Events of the week
The basis of Motherland’s new accomplishments – strategy of peace, creation and development
Events of the week
The basis of Motherland’s new accomplishments – strategy of peace, creation and development
Published 11.04.2022

Abound in the weighty matters of state, the last eventful week was a new vivid evidence of Turkmenistan’s confident stride toward progress and creation.

At the online working session conducted by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on April 4, the Government’s main focus of attention was switched to the key issues of socioeconomic development of velayats and implementation progress of the seasonal agri-works.

Nowadays, in the agri-industrial complex (AIC), the extremely able and energetic efforts are directed at implementation of vegetative irrigation and fertilization of the fields planted to winter wheat, as well as at completion of the cotton-seeding campaign in due time and at a high qualitative level. Comprehensive measures are also carried out to produce heavy yields of potato, onion, and other vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops; works are in progress on expansion of forest zones and care for the recently-planted trees.

Besides, necessary measures are taken to properly organize the cocoon-production season. In the running year, Turkmen silkworm breeders intend to produce 2,300 tons of cocoons. As of now, works on laying-in of graine (silkworm eggs) are kept going, and the contracts are made with cocoon producers.

In tune with the Program of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025 and the Rural Areas Development Program, fast-track construction is ongoing of socioeconomic objects, residential houses, and water- and sewerage-treatment facilities. 

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has highlighted the importance of well-timed implementation of spring agri-works, responsible attitude to caring the fields planted to wheat, and to the cotton-seeding campaign. In the sowing campaign, not the least important is to set agri-machinery in motion at its full capacity.

Nowadays, concentrating particularly on the issues of ensuring food abundance in the country, the head of state has exhorted to carry out on timely basis all the relevant agri-technical measures in order to raise the level of vegetable- cucurbitaceous crop yields, as well as to expand the areas of forest plantations, which favor ecological state of the country and promote health of the people.

Having stressed the importance of exercising permanent control over construction works implemented in velayats, President of Turkmenistan has placed accent on the key requirement – to stick to the schedule and observe high level of quality. 

On April 5, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov conducted a meeting on the senior officials reshuffling in a number of ministries and sectoral departments.

In particular, the head of Turkmenistan gave consideration to the changes in personnel in the financial-economic sphere, fuel-energy, construction-industrial complexes, trade, and spheres of science, education, sports, and health.

On signing the relevant documents, the head of state has addressed a number of concrete assignments to the appointed ministers and senior officials of sectoral departments, having thereto highlighted that all their activity is to be directed to promote further socioeconomic development of the Motherland and growth in prosperity of the people.

On April 6, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Serdar Berdimuhamedov convened an enlarged session of the State Security Council. The security structures’ main focus of attention was switched to a number of organizational and personnel issues. The session gave also consideration to the running year’s three-month activity of the security structures, the tasks of primary importance on safeguarding security and tranquility in the independent Motherland, further upgrading and revamping of activity of the military and law enforcement agencies, etc.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces has appointed: Lieutenant General B. Gundogdyev to the post of Minister of Defense, State Security Council Secretary; Counselor of State 3-qualification grade B. Atdaev – to the post of Attorney General; Lieutenant Colonel of police M. Hydyrov – the Interior Minister; Colonel G. Annaev – Minister of National Security; Colonel Ya. Nuryev – Chief of the State Border Service; Senior Counselor of Justice M. Taganov – Adalat Minister; Colonel M. Hudaikulyev – Chairman of the State Customs Service; Colonel N. Atagarayev – Chairman of the State Migration Service.  

Addressing Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has noted that the judicial system of the country is one of the most important branches of government. In the regard, it was informed that he would continue to execute his duties.

At the session, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces has approved new composition of the State Security Council and of the State CyberSecurity Commission.

In compliance with the defensive Military Doctrine, which was adopted on the basis of the legal status Turkmenistan’s neutrality recognized and supported by the world community, with the aim of further upgrading the activity military and law enforcement agencies, I think it is advisable to consider organizational issue of the State Security Council, - President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, having avowed his solution to abolish the position of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers on Security, Military and Legal Affairs.

While outlining the range of major measures and tasks of primary importance set to the military and law enforcement structures, the head of state has noted that in compliance with the Military Doctrine, which is purely of defensive character, now and in the years ahead we are to carry out the work aimed at further modernization of the country’s Armed Forces, maintain rigorous discipline in every troop of the Army. 

Particular accent and attention were switched to the construction of modern cantonments and places of stationing of armed forces, to improvement of social, life and service conditions of military men. Implementation in the Army at high level of the Action Plan-2022 – training courses, tactical trainings, field and marine exercises, and other measures – was ranked among the tasks of paramount importance.

On April 7, World Health Day was marked in Turkmenistan by the traditional massive cycle race. The column of action participants was led by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The start was signaled at the monument “Bicycle” located at the junction of Chandybil Avenue and Bekreve Street. The action was attended by Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, capital’s administration, social organizations media community, Rectors of high education schools and student youth.

The inmates of «Döwletliler köşgi» Palace at the wheels of their two-wheeled “iron horses” donated by the Hero-Arkadag joined the cycle race.

Throughout the route of cycle race, which ran through the finest streets of the capital, the inspiring performances of creative collectives were organized.

En route, directing his associates’ attention to landscaping and bettering of Ashgabat, the President of Turkmenistan gave concrete assignments on further maintaining perfect cleanness, complex modernization of the urban infrastructure. At this, the head of state has placed accent on the importance of providing optimum comfortable conditions for the life of people.

On completion of the cycle race, which has finished in the heart of the capital – at the Ruhyet Palace, the head of state spoke in favor of continuation of the comprehensive work on involvement of broad strata of the population into physical culture movement and sporting measures and actions, on assertion of principles of healthy and active life style.

That same day, similar massive sporting actions and demonstration performances of young sportsmen were held in all velayats of the country.

On April 8, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov conducted the session of the Cabinet of Ministers to draw together conclusions from the national economy development during the first quarter of the running year. In this regard, the reports were delivered by Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and khyakims of velayats; the assessment was given to their activity; and, the tasks of priority of Turkmenistan’s further socioeconomic development have been identified. 

The January-March-2022 macroeconomic indicators testify that the comprehensive measure taken in the reporting period provided sustainable growth of all branches of the national economy.  

By summarized data of the ministries and sectoral departments, on the whole, the output of products in the period under review increased by 11.1 percent (compared to the indicator of last year’s similar period).

Retail trade turnover increased by 10.4 percent, foreign trade turnover – by 40.9 percent (due to an increase of export and import). 

Wage rate at the large and medium-sized enterprises increased by 10.4 percent. Wages, salaries, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships were timely funded.

Preparations are kept going to the important international measures the country will host in 2022 –  Tripartite meeting of Presidents of Turkmenistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Turkish Republic; VI Summit of the Caspian states; First Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Central Asian states and the Russian Federation. 

Given the fact that the National Turkmen Horse Holiday in the current year will be held in the western region, preparation to the holiday measures and cultural program in Balkan velayat is now in full swing.

Construction of the 400-bed multi-field hospital in Turkmenbashy is almost fully completed and very soon will be launched.

Summing up the outcomes of work accomplished in the first quarter of the year, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has noted that they demonstrate steady development of our state in tune with the programs adopted. Since the start of the year, the GDP growth rate remains sustainably at the level of 6.2 percent, and the wage rates increased by 10 percent.

In the country, construction is in progress of large objects of industrial and social purpose, including construction of new settlements, residential houses, entertainment and recreation centers, schools, kindergartens, and many others.

In tune with the plans adopted, reforms are ongoing in the system of science and education; the industrial segment is modernized, and market-style economy is being formed.

New oil/gas deposits are being developed; construction is ongoing of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission and communication lines and of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline; realization is planned of other international projects.

The head of state has also noted that the strategy is pursued of rendering support to the development of private sector, wide attraction of entrepreneurs to realization of the reforms in our economy.

In the light of revamping of the sovereign Turkmen state’s political system, not the least important is to take effective measures aimed at putting into life of the Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in 2022-2052.

Besides, we ought to analyze all sectoral programs adopted in different years and bring then in compliance with the Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in 2022-2052. 

Well-organized preparation to the measures on the occasion of the remarkable dates – jubilee of Constitution, independence and neutrality holidays, were ranked among the priority directions of future work.

The policy will be pursued aimed at digitization, creation of import-substituting industries, increase of export of domestic produce, attraction of investments, and increase of foreign currency earnings.

It is also advisable to carry out the reforms on upgrading of the public management system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, having made accent on the necessity to minimize the unforeseeable and administrative spending and exercise tough control over execution of the State Budget.

At the same time, the importance was stressed of widespread adoption of market-style methods in the monetary-credit and financial systems, of taking workable measures on diversification of the economy, enhancement of share of the private sector and motivation of its active role in the economy of the country.

To further improve and revamp the activity of the country’s oil/gas sector and the AIC, at the session the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on introducing the positions of Counselors on the oil/gas and agrarian affairs.

The relevant presidential Ukases sanctioned appointments of the Counselor of President of Turkmenistan on the oil/gas affairs and the Counselor of President of Turkmenistan on agriculture affairs.

The head of state has approved the State Program for 2022-2028 on considerate attitude and preservation of the objects of the National Historical-Cultural Heritage, their protection and investigation, attraction of tourists. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has also signed the Resolution on construction in Turkmenbashy (Balkan velayat) of the five 4-story 60-apartment houses replete with every modern comfort intended for the staffers of enterprises of the transport-communication complex answerable to «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Agency.

On April 8, a telephone talk was held between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The head of the Turkmen state has congratulated his colleague and in his person the entire friendly people of Russia on the remarkable jubilee – the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation. All throughout these years, the multifaceted interstate dialogue, based on the principles of sincere friendship, trust and neighborliness, advanced successfully in the broad range of directions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed.

In the cause of the telephone talk, the interlocutors were pleased to note positive dynamics of development of ties in the trade-economic, energy, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres.     

Having highlighted meaningfulness of the scheduled visit to Ashgabat of the Governmental delegation of the Russian Federation led by Deputy Chairman of the Government A. Overchuk, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was felt sure that the upcoming opinions exchange would invest in identification of new directions of partnership and would give an additional impulse to strengthening of the mutuality-based cooperation. In this regard, particular role was spotlighted of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation.

On April 9, the head of state has received Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian side’s Co-Chairman of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation A. Overchuk who came to Ashgabat on a working visit as the head of the governmental delegation of his country.

In the course of meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Russian Vice-Premier have spotlighted on the by-now state and prospects for cooperation in the light of the vast potential available for intensification of interaction  in the key directions, including the trade-economic and fuel-energy sector, agriculture, light and processing industry, transport-communications, and a number of other spheres of priority. In this context, special role is assigned to the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation as an effective workable mechanism for realization of the agreements achieved, for increasing and diversifying the interest-based economic ties.

That same day, the MFA hosted the session of the within-named Commission with the participation of chief heads and representatives of a number of government structures, including the leading sectoral ministries and departments, as well as of business communities of the two countries.

In the course of meeting the following priority directions of the bilateral cooperation further development have been identified: trade-economic sphere, fuel-energy sector, power engineering, transport-communications complex, agriculture and a number of other branches. At the same time, the Russian companies have evinced heightened interest in the projects realized in Turkmenistan in different spheres. 

On the whole, the past eventful week was yet another sure sign that the noble ideas of creativity were in the basis of all socially-orientated policy pursued by the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov, aimed at forming of solid foundation for grandiose accomplishments of the Motherland in the era of Revival of New Epoch of the Powerful State.

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