agricultural lands, rational use of water resources and ensure water supply in the country, transfer of agricultural lands from remote areas to cultivated zones.

Particular attention is paid to accelerating the pace of construction work at facilities that are planned to be put into operation this year.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed dissatisfaction with the progress of agricultural work on the ground and ordered to prepare proposals as soon as possible regarding improving the culture of agriculture, developing a land cadastre, selecting high-yielding varieties of seeds, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the regions, rational use of water using the latest technologies and agricultural traditions of the people.

Particular emphasis was placed on the issues of high-quality and in the shortest possible time completing the mowing, timely remuneration of tenants.

The head of state also ordered to study in detail the submitted proposal for the construction, with the participation of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the lands of the Çemenabat livestock farm in the Serhetabat etrap of the Mary velayat, an elevator for storing 100,000 tons of wheat and a workshop for the production of appropriate bags.

The construction of a grain terminal on the Turkmen-Afghan border will allow establishing cooperation in sending wheat and flour from Kazakhstan to Afghanistan and through it to other countries.

As noted, this will contribute to the development of relations between the states of the region, including the restoration of the Afghan economy.

On July 5th, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the State Security Council, at which the results of the work of the military and law enforcement agencies for six months of this year were discussed, priority tasks for the near future were outlined. The agenda also includes issues related to ensuring security and tranquility in our independent state, strengthening the material and technical base of law enforcement agencies, and improving their activities.

During the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country approved the Development Programs for the military and law enforcement agencies of Turkmenistan for 2022-2028. These documents are developed taking into account the policy of permanent neutrality, as well as in accordance with the provisions of the defensive Military Doctrine.

The programs provide for strategic tasks to further strengthen the defense capability of the state, ensure security and territorial integrity, strengthen law and order, introduce generally accepted norms of international law into national legislation, organize, in accordance with the requirements of modernity, the activities of military and law enforcement agencies based on innovative technologies and a digital system.

The head of state signed the Resolution on the appointment and dismissal of the heads of the structure of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, and also approved the Plan for admission to higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of military and law enforcement agencies for 2022.

As noted above, on July 8th, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which the results of the activities of the sectors of the national economy over the past six months of the year were summed up, the implementation of the Presidential and other programs for the socio-economic development of the country was discussed, priority tasks for the second half of the year were identified.

During the meeting, it was reported that the revenue part of the main financial plan for the reporting period was executed at the level of 100.5 percent, and the expenditure part - 98.7 percent.

The revenue side of the local budget was executed at the level of 100.4 percent, and the expenditure side - 98.7 percent.

The volume of capital investments aimed at the development of the national economy at the expense of all sources of financing, in relation to GDP, amounted to 14 percent.

According to the results of the period under review, 43.7 percent of disbursed capital investments were directed to the construction of industrial complexes, and 56.3 percent - to the construction of social and cultural facilities.

As of July 1st this year, within the framework of the implementation of the National Rural Program, the construction of 3 hospitals, 125.6 kilometers of engineering networks and facilities, 246.5 thousand square meters of housing has been completed. Currently, work continues on various facilities for socio-cultural, industrial and infrastructural purposes.

Compared to last year, in the first half of the year there is an increase in natural gas and oil production, electricity production and many types of products.

Stable indicators are provided in the transport and communications sector, which is confirmed by the volume of freight and passenger traffic by all modes of transport. The volume of communication services increased by 7.7 percent.

In the agricultural complex, compared to the corresponding period of 2021, the production of vegetable products, berries and fruits, meat, milk, and eggs increased.

Positive results were noted in the non-state sector of the economy.

Preparations are underway for the upcoming December of this year, a complete population and housing census, which will be held under the motto “Population Census 2022: Cohesion, Happiness, Bright Future.”

At the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a Decree according to which, from January 1st, 2023, wages, pensions, state benefits, scholarships for students and listeners will be increased by 10 percent in Turkmenistan, and also noted the need to reconsider the minimum wage in the country.

The head of state approved the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 and the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan to transform the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, cities of etraps and etrap centers for the period up to 2028.

During the meeting, the main areas of work for the near future were outlined, providing for further modernization and diversification of the economy, the widespread introduction of innovative developments, advanced technologies and the best world experience.

Touching upon the key aspects of the domestic political strategy, the head of Turkmenistan noted that our country maintains a reliable fiscal and monetary policy, and the volume of investments in the private and public sectors is regularly increasing. Despite the difficulties in the global economy, Turkmenistan maintains a high rate of GDP growth, namely at the level of 6 percent.

Large-scale construction of industrial and social facilities continues. Thus, about 2,900 facilities with a total cost of over 38 billion US dollars are currently being built.

In accordance with the National Rural Program of the President of Turkmenistan, over 1 billion 300 million manats of capital investments were disbursed during the reporting period. Over the past six months, 30 large structures have been built, housing with a total area of 322,000 square meters, including luxury residential buildings with a total cost of about 900 million manats.

Industrial facilities, residential buildings, kindergartens, schools and other facilities have been erected and put into operation in the prescribed quantity.

According to the plans, the policy of diversifying the supply of Turkmen energy resources to world markets is being implemented. The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project and other regional projects are being successfully implemented.

As part of the diversification of the national economy, state programs are being effectively implemented to increase the production of import-substituting products, increase the volume of exports of domestic goods, and create an electronics industry.

The head of Turkmenistan also stressed the need to intensify efforts to reduce the share of the state in the economy and expand the share of the private sector in it.

At the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Decree on the celebration of the holy holiday of Eid al-Adha in our country from July 9 to 11, as well as the transfer of the day off from July 10 to Tuesday, July 12.

By his Decree, the head of state approved the Concept of the foreign policy course of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022-2028.

This document is aimed at achieving such key goals as ensuring global peace and security, practical implementation of the legal status of the permanent neutrality of the Motherland, expanding foreign economic relations, all-round promotion of sustainable development, humanization of international relations.

The concept also includes directions based on the study and analysis of political and geo-economic processes on a regional and global scale.

In addition, the Concept will allow our country to participate more actively in the work of leading financial, economic and trade institutions, taking into account the current state of the world economy. It outlines the importance of major projects of Turkmenistan in the fields of energy, transport and communications, as well as the challenges ahead in these areas.

Particular attention in the document is paid to the development of digital diplomacy, building up regional cooperation on environmental issues, stepping up measures on topical issues of medical diplomacy and the global biosecurity system, and expanding cooperation with UNESCO in the cultural and humanitarian sphere.

Strengthening fruitful partnership and trusting relations with neighboring countries in the region was also identified as a priority vector.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed to prepare and approve the Investment Program for 2023, defining specific production targets and tasks assigned to each ministry and sectoral department.

At the same time, an order was given to complete work on the next year's State Budget and send its draft for consideration by Milli Gengesh. Emphasis was placed on the importance, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the country, to provide in the main financial plan for an increase in wages, pensions, student scholarships, state benefits and a number of other social benefits, as well as to obligatorily allocate funds for the construction of housing in each etrap and city for needy people.

By order of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the plan for admission of students to the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan, as well as the plan for admission to study at higher and secondary vocational schools in 2022, the composition of the State Commission for admission to study at the above educational institutions was approved.

The head of state announced that the leadership corps of the country will be granted leave from August 1st to September 1st, during which they will be able to relax in the health resorts of the Fatherland.

Personnel issues were also considered at the meeting, a number of documents aimed at developing sectors of the domestic economy were adopted.

Turning to other events of the past week, it should be noted that in the conference hall of the Yyldyz hotel in the capital, a high-level sub-regional consultative meeting was held in a hybrid format to promote the One Health concept in Central Asia.

Representatives of authoritative international and regional organizations, leading international experts and specialists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan also took part in the work of a specialized forum organized by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan jointly with the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Particular attention was paid to the close relationship between the health of people, domestic and wild animals, the state of the environment, including broad ecosystems.

An exchange of views took place on the draft Roadmap for cooperation in support of health and well-being in Central Asia for 2022-2025, issues of organizing regular high-level meetings to accelerate the implementation of joint agreements were discussed.

The forum adopted the Final Document, which fixed the main directions for the joint efforts of countries within the framework of the World Health Organization.

Turkmen and French specialists met via video link at the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan to discuss the organization of an exhibition of museum treasures of Turkmenistan at the Louvre Museum (France).

In particular, artifacts found during the excavations of Ulug-Depe settlements, a unique monument where the Turkmen-French archaeological group has been successfully working for more than 20 years, will be presented. The necessary package of documents has already been prepared by the museum management.

At the meeting, the concept of this project developed by the Turkmen side and the stages of its implementation were considered, the prospects for the exhibition, its name, the number of exhibits, etc. were discussed.

Thanks to the progressive policy pursued by the head of state, Turkmenistan is actively strengthening its image of a stable, peaceful and dynamically developing state, and the richest historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people is becoming the brand with which our country opens up to the whole world.

On July 9th, the celebration of Kurban Bayram began throughout the country, symbolizing peace, unity and spiritual purification, the ideals of goodness and harmony.

In the Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the people of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the sacred holiday of Eid al-Adha, it is especially emphasized that the material and spiritual values of our people, who have made a huge contribution to the formation of the cultures of the peoples of the East and West, the emergence of philosophical schools that have influenced the development of mankind, the improvement of religious canons, principles of honor, nobility, conscientiousness and humanism are our inexhaustible wealth.

This legacy, carried through the centuries, from generation to generation to the present day, makes people brothers, preaching peacefulness and humanism. And we, following the example of our ancestors, relying on the creative and active work of our purposeful citizens, the powerful potential of our economy, are leading the country forward to new heights of progress, the message of the head of state says.

The events of the past week have shown that it is this comprehensive approach that underlies the state policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the main goal of which is to ensure the comprehensive harmonious development of the sovereign Motherland, a peaceful, happy and prosperous life for the people of Turkmenistan.

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