Events of the week
In the interests of universal peace and sustainable development
Events of the week
In the interests of universal peace and sustainable development
Published 30.01.2022

The past eventful week was a tangible evidence of successful realization of the state strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, invariably committed to the course of constructive and interest-based dialogue in solving of the global and regional issues in the name of peace and progress, of the Motherland’s economic power and people’s welfare buildup.

The priority tasks of socioeconomic development of velayats, implementation progress of seasonal agri-works, measures aimed at realization of the national reform-based programs were included into the agenda of working online session on January 24.

Having concentrated attention on high-quality and timely realization of all scheduled agri-measures in tune with immutable requirements of agri-technology standards, the head of state has exhorted the officials concerned to get the within-named issues under tough control.

The leader of nation has stressed the importance of timely and proper implementation of works aimed at comprehensive development of the capital.

At the same time, the head of Turkmenistan has exhorted the senior officials concerned to keep ongoing the checkup of the existing roads condition and construction of new ones, of efficient employment of the relevant equipment and machinery transferred to khyakimliks, as well as to prepare the proposals on accelerating and upgrading of road-building works.

On January 25, on the invitation of Chairman of the Chinese People’s Republic Xi Jinping, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the online Summit on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Central Asian countries.

In his speech the Turkmen leader has noted that after obtaining independence the states of Central Asia received comprehensive support from the CPR, which was among the first to open its diplomatic missions in the capitals of states of the region.

Nowadays, cooperation of our countries has a marked constructive influence on safeguarding of universal peace and stability based on likeliness or coincidence of our approaches to the fundamental issues of global agenda, the leader of nation said. At the same time, China and the countries of Central Asia stand for equality and justice in international affairs, unconditional respect for territorial integrity, and noninterference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, for realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. They maintain the measures undertaken by the global community of nations to efficiently counteract international terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, new challenges, including in the cyber- and bio-security spheres.

As the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted at the International conference “Policy of peace and trust – a capstone of international security, stability and development”, which was held in Ashgabat on December 11, 2021, Turkmenistan has initiated a new philosophy of international relations. We named it as “Dialogue – a guarantee of peace”, the President of the country reminded, having thereto highlighted that Turkmenistan regards the Chinese People’s Republic and the countries of Central Asia as its key partners, which share our views and ideas in effective putting this formula into international practice.

The countries’ combined potential together with powerful resource, industrial and technological base opens wide prospects for cooperation in the economy, the Turkmen leader stressed. One of its priorities is the fuel-and-energy sphere, notable for its top-level project – construction and commissioning late in 2009 of the Turkmenistan-China strategic gas pipeline running via the territories of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. And today, Turkmenistan is ready to pointedly discuss the issues of increasing the natural gas deliveries to the CPR by means of construction of the 4th section of the gas pipeline.

At the same time, availability of the objective reciprocal interests enables the countries of Central Asia and Chine to successfully buildup partnership in the transport sphere.

In this regard, “Revivification of the Great Silk Road” – the project initiated by the Turkmen side, is assigned to have a catalytic effect on the economic development in Eurasia, integrating vast spaces from the Pacific to Atlantic Oceans on modern principles, forming the intertwined industrial and technological cycles and industrial zones, promoting solution of numerous social problems and rise of quality of life and nations’ welfare.

In his speech, the head of Turkmenistan has switched the main focus of attention to joint combating spread and consequences of coronavirus, which as before remains to be an urgent task. In this regard, a proposal was avowed on developing in the Central Asia-China format of the mechanism of regular meetings between representatives of the scientific-medical communities of our countries, epidemiological and sanitary services, other relevant agencies and departments, and on organizing of such first meeting in the running year.

In turn, highlighting the by-now high dynamics of the Chinese-Turkmen relations development, the CPR Chairman has placed accent on active advancement of partnership in the energy and some other sectors of economy, which brings tangible results.

The head of the friendly country placed particular emphasis on vast future-orientated prospects for cooperation in the FEC in the light of joint plans for increasing the volumes of the natural gas deliveries to the Chinese People’s Republic and construction of the 4th branch line of the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline. He also expressed confidence in successful continuation of effective interaction in other spheres of economy.

The issues pertaining to the oil/gas sector development were in the focus of agenda of the January-26 working session President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted with the participation of senior officials of the financial-economic and FEC complexes.

In the course of meeting, information was presented about the volumes of investments channeled to fund the Programs of the country’s oil/gas complex development in 2019-2025, commissioning of digital system in the FEC, and realization of changes in the sector.

The results were announced of exploration works aimed at increasing of the natural gas production volumes and development of new deposits.

Not the least important for the economy is the activity of banks on funding of the oil/gas complex and successful implementation of the tasks in this sphere, the head of state noted.

To promote further advancement of the branch, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on assigning funds to “Turkmengaz” State Concern – 159 million 530 thousand 900 manats, and to “Turkmengeology” State Corporation – 75 million manats.

That same day, the head of state held a working session with the participation of heads of the country’s financial-economic sector to consider key aspects of the banking sector activity further improvement.

Particular attention was given to the development of the program document – “Revivification of new epoch of the sovereign state: National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in 2022-2052:”, which includes necessary measures on political, economic, social and cultural development of our state in the upcoming 30 years, as well as on strengthening of fundamental principles of national independence and neutrality.

Identifying concrete tasks set to the structures of the financial-economic sector, the leader of nation has pointed to the importance of the country’s monetary policy improvement, financial resources management, provision of effective use of loans directed to the economy.

To intensify the country’s investment activity, it is necessary to keep on funding of the projects implemented by small and medium-sized enterprises. In this context, we are to effectively interact with different international financial organizations, notably with International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank.

Of no less importance is to get realization of measures enshrined in the state programs in the sphere of banking system under control and coordinate the works in this direction, the head of Turkmenistan stressed.

In the Action Strategy on development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052, it is necessary to envisage an increase of quality and gamut of banking services rendered to the population.

In the running year, practical steps are to be taken on further strengthening of the country’s potential, ensuring high rates of economic and social development, the head of state noted, having concentrated attention on the importance of budget revenues increase and advancement of market relations in the economy.

At the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has approved the Turkmen side’s composition of the Joint Turkmen-Tatar Workgroup on trade-economic, scientific-technical, and cultural cooperation.

On January 27, Motherland’s Defenders Day was solemnly countrywide celebrated.

In the Central Officers Club of Defense Ministry, with the participation of President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a solemn meeting was held, which included the ceremony of conferring state awards and military ranks on the particularly distinguished officers of security agencies of the country.

In his speech, having highlighted significant role of the military and law enforcement structures, of valorous defenders of Motherland in particular, in keeping public tranquility in the country and happy life of the people, the head of state has extended to the people assembled his cordial congratulations on Motherland’s Defenders Day, included as a landmark event in the national calendar.

In the frames of the festive program, the ceremony of laying foundation of new buildings of the Defense Ministry’s 1st Specialized Military School named after Berdimuhamed Annayev was held.

After familiarization with drafts and schemes of the objects’ location sites, President of Turkmenistan made some remarks and corrections, having thereto avowed basic requirements – to knit the achievements of national architectural art to the advanced practice; to use innovatory methods, digital systems in construction of buildings; to ensure high quality and timely completion of construction works.

By tradition, the head of state threw the first spade of concrete mix into the foundation of the would-be new complex, having also put there a capsule with a commemorative message to the descendants on the occasion of the remarkable event.

On January 27, on the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the First Summit “Central Asia-India” in the format of videoconferencing. Worth of noting is the fact that the current 2022 year is remarkable for the states of the region and India as a jubilee date – the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations.

In his speech at the Summit, the head of state has noted that the present meeting is assigned to bring the relations of Central Asian states and India at new levels. Our country considers the event as an important step toward creating in concept of a full-scale format of cooperation.

–  We rely on the fundamental values and civilized rapprochement of nations. Central Asia and India have at their disposal huge human, industrial, natural, and technological potential. This resource is objectively assigned to strengthen our economic influence and political meaningfulness in the present and future order-and-management global system, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The leader of nation has stressed that nowadays, under existing conditions of the international situation aggravation, escalation of conflicts, and diffusion (sometimes open neglect) of the standards of international law, of particular importance is responsibility and reasoning, but at the same time – resoluteness and firmness to oppose these dangerous tendencies, together combat terrorism, radicalism and extremism, organized crime.

In this context, the President of Turkmenistan has noted the advisability of establishing of the “Central Asia-India” Summit Secretariat and constructiveness of the idea of the “Central Asia-India” Parliamentary Forum. Initiating the proposal on regular Dialogue at the level of security advisers, the Turkmen leader has expressed opinion that so multilateral a format of cooperation is capable to become a workable factor of the interstate political interaction expansion.

The head of state has particularly noted that Turkmenistan directs its efforts to achieve this goal. Having put forward an initiative, in fact – a new philosophy of international relations “Dialogue – a guarantee of peace”, our country counts on integration of all responsible and healthy forces on the global political arena. And certainly, we are firm believers in supporting of our position by the states of Central Asia and India, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having avowed the proposal on establishing of systemic joint work in international organizations, first of the first in the UN.

The Turkmen leader has highlighted that cooperation between the countries of the region and India is assigned to promote an accelerated economic growth, establish the effective transport, energy, technological system capable to guarantee to our countries competitive advantages and modern level of integration into the main processes of development.

Notable for rich natural resources, the Central Asian states are nowadays capable to seriously work over creating of the “Central Asia-India” energy bridge. In particular, at present, our country in association with its partners is realizing the large-scale energy project – Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

To solve the issues of cargoes and services free traffic between India and Central Asia, our country supports the Indian side’s proposals on including Chabahar port into the structure of the North-South International transport corridor and on establishing of the relevant Joint Workgroup. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed to consider the issue on including Turkmenbashy seaport into the within-named transit direction.

Besides, the leader of nation has avowed the proposal on establishing of the “Central Asia-India” Medical Association to combat infectious diseases.

Having stressed that on the whole enhancement of interaction in the cultural-humanitarian sphere is regarded as a possibility of strengthening good neighborliness, rapprochement and understanding between the nations, the head of state has proposed to organize in the jubilee year a series of joint cultural measures in the towns of our region and India.

 On January 27, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a working meeting dedicated to the important policy document to be discussed at the upcoming session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh – “Revivification of new epoch of the sovereign state: National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in 2022-2052”.

On the preparation progress of the Program the leader of nation was informed at the regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers on January 28.

To promote the country’s political, economic, social and cultural development in the forthcoming 30 years, the within-named Program outlines implementation of a number of tasks, such as: structural rebuilding of the economy; further introduction of new most effective mechanisms in the market-oriented environment; preservation of macroeconomic and financial stability; rational use of natural resources; dynamical development of the industrial and oil/gas complexes through diversification of production facilities, innovatory technologies and complete employment of production capacities; application of renewable energy sources, including studies of international cooperation in the hydrogen power engineering; environment protection; realization of the “green economy” policy; widespread adoption of digital economy and digital technologies; formation of multimodal corridors and routes through effective use of the advantageous economic-and-geographic location; creation of advantageous conditions for development of the transport-logistics system; provision of food abundance security at the expense of high-effective use of land and water resources, production of the ecology-healthy agri-products; dynamic development of the competitive, export-orientated and import-substituting industries; strengthening of the role of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship at the expense of bettering the entrepreneurship environment; considerable increase of the private sector’s share in the GDP; activation of the state-private partnership; putting into life of the effective investment policy; wide attraction of foreign investments on beneficial terms; cardinal improvement of social and life conditions of the population at the expense of dynamic, steady and comprehensive development of the national economy.

Among other subjects of the agenda of the governmental session worth of mentioning are – the state of affairs in the FEC, implementation progress of reforms ongoing in agriculture; announcement of the contest «Çalsana, bagşy!» among dutar players and bakhshi singers; training and educating of young scientists for various spheres of science; development of brand signs for the produce of textile enterprises; conducting of sectoral exhibitions, fairs, conferences and festivals in 2022; the activity of Interior Ministry’s agencies in the sphere of issuing passports and registering the population.

Consideration was also given to enhancement of cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations in such focal directions as climate change, environment protection, rational nature management, and provision of ecological security.

Thus, in compliance with the National Climate Change Strategy of Turkmenistan a document was worked out on decreasing in our country of greenhouse gaseous emissions by 2030. To this end, the document incorporates also the appropriate measures.

In the context of multilateral partnership advancement, it is proposed to arrange systemic interaction with the UN Technologies and Climate Change Center.

Not the least important is expansion of cooperation with UNIDO – a specialized structure of the UN in the sphere of ecology-safe economy and industry. In association with that structure on the systemic basis, concrete projects are realized aimed at implementation of Turkmenistan’s commitments enshrined in the Montreal Protocol on the substances destroying the ozone layer and Vienna Convention on ozone layer protection. Nowadays, the issue-related documents are developed on a number of core projects. The Minister of Agriculture and Environment Protection is proposed to be an assignee of the documents from the Turkmen side.

Information was presented about development of Turkmenistan’s Investment Program-2022. In the frames of the Program, implementation will be kept going of such international and regional projects as construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission line, completion of the first stage of construction of the new modern administrative center of Akhal velayat.

To improve social and life conditions of the country’s population, considerable investments will be channeled to construction of residential houses, health institutions, schools and kindergartens, roads, water-, gas-, and energy-systems, waste water treatment facilities.

The head of state was informed about organizational management of the work and other services at the border railway station Serhetyaka, schedule of freight cars receipt and shipment, list of locomotives used in the international corridor “North-South”, and organizational conditions of their effective employment.

Information was also avowed about the work of the marshalling yard of Bereket station, attraction of additional workforce, increase of the number of diesel locomotives employed in the railways Bereket-Serhetyaka and Bereket-Akyaila, and about construction of the auxiliary railways to increase traffic capacity of this transport center.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that making use of its advantageous geographic location, Turkmenistan seeks to become a large transport-logistic hub in the area of Europe and Asia. In favor of this speaks the fact that in 2021transportation of transit cargoes via the territory of our country increased by 3.5 times.

Having stressed that at present, great attention is given to the comprehensive development and modernization of the country’s railway infrastructure, the head of state concentrated attention on the necessity of its further upgrading and achieving high quality of works.

During the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a number of documents: Resolution on making additional agreements to the contracts made between “Turkmengaz” State Concern and “CNPC” Company for equipping and rendering personal services; Resolution on announcing in the frames of the contest for the prize of the President of Turkmenistan «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» of the creative competition of dutar players and bakhshi singers«Çalsana, bagşy!», the results of which will be summed up in September 2022.

The head of state has also approved the Road Map on advancement of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the sphere of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023, the State Plant Protection Program for 2022-2025, the List of exhibitions, fairs, conferences and festivals to be conducted by ministries and sectoral departments in 2022, and the Procedure of opening, changing and closing bus routes.

Last week, on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the International scientific-practical conference “Turkmen land – the hearth of worldwide recognized cultural values”, was held in Ashgabat.

The decorative-applied art exhibition was organized in the exhibition hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A performance action, in the course of which Alabay dogs have demonstrated wonderful obedience and diligence in executing instructors’ orders and commands, added bright coloring to the event.

The agenda of forum implied such issues as development and popularization of the national dog-breeding experience, salient features of Turkmen Alabay dogs’ training and breeding, archeological findings, ornaments and patterns of Turkmen carpets and other carpet items with woven image of Alabay.

On January 29, on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a regular session of the National Commission of Turkmenistan on the UNESCO Affairs. The agenda of session implied a broad range of issues of cooperation advancement in the frames of that large specialized structure of the United Nations Organization; the plans were outlined of further expansion of interaction, particularly in the context of our country’s proposals on inclusion of national values into the Representative List of Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Mankind. Besides, participants of the National Commission of Turkmenistan on the UNESCO Affairs considered the Action Plan for 2022 and a number of other issues.

Thus, the past eventful week gives a full-scaled picture of the priorities of policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Due to his efforts, from the first days of the running year proclaimed under the motto “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, formation is ongoing of the sustainable system of active interaction of our country with world community; the national economy is consistently strengthened; progressive changes are ongoing aimed at further growth of the people’s well-being and prosperity of the Motherland; large-scale work is in progress on revivification and worldwide popularization of our country’s glorious history, age-old traditions and culture of the Turkmen people.

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