Events of the week
Constructive cooperation – for the benefit of universal peace and progress
Events of the week
Constructive cooperation – for the benefit of universal peace and progress
Published 15.11.2021

The events of the past seven days were a striking illustration of successful putting into life of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s creative initiatives aimed at our country’s active integration into the global political and economic space, at its accelerated inclusion in the rank of high-developed countries of the world, as well as at the broad mutuality-based cooperation with all interested partners.

On November 9, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Austrian Republic Michael Linhart, who arrived in Turkmenistan.

The head of state and his guest gave consideration to the present state and prospects for advancement of the bilateral partnership in the trade-economic sphere, industrial sector, energy, transport and other branches of the economy. At the same time, the sides regarded the cultural-humanitarian sphere as an inextricable ingredient of the interstate relations. 

 The President of Turkmenistan and the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Austrian Republic expressed themselves in favor of strengthening of the traditional political-diplomatic dialogue, having thereto confirmed the two states’ adherence to the constructive partnership in the frames of the reputable international organizations and coordination of efforts for ensuring security and stability in the region and the world.

It is worth mentioning that the issues of the two countries’ economic relations further development were also considered in the course of meetings with the participation of the Austrian Republic’s delegation, which were held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.

Leaders and representatives of the governmental structures and business circles of our country had an opportunity to discuss with Austrian partners the possibilities of investment interaction, prospects for establishing of joint enterprises, arrangement of exhibitions of innovatory equipment, including the radio-broadcasting, medical, and sporting devices and hardware. 

As the participants of meetings noted, the present visit of the Austrian delegation led by the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Austrian Republic Michael Linhart signified yet another important step toward strengthening and advancement of the traditionally friendly interstate dialogue, which is considered in the context of the independent Turkmen state’s foreign-policy strategy oriented to full-scale dialogue with the countries of the European Union. 

On November 10, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has inspected the implementation progress of his earlier assignments on constructing of the Economic Department of the military and law enforcement agencies and of the stable in one of the picturesque corners of the Kopetdag foothills. 

The head of state got acquainted with the designs and drawings of the objects, including the three 48-apartment residential houses, made some remarks and recommendations, having stressed that while designing and constructing the objects, particular attention is to be given to the quality of works and compliance of their architectural face with age-old traditions of the national art of building. 

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces has also inspected the enclosure and its conditions intended for keeping and training patrol dogs, and work on training Alabay dogs for guarding service. Then, astride the horse, the head of state proceeded to the construction site of the stable intended for keeping the horses of the military and law enforcement agencies. In propinquity to the stable, the residential houses for horse-breeders and officers will be built.

Having carefully studied the projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed some remarks and addressed several assignments to the Minister. All new construction objects are to be in tune with high international standards – be it stables intended for horse-breeding and training of the world-renowned Akhalteke horse racers, the pride and glory of the nation, or residential houses intended for servicemen and horse-breeders. 

Having visited a shooting gallery and made several high-accurate shoots, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief has demonstrated his high mastership of a marksman. 

In the memorable entry on the shooting mark, the leader of nation has noted that to be involved in the all-round sporting events is a mandatory requirement for all servicemen of the security system; sports help them to successfully hope with operational missions.

On November 11, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the reports from khyakims of Akhal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap, and Mary velayats on successful implementation by the country’s farmers of their state-cotton-quantity-target contracts.

In the year of celebrating of the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s scared independence, Turkmen cotton growers, tenants, machine operators mechanic have produced over 1million 250 thousand tons of “white gold”. Having managed their obligations with flying colors, the farmers keep on working efficiently to harvest the cotton yield to the last boll.  

The head of state has extended gratitude to cotton producers and workers of agriculture of the country for their meritorious labor and labor records. “Heavy yield produced in the native land – is the Motherland’s wealth, the nation’s sufficiency”, the leader of nation stressed.

That same day, an online meeting was held with the participation of members of the Milli Gengesh, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the AIC, leaders of social organizations. In the course of meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has signed the Ukases on conferring state awards on the khyakims of velayats and foremost tenant farmers.  

At the meeting, consideration was also given to the issues of further revamping of the national legislation, preparation measures timed to the Harvest Festival, exhibition and scientific-practical conference dedicated to the achievements of the national agricultural branch. 

On November 12, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid a working visit to the Turkish Republic on the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to participate in VIII Summit of the heads of the Turkic States Cooperation Council member-states.

Several days prior to the Summit, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave an interview to the editor-in-chief of “TRT World” TV Channel (the Turkish State TV-Radio Company) Yusuf Erim. In the interview, the head of state touched upon key aspects of the traditionally friendly Turkmen-Turkish relations, prospects for the regional and international cooperation advancement in different spheres, the priorities of Turkmenistan’s state policy with particular accent on the nation’s age-old values and their interconnection with the present time.

Establishment of Turkmenistan in the world as an independent, sovereign, powerful state with sustainably developing economy, large industrial-production base, multimodal transport-communication system, strong energy complex, and modern agriculture, which won high authority, – all this the leader of nation regards as major achievement of our young state over the past 30 years.

Speaking of the circumstances, which induced us to take a decision to accede to the Turkic States Cooperation Council (TSCC) in the capacity of an observer, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that Turkmenistan is always take active part in the sessions of the Organization. At the same time, our country develops friendly and interest-based cooperation in different directions with all Turkic countries.   

At the same time, firm belief was expressed that participation of Turkmenistan in the capacity of observer in the Turkic States Cooperation Council will invest in the activity of Organization, its development in the frames of the political, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian relations.

The Summit, which was held under the slogan “Green technologies and smart towns in the digital epoch”, was attended by the leaders of the TSCC member-states and its Secretary General, and by the Prime-Minister of Hungary.

The agenda of Summit was very intensive. The leaders of TSCC member-states exchanged opinions on the topical vectors of interstate interaction and made decisions on a number of important issues related to the Organization’s future, including its renaming. Not the least important was to identify the conditions of cooperation with the third countries and agencies, institute the Turkic Investment Fund, and endorse the Turkic World Concept until 2040, which represents the medium and longer-term goals and tasks of the Organization.

Turkmenistan’s acceding to the Organization in the capacity of an observer was one of the landmark events of the Summit.

In his speech at the Summit, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed particular importance of the top-rank meeting, which takes decision on Turkmenistan’s acceding to the Turkic States Cooperation Council in the capacity of observer. The event, without exaggeration, is a landmark historical event, which signifies the beginning of a qualitatively new phase of interaction of Turkmenistan with Turkic states.  

Given a high respect our country always has for the activity of the Turkic States Cooperation Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has avowed a number of proposals aimed at the TSCC activity improvement.

One such was in strengthening of relations between the fraternal nations and states and in the coordinated approach to solution of the tasks of the international community – the fact of particular importance in the light of the ambiguous processes and serious changes, which are ongoing today in the world.

The head of Turkmenistan has expressed confidence that under the present conditions it is necessary to expand relations between our countries in the frames of the United Nations Organization, Islamic Cooperation Organization, Economic Cooperation Organization, and other international and regional structures.

The leader of nation has noted that joining of potentials, use of resources, geographical, production and technological possibilities of our states will enable not only to render powerful support to the national economies, but also to attach a completely new content and quality to the whole geo-economic infrastructure of Eurasia.   

In this content, the talk is about the projects of creating energy systems like the Caspian region-Turkey-Europe scheme, and also the transport-logistic corridors assigned to revivify the Great Silk Road.

The head of Turkmenistan has also noted the necessity to embark on the well-thought development of the unified strategy of Turkic states in this direction and on its basis to pursue the dovetailed transport and energy diplomacy. 

The leader of nation has also proposed to intensify cooperation with the specialized international structures, notably with the UN European Economic Commission, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and start interaction on realization of joint projects with attraction of such financial structures as the Islamic Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

Having affirmed strong adherence to consolidation of international efforts for counteracting the present ecological threats, Turkmenistan proposes also to take a number of concrete and necessary measures in the light of “green agenda”.

It is also necessary to embark on working out of the Universal Strategy aimed at the development of low-carbon industries, and under the UN aegis to create the international “Road Map” on the development of hydrogen as one of the priority directions in the energy sphere, the head of state said, having expressed confidence that solidarity of the Turkic world in realization of those initiatives will become a weighty contribution to achieving of the Sustainable Development Goals.

We think that enhancement of directions and geography of international interaction of the TSCC member-states needs strengthening and improvement of its organizational structure, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Perhaps, it is advisable to think of creating special committees, which will be engaged in strengthening of cooperation between our countries in the economic, ecological and humanitarian spheres.

To be deeper absorbed and engaged in the relations between different countries in Asia and Europe, the leader of nation has proposed to institute the positions of General Secretary Deputies of the Turkic Council with due regard for the geographical aspect.

The present Summit signifies a new landmark phase in interaction of Turkmenistan with brotherly state. Adoption of the decision on acceding of Turkmenistan to the TSCC in the capacity of an observer is a good event for us, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. Today, having joined our efforts and aspirations to promote advancement of the fraternal peoples toward progress, prosperity and well-being, we have become still stronger.

At the top-level meeting, its participants exchanged opinions on the current regional and international political and economic processes.

By results of VIII Summit of TSCC, in the course of which the Organization’s chairmanship from Azerbaijan was passed on to Turkey, the Istanbul Declaration and a number of Resolutions were signed.

In the course of the visit to Istanbul, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had also a meeting with President of the Turkish Republic Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Having exchanged opinions on the current state and prospects for cooperation advancement in the context of the impressive potential available and future-orientated plans, the heads of states have affirmed the countries’ adherence to further strengthening of the productive interaction, which meets the reciprocal interests and wealth-favored goals in the regional and global formats.

The confidence was expressed that the decision on Turkmenistan’s acceding to the TSCC in the capacity of an observer would promote further progressive development of the effective international interaction in a broad gamut of directions.

In the frames of Summit, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had also a meeting with President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov. The sides have discussed major directions of the bilateral interaction, including in the frames of international organizations. The trade-economic sphere, energy and other sectors were regarded as the priority vectors of cooperation. 

As was noted, the advantageous geographic location of Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan stipulates the necessity for further intensification of interaction in the formation of transport-transit corridors to enable in the future to bring the relations between the countries of Central Asia and neighboring regions at a qualitatively new level. 

On completion of the working visit to the Turkish Republic, the leader of nation arrived to the town of Turkmenbashy on November 13 to visit a modern well-equipped multifunctional sport complex built on the coast of the Caspian Sea and intended for professional sportsmen and sport amateurs of different age groups.

Being an adherent of the healthy life style, the head of Turkmenistan gives a personal example to the countrymen, first of the first to the younger generation, for the good of doing different sports. This time, the leader of nation with his associates has organized an indoor soccer match.

The people’s health promotion and assertion in the society of the active lifestyle principles are the issues, which are always in the focus of attention of the head of state.

In the frames of his visit to the town of Turkmenbashy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the state of affairs at the construction of the seven-story 400-bed multifield hospital, which came into its closing stage.

The hospital will include the following departments: pediatrics, gynecology, neuro-traumatology, surgery, urology, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, etc., as well as the maternity department and “Emergency Care” Service, centralized laboratory, functional and roentgen diagnostics, blood bank.

Having highlighted that combination of the national building art traditions with the achievements of the modern building practice remains to be an invariable requirement while constructing the multifield hospital, and the equipment of the hospital is to meet international standards, the head of state has addressed the relevant concrete assignments to the chief heads concerned. 

After examining of the new medical object, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working session with the participation of some Vice-Premiers, the head of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Health and Medical Industry to give consideration to the important issues of the country’s socioeconomic development, of Balkan velayat inclusive.

In particular, the talk was about in-full enactment of the Turkmenbashy International Seaport’s capacities, intensification of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union’s participation in construction of objects of the transport-logistics infrastructure.

Having placed accent on the comprehensive development of the Caspian region, the head of state has stressed that the under-construction sophisticated multifield hospital will have to become a center of conducting the measures and events of international significance in the health sphere. In this regard, the relevant presidential assignments were given to the chief heads concerned.

On the past week, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Law of Turkmenistan “On the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2022”.

The country’s main financial document for 2022 was approved by revenue and expenditure items in the amount of 85,619.2 million manats. 

Wages, pensions, state allowances and scholarships are endorsed by the Law as the protected items of the Budget.

Earlier, the Law had already been considered, and after its unanimous approval it was endorsed at the 15th session of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh, which was held on October 30, and at the 3rd session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan of the first convocation, which was held on November 12 of the current year.   

Among other events of the past week, worth of mentioning is XIV International online-conference “Turkmentel-2021” in Ashgabat, which in pursuance of the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was organized by «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Agency and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The modern communications facilities have enabled to unite around the topical issues included in the agenda of the online-conference over 300 representatives from 25 countries. High interest to the event was evinced not only by business circles, but also by specialists and leading scientists and experts of the sphere.

Foreign participants of the forum have confirmed their readiness to expand partnership with Turkmen colleagues in the light of availability in our country of the modern sectoral infrastructure, possibilities and conditions for innovatory activity, which were created due to support and attention of the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. 

The corollary of it is the fact that in run-up to the forum, the head of state has signed the Resolution on authorizing the «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers to make contracts: with “Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.” Company (the Chinese People’s Republic) – for purchasing of the equipment, software products, provision of licenses, rendering of transportation, assemblage, commissioning services, and assistance in advancing of cellular-radio network “Altyn Asyr” in Akhal, Balkan, Dashoguz velayats and city of Ashgagat; and with “Nokia Solution and Networks Oy” Company (the Republic of Finland) – for  purchasing of the equipment, software products, provision of licenses, rendering of transportation, assemblage, commissioning services, and assistance in advancing of cellular-radio network “Altyn Asyr” in Lebap and Mary velayats.

On the past week, in Balkan velayat, solemn ceremonies were held of commissioning at a time of several important objects – an eloquent confirmation of successful implementation of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s comprehensive program on the accelerated socioeconomic development of the country’s regions, and landmark construction premieres of the running jubilee year of 30th anniversary of Motherland’s sacred independence proclaimed under the deeply symbolic slogan :Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”.

The health sphere modern infrastructure of the country’s western region was supplemented with the two new medical centers – the Infectious Diseases Hospital in the town of Turkmenbashy and the multifield clinic in Magtymguly etrap.

The ceremony the medical centers commissioning was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Berdumuhamedov (in charge of Balkan velayat), deputies of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh, chief heads and representatives of velayat, town and etrap khyakimliks, sectoral ministries and agencies, social organizations, honorary elders, and youths.

Director of the WHO European Regional Bureau Dr. Hans Kluge joined the event in the online format. He has noted that medical centers are an important part of the society and symbolize the well-being, security, reliability and activity of Turkmenistan’s medical infrastructure. 

The new sophisticated Infectious Diseases Hospital in the town of Turkmenbashy is yet another example of the large-scale work, which is ongoing in Turkmenistan to control epidemiological situation, promote disease prevention, efficient treatment of various dangerous infectious diseases.

All conditions for rendering different types of qualified medical services are created in the new multifield clinic in Magtymguly etrap, which includes a 50-bed hospital, 30-out-patient clinic, and emergency aid service.

The new objects of health sphere are provided with modern medical equipment from world-renowned producers – Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, USA, South Korea, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Great Britain and the Chinese People’s Republic.

In Turkmenbashy etrap, Balkan velayat, the training-servicing center was launched intended for repair and maintenance of “KAMAZ” vehicles. The center was build in compliance with the presidential assignment on construction of the “KAMAZ” repair and maintenance centers in Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats.

Today, the “KAMAZ” trucks manufactured at the Kamsky Automobile Plant (Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation) are engaged at the construction sites of the capital and velayats. The engineers-developers of the company improve systematically the truck models and their functional characteristics with a glance to the climate conditions of our country.

 Convincing artifacts testifying to the development of material culture, industry in particular, in the medieval towns of our country were found by Turkmen archeologists in the course of the autumnal season of excavations at the Abiverd monument in Kaakhka etrap, Akhal veleyat.

At the platform, named by scholars the “artisan complex”, the remains of the six round stoves were found, which were used for manufacturing of the mercury (widely used in jewelry and medicine) by smelting of iron ore.  Not far from stoves, the pottery was found for production of the original ceramic vessels intended for keeping mercury.

By tradition, on the second Sunday of November, Turkmenistan has countrywide celebrated the Harvest Festival, which draws together conclusions from the year’s work of tenant farmers, symbolizes the fertility of Turkmen land, foodstuff abundance. Proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”, the running year is marked by impressive achievements of rural toilers, who invested considerably into the country’s foodstuff abundance. 

In his Complimentary Address, the President of Turkmenistan has stressed a great depth of the holiday substance, which reflects the pride the people take in heavy yields of agricultural crops they grew in the blessed fertile Turkmen land. “Harvest Festival is the expression of people’s love for the native land, high honor and respect for the labor of crop-growers at the state level” – the head of state highlighted. 

On the eve of the holiday, in compliance with the Ukase of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the foremost toilers of the agrarian sector, who have gained the highest production indicators, were conferred on the state awards.

The major festive events and measures were hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. The festive program included the large exhibition of agriculture and agri-industrial complex and scientific-practical conference – “The glorious 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence: the achievements and future-orientated important tasks of the country’s AIC”.

On behalf of the AIC workers, a splendid Akhalteke horse racer named Hazyna was donated to the leader of nation.

Like a hymn to the Turkmen daikhans’ diligence and creative talent, the Harvest Festival has become a bright replication of such age-old customs of the Turkmen people as hospitality, reciprocal understanding, support and sincere friendship, which received their continuation in the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s policy of positive neutrality, openness and broad international cooperation with all interested states of the world. 

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