Events of the week
Together with Arkadag – towards new labor victories in the name of the beloved Motherland’s prosperity
Events of the week
Together with Arkadag – towards new labor victories in the name of the beloved Motherland’s prosperity
Published 26.12.2021

The year 2021, proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”, is nearing completion. Due to the progressive, innovatory policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, our country moves confidently forward and makes great strides toward realization of grandiose changes in every sphere of economic and social life aimed at achieving major goal – to turn our Motherland into an industrially developed state with high living standards of the people.

On December 20, the President of Turkmenistan conducted a regular online working session with the participation of some Deputies Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, chief heads of the ministries and sectoral departments, khyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city. The agenda of session was focused on the following issues: the tasks on realization of the regions’ socioeconomic development strategy; implementation progress of agri-works; revamping and bettering of the capital; preparation measures to celebrating New Year’s festivities.

To supply the population with the demand-driven home-produced foodstuffs, to decrease import and increase export potential, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has fixated attention on the importance of increasing in the next year land areas in velayats to be planted to various agri-crops.

Touching upon the issues of revamping and bettering the country’s main city, the head of state has highlighted that the tasks related to creating green zones in the capital should be tackled through application of science-based methods and in tune with the qualifying standards.

Being in attendance at the online session, the heads of trade complex reported on implementation of the presidential assignments on ensuring commodity and foodstuff abundance in the marketing places and trade outlets of the country in the run-up to New Year.

The President of the country has necessitated showing a circumstantial approach to the issues of raising the culture of trade and quality of services, studying consumers demand, widespread adopting of digital system.

Recognizing key role of entrepreneurship in achieving the goals of increasing export and decreasing import, the leader of nation has necessitated continuation of the goal-directed activity in this sphere.

On December 21, President of the country, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working session, which was centered on the by-now global situation related to the coronavirus infection.

As the leader of nation noted, due to the timely-adopted comprehensive disease-prevention measures, the cases of infecting with this dangerous disease were not revealed in Turkmenistan. As of now, however, in many countries new strains of this dangerous infection were revealed. One such is “omicron” strain. Cross-border movements of the people and commodities are the major source of its penetration from one country to another.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has exhorted the officials to pay indefatigable attention to the conformity of quality and safety of the imported foodstuffs to the established standards and to conducting of their sanitization.

Observing all the necessary customs procedures, it is also necessary to ensure trouble-free importing of products and goods into our country, first of the first of the foodstuffs, and their supply to the local marketing places and sales outlets at the earliest possible time.

In compliance with the rules of the Disease Control Emergency Commission of Turkmenistan, the leader of nation has also ordered to ensure unobstructed advance of cargo motor transport with foodstuffs to the city of Ashgabat via the inter-velayat checkpoints.

On December 22, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted and online working meeting to consider the implementation progress of the tasks on further advancement of interaction with partner-countries in tune with the principles of foreign-policy strategy based on Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality status.

In particular, the head of state was familiarized with the outcomes of the Turkmen delegation’s working visits to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India.

It was also informed that in the frames of a regular meeting of foreign ministers of the “Central Asia-India” Dialogue in New Delhi (India) consideration was given to the important issues, including the possibilities of the Dialogue’s organizational-structural base advancement.

The Turkmen side has put forward the initiatives aimed at arranging more effective instrumentalities of diplomatic and trade-economic cooperation, including the ones for integrating the region’s energy and transport-communications resources. First of the first, the talk is about the TAPI gas pipeline and the Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman transport corridor projects, as well as a number of other strategic endeavors.

In the frames of the Dialogue, particular attention was given to the issues related to Afghanistan. In this context, Turkmenistan has affirmed its positions, notably – rendering support to promote international negotiation processes with the new Afghani government in the sphere of policy; strengthening of key role of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries in this process; rehabilitation and advancement of Afghanistan’s economy to stabilize the economic situation in the country, including through participation in enhancement of the energy, transport-communication infrastructure; as well as rendering regular humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan.

In the frames of the working trip, meetings were held with the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country. In the course of meetings, Turkmenistan’s readiness was highlighted to upward advancement of partnership in different spheres.

In Pakistan, the delegation of our country took part in the extraordinary session of the Foreign Ministers Council of the Islamic Cooperation Organization on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan. The future-orientated tasks and concrete measures on rendering humanitarian aid to Afghanistan by the countries of the region and the world, as well as Turkmenistan’s positions on promoting and revivifying the economy of the neighboring country were in the center of discussions.

The delegation of Turkmenistan had also meetings with President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Arif Alvi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country. Realization of the projects – the TAPI transnational gas pipeline and the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission lines, were in the focus of meetings.

To expand and make more contentious the bilateral dialogue, it was proposed to conduct the 6th session of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission and institute the Turkmen-Pakistani Interdepartmental Commission to advance realization of the TAPI gas pipeline project.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted that our country regards the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India as its key and reliable partners in the region. Realization of the Turkmenistan-initiated large-scale and long-term economic projects will not only create conditions for sustainable development of partner-countries, but it will also invest in ensuring welfare in the region.

The focal issues of the country’s life activity were in the focus of a regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 24.

The session was opened with the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the results of President-sanctioned working trips to all regions of Motherland to on-site study the implementation progress of the National Rural Areas Development Program, state programs on import-substitution and exports increase, monitoring of commodity prices in the marketing and trade places and the situations in rural areas.

It was informed that a broad range of goods (mainly home-made ones) was available at the market places and sales outlets, which were sold to the population at affordable prices; digital technologies are widespread adopted in the marketing entities of velayats; new machinery and equipment are bought to be used in the agri-food industry.

To accelerate implementation of the National Rural Areas Development Program and state programs on import-substitution and exports increase, a number of proposals was avowed.

In particular, it is proposed to: improve the system of supply of the population with home-made produce; increase the volumes of export-orientated goods; constantly monitor the issues related to provision of food abundance, commodities diversification and affordability of prices; motivate commodity producers; conduct the work on expanding trade services at the expense of further adoption of digital system and arrangement of on-line services at the affordable prices.

It is necessary to obtain further improvement of the quality and enhancement of the gamut of home-made food products, which are to be notable for high competitiveness at the world markets. Their abundance and price affordability for customers are to be ensured at the domestic market places; the volumes of exportable goods are to be increased, the head of state stressed.

To speed up implementation of reforms in agriculture of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has exhorted chief heads concerned to widely and efficiently unleash the untapped scientific-technical potential of the branch, activate adoption of innovations and achievements of world practice.

The head of state has addressed concrete instructions to the members of the Government on organizing of additional social measures on the occasion of New Year’s holidays. To afford an opportunity to the people to buy the New Year‘s gifts for their dearest and nearest and to properly celebrate New Year, it was strongly recommended up to January 1of the incoming year to organize at the markets and sales outlets the holiday sales of industrial and food commodities, having authorized a 50-percent price reduction on some of them. The media should actively cover and advertize this action and the commodities sold at reduced prices.

On December 31-January 1 – to organize free of charge services of public transport rendered to the population, the leader of nation has ordered.

Appropriate measures are to be taken in the sphere of price formation and control, as well as for provision of abundance of high-quality domestic goods at the market places, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having addressed concerte assignments to the officials concerned.

At the session it was informed that to promote provision in the country of food abundance, production of the purified oil was arranged at the seven enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection, which (oil) was sold to the population via the sales outlets.

Production of import-substituting and export-orientated goods in the chemical industry keeps on going. In compliance with the “Program of President of Turkmenistan of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025”, at the iodine enterprise “Balkanabat” of the State Concern «Türkmenhimiýa» production is projected of caustic soda, chlorine and chlorine products.

In this context, the private enterprises (members of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of Turkmenistan) are proposed together with «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern to establish the “Balkanhimsenagat” Corporation. After reconstruction of the operating workshops of the iodine enterprise “Balkanabat” , production will be launched of the chemicals highly-acclaimed in the industry and medicine.

The proposal on instituting of the International Information Center in the structure of the State Committee of TV, Radio Broadcast and Cinematography of Turkmenistan was submitted to the head of state for consideration. The key task of the new Center is – to timely, regularly and in an organized way inform the world community about the proposals of international importance forwarded by our country in the political, trade-economic, social, cultural and other spheres.

The Center’s activity is supposed to be focused on the three major tasks: to regularly and promptly present the information about Turkmenistan to the world community with the help of modern media-technologies; to cover in the national information sphere concrete essentials about significant international political, economic and social events happening in the world; to establish, maintain and advance direct contacts with international information agencies.

In this regard, in the light of the priorities of our country’s foreign policy, the work is ongoing on correspondent exchange with the states of the region, as well as on establishing contacts between news agencies. The proposals are on the table on opening in our country in 2022 of Representative Offices of a number of large international media agencies.

Having approved the within-named proposals, the head of state has exhorted to interrogate the organizational issues and implement all necessary work in compliance with the national legislation and generally-admitted international standards.

Among other issues of the agenda there were – modernization of the objects of Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex; opening in foreign countries of Representative Offices of «Türkmenistanyň ulag-logistika merkezi» Corporation; training of scientific workers of the military and law enforcement agencies; upgrading of the national health system; organizing of sectoral exhibitions and conference in 2022; implementation of cultural measures outlined for January 2022.

At the session, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Ukase on instituting of Construction and Industry Complex Workers Day, which will be celebrated annually on August 6.

President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also signed the Resolution on constructing in Ashgabat of complex of edifices of the 1st specialized military school named after Berdimuhamed Annayev. The contract for designing and constructing of the object the Ministry of Defense will make with the Turkish Company «Rönesans Endüstri Tesisleri Inşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.».

Worth of noting is yet another last week’s event – the 11th meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Kazakh Commission for economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation, which was held in Ashgabat.

The session was preceded by the meeting of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov with Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar (the Commission’s Co-Chairman from the Kazakh side).

In the course of meeting, consideration was given to a broad range of issues related to the two countries’ interaction in the political, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian directions. Particular accent was placed on advancement of cooperation in the fuel-and-energy sphere, in the sphere of industry, transport and communications, notably in expanding of international and regional motor roads, railways and sea transportation with active involvement of governmental and private sectors of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The agenda of session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Kazakh Commission for economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation, which was attended by heads and representatives of a number of ministries and agencies of the two countries, included a broad gamut of issues related to realization of the intergovernmental agreements achieved, priority directions of the productive partnership further advancement.

The oil/gas and transport-communications sectors were singled out among the key vectors of the bilateral and multilateral interaction, along with activating cooperation in the trade-economic, energy, transport-logistics spheres, agriculture, food and processing industry.

The sides expressed themselves in favor of intensifying contacts in the sphere of culture and science, education, health and medicine.

The briefing in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was dedicated to the outcomes of the Turkmen delegation’s working trips to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted also a briefing with the participation of heads of Turkmenistan’s abroad diplomatic missions, which was dedicated to the issues of studying the experience of foreign countries on preventing penetration and spread in the country of the coronavirus infection.

In the course of meeting, high assessment was given to the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s international initiatives aimed at further advancement and strengthening of cooperation with specialized structures and agencies of the United Nations Organization, with the World Health Organization in particular.

The importance was stressed of systematical experience exchange between medical communities in the issues of preventing penetration and spread of the coronavirus and other particularly dangerous infections.

In this regard, worth of noting is the fact that last week the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry registered the Russian vaccine “Sputnik Light” and issued the relevant certificate on its application in the territory of our country. Its efficiency indicator – at the level of about 80 percent potentizes the efficiency of other vaccines, which require application of the two components.

Assigning primary importance to the people’s happiness and welfare, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attaches special importance to the large-scale work on health protection of the nation, widespread adoption of the healthy life style principles.

Last week, in the territory of Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat, a regular action was held on annihilating of narcotic drugs and illicit smuggled tobacco goods withdrawn in the course of special operations conducted by law enforcement and military agencies of Turkmenistan. The action is a visual confirmation of our state’s and society’s resoluteness to counteract one of the most dangerous challenges of modernity.

The Chairperson of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan took part in the online annual session of the Dialogue of Women of Central Asian Countries, which drew together conclusions from the first year’s activity of the Organization. Consideration was also given to the future-orientated prospects for development and work plans for 2022.

Rich with varied events, the last week is a tangible evidence of effectiveness of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s large-scale initiatives aimed at the Motherland’sall-round development, creation of firm base for further rising in the standard of living of the people.

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