Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of peace, friendship, fraternity and grandiose achievements
Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of peace, friendship, fraternity and grandiose achievements
Published 31.10.2021

The foreign policy pursued by the leader of nation Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, based on the principles of neutrality, peacefulness and active international interaction, gave a powerful impetus to broadening of the equitable and effective cooperation with many countries of the world. At the same time, a set of goal-directed measures is undertaken to promote maximum use of the country’s geopolitical, economic, resource and human potential to accelerate its entering the rank of the states with high quality of life, dynamic economy.

On October 25, the Presidential Palace Complex “Oguzkhan” hosted the negotiations between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, who arrived in our country on a state visit.

The sides have concentrated on a broad range of partnership-favored issues and exchanged opinions on the urgent interest-based issues of the regional and global agenda.

As the leader of nation has noted the by-now-gained solid contractual-legal base of cooperation between our countries includes120 international documents on very different directions.

The trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian ties are characterized by consistent and stable character. Even in the light of the objective complexities induced by the present global economic situation, the 2021 eight-month volume of reciprocal trade turnover (according to Turkmen statistics and as compared to the last year’s similar period) increased by 16.6 percent. By this indicator, Kazakhstan enters the top ten foreign-trade partners of Turkmenistan.

Energy, transport and communications, agri-industrial complex, a number of other spheres the sides have sorted out among the priority directions of cooperation.

In the course of negotiations it was stressed that the Turkmen-Kazakh partnership was a workable factor of efficient response to such focal threats and challenges as international terrorism, drug trafficking, trans-border crime.

Particular attention the two states’ leaders gave to the Afghan problematics. In this regard, the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed that both states, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, would like to see Afghanistan a peaceful and stable state, full-fledged, equitable partner and participator of the regional international economic processes involved into the energy and transport infrastructure projects.

The sides gave also discussion to the issues of conducting VI Summit of the Caspian states in the running year in Turkmenistan, and exchanged opinions on holding of the ECO 15th Summit in Ashgabat on November 28.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has invited the top-ranking delegation of the neighboring country to take part in the International Conference “The policy of peace and trust – the basis of international security, stability and advancement” to be held in Ashgabat late in the running year.

By results of negotiations, an impressive set of documents was signed aimed to broaden partnership of the two countries in the spheres of the border and customs interaction, civil defense, environment protection, international motor transportation, railway transport, trade, statistics, education, information, culture exchange, and in the social-labor sphere.

In token of recognition of the President of friendly Kazakhstan meritorious contribution to the development of cooperation between our countries, the Turkmen leader has decorated Kasym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev with the Order of Turkmenistan ”Bitaraplyk”.

On October 25, in the telephone talk with President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has extended to the head of the neighboring country congratulations on electing him to the highest state post and wishes of great success in his responsible work.

The leaders of two states have also exchanged opinions on key directions of the Turkmen-Uzbek partnership and confirmed their interest in diversification of the mutuality-based relations notable for their huge, time-demanded potential.

On October 26, President of Turkmenistan made a working round of the capital, having visited its southern part, where construction of the Magtymguly Fragi monument is nearing completion.

The head of state has familiarized with the general layout of the 13.5-hectare cultural-park complex, drafts of the landscaping designs, and location sites of the infrastructure objects, including the lighting systems.

In his remarks and amendments to the project, the leader of nation has concentrated attention on the fact that the objects under construction are to create a single harmony with the nature of the Kopetdag foothills; while designing the projects, the draftsmen are to be guided by the advanced modern experience and age-old traditions of the national architecture art.

The head of state has exhorted to conduct a tender on improvement and landscaping of the Magtymguly Fragi cultural-park complex, and also to take into consideration the innovatory ideas proposed by the youths, notably by the students and teachers of the core high education institutions.

Besides, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has concentrated attention on the necessity to use various lighting equipment to make more distinct and pronounced the quotations from the world-famous poetry of the great Fragi, which will be replicated on the foothills.

The head of state has noted the advisability of commissioning the monument and park in the next year, having timed the ceremony to the annually observed Culture Week on the occasion of Workers of Culture and Art Day and the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi . The event will initiate grandiose festivities in honor of the tercentenary anniversary of the greatest poet and philosopher of the Turkmen people, which will be widely celebrated in 2024.In this regard, the leader of nation said that the year 2024 would be proclaimed as “Year of Magtymguly Fragi” in token of profound respect for the great personality.

On October 27, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working session with some of the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, chief leaders of the oil/gas complex structures, representatives of the Public Corporation “Tatneft” of the Republic of Tatarstan (the Russian Federation), who arrived in our country to take part in XXVI International Conference “Oil and gas of Turkmenistan – 2021”.

To increase productivity of oil wells, a proposal on pullout of oil wells developed by “Turkmenneft” State Concern in association of “Tatneft” Company was submitted for consideration of the head of state. In particular, it was informed that in the frames of the valid contract, an Additional Agreement is expected to be made for overhaul and commissioning of not less than 300 temporarily shut-in and intended-for-shutting-in wells.

At the “Tatneft” Company’s presentation, concrete works have been identified to double in the future oil production at the deposits of Turkmenistan. The tables and the schemes presented have demonstrated the plans of the geological-technical measures realization at the Goturdepe deposit, prospects for development of the servicing oil-field equipment aimed at increasing oil production and import-substitution. Information was also avowed about the operator’s provisions to be invested to the Goturdepe deposit, and the anticipated approximate indicators of the deposit development impact on the GDP of Turkmenistan were given.

Concentrating attention on the priority aspects of the oil sector development, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted the importance of increasing the rates of works on effective attraction of foreign investments, active adoption of international experience, and making new contracts for rendering services.

The head of state has highlighted that our country is aimed at further modernization of the hardware and logistics base of the FEC. In this regard, search for and identification of the cooperation-favored directions and efficient use of the possibilities of Turkmenistan and business-community of Tatarstan with accent on the innovatory ingredient are the spheres of priority.

The priority issues of the state life were on the agenda of the online session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held on October 28.

The agenda of session implied the following issues: the state of affairs at the construction objects of social purpose erected in Balkan velayat; preparation measures to the winter period; implementation progress of the seasonal agri-works; cultural measures dedicated to the remarkable events of November.

A number of proposals on overhauling the «Balkanabat» plant of «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern (a producer of technical iodine, major part of which is exported) were submitted to the head of state for consideration.

In tune with the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025”, on the basis of the within-named plant, it is projected to overhaul the existing iodine- and bromine-containing wells and build new sophisticated production facilities. To this end, it is proposed to hold a tender with the participation of interested foreign companies.

Not the least significant is creation of new facilities for production of the export-orientated goods on the basis of the local natural-raw resources Turkmenistan is rich in, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed. The work is also to be kept going to study the possibilities of increasing production volumes of the high-quality technical iodine at the large enterprises of the western region, as well as to actively attract foreign companies notable for their great experience and technologies in that sphere.

Information was presented on preparation to the ceremony of commissioning of the Ashgabat-Tejen road (a section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat autobahn), which meets international standards.

As the leader of nation has stressed, modernization of the motor transport technical base in tune with high standards of ecology and security are a key aspect of the state socioeconomic policy.

A proposal on creating of the Information Accessibility Center in association with the Korean partners, which was developed in the frames of the Plan on Realization of the Concept of the Digital Education System Advancement in Turkmenistan, was presented to the head of state for consideration.

The Center would promote the technological and innovatory development of the digital education system in our country, improvement of the digital educational services, creation of the modern electronic teaching-methodological base, improvement of citizens’ literacy in the web-design and programming spheres at the expense of accessibility of the electronic educational resources.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted that creation of conditions for digital economy development in the country would ensure further progressive growth of the national economy complex and have direct impact on raising quality of life of the population.

In this regard, in view of the necessity to train the demand-driven competent specialists, it is necessary to properly modernize the education and professional training system and bring the educational programs in tune with the generally-admitted international standards.

The leader of nation has also noted that the new Turkmen-Korean project would become a considerable contribution to the upward development of the long-term mutuality-based cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea.

On October 28, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the ECO General Secretary Husrava Noziri.

In the course of meeting, an exchange of opinions was held on the prospects for further partnership advancement and its major vectors in the context of Turkmenistan’s current presidency in the ECO and realization of the relevant Concept. Particular attention was given to the issues of preparation to the 15th Summit of ECO, which will be held in Ashgabat on November28 – on ECO Day.

It was noted that huge potential of the ECO member-states stipulates favorable possibilities for interest-based cooperation in the trade-economic sphere, industrial sector, in the sphere of innovations and advanced technologies, in investments.

On October 29, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the solemn ceremony of commissioning of the Ashgabat-Tejen section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed autobahn.

Realization of the Central Asia’s largest project will enable to accelerate and increase the volumes of freight traffic via the territory of Turkmenistan. In this regard vast prospects will open up in the sphere of transport interaction with adjacent Uzbekistan. Moreover, the junction of the road with the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat autobahn (which connects the eastern region of the country with its center) will give a direct outlet to the International Seaport Turkmenbashy and father – by seaway to the Caucasus, toward Europe, to the south of Russia, to the north of Iran, toward the Persian and Oman Gulfs.

The US $2.3billion project is implemented by the member of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union – «Türkmen Awtoban» Close Corporation. Construction of the object includes three phases; the last one will be completed in December 2023.

Realized in the epoch of power and prosperity, the large-scale project is an eloquent example of the intergenerational continuity of the nation’s noble traditions – to build roads and bridges, to promote the Motherland’s all-round progress, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Having placed particular accent on the tremendous impact the within-named project has on the development of independent neutral Motherland and interstate relations, the leader of nation was pleased to state that the project is yet another striking example of the national entrepreneurs’ active role in the implementation of national programs and formation of the modern industrial and transport infrastructure.

In the speeches delivered at the Ashgabat-Tejen road commissioning ceremony, representatives of the reputable international structures (specialized in the sphere of certifying the infrastructure road-transport facilities) have stressed that only a powerful state with the developed economy, as such is Turkmenistan today, is capable to build such a road of the regional and international level.

The Austrian “VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH» Company granted to the new infrastructure facility the certificates: compliance of the autobahn quality to ISO 9001 standard, and compliance of the designing and construction works with international standards, in particular “Highway designing” and “Construction works”.

By results of the studies conducted, the Ministry of Transport Communications of Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) took a decision to grant a certificate of high security to the autobahn.

The certificate of widespread adoption of innovatory high technologies in construction of the road was granted by the Transport Communications and Infrastructure Department of the town of Dornbirn (Austria).

The head of state paid a visit to the Traffic Control Center. The Center’s monitors demonstrate technical possibilities of traffic control in the new high-speed road.

Having made a drive toward the town of Tejen, the leader of nation gave personally a startup to the 203-km road.

En route, the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has examined the objects, modern systems of safety and surveillance, sales outlets, servicing points intended for drivers and passengers, maintenance points.

During a stopover in one of the sections of the Ashgabat-Tejen road, the head of state was congratulated on the remarkable event by the Chairman of Council of Directors of “KAMAZ” Corporation Sergey Tkachenko. He has also informed that the large Russian corporation has produced a new model of “KAMAZ” car – a main haulage truck, and made a request to make a test-drive in the new road.

Having made several kilometers at the wheel of the new vehicle, the leader of nation shared his impressions of its technical characteristics and dynamics, and noted the possibility of purchasing such special machinery for the country.

One more stopover President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has made at the road junction Artyk in the hundredth kilometer of the autobahn to examine the servicing objects and payment terminal.

Here, the leader of nation has visited the Shopping Center«Kerwensaraý» - a supermarket, play grounds for children, cafeteria, and the motel with usual appurtenances of a good hotel intended for the drivers.

So, successful commissioning of the Ashgabat-Tejen section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed autobahn is yet another evidence of the accelerated formation in Turkmenistan of the transport-transit infrastructure of international level.

Among other significant events of the past week, worth of mentioning is XXVI International Conference “Oil and gas of Turkmenistan-2021”, which was organized by «Türkmengaz», «Türkmennebit» State Concerns, «Türkmengeologiýa» State Corporation in the partnership with “Turkmen Forum” Economic Association, and with the support of «GaffneyCline» British Company.

The Forum was attended by chief heads of governmental structures, core ministries and departments, reputable organizations, representatives of foreign media accredited to Turkmenistan. In the online format, representatives of over 100 companies, large international organizations and banks from over 30 states joined the discussions.

The agenda of conference implied the prospects for development of the global energy system, of Turkmenistan’s oil/gas industry in particular, the issues of international cooperation in this strategic sphere; special accent was placed on the ecological aspect of partnership.

Being an initiative participator of international processes, avowing its vision of sustainable goals and possibilities of their achievement, Turkmenistan offers to unleash its vast potential in the common interests. The strategy pursued in that sphere under the leadership of the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov implies the priority of high-tech branches, creation of conditions for development of ‘green economy’ as a basic element of functioning of the state’s whole life-support infrastructure.

In the frames of forum, a number of documents were signed, in particular: “Memorandum of Understanding on production of ammonium and methanol by monetization of the natural gas” between the «Türkmengaz» State Concern and “Haldor Topsoe A/S» Company (Kingdom of Denmark); a Contract between «Türkmengeologiýa» State Corporation and «Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited» Company (the Republic of Singapore) for conducting of 3D and 2D researches in the eastern part of the Goturdepe oil/gas deposit in the Balkan zone in the west of Turkmenistan and in the region close to Southern Burun; a Contract for development and construction of the third oil-refinery line at the Pribrezhny completing-loading refinery of the Turkmenbashi Refinery Complex between the TRC and “Petro Gas LLP” Company (Great Britain).

In the course of fconference, direct transmission was held from the exhibition pavilion of Turkmenistan at the World Exhibition “EXPO-2020” (Dubai, UAE), where, simultaneously with Ashgabat, the session was held under the title “The natural gas and alternative energy sources – key resources in transition to the low-carbonic future”.

Last Saturday, at the session of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of the sixth convocation, consideration was given to the draft Law “On the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2022” and draft Resolution “On execution of the State Budget of Turkmenistan-2020”. Preliminarily, the draft Law and Resolution were discussed in all Mejlis Committees, as well as in the context of certain branches – in the ministries and departments of the country.

By conclusion of the deputies, who unanimously voted for adoption of the draft Law “On the State Budge of Turkmenistan for 2022”, the document is based on the competent estimations and calculations and is buttressed by the resource potential of the state and society, and will, undoubtedly, serve to further growth of life standards of the people.

The Resolution of Mejlis “On execution of the State Budget of Turkmenistan-2020” was also unanimously endorsed.

On the past week, daikhans of Lebap, Akhal, Mary, Balkan, and Dashoguz velayats reported on completion of the winter wheat seeding campaign in due time, with observance of all agri-technical norms, and with expectancies about the future heavy yield.

Large-scale changes implemented in the AIC are assigned to promote solution of the tasks in the sphere of import-substituting industries and increase the AIC export potential through increasing production volumes of various agri-products.

Each of the events of the past eventful week may serve as a visual illustration of the priorities of the policy of openness and good neighborliness, progressive changes carried out in the new historical epoch in every sphere of life by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the aim of accelerated innovatory development of the country, provision of high living standards of the Turkmen people.

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