Today in the capital Palace of Rukhyet under the chairmanship of President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty meeting of Turkmenistan, which became a significant event in the life of our state and society, took place. On the agenda of the forum held on the eve of the 30th anniversary of independence of the homeland the results reached for this period were summed up and priority issues of further all-round development of the country which is surely going on the way of radical social and economic and democratic transformations, key purpose of which is prosperity of our Fatherland and providing the safe life of people were discussed.
The chairperson of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, deputy-chairmen of the Cabinet, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and branch departments, administrations of Ashgabat city and velayats participated in the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty. Among the gathered were Khalk Maslakhaty members and deputies of the Mejlis of the Millie Gengesh, representatives of the capital and all five regions of the country, honourable elders, dear mothers and student's youth.
In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in the Rukhyet Palace. Standing, to a storm of applause the audience welcomes the head of state under the leadership of whom independent neutral Turkmenistan surely goes to new heights of creation and progress.
Addressing participants of the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty, the leader of the nation emphasized that 2021 will be included into the chronicle of the country as historically significant year in which the 30th anniversary of sacred independence is marked nationwide and solemnly. The Homeland meets the glorious anniversary by big labour victories in all areas of state life. Each significant event, which is widely celebrated in Turkmenistan, filling our hearts with pride for our beloved Fatherland, becomes a driving force on the way to achievement of new boundaries of sovereign development.
At the current meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty the speeches devoted to the glorious anniversary will be heard, the results of historical achievements of our neutral state for years of independence will be summed up and the way of development passed by it will be analysed. There will be definite purposes and tasks, the priority directions for the future. Besides, the distinguished citizens will be awarded state awards and honorary titles, the head of Turkmenistan noted.
Having warmly congratulated all on the great holiday of the prosperous epoch of the powerful state - the 30th anniversary of sacred independence, President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty open.
The National anthem of Turkmenistan, which with huge enthusiasm was, sang by all audience sounds.
Then the head of state addressed participants of the meeting with the big keynote speech.
Having noted what 30 years ago, fall of 1991, was founded the Turkmen state recognised by the world community as independent Turkmen state, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished participants of the meeting and the people of the country good health, safe and happy life, great success in their work for further prosperity of the Fatherland.
We highly revere memory of first President of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov leading our country from the moment of its independence in difficult and very hard time. We will always remember how under his management our courageous people managed to realize grandiose reforms, the leader of the nation noted.
During this period the Constitution of Turkmenistan which defined a state system, incorporated international and national democratic experience according to the universally recognized norms and the principles of international law was adopted. The state symbols - the National flag, the State Emblem and the National anthem, which became a peculiar embodiment of history, spiritual cultural heritage of the Turkmen people were created.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also noted that on November 1, 1993 in the country the national currency was introduced into circulation.
For years of independence, a growing dynamics of development was observed in the agricultural branch as well. According to the complete system of state support of domestic agro-industrial complex annually considerable investments go to this sphere, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized.
It is known that one of the priority directions of social and economic development of the country is the state support of business. Today, the head of Turkmenistan stated, there are optimum legal, financial and economic and social conditions for harmonious development of small and medium business, support of private initiative.
The big part in production of high quality and competitive production, creation of food abundance, construction of industrial enterprises, shopping centres, modern villages is assigned to the private sector. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov separately noted work of the individual enterprises, which are engaged in release of import-substituting and export-oriented production, construction of Turkmenabad-Ashgabat-Turkmenbashi autobahn, modern administrative centre of Akhal region, and also implementation of other large projects.
The world community, the leader of the nation emphasized, actively supports the strategy in transport led by our country. Therefore, on the basis of initiatives and proposals of the Turkmen side the United Nations General Assembly adopted three historically significant resolutions.
Acceptance of the Resolution "Strengthening of ties between all modes of transport for ensuring stable and reliable international transport for sustainable development during and after the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)" at the 96th plenary session of the 75th session of the General Assembly of this Organization became the significant event of 2021 recognized at the international level.
At the same time, the head of Turkmenistan noted, special attention is paid to development and promoting of national culture as the consolidating and inspiring force of society. Modern theatres, libraries and museums, recreation centres – visual evidences of rapid development of domestic culture and art.
The most part of expenses of the State budget goes for financing of the social sphere, including for reforming of health systems, education, cultures, municipal services. Due to systematic increase in the sizes of salaries, pensions, welfare payments and student's grants, the thought-over realization of price policy, support of private initiatives, granting side social benefits is reached high rates in social and economic development of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated.
In Turkmenistan, tasks of fulfilment of SDGs were defined. Within their solution, for satisfaction of requirements of present and future generations, appropriate work on transition to sustainable development is carried out.
Proposals and initiatives of our country of development of international trade and economic relations, ensuring ecological safety in connection with climate changes, environmental protection, ensuring energy security, creation of international transport corridors got broad support of the world community. All this demonstrates transformation of neutral Turkmenistan into the open and reliable partner.
The head of state expressed confidence that our Homeland, relying on neutral legal status, beneficial geopolitical and geo-economic situation, having huge stocks of raw material resources, and also powerful human potential, will turn into one of the powerful industrially developed countries in the near future.
- Long live the happy life inspiring during the prosperous epoch of the powerful state and long live happiness and courageous people of constructive labour! Long live independent neutral Turkmenistan! My native people! Forward, forward, only forward, my native Fatherland - Turkmenistan!
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov completed with this inspiring saying his keynote speech, which was heard with deep attention and was met by the general prolonged applause.
Then the leader of the nation gave the floor to participants of the meeting.
Resident of Mary etrap of Mary region Charyyargula Hommayev, pensioner who first acted warmly congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, present dear elders, grey-haired mothers and all participants of the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty on the main public holiday - the 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan.
Head of the safety precautions department of work and ecology of Türkmenhimiýa State Concern Mukhammetmyrat Rakhmanov who acted further on behalf of workers of the branch warmly congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all compatriots with approaching significant date, marked in the year "Turkmenistan - Homeland of peace and trust".
Tenant farmer of daykhan association "Lebap" of Charjev etrap of Lebap region Atajan Gurbanov who on behalf of employees of the agro-industrial complex warmly congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the glorious 30th anniversary of independence of the Homeland spoke as the following.
Then the floor was given to mechanic of shop No. 1 of the primary oil refining of Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries Shaguly Hojayev.
Then the floor was given to chairperson of the primary organization of the Youth organization named after Makhtumkuli of Ashgabat textile complex Annajakhan Illekova. Having warmly congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all compatriots on the glorious holiday, speaking emphasized that success achieved in the country is entirely aimed at providing happy and safe life of Turkmen nationals. Our people directed to new heights of progress who are proud of the ever-increasing international authority of theory fatherland, express the leader of the nation sincere gratitude.
Continuing the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a number of documents. Among them - the Decree "On awarding the State Awards in Commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan" which were awarded to the distinguished citizens for special merits before the independent neutral Fatherland and the people, preservation and enrichment of national traditions and customs, long-term honest work, great professional skills. The head of state also signed Decrees "On awarding the award "Zenan kalby" of Turkmenistan and "On assignment of the title "Hormatly Il ýaşulusy" of Turkmenistan".
Throughout the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty the leader of the nation reported on the decision to confer upon Chynar Rustemova the highest degree of difference – the title "Hero of Turkmenistan".
Therefore, considering outstanding merits Chynar Rustemova before our fatherland and the people and achieved success, and also long-term diligent and persistent work, the decision to give her the title "Hero of Turkmenistan" and to hand the gold medal "Altyn aý" was made, the leader of the nation told, having signed the relevant Decree.
Once again having warmly congratulated Ch. Rustemova on the highest state award, the head of Turkmenistan addressed the audience with concluding remarks, having reported that he finished work on the next book which was called "Garaşsyzlyk - bagtymyz" ("Independence - our happiness").
In the book, possibilities of further realization of high purposes designed to unite all members of the world community are analysed in detail. It discloses to readers enduring value of the ideas consolidating the people for the sake of peace, progress and bright future of all humanity. Speaking about it, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov hoped that the new work will be interesting and useful, and also will become a gift to 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, once again having warmly congratulated all on the significant date.
- Let peaceful, united and safe life always reign in our independent Fatherland, - the head of state wished.
Having addressed the audience his wish of good health, great success, happy life, the full of pride of peaceful sovereign Homeland, family wellbeing, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov thanked all, and especially those who took active part in the organization and holding the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty.
- Our main goal - creation of the great state with a strong basis!
- Independence and neutrality - two wings of the Turkmen state!
- Independent neutral Turkmenistan – a land of unity, solidarity, wellbeing and peace!
- Let the authority and dignity of the Turkmen people be high around the world!
- Let independent neutral Turkmenistan - the country of peace, friendship, brotherhood and grandiose achievements always prosper!
These inspired words met by the general storm of applause, the leader of the nation finished his speech.
With it President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty closed.
Under the arches of the Palace of Rukhyet majestic sounds of the National anthem of Turkmenistan rise again.
Upon the end of the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty, the awarding ceremony to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov according to the Resolution of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh the anniversary medal "Türkmenistanyng Garashsyzlygynyng 30 ýyllygyna" and a memorable sign of national currency "Altyn shaý" was held.
As it is noted in the document, the leader of the nation was awarded by them for a huge personal contribution to strengthening of independence of the Fatherland, increase in its economic power and international authority, improvement of the political system, implementation of the constitutional transformations conforming to the international standards, development of civil society, implementation of state programs in consecutive development of science, education, culture, art, health care, other directions of life of the country, transformation of image of our cities and villages, careful preservation, glorification of traditions, historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, education of younger generation in the spirit of love for the country, fidelity, courage, honesty, special merits before our independent state and the native people.
Participants of the meeting warmly congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on anniversary awards and wished him good health for many years, boundless energy and new outstanding progress in his noble large-scale activity for the benefit of the people and the Fatherland.
For years of independence, our Homeland reached high boundaries in development with formation of modern model of the Turkmen statehood based on rich historical heritage, its political and legal culture at the same time considering international experience of state construction. Permanently neutral Turkmenistan, consistently realizing humane policy which essence is expressed in the motto "State — for people!", takes the worthy place in the world among the countries developing with high rates.
Having thanked an anniversary medal on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of the Fatherland and a memorable sign of national currency "Altyn shaý", President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that he considers them as an award to all our people for the joint great fulfilment for prosperity of the Homeland. Today Turkmenistan is recognized in the world as the state committed to the principles of neutrality, peacefulness, goodwill, humanity, mutually beneficial and equal relations with the people and the states of the planet, the Turkmen leader emphasized.
Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for merits in strengthening of independence, sovereignty, legislation of the Fatherland, development of spheres of economy, culture and art, health care, science and education, sport, handed the anniversary medals "Türkmenistanyng Garashsyzlygynyng 30 ýyllygyna" and memorable signs to members of the government, chairperson of the Mejlis and deputy chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
Having expressed to the leader of the nation deep gratitude for the honour they assured t is also special responsibility and will make all efforts for successful performance of set important tasks of further social and economic development of the country, increase in the standard of living of Turkmen nationals from now on.
Having once again congratulated the audience on the coming 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, the head of state wished all good health, wellbeing and further progress in work for prosperity of the Homeland and wellbeing of the people.