Events of the week
Upward growth of Turkmenistan’s creative and peace-making potential– a pivot of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Events of the week
Upward growth of Turkmenistan’s creative and peace-making potential– a pivot of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Published 16.01.2022

Taking the road of drastic progressive changes, Turkmenistan, day by day, enriches the chronicle of the contemporary epoch of power and happiness with new feats and glorious accomplishments. The foresight and social-orientation, science based approach and complexity of strategic planning of the important reforms ongoing in the country, widespread adoption of market relations and scientific-technical achievements, progressive forms and management methods applied in the national economy underline the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s economic policy.

On January 10, the head of state held an online working session to give consideration to the implementation progress of reforms in different regions of the country and the state of affairs in the agri-industrial complex.

Information was presented on keeping the work going on maintaining neatness and revamp of the country’s main city, securing of the trouble-free functioning of energy-, gas-, and water-supply systems, developing measures for construction of different objects scheduled for 2022.

Consideration was also given to the steps undertaken for modernization of schools’ activity, improvement of instructional and training technology.

Not the least significant are the measures taken on further preservation of the stable epidemiological well-being in the country.

Nowadays, it is impermissible for us to relax, for in the region a new type of coronavirus infection – “omicron” strain, was revealed. In view of the fact that in the summer period the disease exacerbation is anticipated, particular attention is to be given to the disease prevention measures, the head of Turkmenistan noted.

The leader of nation has highlighted that the people’s health and life protection and safeguarding are the major goal of the state policy Our state makes every effort in this direction. The state spares neither strength nor resources to replenish the country’s stockpile of medicinal preparations.

The session participants’ main focus of attention President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has switched to the work on combating the pandemic infection, which makes the global community anxious, on the comprehensive basis and in tune with advanced experience. In this regard, not the least significant is intensification of cooperative relations with the WHO and other reputable international structures and provision of compliance of the pandemic prevention measures with the times.

Of no less importance was the work on strengthening food abundance in the country.

Nowadays, the land areas left vacant after cotton harvesting are to be planted to potato and cucurbitaceous crops. The running year’s 50,450-hectare land area under crop will be expanded to 106,000 hectares.

It is necessary to make every determined effort to efficiently conduct seasonal agri-works in the fields of the country in compliance with agri-technical standards, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Successful implementation of the within-named measures is a key guarantee of tackling the task of strengthening our country’s food abundance and supply of broad assortment of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops to the population. In this regard, the attention is to be focused on the issues of proper employment of arable lands, land and water resources, systematic improvement of deliveries of seeds and other necessary resources to the farmers, the head of state noted.

The President of Turkmenistan has also underscored that along with seasonal agri-works and successful realization of reforms in every corner of the country, of no less importance are the issues social protection of the people.

On January 11, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Turkmenistan Ms. Lucie Wilde, who also conveyed to the Turkmen leader warm words of greetings from the Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Boris Jonson.

In the course of meeting, an exchange of opinions was held on broad range of issues related to intensification of cooperation in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian, and ecological spheres.

Heightened attention was given to the subject of forming in the Eurasian continent of new international transport routes, in particular to such gathering-strength qualitatively-new direction as transport diplomacy, one of the creators of which was our country. It gave a stimulus to the multilateral substantial dialogue in the frames of the UN and other reputable organizations.

Energy safeguarding, diversification of energy supplies to the world markets, settlement of the situation in Afghanistan were sorted out among the priority aspects of cooperative relations.

The sides expressed themselves in favor of strengthening partnership in such strategic spheres as environment protection, adaptation to climate changes, economy digitization, support of the private sector, and so on.

On January 12, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted an enlarged session of the State Security Council to draw together conclusions from the last year’s activity of the military and law enforcement agencies of the country and to identify their near-term tasks of primary importance.

The work of the security structures of the country in 2021was conducted on plan basis, the President of Turkmenistan noted.

The head of state has noted that permanent attention is to be switched to the issues pertaining to the successful implementation of the country’s defensive Military Doctrine, observance of law and order in the country, internal migration activity, raising of qualification and proficiency level of the military staff of Armed Forces, and training of high-class specialists, the head of state noted.

The leader of nation has highlighted that now and in the long term the systematic work will be kept going on strengthening the hardware and logistics base of military and law enforcement structures, on creating every condition for efficient service, labor and recreation.

In the course of session, the documents were signed on changes in personnel.

On January 13, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Balkan velayat to visit “Uzynada” deposit and hold a meeting on further advancement of the oil/gas industry, on unleashing and development of the country’s rich resource potential.

First, the head of state has examined the high-performance equipment used in the FEC sectoral structures and got acquainted with the projects of the Caspian coastal deposits further development.

Strengthening of the branch’s material-technical base, adoption of the advanced modern experience and digital system were also the issues included in the agenda of working meeting.

Discovery of “Uzynada” deposit has confirmed the scientists’ forecasts on the promising oil deposit’s reserves of about 5 million tons.

In compliance with results of geological-prospecting investigations at «Demirgazyk Goturdepe» deposit (a part of«Uzynаda» and «Goturdepe» deposits), as well as to ensure trouble-free work of operating wells (the number of which increases), the long-felt need is apparent to build there a gas-compressor station.

On completion of meeting, the head of state has visited the Caspian fishery zone. During the meeting with fishermen of Esenguly etrap, the head of state evinced interest in the salient features and economic benefit of fishery, conditions of labor and life of fishermen.

The fishermen told that all through the month they go to sea 10-12 times, 3,000 meters off the shore. The catch is about 40-50 kg of fish.

As members of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of the country, the fishermen can sell the fish at any trade outlet and shop and diversify the assortment of product at the expense of fish processing.

Various fish dishes were demonstrated to the head of state.

In appreciation of the leader of nation’s efforts to create proper conditions for productive labor, comfortable recreation and life, the fishermen performed the full-of-inspiration chants inherent to the region, which spread high in the sky above the Grey Hazar.

A number of priority issues of state life were included into the agenda of the Cabinet of Ministers online session, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted on January 14.

In particular, the following issues were broached for discussion: formation of the country’s modern legislative-regulatory base; preparation measures to the Halk Maslakhaty extraordinary session; modernization of the national marine; supplies of agricultural and construction machinery and equipment by “John Deere” Company; improvement of activity of the Intersectoral Commission for regulating export and import of goods; implementation progress of field works.

Particular attention was given to the issues of advancement of the renewable energy sphere in the country.

Thus, in compliance with the Action Plan (approved in April 2019) on realization of the Concept of the Turkmen Lake “Altyn Asyr” region development in 2019-2025, in the territory of Serdar etrap, Balkan velayat, construction is projected of the multipurpose 10-MW solar and wind power plant.

Generating the ecology-friendly energy, the plant will be capable to ensure reliable and trouble-free energy supply to the consumers of the would-be settlements around the Turkmen Lake.

Realization of the project unique in the history of our country will enable to increase the capacities of the branch, train the national demand-driven specialists, and create new workplaces.

In this context, the Energy Ministry conducted the international tender for turn-key construction of the within-named object, procurement of the equipment and materials for construction of the 110 kW power transmission line from “Serdar” power plant. By results of tender, preference was given to the proposal of «Çalik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.» Company (The Turkish Republic).

Given an exclusive demand for unleashing of the “green” energy untapped potential, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed that construction of the cost-effective and environment-friendly objects of alternative energy will directly promote successful realization of all plans outlined, including the ones on advancement and ecological well-being in the Turkmen Lake “Altyn Asyr” region.

The Program of cultural measures outlined for 2022 – the year proclaimed under the motto “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, incorporates a number of cultural-massive measures: different festive events, exhibitions, international online-conferences, meetings, festivals and media-forums. In June, Mary velayat will host Culture Week; the results of the contest for nominating for “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» prize of the President of Turkmenistan and other creative contests will be summed up.

Late in January of the running year, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry will host the international scientific-practical conference and exhibition «Türkmen topragy – dünýä ýaň salan medeni gymmatlyklaryň ojagy».

Having introduced some correctives into the draft Program, the head of Turkmenistan has stressed that all measures outlined for the current year are to promote popularization of the national heritage, the Motherland’s achievements, be attuned to the lofty spirit of the epoch of power and happiness.

In the course of session, the head of state has signed a number of documents. One such is the Resolution on funding (against foreign credit) of the three ship-building projects of «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» Agency of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has approved water-consumption limits at velayat and etrap levels and the Velayat Agri-Crop Zoning Plan-2022, as well as signed the Resolution “On raising the level of cotton crop yield in 2022 in Turkmenistan”. According to the Resolution, in the current year’s season it is envisaged to plant to cotton 580,000-hectare land areas and produce 1million 250 thousand tons of raw cotton.

The leader of nation has also signed the Order on signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan and the Forestry and Animal World Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ecology and Environment Protection State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan – in the sphere of management and protection of the transnational objects “Turan deserts of the temperate zone”, which are nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Among other endorsed documents was yet another Resolution on construction of the enterprise for production of glycyrrhizin acid in the structure of the agri-industrial complex «Buýan» named after S.A.Niyazov (of “Türkmendermansenagat»Association of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan) in the town of Turkmenabat, Lebap velayat.

One more presidential Resolution envisages preparation and participation of the national teams of Turkmenistan in XXXIII Summer Olympics and XVII Summer Paralympics, which will be held in Paris (France) in 2024.

The head of state has approved the Program on advancement of transport diplomacy of the President of Turkmenistan for 2022-2025, which enshrines the strategically important measures aimed at comprehensive modernization of the material-technical base of all types of transport in our country, formation of the modern sophisticated sectoral infrastructure, further strengthening of Turkmenistan’s positions as the regional center of international transport-transit corridors.

The Program implies the following directions: development of legal basics of the sector and international cooperation in this sphere; preparation of the Road-Transport Code of Turkmenistan; effective continuation of the interest-based cooperation with international organizations including the UN and its regional Commissions, International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, International Air Transport Association, International Civil Aviation Organization, Railways Cooperation Organization, International Marine Organization, and so on.

The work will be kept going on initiating membership proceedings on Turkmenistan’s acceding to the Intergovernmental Commission of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia International Transport Corridor, on investigating the possibilities of the universal digital solution adoption in advancement of the multimodal freight traffic – the Global Transit Document.

Besides, in the frames of digitization of the national transport branch, the Program envisions strengthening of well-functional relations with specialized structures of the UN, intensification of work on coordinating the activity of governmental agencies engaged in export-import operations, transport departments inclusive. The document includes also the necessary measures for realization of international and interregional projects, further intensification of functioning of the transport-transit corridors of global importance on the basis of the proposals initiated by the leader of nation.

Moreover, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has signed the Resolution on ratification of some international documents between Turkmenistan and foreign states, as well as the Order on sending to the town of Tashkent (The Republic of Uzbekistan) our country’s delegation led by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov to promote effective development of the interregional cooperation, discuss key directions of the Turkmen-Uzbek trade-economic and political-diplomatic relations, hold meetings and negotiations.

To encourage development of the branch, the head of state has also approved the proposals on the country’s acceding to the agreements on the International Transit Tariff and Single Transit Tariff of the Railways Cooperation Organization. It is necessary to create advantageous conditions for the multimodal logistics and transit communication, which will invest into maximum unleashing of our country’s potential in this sphere, enhancement of the gamut of services with setting in motion of digital technologies.

On January 15, in the frames of the recent visit to the Turkmen capital of the Afghan delegation led by acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Maulvi Amir Khan Mottaki, the negotiations of the two countries’ foreign ministers were held. The sides exchanged opinions on the priority directions of the bilateral agenda, notably in the sphere of political-diplomatic, trade-economic and humanitarian cooperation.

On the whole, the past week’s events were yet another evidence of upward development of our independent neutral state, in which all the changes and grandiose accomplishments realized under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are aimed to achieve the major goal – strengthening of the Motherland’s economic power, increase of its global name recognition, improvement of the Turkmen people’s welfare in the name of happiness of the present and future generations!

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