The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting
The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting
Published 21.12.2021

Today, the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Secretary of the State Security Council, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission on Emergency Situations Ch.Amanov, Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaikulyev and Chairman of the State Migration Service N.Atagarayev.

The first floor was given to the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission on Emergency Situations Ch.Amanov, who reported on the work of the State Commission of Turkmenistan on Emergency Situations and the steps taken to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

Summarizing the report, the nation’s leader emphasized that the Commission is entrusted with the management of the activities of the unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations and decision-making in this area. Noting the exceptional importance of the work carried out in this direction, the head of state focused on the need for comprehensive measures aimed at reducing the risk of emergencies as much as possible and preserving people’s health.

Then the President of Turkmenistan opened floor for the agenda of the working meeting. Issues related to the situation with coronavirus infection that has arisen in the world were put up for discussion. Addressing the participants, the nation’s leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that protecting people’s health and life, as well as ensuring security, are the main tasks of state policy, and in this direction our state is making all necessary efforts.

In order to prevent the penetration and spread of acute lung infection in the country, important decisions, comprehensive measures were taken in a timely manner to prevent this dangerous disease. In particular, the necessary vaccines were purchased, and the population is currently being vaccinated.

“Now we can say that as a result of such large-scale work, no cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in Turkmenistan,” highlighted President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

And, the head of state continued, “We should not relax, since today new strains of this dangerous infection are appearing in many countries, in particular Omicron. The ways of its distribution from one country to another are known. This happens by moving people and goods across state borders.”

Therefore, it was decided to hold a meeting on the topic: what protective measures are taken upon the arrival of people in our country, as well as during the supply of goods, including food, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Then the floor was given to the Chairman of the State Migration Service N.Atagarayev, who reported on the improvement, in accordance with the requirements of the time, of work in the entrusted structure, the active introduction of a digital system and best practices, as well as on the steps being taken to prevent the penetration of a new coronavirus infection into the country.

Then the Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaikulyev made a speech, who in his turn reported on the state of affairs at customs posts, considering the recognition of Turkmenistan as a transport and transit corridor of the continent and the growth of cargo and passenger traffic on its territory, measures to successfully resist a new type of coronavirus infection, in particular, to prevent the importation of infection by people and goods crossing the country’s border.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission on Emergency Situations Ch.Amanov presented a detailed report on the current situation and ongoing planned work to prevent the penetration into our country and the prevention of infectious diseases, in particular, a new strain named Omicron.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave a number of specific instructions to the members of the State Security Council in order to activate the preventive measures taken.

In particular, the Vice Prime Minister, Secretary of the State Security Council, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission on Emergency Situations Ch.Amanov was assigned to keep under strict control the issues of providing markets and retail outlets with daily consumed food products.

In addition, the head of state ordered, together with the relevant ministries and sectoral departments, local executive authorities, to carry out regular analysis of information on food supplies in the country and to provide the population with them in sufficient volume.

The Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaikulyev was pointed out the need for strict control over the compliance of the quality and safety of imported food products with the established standards and their sanitary treatment according to the rules adopted by the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan on Combating the Spread of Diseases.

It was also commissioned, together with the relevant ministries and sectoral departments, local executive authorities, to carry out work on the uninterrupted conduct, in accordance with the rules, of customs procedures regarding products imported into our country, in particular, food and its prompt delivery to local markets and retail outlets as soon as possible.

Addressing the Chairman of the State Migration Service N.Atagarayev, the leader of the nation ordered to ensure the unhindered movement of trucks with food to the city of Ashgabat through checkpoints operating along the inter-velayat highways in accordance with the rules adopted by the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan on Combating the Spread of Diseases.

Concluding the working meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov entrusted to keep under strict control the solution of the important tasks set today and wished everyone success in their work.

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