Events of the week
Peaceful constructive labor of the people increases strength of Motherland
Events of the week
Peaceful constructive labor of the people increases strength of Motherland
Published 19.12.2021

Every day of the jubilee year proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust” our people mark with glorious events and labor victories. The head of state keeps initiating still more grandiose plans linked with full-scale realization of Turkmenistan’s gigantic economic and spiritual potential. Their successful implementation will serve as a powerful impetus for achieving higher records and, in the end, will ensure a colossal breakthrough of our country in different spheres of the national-economy complex. 

On December 13, in the course of the telephone talk between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the interlocutors gave consideration to the directions of bilateral interaction in the light of the prospects available and present-day realities.

The sides have noted availability of comprehensive facilities for enhancement of cooperation in the fuel-and-energy and transport-communications complexes, light industry, agriculture, and processing industries. In this aspect, the role of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission’s activity was highlighted in terms of more efficient unleashing of its untapped potential.

The two friendly states’ Presidents touched also upon a number of topical issues of international policy which are of mutual interest. The two countries’ adherence to the constructive interaction with the reputable international organizations, first of the first with the UN, was ascertained.

The interlocutors have also noted availability of large cooperation-favored potential in the sphere of science and education, culture and art, in the sphere of sports.

On December 17, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers to discuss some issues of internal and foreign policy of the independent neutral Turkmen state.

In particular, the talk was about taking in 2022 of the complete census of the population and housing stock, about balanced development of the oil/gas sector, widespread adoption of information technologies, further modernization of the national legislative base, preparation measures to New Year’s festivities.

Information was also presented about practical implementation of the Agreement between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan (SBFEAT) and the Abu Dhabi Development Fund on establishing of Closed Joint-Stock Company «Türkmen maýa goýum kompaniýasy». The Agreement was signed on October 9 of the running year in the course of the Turkmen delegation’s working visit to the United Arab Emirates.

Necessitating attraction of capital investments of large business-structures of foreign countries and authoritative international financial organizations for realization of new projects of the national and regional importance, the head of state has signed the Resolution on giving authority to the SBFEAT to act as a founder of the Closed Joint-Stock Company «Türkmen maýa goýum kompaniýasy».

In 2022, works will be kept going on further advancement of the country’s economic sector, construction of new objects of industrial and socio-cultural purpose, which serve as a tangible evidence of the independent Motherland’s confident striding toward progress and prosperity.

Thus, for consideration of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov a proposal was submitted on distribution of volumes of petrochemicals among the domestic consumers in 2022. The proposal was developed by results of the analysis conducted by the Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, core ministries and sectoral departments and organizations.

In compliance with the Presidential Program of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025 and the redrafted “National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the Rural Areas Development in the period until 2020”, over 2,500 large edifices and structures of the industrial and social purpose are now being built.

 Concentrating attention on the importance of harmonious combination of the national architectural traditions with the contemporary trends of the world’s town-building art, the leader of nation has exhorted to exercise permanent control over observance of quality and scheduled terms of construction works, trouble-free supply of necessary construction materials.

The President of Turkmenistan has authorized Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov (in charge of the economic and financial sector) to make in the nearest future working visits to velayats to become on-site familiar with implementation progress of the National Rural Areas Development Program and State Programs on increasing production of import-substituting goods and the output of export-orientated products.

The leader of nation has pointed to the necessity in the run-up to New Year to pay visits to shops and market places to familiarize with commodity prices. Not less important is to find out availability of unsolved problems in the rural areas and prepare the proposals on their solution, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, having ordered to submit the relevant report for discussion at the regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers. 

In the context of the reforms carried out in the AIC, a proposal on reduction of land areas planted to cotton from 620,000 hectares to 580,000 hectares was submitted to the President of Turkmenistan for consideration. The 40,000-hectare left-vacant land areas together with the earlier allotted 55,500-hectare land areas are proposed to be planted to potato and other vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops. To increase production volumes of cocoons, it is planned to increase their production plan by 200 tons.

The leader of nation has highlighted the importance of successful tackling of the tasks on further ensuring foodstuff abundance in the country, year-round provision of the people with home-produced potato, vegetable, cucurbitaceous and other agri-products. To this ends, particular attention is to be given to adoption of science-based approaches to the AIC advancement, to the issues of rational use of land and water resources, raising the level of crop yields, upgrading of the national legislation, the head of state stressed in his relevant assignments.

In the town of Turkmenabat, Lebap velayat, construction is also projected of the enterprise for production of glycyrrhizin acid in the structure of the agri-industrial complex «Buýan» of the «Türkmendermansenagat» Association.

In the frames the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s visit to the Italian Republic in November 2019, the Memorandum was signed between the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the Italian Company «Adipson Ind. Srl.» on preparing of the enterprise project for production of glycyrrhizin acid through licorice root processing.

In compliance with the presidential assignment, Ministry of Construction and Architecture conducted a tender on selecting of a contractor for construction of the within-named enterprise. The commercial proposal of the private enterprise «Mizemez gadam» got the nod.

In the course of session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed an Order on sending on December 18-20, 2021the Turkmen delegation to New Delhi (the Republic of India) to take part in the regular meeting of the “Central Asia-India” Dialogue at the level of Foreign Ministers, and to Islamabad (the Islamic Republic of Pakistan) to participate in the Emergency Session on the humanitarian situations in Afghanistan of the Foreign Ministers Council of the Islamic Cooperation Organization’s member-states. 

The head of state has also signed the Resolution “On the issues of the Interdepartmental Commission for digital economy development in Turkmenistan”, as well as approved Work Plan for 2022 of the State Emergency Commission of Turkmenistan.

Among other events of the past week worth of mentioning are a “round table” meeting in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dedicated to the outcomes of the Government’s December-10 enlarged session and the International Conference “Policy of peace and trust – a capstone of international security, stability and development”, which was held in the Turkmen capital on December 11. The meeting was also attended by the heads of the abroad-accredited diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan; the Resulting Document of the International Conference was in the focus of attention.

The speakers placed emphasis on the necessity of developing a mechanism for activating the youth’s participation in promoting culture of peace, which, in turn, would encourage and deepen perception of such values, as peace, trust, tolerance, openness, inclusivity, and mutual respect.

It was particularly noted that development of culture of peace and trust in the interstate relations was inextricably linked with the neutrality policy – a value, which promotes sustainable development, peace and security through strengthening of solidarity and harmony.

The Mukam Palace of the State Culture Center of Turkmenistan hosted a solemn conference «Arkadagyň parahatçylyk ýörelgesi – dünýä nusgalyk görelde» devoted to the new poetical work of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Long live peaceful life!”. The conference was attended by the heads and representatives of the sphere of culture and art, famous poets and prose-writers, media and youths. All of them expressed unanimous and sincere gratitude to the Turkmen leader for the policy he was pursuing, based on the principles of peacefulness, humanism and broad interest-based cooperation with all nations of the planet.

The participants of conference have stressed that the poem is a capacious appeal for non-alignment with the military blocs and agreements; it asserts openness and age-old adherence of our people to solve most difficult issues arising all through their entire history by means of negotiable instrumentalities.

The uplifted holiday atmosphere in the Mukam Palace was supported by popular vocalists who performed the songs devoted to the independent neutral Motherland. Performance of the President-authored song “Long live peaceful life!” was a real decoration of the creative party.

On December 16, the Social Organization Center of Turkmenistan hosted the conference devoted to the 30th anniversary of the country’s Democratic Party.

Congratulating the country’s largest political organization on its jubilee, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his message has stressed its important role in formation of the legislative and legal basics of our state, in the development of ideological sphere, political substantiation of international relations, consolidation of the people around lofty goals, as well as in realization of a new phase of constitutional reforms – transition to the two-chamber parliamentary system in particular.

The speakers at the conference noted that the Hero-Arkadag’s congratulatory address inspired them for keeping further constructive work going. Members of the Democratic Party are taking measures to raise the efficiency and involvement of youths with broad world outlook in the agitation-propaganda activity, preparation and implementation of the measures related to the country’s political, economic and cultural life. All of this invests in the patriotic and spiritual-moral education of the rising generation, involvement of Turkmen citizens in active participation in the comprehensive reform-based processes ongoing in the country.

On the eve of New Year, in compliance with the Order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a humanitarian-aid convoy (food, textiles, household goods, and oil products) was dispatched to neighboring Afghanistan.  

A representative delegation and high-ranking officials of our country took part in the ceremony of the humanitarian aid donation. On the occasion of ceremony, a sadaqat was given in the settlement of Akina in the new mosque built with the support of the Turkmen side and in the settlement of Turgundi.

The fourth session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan (of the first convocation) approved the Laws, which were adopted on December 4 at the 16th session of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh.

In particular, the unanimous approval was given to the Laws – “On social services”, “On preventing and combating the noninfectious diseases”, “On hunting and protection of game resources”, and to a number of other normative-legal documents related to revamping of the existing legislation, which were enshrined in the relevant Resolutions.

The ceremony of lighting the country’s main New Year’s Tree, which signalized the startup of the forthcoming New Year’s festivities, was a bright, unforgettable event of the last week. 

The 38.5-meter-high New Year’s green beauty crowned with octa-point star and numerals 2022 is installed in the center of the fairyland, which was arranged in the square in front of the Cultural-Entertainment Center «Älem».

Ayaz-baba and his granddaughter Garpamyk arrived at the buried-in-many-colored-lights fantastic corner of the Kopetdag foothills accompanied by adroit and nimble djigits of the National Equestrian Games Group “Galkynysh” (astride the wonderful Akhalteke race horses) and young hosts of the Turkmen capital, being accommodated in the holiday-decorated double deck bus. 

Prior to the holiday, they made an excursion round of the holiday-decorated Ashgabat to be amazed at the considerably changed face of the fast-developing white-marble capital. All through the past year, new residential high-risers, fashionable hotels, large business and trade centers, park squares and gardens appeared in the capital – a visual reflection of tremendous attention and indefatigable concern of the leader of nation for advancement of the country’s main city, for the life of Turkmen citizens replete with every modern comfort.  

Following the capital’s New Year Tree, the lights began to twinkle and sparkle on all of the New Year’s trees installed in velayats at the festively decorated squares in front of «Türkmeniň ak öýi» buildings, in the towns and villages of the country, signalizing thereby succession of the forthcoming festive events and measures in honor of the incoming 2022.

Meanwhile, the New Year’s festivities are just at their early phase – a great, bright and joyful holiday has just started its triumphant marching in the country uniting all of us in our wish to welcome the New Year of the epoch of power and happiness in welfare, goodness and happiness. Namesake wish the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has extended to all nations in his new poem “Long live peaceful life!”.

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