Events of the week
The cornerstone of Motherland’s achievements – the inviolable unity of the state and society
Events of the week
The cornerstone of Motherland’s achievements – the inviolable unity of the state and society
Published 20.02.2022

Day by day, preparatory work for the crucial socio-political campaign – the elections of President of Turkmenistan scheduled for March 12, 2022 – is gathering speed. The significance of the event is of multifaceted character, for it, first of all, will reflect the fate of the country and all Turkmen citizens, who will take part in the elections, and, being aware of the complicity to ruling over the society and state affairs, they will outpour their profound belief in the Motherland’s prosperous future.  

At present, in the nomination phase of election campaign, the political parties and initiative groups of citizens of the country put forward the worthiest candidates for the Presidency – the highest state post.

On February 14, at the extraordinary, IX Congress of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, the decision was approved on nominating Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov as a candidate for the Presidency.

At the extraordinary IV Congress of the Agrarian Party of the country, which was held on February 15, deputy khyakim of Mary velayat Agajan Bekmyradov was nominated for the highest state position.

In the frames of the pre-election campaign, the meetings of initiative groups of citizens on nominating the worthiest presidential contenders were held in a number of regions of the country. 

Thus, the voters in Lebap velayat placed high trust in Director of the Financial-Economic Secondary Vocational School Perhat Begenjov, and in Balkan velayat – in the Head Doctor of “Avaza” sanatorium of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Deputy of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh Berdymammet Gurbanov

After the procedure of registration in the Central Election Commission, the candidates for the Presidency were presented with the relevant certificates.

On February 19, in the frames of the pre-election Presidency campaign, the meetings were held in Akhal and Mary velayats. By results of meetings, the chief head of the sanitary-epidemiological service of Babadaikhan etrap, Akhal velayat, Maksatmyrat Ovezgeldiyev and in Mary velayat – Director of the scientific-production center “Renewable energy sources” of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan Kakageldi Saryev were nominated as candidates for the highest state position.

As of now, the nomination phase of the election campaign is ongoing. Soon, the names of other presidential nominees will become known, testifying to the alternative character of the upcoming Presidency elections notable for publicity and transparency.

  Proceeding to the past week’s chronology of events, worth of mentioning is a February-14 telephone talk between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev.

The leaders of two countries exchanged opinions on the current level and prospects for the interstate dialogue advancement.

Particular attention was given to the issues of interaction in the sphere of transport, enhancement of the international cargo traffic routes and reciprocal trade turnover. Consideration was also given to the aspects of cooperation in the FEC and AIC complexes.

The sides have expressed readiness, in the years ahead to expand political, economic and spiritual-cultural ties between the two friendly state and their peoples.

On February 15, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted an online working session, the agenda of which implied intensification of international cooperation, implementation progress of seasonal agri-works in the fields of the country.

Nowadays, all branches of the national economy are advancing on the multi-vector basis, international partnership – on the basic directions. It was highlighted that implementation of the agreements by results of top-level meetings would promote expansion of the interstate economic relations, the head of state noted.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan has exhorted to study the proposal, which was avowed in the frames of the Kazakhstan governmental delegation visit to our country, on construction by the Kazakh side of the processing industrial complex on the Turkmen-Afghan border. It will have tremendous significance for further intensification of bilateral relations and creation of new workplaces. 

The industrial complex is projected to be built in the territory of Serhetabat etrap, Mary velayat, which possesses the necessary infrastructure, including motor and railway roads.

The leader of nation has also ordered to thoroughly study the issues of the Turkmen natural gas transit supplies to the countries of the Middle and Near East via the territories of neighboring states and take necessary measures on coordinating Turkmenistan’s strategic activity in the structure of international relations.

Having highlighted that the development-favored activities ongoing in the capital are to be exemplary in every respect, the head of state expressed displeasure with the by-now rates of construction. Of no less importance is exercising of systemic monitoring over construction of new objects, including construction of high education schools, as well as over the level of improvement, landscaping and ecology in the country’s main city. 

On February 16, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the credentials from the newly-appointed UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan Ms. Narine Saakyan.

The talk was concentrated on the implementation progress of joint projects, on the prospects for the future-orientated work aimed at the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, adapted by Turkmenistan at the national level among the first states of the world.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the UNDP Resident Representative has one more time extended her congratulations to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the entire Turkmen people on adoption of the new National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development for the upcoming 30-year period.

On February 17, the leader of nation made a working helicopter round of the capital to get acquainted with the urban infrastructure development rates and with commencement of construction of the next phase of Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed autobahn in the territory of Babadaikhan etrap.

In the course of the helicopter round of Ashgabat, the head of state has examined the Magtymguly Fragi Cultural- Park Complex in the Kopetdag foothills, the construction of which, including the works on neighborhoods improvement and landscaping, is at the final stage.

In that same part of the city, specialists of the “CS “Vozrozhdeniye” (The Russian Federation) are engaged in construction of the reservoir for collecting rain and mudslide waters.

The leader of nation has also inspected construction progress of the residential complex Gurtly and Trade-Entertainment Center in the propinquity to the “Garagum” hotel with multi-sectoral business-center.

On arrival to the Tejen-Mary initial section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat autobahn, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the work progress in the adjacent land areas, had a talk to a machine operator and daikhan-tenant engaged in planting of potato at the fields of daikhan association named after Yusup Gurbanov, evinced interest in their labor and life conditions, supply of the farmers with all necessities.

Then, for the head of state the presentation was organized of specimens of powerful machinery from world-renowned manufacturers (which over recent years is actively used in construction of the road-transport infrastructure objects), the charts of new road routes, draft designs of special-purpose objects to be built along the highway. 

The autobahn is one of the largest projects in the transport sphere of Turkmenistan, which is assigned to provide integration of transit-transport routes into a ramified system of roads stretching up to the Asian-Pacific region. Thus, the country will have a new high-speed highway, which will promote efficient and inexpensive long-haul cargo traffic and fast-track development of regional economy.

Priority issues of the state life were on the agenda of the enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers with the participation of members of the State Security Council, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted in the Ruhyet Palace on February 18. 

In particular, information was avowed about further development of the insurance activity in the country, upgrading of the oil-processing industry, production of import-substituting chemicals on the basis of local raw resources, realization of the state strategy on environment protection and provision of ecological wealth in the country. 

Consideration was also given to improvement of the national legislation, work on making a list of major buildings and structures of the industrial and social purposes, which would be commissioned in 2022, and preparation of cultural measures on the occasion of International Woman’s Day.

Drafts of the National Program on turning Turkmenistan into the tobacco-free country in 2022-2025 and the Action Plan on realization of the Program were submitted to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for consideration. The Program is assigned to increase the number of adherents to the principles of the healthy life style, decrease the morbidity level posed by harmful habits, increase average life expectancy of the Turkmen people.

Information was also avowed about drafting by «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Agency in tune with Law of Turkmenistan “On information and its protection” of the Regulations on the State Register of national electronic communications systems and the State Register of the developers of national electronic communications systems, the Statute of the Interdepartmental Commission on the within-named Registers and its membership.

The within-named documents are aimed at increasing the quantity of national electronic communications systems, their enhancement and advancement in the country to tackle the tasks ensuing from the National Program of the digital economy advancement in 2021-2025.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted that digitization is regarded as a factor of priority for further advancement of Turkmen economy. The concept of the digital economy advancement in 2019-2025 is aimed to increase the effectiveness of functioning of different branches and social sphere of the country through widespread adoption of information technologies.

Close attention is to be given to further improvement of work and consistent putting into life of large projects, the leader of nation said, having exhorted the head of Agency to take concrete measures to cope with the plans outlined in this sphere.

Development of a new Concept of Turkmenistan’s foreign-policy course in the frames of the National Program of the country’s development in 2022-2052 (adopted at the historical session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh on February 11) was yet another subject of the session.

On approval of the proposal, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has signed the relevant Resolution.

Besides, the head of state signed: the Resolutions “On planting trees in Turkmenistan in 2022”, “On purchasing of chemicals for agricultural crops”, “On sales of cotton produce to the Textiles Ministry of Turkmenistan”; an Order aimed at regulating preferential rates in container traffic; the Procedure of compulsory personal insurance of servicemen, citizens called up for military training courses, and staffers of law enforcement agencies, and payment to them of sums insured; and the Procedure of giving transponders of spacecrafts to juridical and natural persons.

At the session, the leader of nation has extended his heartfelt congratulations to the officers of diplomatic service of the country on the occasion of Diplomatic Officials Day of Turkmenistan, which is annually countrywide celebrated in the neutral Motherland.  The leader of nation expressed confidence that now and in the long term, the diplomats would invest considerably in the comprehensive development of the political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian cooperation in the sphere of regional and international relations.

On completion of the enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers with the participation of members of the State Security Council, a solemn ceremony was held of awarding «Türkmenistanyň ussat diplomaty» distinguishing badge to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for his weighty contribution to strengthening and expanding of productive relations of the independent neutral Motherland with the states of the world and reputable international organizations.

Grateful for the award, President of the country has noted that he regards it as the expression of enormous trust and infinite homage the event attendees and countrymen pay to him. 

The head of Turkmenistan has also informed that he finished the work over one more his book – «Abadançylygyň röwşen gadamlary», which is a collection of his speeches in front of the community. 

Presentation of the new book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was held in the conference hall of the Institute of International Relations on February 19.

Last week, Ashgabat hosted the online Subregional Consultations for the Central Asian states on preparations to the 66th session of the Commission on Status of Women. Dedicated to the issues of gender equality in the context of climate change, the event was organized by Turkmenistan and the Regional Office of the “UN – Women” Structure for the countries of Europe and Central Asia. 

The stirring atmosphere of the holiday set the tone for the solemn ceremony that was held last week in the conference-hall of Culture House of Dyanev etrap, Lebap velayat, – the ceremony of presenting the meritorious award to the etrap – the winner of the contest for the country’s best region by results of 2020.

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country hosted the scientific conference “Dialogue – a guarantee of peace” dedicated to Diplomatic Officials Day, annually celebrated in the country on February 18.  

The forum was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps of Turkmenistan, diplomatic missions accredited to our country and reputable organizations, faculties of high education schools, media, and student youth.

In his Address on the occasion of the professional holiday, the leader of nation has expressed confidence that on the basis of the Program “Revival of new epoch of the powerful state: National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in 2022-2052” , which was adopted at the recent session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, our diplomatic service will take active part in advancement of our exemplary policy, which appeals to improve universal human relations through guarantees of peace and security in the foreign-policy strategy, as well as in further enhancement of independent neutral Turkmenistan’s global name recognition.   

In their speeches the participants of conference have noted that the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s proposal on advancement of the Global initiative “Dialogue – a guarantee of peace” is aimed at consolidation of all countries’ efforts for strengthening of traditions of peaceful coexistence of nations, culture of peace and trust in interrelations. Based on the well-defined political criteria, healthy and positive pragmatism, generally-admitted and understandable human values, the new philosophy is regarded as a meaningful factor, which has an influence on the positive development of international economic and political processes. 

On February 20, the President of Turkmenistan at the wheel of sport car made a ride in the wide expanses of the Karakum Desert. Masterly overcoming turns and bends in the Amul-Hazar route, the head of state has demonstrated one more time his splendid auto racing skills.

Auto racing becomes more and more popular sport discipline in our country. The leader of nation feels sure that the auto racing sport develops in man such qualities as dexterity and ability to cope with difficult situations, as well as it promotes health.

Last week’s events, like every day of the era of Revival of new epoch of the powerful state, were marked with  other achievements of the creative labor of our people in the name of universal peace, security and prosperity of the beloved Motherland, thereby demonstrating eloquently the triumph of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s socially-orientated policy buttressed by the country’s powerful economic potential, glorious pages of history of the Motherland, unique heritage and spiritual strength of the nation.

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