Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Our Motherland is confidently making headway along the bright way of creativity and achievements
Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Our Motherland is confidently making headway along the bright way of creativity and achievements
Published 03.01.2022

In the inspired and joyful atmosphere, our people saw the New Year 2022, which picked up the baton of successes achieved in every sphere of the national economy complex. Over the past year, under the visionary and farsighted leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a great deal of work was accomplished to strengthen the country’s economic power and obtain steady growth in prosperity of the native people; the interrelations established between the states and international organizations entered on a qualitatively new phase.

The past year’s outcomes and future-oriented plans for 2022 were in the focus of the December-27 final pre-New Year joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council with the participation of khyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city.

The head of Turkmenistan has noted that despite of global problems, the past year was at large successful for our sovereign Motherland. The measures of international importance and festivities dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Motherland’s independence were conducted at a high level; practically all the tasks scheduled were successfully realized.

Speaking of the future-orientated plans, the leader of nation has noted that realization of large-scale changes in the economy, social and ecological spheres will be kept ongoing. Serious attention will be given to satisfying the needs and suggestions of all strata of the population. Strengthening systematically the potential and possibilities of the national health system, in case of need the state will allocate additional funds to promote upgrading and modernization of the hardware and logistics base of the national health system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

At present, of no less importance is consolidation of our society; each and every one of the country’s citizens is to safeguard the Motherland’s sacred independence as the apple of eye, the head of state stressed.

In the years ahead, we will keep on pursuing our foreign-policy course aimed at strengthening of the international security system, promoting thereby enhancement of the role of the United Nations Organization and its structures. Protecting strongly national interests, we will continue to steadily pursue the balanced foreign policy, which has proved its efficiency in the contemporary multipolar world, the Turkmen leader stated.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has affirmed the next year’s slogan – “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, and its emblem, which were developed by results of broad debate of deputies with a glance to the suggestions of the population of the country. 

The leader of nation signed the Ukase on celebrating Turkmen Alabay Holiday annually, on the last Sunday of October.

Having extended New Year’s congratulations to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, State Security Council, and khyakims of velayats, the head of state noted that Leopard Year would be saturated with striking and impressive events. Leopard is a clever, sharp, physically-developed and goal-directed animal. It shows kindness to homogeneous beings and hates “sluggishness and compulsion”.

On December 28, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid a working visit to the Russian Federation to take part in the informal Summit of the CIS member-states’ leaders, which was held “in the presence” format in St. Petersburg.

In his speech the Turkmen leader avowed a number of initiatives, having fproposed new directions of cooperation in the sphere of scientific medicine. In particular, speaking of the biological security threats in the CIS area, the head of state has proposed to reconsider and sign a single document in this sphere, having noted that Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation have already signed the within-named document. 

Besides, having concentrated the meeting participants’ attention on the fact that Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan – are the arid zones with their distinctive clinical presentations (differing from those of Russia), the leader of nation has highlighted the necessity of studying the coronavirus genome with a glance to the distinctive features of arid zone.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has expressed himself in favor of working out unified approaches in the sphere of bacteriology and virology, having thereto highlighted the importance of methodological buttress of Russia in this issue.

Speaking of giving catalytic effect to the CIS activity, the head of Turkmenistan highlights invariably that at present of no less importance are the new, modern schemes and models of cooperation inside the CIS and in interrelations with other states and international economic structures. 

In the frames of visit, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a telephone talk with Valentina Matviyenko – Chairperson of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation’s Federal Assembly, which was centered on the bilateral inter-parliamentary interaction further development.

In this context, consideration was given to the issues related to preparation and conducting of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation in Ashgabat in May 2022.

The head of the Turkmen state has also proposed to study a possibility to hold in Ashgabat at that same period a session of the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia and Russia.

It was stressed that the “Dialogue of Women” format is of far-reaching importance at the UN level as a platform of interaction in the global policy. In this regard, the advisability was highlighted of working out a special Resolution of the UN General Assembly, in which the Dialogue’s significance in intensifying women’s activity in the state and international life would have been accentuated.

Last week, the Social Organizations Center hosted the conference “Epoch of the people with Arkadag – the triumph of unity, solidarity, statehood, justice and development” dedicated to proclaiming of the slogan and emblem of 2022. 

The ideal forward-driven slogan of 2022 is aimed at broad popularization of large-scale achievements of Motherland, its progressive socioeconomic reform-based changes ongoing in the country and peacemaking initiatives inextricably linked with the activity of the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the speakers noted.

The slogan co-opts the feeling of infinite pride, love and respect of Turkmen fellowmen for their national leader – Arkadag, as well as confidence in the happy future of the independent neutral Motherland.  

The large-scale plans and tasks outlined for 2022 will promote further strengthening of the country’s economy, advancement of science, education and culture spheres, health and social systems. All of them are directed at rising welfare and quality of life of the Turkmen people, the session’s attendees noted, having assured of their constructive participation in realization of those plans, popularization of Turkmenistan’s progressive domestic and foreign policy, achievements of the beloved Motherland’s on the way toward peace and progress.

The Mukam Palace of the State Culture Center hosted a solemn event dedicated to assertion of the slogan-2022 – “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”. 

The slogan-2022 fits with mentality of the Turkmen people, their cultural traditions; it is inextricably linked with humanistic principles – the by-now basics of the domestic and foreign policy pursued by the President of the country, of the upward development of our state, the participants of the event stressed.

The creative-artistic dedications to the slogan-2022 prepared by famous poets, masters of stage, popular variety performers made the atmosphere of the event uplifted and festive. 

And certainly, all the past week was filled in with the pre-New Year magic and enchantment.

The square in front of the Edutainment Center «Älem» with the country’s main New Year Tree in its center has become the heart of all New Year’s festivities.

Several days prior to the holiday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Center’s ‘fairyland’. Every year, in his tight schedule of work, the head of state finds the time and feels pleasure to visit the New Year’s performance near the country’s main New Year Tree.

Excellent students, winners of subject Olympiads, sport competitions and creative contests, as well as the inmates of children’s homes from all velayats of the country and the capital took part in the holiday event. On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan they were presented with New Year’s gifts. At the event attendees’ request, they posed with the head of state for memorable photographs.  

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted yet another unforgettable New Year’s measure with the participation of numerous young residents of Ashgabat and guests of the capital – a dramatized New Year’s fairytale-based performance prepared by folklore and dance groups, artists of theater and circus, young artists. 

On behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a holiday cake was presented to the participants of the performance.

On behalf of the head of state the New Year’s gifts were also presented to the inmates of the «Döwletliler köşgi» Palace. Ayaz Baba and his beauty-granddaughter Garpamyk , artists and creative groups, representatives of the education sphere have also extended their New Year’s congratulations to the children.

 As a result of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s active concern for the young Turkmen countrymen Turkmenistan turned into the country of happy childhood, in which the rising generation’s most cherished dreams became a reality. It becomes especially apparent in the magic days in the run-up to New Year, when children, having addressed their letters with their cherished wishes to Ayaz Baba, are impatiently waiting for their fulfillment.

An Ashgabat schoolboy, Ibragim Ruslanov, was one of the lucky boys who were favored with the visit and gift of a kind magician just before the New Year’s holiday.  

During the New Year’s festive event near the country’s main New Year’s Tree, he told the leader of nation about his letter he had sent to Ayaz Baba asking him to present an opportunity to be photographed with the President of the country and receive a bicycle as a gift.  

That same time, the head of state has promised that the boy’s cherished dream will certainly be fulfilled, for Turkmenistan is the country where children’s dreams come true. 

The boy’s first wish was fulfilled immediately – by the country’s main New Year’s Tree the boy and the leader of nation posed for the memorable photograph. Shortly after, Ibragim’s second wish was also fulfilled – when Ayaz Baba accompanied by his granddaughter Garpamyk came to his house to present him on behalf of the head of state with a new snow-white bicycle. 

On December 31, using the telephone, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has extended New Year’s congratulations to the Chairperson of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh, Deputy Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh, Deputies Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, members of the State Security Council, khyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city, and the wishes of splendid health, family wealth and great success in work in the name of welfare of the country and native people.

On the New Year’s Eve night, a magic, enchanting atmosphere of the holiday reigned in the square in front of the Edutainment Center «Älem», where the performances of popular variety singers, renowned masters of art and rising stars were arranged.

Traditional TV-bridge linked the Turkmen capital with administrative centers of all velayats – where the New Year’s festive measures were held in front of the wonderful «Türkmeniň ak öýi» edifices.

In his New Year’s TV Address to the Turkmen nation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has identified major landmarks of the past year, characterized in brief all spheres of the country’s vital activity, gave a comprehensive assessment of the results of domestic and foreign policy, having highlighted that our Motherland is striding confidently ahead along the bright way of creativity and achievements.

Let 2022 be worldwide the year of peace, prosperity, great success and welfare! Let in the New Year, unanimity, concord and tranquility reign in your hearths and homes! Let the chain of the covered-with-glory happy and prosperous days be never-ending! – the leader of nation wished to the people.  

Joy, gaiety and fun reigned in the New Year’s home party, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov celebrated with the members of his family. 

Grandchildren made their grandfather happy with their new achievements and pleasant moments. 

His new poem “Land native, Turkmenistan!”, which the President of the country has read to the members of his family, reflects indefatigable work of the head of state, his great love for the native people, its glorious history, concern for the present and future.

The inspirational lines of the author: “Onward, onward, onward!- right this is our majestic motto” – are an appeal to the Turkmen people for keeping going the relay of large-scale accomplishments in the epoch of power and happiness under the direction of the leader of nation.

Thus, the year 2022 is at its reference-starting point. Its slogan – “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, signifies yet another landmark phase in the life of the Motherland, which is striding confidently toward creativity and progress. 

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