Events of the week
Peacemaking and stable development – a guarantee of the Motherland’s prosperity
Events of the week
Peacemaking and stable development – a guarantee of the Motherland’s prosperity
Published 11.10.2021

The constructive international cooperation, sustainable development of the country’s national economy complex, industrialization and digitization of all branches of the economy, diversification of the industrial, labor and intellectual potential of the Motherland aimed at promoting its accelerated bringing at the level of the developed states of the world, regular growth of life standards of Turkmen citizens – exactly these are the key vectors of general strategy consistently pursued by the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which were in the focus of the past eventful week.

On October 4, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a session of the State Security Council to draw together conclusions from the running year’s 9-month activity of the military and law enforcement structures.

In the course of session, the major near-term directions of our country’s peaceful military-political strategy have been identified, including: further modernization of the hardware and logistics base of the National Army’s all structures; widespread adoption of the world’ best experience in the within-named sphere; improvement of the training-staff system; creation of worthy conditions for the service and life of soldiers and officers.

Not the least important is to keep going the dovetailed work of the law enforcement agencies to ensure law and order in the society; on the basis of the humane policy backed by the country’s neutral status, it is necessary to ensure legal protection of all citizens living in the country, the leader of nation stressed.

At the session, consideration was also given to the personnel reshuffle problems.

On October 4-5, the President of Turkmenistan paid an official visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the course of the negotiation process, the two countries’ leaders Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev have concretized major directions of the interest-based cooperation in the light of the agreements achieved earlier and long-term prospects for its further advancement.

Enhancement and diversification of assortment of the bilateral trade, development of the industrial cooperation in different branches, manufacturing of the demand-driven produce, and getting exposure to the markets of third countries, formulating of the logistic infrastructure were mentioned among the cooperation-favored directions. In this regard, the sides agreed to prepare the core “Road Map”.

Besides, to intensify the interstate cooperation at the regional level, it was proposed to launch the bilateral Forum of regions and next year hold its first meeting in Khiva.

To advance the systemic political dialogue, on the Afghan problematics inclusive, the advisability was stressed of keeping regular contacts between the foreign-policy departments of the two states.

Along with the issues of peace and security, the sides have expressed themselves in favor of strengthening coordination of actions in such key directions, as counteracting the negative impacts of climate change, careful and rational use of water resources in the Central Asian region, solution of the Aral Sea problematics.

By results of negotiations, an impressive set of bilateral documents was signed, including: Agreement on easing of visa procedures for citizens; Protocol on mutual trips of citizens; Memorandum between the Adalat Ministries and the Academies of Sciences; Program for cooperation in the cultural-humanitarian sphere until 2024; Agreement on preservation of the biodiversity; Plan of Measures on plant quarantine and protection until 2025; Economic Contracts; Memorandum in the sphere of chemical industry; Agreements on the border Trade Center, reciprocal trade and investments, in the metrology sphere; Memorandum on cooperation in the sphere of statistics, water-saving technologies, transit and railway services, communications; Protocol on commissioning of the Dashoguz-Gurlen checkpoint; “Road Map” in the transport sphere; Memorandum on cooperation in the sphere of information technologies.

The leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has invited the head of Uzbekistan to pay a visit to Turkmenistan whenever it will be convenient to him. The invitation was accepted with thanks. Timing of the visit will be negotiated via the diplomatic channels.

A business-like prologue to the bilateral negotiation process was provided by the recent joint economic forum in Tashkent, in the frames of which the meetings of chief heads of a number of ministries and departments, representatives of governmental and private structures were held. The agreements achieved in the course of forum were enshrined in the solid set of documents aimed at the intensification and diversification of the Turkmen-Uzbek interaction, strengthening of productive contacts between the private sectors.

On arrival in Ashgabat after the official visit to Uzbekistan, the leader of nation has concentrated attention on the distinctive peculiarities of lighting system of the capital’s International Airport and its neighborhoods, on widespread adoption of innovatory technologies and digital systems in decorating and lighting elements of the buildings and objects in the capital and all over the country, including the objects of the road-transport infrastructure.

On October 6, on the occasion of the Remembrance Day of the Ashgabat Earthquake-1948 victims and the heroes killed in the battles of all wars, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov took part in the ceremony of laying flowers to the monuments of the Memorial Complex “Halk Hakydasy” – a magnificent monument “Ruhy tagzym”, and to the monuments «Milletiň ogullary» and «Baky şöhrat”.

Concentrating attention on the Memorial Complex role in instilling in the rising generation the feeling of patriotism, the head of state has highlighted the necessity of organizing the excursions for schoolchildren and students of high education institutions to formulate in the youths the feeling of respect and pride in great history of the courageous people, motivate the youths’ drive to study the nation’s glorious heroic past.

On October 7, a telephone talk was held between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The Turkmen leader has extended heartfelt congratulations to his Russian colleague on his birthday and wishes of splendid health and great success in the state activity.

The heads of states have discussed the priority aspects of cooperation, successfully developing in a broad range of directions in the bilateral and multilateral formats.

Interaction in the “The Caspian Five” format was identified as an important aspect of the many-sided partnership. In this regard, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has confirmed Turkmenistan’s readiness to host in the running year a regular Summit of the Caspian States’ leaders in the direct format.

The prospects for the bilateral cooperation advancement were considered in the course of the meeting of President of Turkmenistan with Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government, Co-Chairman of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation Aleksey Overchuk, who arrived in Ashgabat on a working visit.

In the course of meeting, the sides were pleased to note availability of vast potential for intensification of interaction in the key directions, including in the trade-economic and fuel-energy sectors, agriculture, chemical and processing industries, transport-communications sector, and in a number of other spheres of priority.

In this context, not the least significant is the role of the Turkmen-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation as an efficient mechanism of realizing the agreements achieved, increasing and diversifying of the interest-based economic ties, the sides stressed.

Particular accent was placed on the partnership advancement in combating the coronavirus infection, including the experience exchange between the core structures.

That same day, a meeting was held of co-chairmen of the Turkmen-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation – Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Berdimuhamedov and Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government A. Overchuk with the participation of chief leaders and representatives of a number of governmental structures, including the ministries and sectoral departments, as well as representatives of business circles of the two countries.

In the course of negotiations, the urgency of the intergovernmental cooperation intensification in a number of priority directions was highlighted, including in the trade-economic and humanitarian spheres, as well as in the interaction between Turkmenistan and the regions of the Russian Federation, its large industrial and cultural centers.

By results of meeting, the “Program of economic cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Russian Federation in 2021-2023” was signed.

Concrete proposals, aimed at intensifying of the mutuality-based partnership in different spheres and at implementing of large-scale national projects, were forwarded by Russian businessmen in the course the bilateral meetings, which were held in a number of ministries and sectoral departments of Turkmenistan.

On the past week, in compliance with the agreement made by«Türkmendemirýollary Agency with “Kolomensky Zavod” and “Bryansky Machine-Building Zavod” Corporations (members of the “Transmashholding” Corporation Group of the Russian Federation), the high-performance passenger and freight diesel locomotives were delivered to Turkmenistan, which will enable to render more efficient services in the railway sphere.

On October 7, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia in Turkmenistan Ruben Hazaryan, who handed his credentials to the head of state.

Welcoming availability of the impressive untapped potential for increasing and diversifying of the productive ties, the leader of nation and the friendly state’s Plenipotentiary Representative have sorted out the trade-economic sphere, fuel-energy sector, transport and communications, agriculture, and tourism among the partnership-favored directions.

The sides have also noted the importance of activating the productive ties in the sphere of culture, education and science, regarded it as an integral factor of strengthening trust, understanding and further rapprochement between the two nations.

The current year’s nine-month outcomes of the national economy development were summed up at the enlarged online session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which was conducted by the President of Turkmenistan on October 8. At the session, an appraisal was given to the implementation progress of the programs of the country’s socioeconomic development; the personnel reshuffle issues and the tasks of priority were also on the agenda of session.

The leader of nation President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that the nine-month results of the national economy complex development are a vivid illustration of our independent Motherland’s successful advancement despite the difficulties induced by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the global economy.

In the accounting period, the GDP growth rate was at the level of 6.2 percent; foreign trade turnover increased by 12.3 percent (over US $9 billion).

In comparison with the last year’s indicators, export volumes increased approximately by 20 percent (about US $6 billion); most important factor is that without regard for the fuel-energy resources, this indicator increased by almost 50 percent.

In the period under review, instead of the planned-for-commissioning 30 objects, 62 large objects have been launched; about half a million of sq m of housing construction was accomplished, including the enhanced-comfort accommodations, hotels, entertainment centers, medical entities, comprehensive secondary schools, etc.

At present, in Turkmenistan, some 2.5 thousand of large objects are under construction (about US $35 billion total budget). They include development and construction of oil/gas deposits, construction of gas arteries, sport objects, roads, bridges, the objects of social purpose; intensive works are ongoing on construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, power transmission and optic-fiber communications lines, and realize other international objects.

Impressive are the results of reforms ongoing in the agriculture. In the running year, a heavy yield of grain was produced. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has expressed confidence that in the run-up to the Harvest Festival, the commitments for raw cotton production would be implemented.

For the remainder of the year, all scheduled works are to be successfully accomplished, the leader of nation has highlighted. In particular, an Order was issued to draw up the State Budget and Investment Program for 2022 and submit the documents for approval.

Acceleration of implementation of state programs aimed at increasing of production volumes of the import-substituting produce and export-orientated goods, efficient unleashing of huge potential available in different branches of the national economy were identified by the leader of nation among the key tasks.

Given the fact that the next year’s programs include a number of international and internal measures aimed at realization of Turkmenistan’s constructive initiatives, the head of state has exhorted the officials concerned to announce the contest for the next year’s best emblem.

On the occasion of Health and Medical Industry Workers Day, which the country celebrates on October 10, the President of the country has signed the Ukase and Resolution on awarding «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 30 ýyllygyna» medal and memorable badge to the foremost health-care workers for their meritorious labor.

The head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also informed about completing of the13th volume of his scientific work “Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan”, having timed it to the professional holiday of medics.

In the course of session, the leader of nation has signed a Ukase on 10-percent increase of wages and salaries, pensions, state allowances, student and trainee scholarships as of January 1, 2022.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also noted that it’s high time to reconsider the minimum wage rate in the country. On the one hand, it is an important macro-indicator, and on the other hand – an indicator understandable to all of us, because, major essence of our policy is in the “State – for Man!” slogan, the head of Turkmenistan stated.

On October 8, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the WHO European Regional Bureau Director Hans Kluge, who arrived in Ashgabat to participate in the International Conference of scientist-medics “Medical diplomacy – the basis of healthy world”.

In the course of meeting, the head of state gave to the guest a detailed account of the implementation progress of state program “Saglyk”, comprehensive systemic measures taken to counteract the penetration of coronavirus infection in the territory of Turkmenistan, close cooperation with the UN and its specialized structures in the health sphere.

Showing gratitude to the Turkmen leader for his initiative approach to building of the many-sided partnership and for great contribution to the common efforts in combating the new-type coronavirus infection, the EuroWHO head has particularly highlighted that as of now, in Turkmenistan, over 70 percent of the population are vaccinated. The fact moves the country onto the leading positions in comparison with other states.

On October 9, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid a working visit to the United Arab Emirates. The visit program implied participation of the leader of nation in the ceremony of opening National Day of Turkmenistan at the World Exposition “EXPO-2020” in Dubai.

The head of state got acquainted with the Turkmen pavilion – a comprehensive presentation of achievements of different branches of the economy, historical-cultural heritage, export potential of our country, its contribution to the future development of the Planet. Then, the leader of nation visited the pavilion of the United Arab Emirates.

In the “EXPO-2020” Main Reception Center, President of Turkmenistan held negotiations with Deputy Prime Minister, Presidential Affairs Minister of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansur bin Zayed Al Nahayan.

In the course of meeting, the sides have discussed the issues of the bilateral relations further advancement in the trade-economic and investment spheres, motivation of close business contacts, humanitarian and scientific ties.

By results of the negotiation process, a set of economic cooperation-favored documents was signed between Turkmenistan and the UAE. The documents signed included: Memorandum of Understanding between the State Energy Corporation “Turkmenenergo” of the Energy Ministry of Turkmenistan and the Company «Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC - Masdar»; Memorandum of Understanding between the Turkmenbashy International Seaport (Turkmenistan) and the Company “DP World FZE” (the UAE) on the Seaport management and logistic services; Agreement between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan and the Abu-Dhabi Development Fund on establishing of the Closed Joint-Stock Company «Türkmen maýa goýum kompaniýasy»; Memorandum of Understanding between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan and the Economic Development Department; Credit Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Abu-Dhabi Development Fund on funding construction of the chemical plant for production of mixed mineral fertilizers in the town of Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan; Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Turkmenistan and «Nasdag Dubai Limited» Company.

Among other events of the past week, worth of mentioning is the International Conference “Medical diplomacy – the basis of healthy world”, which was held in Ashgabat on the occasion of Health and Medical Industry Workers Day of Turkmenistan.

The Conference was attended by the WHO European Regional Bureau Director Hans Kluge, the WHO representative in Turkmenistan E. Zaitzev, Chairman of the Turkmen-German Health Forum Professor Claus Parhofer, representatives of diplomatic missions and heads of the UN structural departments, of the health sphere from different countries of the world, and media community.

The forum agenda included a broad range of issues related to the medical diplomacy in combating infectious diseases, role of digitization in the health sphere, COVAX mechanism. Particular attention was given to the role of international medico-sanitary rules in counteracting the COVID-19 pandemic.

The speakers have highlighted that the health programs and numerous health-promoting projects are successfully being realized in Turkmenistan in tune with the WHO recommendations and in close interaction with international partners.

On the past Sunday, Turkmenistan celebrated Health and Medical Industry Workers Day. In the frames of the holiday program, the State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev hosted the International scientific conference “Health, education and sports in the epoch of power and happiness”.

The videoconferencing communication facilities gave an opportunity to scientists-professors, doctors of sciences, high-ranking representatives of health sphere, education and sports from a number of foreign countries, including Russia, Germany, France, Romania, etc., to take part in the conference.

The reporters presented a comprehensive coverage of concrete achievements in realization of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s state policy aimed at steady strengthening of the health sector’s material-technical base, improvement and enhancement of the quality and range of medical services rendered to the population. Much attention in the country is given to the development of sports and assertion of the healthy life style principles in the society, to upbringing of the comprehensively educated rising generation.

The forum participants have discussed the prospects for further enhancement of cooperation with Turkmenistan with a glance to the country’s strides toward all-round development and modernization of the national health system, including at the expense of widespread adoption of the best practices and latest developments of global medicine.

In the frames of the conference, a ceremony was held of honoring the medical-care workers who made a considerable personal contribution to turning Turkmenistan into the country of health and lofty spirit. In compliance with the Ukase and Resolution of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, they were awarded «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 30 ýyllygyna» jubilee medal and memorable badge. 

On the past week, the administrative center of Lebap velayat hosted the ceremony of commissioning a new 23-hectare residential complex built along the road leading to the International Airport of Turkmenabat.

544 families have celebrated their house-warming parties in the seventeen 4-story houses and in the seventy 2-story cottage-type houses. Being guided by the town-building demands, which the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov places on the national construction industry, the local builders took into account the peculiarities of the traditional life style and modern needs and necessities of the would-be new settlers.

High-quality ecology-healthy construction materials made of local raw materials were applied in construction of the within-named new houses; the furniture is also manufactured by local private enterprises.

Such are the past week’s events, which are yet another tangible evidence of success of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s domestic and foreign policy, cardinal reforms ongoing in the country, which are focused on the key goal – to turn our Motherland into the prosperous state with most advantageous conditions for all-round unleashing of the nation’s creative potential and ensuring its happy life.

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