Events of the week
Pursuing the course of progressive transformations
Events of the week
Pursuing the course of progressive transformations
Published 02.05.2022

Prosperity of the Motherland, provision of happy and well-off life of the people is the goal of the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s progressive policy, which is buttressed and guided by such basic vectors as large-scale transformations, enhancement of the country’s economic potential, strengthening of its international authority in the world arena.

On April 25, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov convened an online working session with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the AIC and khyakims of velayats.

The Government’s main focus of attention the head of state has switched to the importance of the on-time and proper implementation of seasonal agri-campaigns – exercising control over the fields planted to winter crops and over cotton-seeding campaign, ensuring of trouble-free functioning of agri-machinery and equipment, increasing production capacities of bioindustry enterprises.

Not the least important is to observe all agri-technical requirements in managing the fields planted to potato, onion and other fruit-and-vegetable crops in order to produce heavy spring yields, as well as to create every condition for high-performance labor of tenant silkworm-breeders.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan gave a number of assignments pertaining to ensuring well-timed and qualitative implementation of works enshrined in the Program of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025 and the National Rural Development Program. Constant control is to be exercised over construction of social and manufacturing entities, which are to be commissioned in the running year.

On April 26, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received a member of the State Council, Defense Minister of the Chinese People’s Republic Wei Fenghe who arrived in our country.

The head of state and his guest exchanged opinions on the prospects for the Turkmen-Chinese cooperation advancement in such priority directions as the trade-economic sphere, fuel-energy complex, transport-communications sector, advanced manufacturing sciences, as well as on continuation of productive contacts in the sphere of education, science and culture, sports and health.

The sides have noted that the bilateral interstate relations are supplemented with effective partnership in the frames of the UN and other international and regional organizations, including in the “Central Asia – China” format.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has stressed that while pursuing the policy of positive neutrality, peacefulness and good neighborliness, Turkmenistan is seeking to place its creative potential at the service of the entire mankind. The national Military Doctrine, which is strictly of defensive character and aimed to ensure security of the country, tranquility and wealthy life of the people, answers the within-named goals. Taking an active and initiative position in working out of balanced solutions of the present-time topical tasks, our Motherland makes thereby concrete contribution to strengthening of constructive international cooperation and achieving of the Sustainable Development Goals.

On April 27, the President of the country made a working round of the capital to examine the implementation progress of works in the territory of the Magtymguly Fragi Culture-Park Complex, construction of which is nearing completion.

The head of state got acquainted with landscaping progress of the over 40-hectare territory of the Complex, location sites of infrastructure objects, fountain projects, recreation and parking zones, design and style options of the Complex decoration, species of plants to be used in landscaping of the territory; high assessment was given to the comfort and usability of the staircase leading to the 25-meter-high pedestal of the monument to the classic of Turkmen literature.

Having examined the general view of the Magtymguly Fragi Culture-Park Complex and designs of the project, the President of the country concentrated attention on using in the project of modern lighting equipment capable to illuminate the world-renowned ’written-on-the-hills’ winged lines from poems of the great poet.

The head of Turkmenistan has also noted the importance of widespread application in construction works of the exclusively high-quality, strong materials, resistant to local climate conditions; and in designing and decorating of construction objects and structures to apply a unique color gamut inherent to the national time-tested architectural style.

The objects of the Complex are to form a single harmony with the unique nature of the Kopetdag foothills, the leader of nation stressed. While initiating new forest zones, preference is to be given to the tree species, which are well adapted to local climate and will promote ecological wealth of this unique natural corner of Ashgabat.

The head of state gave a number of assignments on conducting in the running year of different measures in the country and beyond aimed at popularization of great Magtymguly’s literary heritage and at enhancement of international relations and cultural ties.

Timed to the Culture Week annually observed in June on the occasion of Culture and Art Workers Day and Magtymguly Fragi’s poetry, the ceremony of Complex commissioning will become a kind of prolog to the grandiose festivities in 2024 in honor of the 300th anniversary of the great poet and philosopher of the East.

On April 28, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Akhal velayat to get acquainted with the construction progress of the modern administrative center of velayat and conduct an off-site enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Draft designs of shops, domestic service centers, General Plan and designs of underpasses to be built in the new town were submitted to the head of state for consideration.

Having evinced deep interest in the construction progress of objects, the President of Turkmenistan has noted that in construction and decoration of objects high-quality materials are to be used with a glance to such service characteristics as reliability, durability, ecological compatibility, aesthetics, and conformity with climate conditions.

At the off-site enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers detailed consideration was given to the issues of funding, construction rates and completion of construction of the new town.

It was informed that the works on construction of the modern administrative center of Akhal velayat were carried out in tune with the requirements of the times.

Realization of this particularly important project (one of the largest ones in the region) includes two phases. The urban infrastructure implies the complex of objects of social and other purposes: residential houses, kindergartens , schools and other specialized educational entities, institutions of health, culture, trade and domestic service centers, sport facilities, administrative buildings, etc., as well as the transport-communications and engineering-technical systems.

The new administrative center will be equipped with digital technologies and intellectual systems. To realize the ‘smart town’ concept, the performance specification of “Smart Town” was developed; it is assumed to install the equipment intended for organizing the scheme of payment for community services (energy, gas, water) by means of digital system.

Construction of the new town’s objects is carried out by local private enterprises – members of the Industrials and Entrepreneurs Union.

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan keeps under permanent control the matters of quality and observance of requirements enshrined in the “Procedure of organizing the acute infectious disease prevention measures at the country’s objects, at which construction and mounting works are ongoing”.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has expressed irritation at the quality of construction materials used and non-observance of target dates of construction works. In this context, the head of state has demanded to take every measure to accelerate the rates of construction works and commission the objects in due time.

The President of Turkmenistan has also necessitated creating of all conditions for the work and rest of builders, who are working at the numerous objects of the new town.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has stressed great political, economic and social importance of this project. Nowadays, there are few towns in the world, which build and launch a whole town. The project is one sure sign of our Motherland’s ever-growing economic potential, of high vocational technical training and proficiency of our specialists, the head of Turkmenistan said.

To complete construction of certain objects with the shortest possible delay, the head of state gave concrete assignments on attracting under the auspices of Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of additional work force and on increasing the number of the demand-driven specialists.

As the President of the country has highlighted, the new administrative center of Akhal velayat is a new town with the digital platform. In this context, the presidential Order was given on opening in the new town of the center to train specialists in the sphere of digitization and on attracting to this work of teachers and students of high education schools.

The head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov has noted that construction of the new town is nearing its completion. The second phase of the project includes not only the tasks of recreational development and population settlement, but also solution of a number of organizational issues.

To timely implement and coordinate the relevant works, the head of Turkmenistan has signed the Ukase on establishing of the State Committee on construction of the administrative center of Akhal velayat, Resolution on instituting of khyakimlik of the new modern town, and appointed chief leaders of these structures.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has also proposed to bring to the national discussion the choice of giving worthy name to the new town.

Besides, on the past week, the President of Turkmenistan signed a number of Resolutions, notably: on establishing of the Organizing Committee for training the national teams to participate in XXXIII Summer Olympics and XVII Summer Paralympics, which will be held in Paris of the French Republic in 2024; on approving the Turkmen side’s composition of the Turkmen-Japanese Economic Committee; on extension until December 31, 2024 for citizens of our country (living abroad temporary residents and residents of our country) of passport duration terms for entry to Turkmenistan and exit from Turkmenistan with the expiration period January 1, 2023-December 30, 2024.

On April 29, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov conducted a regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers to discuss the drafts of a number of documents and some other issues.

Opening the session, the head of Turkmenistan has informed about releasing of «Ömrümiň manysy» - a new book authored by Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Having extended cordial congratulations to the author and people of the country on that remarkable event, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has noted that the new philosophical-literary work is the combined recollections of the leader of nation on significant periods of his life, valuable thoughts and reflections. Particular place is assigned to history of the Motherland, its ancient national spiritual-moral values and noble traditions of the nation passed on from one generation to another throughout millenniums, as well as to modern achievements of the independent Motherland.

Stressing significance of «Ömrümiň manysy» book released in the Year “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, the head of Turkmenistan has expressed confidence that the work will be a great spiritual help to the countrymen in their advancement toward achieving lofty goals set for the next 30 years of era of Revival of New Epoch of the Powerful State.

Presentation of Arkadag’s new philosophical-ethical treatise was held last week in a number of the capital’s institutions of culture sphere.

At the session of the Government, consideration was also given to a number of focal issues of the state life: further improvement of the national legislation and normative-legal base of the transport-communications complex; realization of the state policy aimed at combating money laundering and funding of terrorisms; effective expending of investments intended for the FEC diversification and strengthening of the country’s food resources base.

Having considered the proposal of the Islamic Development Bank about participation of our country in increasing of the IDB aggregate capital, the head of state has noted that this step will enable to successfully interact in the frames of the large-scale changes ongoing in Turkmenistan, in the sphere of funding new projects and programs particularly, aimed at the progressive socioeconomic development of Motherland. In this regard, the head of state has exhorted to continue relevant works in this direction.

In the course of session, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has concentrated attention on the importance of the tasks set in front of the State Agency for Road Construction Management.

Given the topicality of the measures taken to improve the national pricing system and develop estimate standards in construction sector, the head of state has exhorted to keep work going in this direction, having thereto highlighted that it will have a direct impact on further enhancement of the road-transport infrastructure, construction of world-class roads, steady growth of our country’s transport-logistics potential.

The President of Turkmenistan has pointed to the weakening of control over the work of Ashgabat khyakimlik and strongly recommended in one-week space of time to eliminate shortcomings in functioning of the public transport system in the capital, implement repair works in some objects and residential houses, put things in order in the squares, parks and recreation zones.

Not the least important are the programs on industrialization and digitization of the country, production of import-substitution and export-orientated domestic goods. In this context, the head of state has approved the proposal on transforming the Baherden Clothing Factory into the open joint-stock production-sharing company: 40 percent – Textiles Ministry, and 60 percent – «Gerçek ýigit» private enterprise (a member of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of the country).

Speaking of the quality and ecological compatibility of the output, the President of Turkmenistan has noted the necessity to tool textile enterprises with the advanced high-technological equipment.

Information was also presented about preparations to the May-17 First International English Language Internet-Olympiad organized by the Turkmen National World Languages Institute named after D.Azadi, and about “Strength of Materials” Open International Internet-Olympiad organized by the Turkmen State Architecture-Construction Institute to be held on May 20.

On approval of the proposals submitted, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has highlighted the importance of regular organizing of world-class intellectual competitions, which will assist not only to educe talented youths in our country, but also to establish direct contacts with the leading high education schools of the world.

In the run-up to the summer season, the head of state has exhorted to study the possibilities for organizing recreation and summer holidays in the National Tourist Zone “Avaza”.

At the session of the Government, special consideration was given to the outcomes of the regular session of the National Commission of Turkmenistan on UNESCO Affairs. The Government’s focus of attention was switched to the topical issues of work and to a number of proposals on the National Commission’s activity improvement and enhancement of the productive partnership.

To intensify the steps toward wide popularization in the world of the Turkmen people’s rich historic-cultural heritage, it is advisable to create a special Internet-site of the National Commission, through which to cover on continuing basis the successes gained and prospects for cooperation with UNESCO.

To further streamline the work of the Commission’s Secretariat, the drafts of the relevant Regulations and the Commission’s national logotype were prepared.

The proposal was initiated to study the issue on our country’s affiliation to the UNESCO Convention “On nostrification in the European region” adopted in 1997 in Lisbon. As of now, 54 states are the participants of the document.

Steady steps are also undertaken on including cultural and spiritual values of the Turkmen people into the UNESCO List of World Heritage. The work is also kept going on including Ashgabat into the “UNESCO Creative Cities Network”. In this regard, to be ready for the theme nomination, it is advisable to establish the Commission made up of representatives of the relevant structures and hold its first session.

In progress is also preparation to the multilateral nomination on including of the Koitendag mountainous ecosystem located in the eastern region of our country into the UNESCO List of World Heritage. In this regard, it is seen as reasonable to conduct regular consultations between the National Commissions of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan on the UNESCO Affairs. It might have been well convenient to start these consultations in May.

Having approved the proposals submitted, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has stressed the necessity to keep systematic work going on further intensification of the multi-vector cooperation with UNESCO, take measures on worldwide popularization of the Turkmen people’s rich historical-cultural heritage, on affiliation of its unique values to the UNESCO List of World Heritage.

At the session, the President of Turkmenistan has approved the Regulations of the Financial Monitoring Service under the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Regulations on licensing of the transport-expeditionary activity, as well as the procedure and conditions of giving the legal status “National” to the museums, and signed the Resolution “On production of rice in Turkmenistan in 2022”.

Last week, the International Relations Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the conference on granting to Ashgabat of the International Certificate for its landscaping and reforestation actions, for assistance and contribution to the UN European Economic Commission’s initiative “Trees in towns”. The forum was attended by representatives of international organizations working in Turkmenistan, teachers and students of high education schools of the country, as well as the contributors of media community.

The speakers have noted that in the state policy of Turkmenistan (where over 145 million of young trees have already been planted) particular attention is given to the issues of careful attitude to the nature, preservation and enhancement of its riches, adoption of ‘green’ economy principles and technologies. The nationwide tree-planting action in March of the running year, the start-up to which was given in the capital by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, was one sure confirmation of our country’s adherence to implementation of international commitments in ensuring of ecological wealth in the regional and global dimensions.

Ranking ecology diplomacy as a priority direction of its foreign-policy course, neutral Turkmenistan invariably takes an active and responsible position in the issues of cooperation in this sphere in the bilateral and multilateral formats, in the frames of reputable international organizations, including the UN and its specialized structures.

In this context, official recognition of Ashgabat’s contribution to realization of the UN EEC’s within-named initiative is an eloquent evidence of long-term productive partnership of Turkmenistan with the Community of Nations.

Thus, the past eventful week has become a striking illustration of successful implementation under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov of cardinal reforms, key goal of which is further prosperity of the Motherland on the basis of the nation’s creative potential.

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