Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Our Motherland – the country where cherished dreams come true and wellbeing reigns
Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Our Motherland – the country where cherished dreams come true and wellbeing reigns
Published 07.03.2022

The meeting of President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the members of Halk Maslakhaty of the first convocation and Mejlis deputies, which was held in the Halk Maslakhaty Office on March 1, was one of the central events of the past week.

In his keynote speech, the head of state gave assessment to the work accomplished, outlined and discussed the tasks of priority to be tackled by the parliamentarians in the next phase of the independent Turkmen state development.

The leader of nation has mapped out concrete measures necessary for rendering legal support in the sphere of protection of human rights and freedoms, in the economy, social and youth policy, science, education, culture, and digital system, environment protection, nature management and agri-industrial complex, in the sphere of Turkmenistan’s foreign-policy, and the activity of local representative government bodies and authorities.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also dwelled on the issues of upgrading the national legislation in the military sphere in tune with Turkmenistan’s peaceful Military Doctrine and modern changes carried out in the system. In particular, not the least important is to make the relevant amendments and addendums in the Laws of Turkmenistan “On military conscription and military service”, “On defense”, “On the State Border of Turkmenistan”.

Protection of children’s rights is traditionally a direction of priority of the state’s social policy and national legislation, the head of state highlighted.

To render social support to the rising generation and children in need of tutelage, promote recovery of their health, create conditions for happy life and for fostering a person’s best qualities, the Charitable Foundation was instituted. Its activity is carried out in strict compliance with the existing legislation in the sphere of maternity and childhood and with other legal acts.

The Children’s Recreation-Rehabilitation Center in the new administrative center of Akhal velayat (150-seat kindergarten, 120-bed hospital and recreation center) will function under the auspices of the Foundation.

Since establishment, the Foundation exercises the right to full-fledged and just participation of needy children in the life of the society and state, which is expressed in rendering to the needy children material support, medical services and medicines, health rehabilitation, education in the secondary and vocational education schools, provision of sport and other necessities.

To cope with difficult tasks, including the ones related to adoption of children, the Elders Council under the Foundation was instituted, which in its activity is governed by Laws of Turkmenistan, national traditions and customs.

Now and in the long term, we would expand and improve the activity of the Charitable Foundation in rendering assistance to the needy children, the leader of nation said and signed the relevant Resolution.

The head of state has also stressed the advisability of elaborating and adopting of the Concept on legislation improvement in the period 2022-2027 in the light of the requirements of new epoch.

Members of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan are to direct all their efforts for elaborating of the laws aimed at ensuring the harmonious development and equality of interests of the state, society, each and every one of the people. These laws are to be directed at strengthening and revamping of our country’s legal system, advancement of cooperation with international organizations and states of the planet, the head of state stressed.

Successful realization of the programs aimed at the Motherland’s further socioeconomic development, consistent democratization of the society, satisfaction of everyday needs and demands of the population are the tasks of paramount importance in the foreseeable future.

In this regard, not the least significant is development of the regions, attraction of investments, and widespread adoption of advanced hardware and technologies, enhancement of import-substituting industries, the sphere of services, creation of additional workplaces. Construction of the affordable housing facilities for the population is yet another task of top-level priority.

In conclusion, President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan on the Plan-2022 of Joint Works and Measures on major directions of activity of Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.

“It’s my firm belief – we’ll reach still greater heights, because our wonderful country, our beloved Motherland – is our native land Turkmenistan, where cherished dreams come true and wellbeing reigns!” – the leader of nation said.

Early last week, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held an online working session to broach for discussion the issues of socioeconomic development of the capital and regions.

Via the direct visual-communication channel, the head of state was familiarized with the progress of current field works implemented in the daikhan associations of Akhal, Balkan, Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, as well as with the implementation progress of the spring lambing campaign in Mary velayat.

In velayats of the country, preparation measures are taken for effective conducting of the cotton-seeding campaign, for maintenance and repair of agri-machinery and hardware, supply of the farmers with cotton seeds, managing the fields planted to wheat fields, sowing of potato, onion and other vegetable crops.

Welcoming great contribution of agri-toilers to strengthening of the country’s food abundance, the head of state has addressed them with «Armaň!» (“I wish you never know tiredness”) – a national labor-encouraging greeting and wish to be successful in tackling of the tasks set.

In compliance with an age-old national tradition, in response to the inspirational “Arman” people say «Bar boluň!» (“Stay in wellbeing”) and «Özüňiz hem armaň!» (“I also wish You never know tiredness”), and then the leader of nation completes the greeting ritual with «Bar boluň!».

The digital format is an opportunity to create an effect of presence at the seasonal flower-planting action in the capital in the neighborhoods of «Abadançylyk» building (Archabil Avenue).

Summing up the outcomes of session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that provision of food abundance, growth of people’s wellbeing, all-round development of the country, realization of the programs approved are our key goal. In this regard, each and every one of senior officials is to execute their duties with all due responsibility, selflessness, and good faith.

The running year’s two-month activity of military and law enforcement agencies, as well as urgent tasks on further improvement of their activity, solution of social issues were in the focus of the State Security Council’s regular session, which President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted on March 2.

The attention of session’s attendees the head of state has concentrated on the countrywide social-political campaign – elections of President of Turkmenistan. In this context, the errands were given related to the legal norms about ex-President, established on the basis of Articles of the Constitution of the country.

The leader of nation has also signed the Resolution “On approval of the State Program on ensuring cyber-security in Turkmenistan in 2022-2025”.

On March 3, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya Herman.

In the course of meeting, consideration was given to the outcomes of the 30-year productive cooperation. All through this period, Turkmenistan has become one of the active members of the UN, a reliable and strategic partner in the cause of safeguarding peace, security and sustainable development.

The head of state has concentrated attention on the off-year Presidency elections in Turkmenistan, which will be held on March 12.

As was noted, nowadays, all necessary measures are taken to conduct the election campaign maximum free, transparent and democratic on the basis of the worldwide admitted norms and standards. Along with national observers, the elections will be monitored by the observers from foreign countries and a number of international organizations, including the CIS, ShCO, OSCE, and TURKSOY.

In this regard, the leader of nation has invited the UN core experts to render assistance in holding Presidency elections in Turkmenistan in order to ensure objective assessment of the election process.

On March 4, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held an online session of the Cabinet of Ministers to draw together conclusions from the running year’s two-month activity of the branches of national economy and consider a number of focal issues of the state life.

As compared with last year’s similar period, the January-February-2022 macroeconomic indicators increased on the whole by 10.7 percent.

Over the reporting period, the retail trade turnover increased by 10.6 percent, foreign trade turnover – by 30.7 percent.

The revenue part of State Budget was executed at the level of 106.1 percent, expenditure – 96.9 percent.

Average wage rate over the reporting period in the sphere of large and medium-sized enterprises increased by 10.4 percent; wages and salaries, pensions, state allowances, and student scholarships were in-full funded.

In the frames of the redrafted National Rural Areas Development Program, construction was kept going of 101 objects of social purpose, 35 water treatment facilities, over 326,000 sq m housing construction, and infrastructure systems.

The two-month macroeconomic indicators have confirmed that our independent Motherland continues to sustainably develop; the two-month GDP growth rates remain at the level of 6.2 percent, the head of state noted.

Over the period under review, the growth rates in agriculture were 3.2 percent; in the trade – 8.8 percent; transport and communications – 4 percent; large-scale construction is in progress of various objects (basically of social purpose, US $37 billion total budget); the majority of them are being built by local construction organizations.

At the same time, given the by-now global economic situation, not the least significant is to keep up the growth rates achieved. To this end, it is necessary to intensively continue to implement the economic and social reforms, revamp the spheres of science, education and health, digitization and ecology.

Concentrating attention on the upcoming Presidency elections, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has exhorted to ensure high organizational level of the voting process at the polling stations in the abroad embassies and consulates of Turkmenistan.

The head of state has also noted the necessity to render all-round assistance to foreign observers, create the relevant organizational-technical and legal conditions for monitoring of the election campaign, for due execution of their mission.

Besides, the head of state has assigned to make the List of the planned international measures with the participation of the newly-elected President of Turkmenistan.

Having offered cordial congratulations to all countrymen on the incoming International Women’s Day, the head of state has signed the Ukase on conferring the honorable title of Turkmenistan «Ene mähri» on mothers of many children (who gave birth to eight and more children) and informed about his decision to donate them new modern apartments.

The leader of nation has also signed the Resolution on conducting of the nationwide tree-planting action on March 20, and the Order on realization of the measures related to commissioning of various objects included in the Investment Program-2022.

On March 2, 30 years have passed since acceding of Turkmenistan to the United Nations Organization. A number of measures were timed to that remarkable event to demonstrate constructiveness and effectiveness of cooperation of Turkmenistan with the UN.

The solemn meeting under the title “Turkmenistan and the United Nations Organization: dialogue as a guarantee of peace and development”, which was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the hybrid format, was attended by the chief heads of diplomatic missions and representative offices of reputable organizations working in Turkmenistan, officers of diplomatic service of the country, and representatives of the media community.

The meeting participants have noted the importance of the dialogue between Turkmenistan and the UN in strengthening of the constructive international partnership in the name of peace, security, and welfare.

In the frames of the action, a number of bilateral documents were signed.

Preparations to the main event in the country’s social-political life – March-12 Presidency elections – come now into the finishing stretch. The election campaign is of exclusive importance for further democratization of the society and understanding by each citizen of responsibility for the future of our Motherland.

Exercising equal rights and possibilities for freedom of agitation, the nine nominees for the highest state post make speeches at the pre-election sessions, meetings, in mass media on the basics of their pre-election programs, answer numerous questions of voters.

As the CEC informs, all phases of the pre-election campaign were organized in proper time, in compliance with the requirements of the existing national legislation and generally-admitted international standards. 2,577 polling stations of the country and 41polling stations of the abroad diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan are fully ready for the election campaign.

On March 2, in compliance with the Election Code, the early-vote procedure (absentee voting) started, intended for the citizens who for some reason or other will be away from their polling stations on Election Day and will be unable to vote for the worthiest candidate.

The objectivity of the election process will be buttressed by the participation in it of the national and international observers from the CIS invited on the imitative of the Turkmen side. They all are free to visit polling stations of the capital and all velayats of the country prior to elections and on Election Day.

Under the OSCE Center support, Ashgabat hosted the two-day seminar on the issues of pre-election and election campaigns, organization of election processes.

In the frames of the event, which was attended by representatives of different ministries and governmental bodies of Turkmenistan, political parties and social organizations, a presentation was held in tune with international experience of organizing election processes.

Last week, Ashgabat hosted the 1st Summit of the Program of Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) “Women in the power engineering: gender equality toward 2030 – time of changes”, which was organized by the Asian Development Bank.

The forum has broached for discussion the issues of women’s role in power engineering and ecology protection; the future-orientated tasks were identified.

Ashgabat has also hosted the WHO and UNICEF joint briefing intended for media on the relevant information exchange. The speakers have highlighted that promptly responding to coronavirus outbreak, Turkmenistan places particular accent on the infectious and non-infectious disease prevention, advancement of the ideas of healthy life style, and stands for international cooperation in this sphere – the fact of particular importance in the existing conditions.

Thus, the events of the past week have clearly demonstrated great changes ongoing in the country linked with democratization of the society, fast-track industrialization of the entire national-economy complex, creation of most advantageous conditions for the life of people, which is a strategic task of all reforms implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the era of Revival of new epoch of the powerful Turkmen state.

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