Events of the week
The roads of friendship and fraternity lead to Turkmenistan – the heart of the Great Silk Road
Events of the week
The roads of friendship and fraternity lead to Turkmenistan – the heart of the Great Silk Road
Published 21.11.2021

The words used in the headline, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov avowed at the last week’s ceremony of commissioning the fashionable hotel with multilateral business-center “Garagum”, characterize in the best way the peaceable constructive foreign-policy course of sovereign independent neutral Turkmenistan, which is striding confidently along the chosen constructive path.

In the year of celebrating the 30th anniversary of Motherland’s independence, which is proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”, radical changes are successfully ongoing in every sphere of life of the country, large objects are regularly being constructed attaching a catalytic effect to the development of national economy.

Touching upon the chronology of the past week’s events, it should be noted that a number of priority issues of the state life were considered in the course of a working meeting, which the President of Turkmenistan conducted on November 15 with the participation of Deputies Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, chief heads of the military and law enforcement agencies, of other structures concerned, and the khyakim of Ashgabat city.

Information was discussed about the measures to be implemented in the remainder of the year, including the architectural premieres and preparation measures to the New Year holidays.

Thus, in the frames of International Neutrality Day (annually celebrated on December 12), an International Conference will be held – which will crown the year 2021, proclaimed on the initiative of Turkmenistan by the UN General Assembly and enshrined in the relevant Resolution as International Year of Peace and Trust.

The agenda of regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers conducted by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on November 16 included the issues of celebrating the December’s remarkable dates and events, commissioning of the objects timed to those dates, and further upgrading of the national legislation.

Realization by the leader of nation of the science-based strategic programs of the national-economy complex accelerated development, regarded as a powerful basis for the next upsurge toward new achievements and heights of the epoch of power and happiness of the Turkmen state was yet another issue of the agenda of session.

The head of state has signed the Resolution “On funding construction of the combined mineral fertilizers workshop at the Turkmenabat Chemical Plant named after S.N. Niyazov”. The document was developed in tune with the Credit Agreement, which was signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Development Fund in the frames of the running year’s October 9 working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the United Arab Emirates. The draft Resolution stipulates allocation by the Fund of credit funds for financing construction of the within-named workshop (annual capacity – 170 thousand tons). This decision is expected to be realized on the basis of the internal Credit Agreement between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs and “Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern.

The Turkmenabat Chemical Plant disposes of vast potential for successful realization of the scientific-technical programs aimed not only at an increase of the output and quality of mineral fertilizers produced, but also at import substitution and export of fertilizers. Practical realization of the project will enable to considerably raise the level of yields of agri-crops grown in our country and improve the soil structure.

The Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex is also ready to launch production of new types of import-substituting products – semi-synthetic lubricants, fuel for ships, aluminum-reinforced polypropylene-based microfilm intended for packing foodstuffs, medical and industrial goods, as well as for the designing works.

To promote further strengthening of the FEC material-technical base, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on purchasing by«Türkmengaz» State Concern of the material-technical equipment to be used for replacement of the obsolete hardware and repair of installations at the gas-producing stations of «Döwletabatgazçykaryş» Department.

The agricultural sector provides vast opportunities for advancement of small and medium-sized businesses, for creating of new workplaces.

At present, in tune with presidential assignments on increasing the state’s share in the country’s economy and in pursuance of the presidential Resolution “On endorsing the volumes of the special agricultural land fund”, the land plots in the prescribed manner are allocated to the private agri-producers for growing wheat, cotton and other agri-crops included into the government order.

Moreover, to successfully cope with the tasks enshrined in the “Program of Turkmenistan’s agri-complex development in 2019-2025”, the relevant proposals were developed in association with khyakimliks of velayats on instituting of special 326,029-hectare agri-land funds to let the land on long-term lease to the joint-stock associations, daikhan associations, other legal persons, and citizens.

The within-named agri-land fund provides for letting land plots on the 99-year lease to the commodity producers on the assumption of using not less that 70 percent of arable lands for growing wheat, cotton and other agri-crops included into the government order. The remainder of the land plot can be used on the basis of the science-based crop rotation for growing other agri-crops not included into the government order.

Domestic entrepreneurs make their weighty contribution to production of new commodities and enhancement of the country’s export potential. In pursuance of the presidential Resolution on construction of industrial and production objects in 2020-2023 in Baherden etrap, Akhal velayat, construction is projected of a new enterprise for manufacturing of finishing ceramic tiles and san-faience products.

Realization of the new project is entrusted to the “Eziz doganlar” Economic Society. The new enterprise, commissioning of which is projected in June 2024, will be fit out with the equipment from the leading foreign producers. Its annual production capacity will be 3million300 thousand sq m of ceramic tiles and 120 thousand units of san-faience articles.

At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, consideration was also given to the issues of the national staff-training system improvement and further strengthening of the constructive cooperation with foreign partners, German ones inclusive.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave a high assessment to the effective interaction with the Federal Republic of Germany in such an important sphere as healthcare. In this regard, the leader of nation has approved the proposal on delegating on November 21-24 of a representative team of Turkmen specialists to Munich – Grossharden clinic of the Maximilian-Ludwig University.

Improvement of living conditions of servicemen and officers of the military and law enforcement agencies was yet another issue of the agenda of session. At present, in the Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov residential munity in the north of the capital, construction is ongoing of a new modern residential zone; in Lebap velayat, construction is also in progress of the objects of social purpose intended for the relevant security agencies.

In this context, the head of Turkmenistan has stressed that the state will always show concern for the material provision of security departments’ staffers, improvement of their social conditions to ensure productive service and life of officers and staffers, members of their families.

At the Cabinet session, consideration was also given to a number of proposals on strengthening interaction of Turkmenistan with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Thus, on the basis of the Framework Program for cooperation in the sphere of sustainable development between the Government of Turkmenistan and the United Nations Organization for 2021-2025 it is proposed to develop the FAO Program of our country for 2022-2025.

Realization of the projects in association with the FAO related to the country’s AIC, ecology, and climate change is also seen as advisable.

In this regard, the proposals were avowed on Turkmenistan’s acceding to the project assigned to promote sustainable economic development of rural areas, as well as on making a relevant Agreement between the FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of our country.

Besides, joint realization is proposed of the project aimed at further development of cotton-production sector through upgrading of the production technologies and mechanized harvesting of raw cotton, motivating of research works, including the ones in the sphere of selection and digitization.

To activate interaction with the FAO and establish direct bilateral contacts, the relevant steps are now undertaken on opening in Turkmenistan of the FAO Representative Office. In this regard, our country’s ministries and departments in association with FAO specialists are proposed to draft the Agreement.

On approval of the proposals submitted, including the ones on opening in Turkmenistan of the FAO Representative Office, the head of state has exhorted the officials concerned to implement the relevant work in compliance with the operating national legislation and standards of international law.

A proposal of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers on developing and posting of the digital map in the Internet system, which will imply detailed information about the motor and railroads of international importance, stations along the motor roads and railway arteries, technical maintenance points and freight terminals, international airports and their freight terminals, runway zones, fueling capacities and facilities, seaports, postal offices, logistics centers, border and customs points, was also submitted to the leader of nation for consideration.

Having stressed that realization of the multilateral projects promotes formation of the ramified transport-transit system and its modern infrastructure, establishment of the efficient interaction in terms of the automobile, railway and ferry communication, and joint realization of the untapped potential, the President of Turkmenistan has approved the proposal on developing of the digital map and authorized the head of the Agency to keep work going in the within-named direction.

On November 17, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremony of commissioning of the new textile complex in Babadaikhan etrap, Akhal velayat, in the frames of the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan on socioeconomic development in 2018-2024”.

The new 1,150-job enterprise (over US $150 million cost) is one of the largest facilities in the textile industry system of Turkmenistan; it is equipped with the latest machinery of the famous companies from Switzerland, Japan, Belgium, Italy, Germany, and Turkey; the complex implies the spinning, dyeing, apparel, and weaving mills; its annual capacity is 3,300 tons of high-quality yarn, 20 million sq m of various fabrics, including 18 million of dyed fabric and 3million 500 thousand of finished apparels. The output of new complex is assigned for import-substitution and for increasing export potential of the branch.

In his speech at the ceremony of the textile complex commissioning, the head of state has highlighted that in the years ahead, realization of the projects aimed at the accelerated development of the promising textile industry, increase of its production capacities, creation of large innovatory import-substituting industrial facilities, and complex reconstruction of the existing enterprises will be continued in the country. Being guided by the slogan “State – for Man!”, we would give close attention to strengthening of the sector’s hardware and logistics base, improvement of labor and social conditions of the personnel of the branch, the head of state stated.

In the online format, the solemn ceremony of the textile complex commissioning was attended by the advanced equipment manufacturers from Belgium, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, and International Standardization Organization, who gave high assessment to the quality of Turkmenistan’s textile industry output highly acclaimed at the world market. They also presented the Certificates, which confirmed the technical and technological sophistication of the enterprise, high quality and ecological purity of the products made of the natural raw material, absence of hazardous chemical substances in every phase of the production process.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with major workshops and production cycles of the enterprise, talked to the staffers, evinced interest in their family life, hobbies, and work conditions.

Production process of the enterprise is based on the advanced ecology-friendly technologies – today, it is a key claim set up to all new industrial enterprises of the country. The enterprise is indeed a waste-free facility, so far as after processing of cotton fiber the remains undergo filtration.

To create favorable conditions for the personnel of enterprise, along with production facilities, the 20-hectare enterprise includes a dining hall, sport ground, two hotels.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also examined the textiles exposition with rich assortment of final textile products, including such national brands as “Gala” (Geoktepe Textile Complex), “Goza” (Ashgabat Textile Complex), “Bedew” (Turkmenbashy Denim Complex), «Bürgüt» (Kipchak Textile Complex, «Ýeňiş» (Mary textile enterprise), “Altyn Asyr” (Trade Center), etc.

The head of state evinced interest in the durability, comfort qualities, and production peculiarities of the articles on display of the exposition, and addressed concrete assignments to the relevant chief heads on increasing the output of textile produced from the ecology-pure raw material and production capacities of import-substituting facilities, on active adoption of digital systems, and training of the demand-driven specialists.

On November 18, the President of Turkmenistan has avowed an online Address at the International Forum on the Northern Economic Cooperation.

The agenda of the top-level Forum with the participation of the President of the Republic of Korea and heads of a number of other states included the priority issues of the Eurasian partnership in the context of modern realities with a glance to the upcoming period.

In his Address, the leader of nation has stressed that being an active participator of the development-favored processes in the Eurasian space, our country maintains constructive views and undertakings aimed at consolidation of international efforts in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also noted that today the real state of affairs is in need of an integrated approach to combating the pandemic and minimizing its negative socioeconomic and humanitarian consequences induced by enhancement of its scales.

We are aware of the necessity of complete depolitization of the coronavirus problem and liquidation of the practice of its use in the interstate relations as an instrument of influence, - the Turkmen leader said.

The head of state has also reminded that in the UN, Turkmenistan has authored a number of initiatives in this sphere, having avowed concrete proposals on joint activity under the aegis of the World Health Organization.

The leader of nation has also highlighted the urgency of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere and expressed confidence that Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea, being the possessors of vast potential in this direction, in the nearest time would be able to embark on implementation of new joint projects, having thereby made weighty contribution to realization of the “New Northern Policy”.

That same day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mikayl Cingiz oglu Cabbarov.

In the course of meeting, the head of state and his guest have highlighted the strategic character of the interstate interaction in the political, trade-economic, transport-communications, scientific-technical, cultural-humanitarian, and other spheres.

The sides have also noted that exactly the advantageous geographical location of the two neighboring states creates the favorable prerequisites for efficient integration of their efforts in realization of the projects on formation of transcontinental transport-transit corridors, which ensure optimum beneficial land and sea freight traffic routes, and their integration into the international transport infrastructure.

Interaction in the energy sphere (a strategic direction for the national economies of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan) was one of the subjects the sides have discussed. Recognizing that development of that sector is a direction of priority for the two states (the holders of largest deposits of oil and gas), the leader of nation and his guest expressed themselves in favor of intensifying the traditional cooperation based on the principles of equality and reciprocal benefit.

On November 19, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the solemn ceremony of putting into operation of the fashionable hotel with multi-field business-center “Garagum” – the 70th object launched in our country in the running year.

Built in the junction of the N.Niyazon Avenue and the Hoja Ahmet Yasavi Street, close to the International Airport of the capital, the new hospitality-and-business complex is impressive enough due to its original design, innovatory engineering-technical and design concepts and solutions. While choosing high-quality materials (granite, marble and others) to be applied in construction of the complex, their utilization properties were taken into account – durability, strength, ecological compatibility, and the nature-climate conditions of Turkmenistan. Along with other characteristics, high seismic stability of the complex was ensured.

Assigned to take an important place in enhancement of international cooperation and advancement of business ties, all conditions meeting modern requirements were created in the complex. The seven-story, 6.8-hectare fashionable hotel may boast of all the paraphernalia for reception of high-ranking guests, their comfortable recreation, for conducting of various measures. The complex includes 87 hotel rooms (204-seat total occupancy capacity), including: 17 – of standard class, 8 – family (suite class); 47 – de luxe class, and 15 – super-luxe class; everything necessary is envisaged in every of the 87 hotel rooms for welcoming and servicing the guests with the traditional Turkmen hospitality.

The structure of the complex includes 8 business-centers, a 500-capacity white yurt-shaped hall intended for conducting of festive events, the halls intended for holding meetings and conferences, shops, branch bank.

Besides, the relevant infrastructure is envisioned for cultural recreation and sports; restaurants, a banquet hall, SPA section, well-equipped fitness-hall, indoor swimming pool, beauty parlor.

While examining the hotel and visiting its restaurant, the head of state paid attention to the design of the hall of restaurant, evinced interest in the menu, centered attention on the dishes of Turkmen cuisine.

While examining the hotel rooms, the leader of nation has placed accent on their enhanced-comfort characteristics and gave an assessment to the setting-out of the building and exclusive details of its interior.

At the hotel, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Chairman of the Turkish Company «Rönesans Holding» Erman Ylycak. Over the years of its activity in Turkmenistan, the Company has accomplished construction of a number of important infrastructure objects, including the hotel “Garagum”.

Then, the meeting has taken the format of a working meeting with the participation of Vice-Premiers. Consideration was given to the issues of widespread adoption in Turkmenistan of water-saving technologies, construction of new power plants in association with Turkish partners.

The head of Turkish holding has confirmed the Company’s interest in further participation in the Turkmen President-initiated comprehensive reform-based programs aimed at innovatory development of Turkmenistan and strengthening of its economic power.

That same day, the opening of modern 7-hectare park “Erkin” (next to the hotel “Garagum”) was held.

Over 7 thousand of trees (juniper, deciduous and coniferous trees) were planted, and the flowerbeds were laid out by the perimeter of the park making it impressive due to its bright elements of the landscaping design. In the center of the park, there is a 22-meter-high flagpole with Green Flag of our independent Motherland.

The park has every possibility for doing exercises and going in for sports in the fresh air; the cycle tracks were built and a rent-a-bicycle point was organized.

Having proclaimed strengthening of healthy and active life style in the society as one of the key tasks, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gives an inspiring personal example to his countrymen, first of the first to the younger generation.

On Saturday, following his accustomed pattern, the head of state did his morning keep-fit exercises and visited the capital’s Olympic Village to train himself at the keep-fit simulators and take up different sports together with his associates.

Having concentrated attention on the issues related to development in the country of the physical culture and recreation movement and high-record sports, the leader of nation has necessitated intensifying of the work in this sphere, creating of every condition for attraction of the population, the youths in particular, to mass sporting and athletic activity and events, for advancement of the international cooperation in this sphere and training sportsmen of the world level.

On the past week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a briefing dedicated to the outcomes of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s visit to the Turkish Republic, in the frames of which the leader of nation took part in VIII Summit of the Turkic Council, and to the preparation measures to the ECO Summit under the chairmanship of Turkmenistan to be held in Ashgabat on November 28.

The briefing was attended by the leaders and representatives of the national media community, news writers accredited to Turkmenistan and due to the digital communication system – by representatives of foreign media.

The briefing was centered on the key points and propositions of the speech the leader of nation had delivered at the Summit of the Turkic Council. Turkmenistan’s accession to the Organization in the capacity of an observer is the fact of particular importance, for it opens vast possibilities for joint work in such spheres as economy, trade, investments, ecology, science, education, and other promising directions.

So, the past week’s events were yet another eloquent corroboration of Turkmenistan’s political dialogue deepening with the world community of nations, extension of the economic partnership and humanitarian ties for the benefit of the universal peace, wealth and progress. Moreover, they have again demonstrated that day after day the reforms and changes initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov take on new full-scale intensity and popularity, for they are mainly aimed at bringing our Motherland into the rank of the industrially-developed states of the world, at multiplying of the Turkmen people’s well-being.

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