Events of the week
Turkmenistan’s multi-sided potential and global name recognition keep on upgrading
Events of the week
Turkmenistan’s multi-sided potential and global name recognition keep on upgrading
Published 19.09.2021

Political stability, sustainable growth rate of the economy, improvement of social and living conditions of the population – are the factors Turkmenistan is preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its scared independence with. The past week’s events are the mirror of the country’s progressive innovatory development and weighty achievements in all spheres of life, high level of social support of the people, growth of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s international authority and successfulness of his foreign-policy initiatives.

On September 13, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a regular working session in the online format with the participation of khyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city to discuss the implementation progress of the programs of the country’s socioeconomic development, preparedness rate of measures on the occasion of 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s sacred independence and the incoming Halk Maslakhaty session, implementation progress of the seasonal agri-works, and construction of the objects, which are scheduled to be launched in commemoration of the jubilee date.

In particular, it was informed about construction rates in the picturesque corner of the Kopetdag foothills of the memorial complex dedicated to the outstanding national classic Magtymguly Fragi,.

Inauguration of the object in the period of preparations to the festivities on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the great thinker of the Turkmen people has an everlasting significance, the head of state stressed.

The dreams of the outstanding poet of the sovereign state, freedom and humanism became a reality at present, in the beautiful contemporary epoch. The sage Fragi’s poetry, contentious and with a great depth of meaning, is our priceless asset, which inspires the people for diligent labor, for achievement of great goals, the leader of nation noted.

Giving particular significance to the AIC upward development to ensure the country’s foodstuff abundance, the leader of nation has pointed to the importance of widespread adoption in the production sector of advanced technologies and achievements of the sectoral science, motivation of the selection activities.

Having placed accent on the priority directions of velayats’ socioeconomic development, the head of Turkmenistan has exhorted to ensure high quality of works and timely commissioning of all under-construction objects, as well as comprehensive preparation to the festivities on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence of the native Motherland and to the Halk Maslakhaty session.

On September 14, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a working meeting with the participation of chief leaders of the economic and financial-banking sector devoted to work progress on drawing up the State Budget of Turkmenistan for the next year. Consideration was also given to the implementation progress of the programs of socioeconomic development of Turkmenistan, the focal tasks of the national-economy complex, and others.

Not the least important is to conduct thorough analysis of all issues related to drawing up of the State Budget-2022, including systematic monitoring of the macroeconomic indicators and working out of the future-orientated prognoses.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that in 2022 it is necessary to ensure steady growth rate of the GDP, sustainable economic growth, as well as to keep work going on reformation of the market institutions.

Advancing of the additional state-financal backing of the export-orientated enterprises in combination with widespread use of modern means of financing the trade sphere and motivation of the foreign economic activity were sorted out among the measures of primary importance.

Regarding upgrading of the social sphere as one of the primary tasks, the leader of nation has ordered to take the appropriate measures for revamping of the system of education, for efficient in-full implementation of the programs aimed at modernization of the material-technical base of the health sphere and other branches.

The issues of the national legislation further advancement were in the focus of the working meeting President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held on September 15.

Development of legal mechanisms aimed at safeguarding of our country’s interests in the energy sphere in the light of the global process of technological modernization is among the tasks of paramount importance, the leader of nation highlighted.

Particular accent was also placed on the necessity of developing of legal measures in the sphere of trade and transport policy for protecting national interests related to successful realization of state programs on enhancement of Turkmenistan’s export potential and formation of transport corridors.

Given the ever-growing volumes of energy resources exported by our country, it is necessary to create a reliable legal base for implementing the guaranteed deliveries, the leader of nation stressed.

Development of legal principles for promoting active cooperation with the regional economic and financial organizations President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has singled out among the measures of priority of the national economy further advancement.

Not the least important is to study the issue of Turkmenistan’s accession to the conventions of International Labor Organization, Framework Agreement on Trade Cooperation of the Economic Cooperation Organization.

To form the non-governmental international commercial arbitrary courts for attracting domestic and foreign investors on the basis of world practice, the activity on formation of the International Commercial Arbitrary Center under the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan was considered as a prospective vector in this direction.

The leader of nation has also ordered to institute the Legal Staff-Training Center capable to render high-quality legal services to the citizens, ensure effective and reliable protection of rights and legal interests of natural and legal persons, as well as to improve an access to the applications of “Single Window” technology, which at present received widespread adoption in the economically developed states of the world and neighboring countries.

On September 16, in run-up to the glorious 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s sacred independence, the capital of Turkmenistan hosted yet another architectural premiere. With the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a new complex of the State Tribune was launched in the Kopetdag Avenue. The granite-paved square of the Tribune will host grand measures on the occasion of remarkable dates in history of the country.

The elevated atmosphere of the event was intensified by the dramatized composition, which was performed by the best creative collectives and popular artists.

The performance was accompanied by the original visual special effects, which replicated in the night sky the national values of our independent neutral country and national insignia. Combination of drone-show with multicolored kaleidoscope of fireworks was an unforgettable spectacle.

Prior to the ceremony of commissioning the State Tribune Complex, a representative of the French Company «Bouygues Batiment International» presented for consideration of the leader of nation the projects of the former Tribune reconstruction and transformation it into the Businessmen Reception Center of the Presidential Palace Complex “Oguzkhan”.

Noteworthy is the fact that one day earlier, a new public garden (10 hectare total area) and four new underpasses (6,270 sq m) with shops and parking lots in the cardinally renovated section of the A. Niyazov Prospect and H.A.Yasavi Street (up to the International Airport) were commissioned.

A fountain complex in the shape of Oguzkhan Star is in the central part of the new public garden; there are also pools, sunshades and shelters, recreation places; the green zone is decorated with bright elements of the landscape design.

While realizing the within-named projects, on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, along with traditions of the national architecture, modern experience was also applied.

The topical issues of the country’s vital activity were in the focus of the regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 16.

The major issues included in the agenda were: development of the Program of festive measures in honor of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence; organizing of the exhibition on the occasion of the anniversary; preparations to the visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Tajikistan to participate in the capacity of the distinguished guest in the Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member-states.

At the session, consideration was also given to the outcomes of the working visit of our country’s delegation on August 27-September 2 of the running year to the United Arab Emirates. In the frames of the visit, the meetings were held with the Deputy Prime-Minister and the Minister for Presidential Affairs of the UAE, in the Supreme Security Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Energy and Infrastructure Ministry of the UAE; the issues were also negotiated on preparing of a number the relevant Memoranda.

Having approved the proposal on delegating authority to the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs in association with the Abu-Dhabi Development Fund to attract the investments for realization of large-scale industrial projects in our country and conduct the relevant works on establishing in Turkmenistan of the Investment Body, the head of state has exhorted to exercise control over the well-timed and precise implementation of the scheduled measures.

Having sanctioned taking the appropriate measures to promote further upward development of the oil/gas sector, strengthening of its resource base, implementation of the production plans by the sectoral enterprises and organizations, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on authorizing «Türkmengeologiýa» State Corporation to make with «Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited» Company (Singapore) a contract for implementing of the 3D exploration-research works at the eastern section of the “Goturdepe” deposit (PriBalkan Zone, Western Turkmenistan) and the 2D works – at the “Yuzhny Burun” deposit.

The head of state has also signed the Resolution on authorizing the “Turkmen atlary” State Association to make with “Berk Yol” Economic Association a contract for reconstruction of the racecourse in the Balkan Equestrian Complex, which in the next year will host the festive events and horse races on the occasion of the Turkmen Horse National Holiday.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted the importance of the trouble-free functioning of the chemical complexes and bringing them to full production capacity. In this regard it is necessary to work out in detail the issue of making contract with foreign partners for reconstruction of the “Tejenkarbamid” enterprise.

Having considered the project “Rules of railway transport of Turkmenistan”, which envisages enhancement of the gamut of railway services and improvement of their quality, the head of state has pointed to the necessity of modernization of the sectoral railway infrastructure, adoption of the latest technologies.

The leader of nation was also informed about drafting of the Regulations of the Vocational Education Entities. Provision of the qualitative education to the young generation is a serious investment into the future of the Motherland, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having exhorted to exercise strict control over implementation progress of the relevant works.

Consideration was also given to preparation of the draft National Program of Turkmenistan on the Aral Sea. The 8-section document outlines major directions of actions aimed at the improvement of the economic and ecological situation in the Aral region, which will be undertaken at the national level.

Having stressed Turkmenistan’s most active participation in the process of elaborating the Aral Sea salvation comprehensive strategy, the head of state President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has exhorted to keep works going in this direction.

In the course of session, the leader of nation has also signed the Resolution “On the issues of Turkmenistan’s Permanent Representation in the United Nations Organization (New York)”.

On September 17, President of Turkmenistan in the capacity of the distinguished guest took part in the Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which was held in the city of Dushanbe (The Republic of Tajikistan).

In his speech at the Summit, the head of state has highlighted that for Turkmenistan the relations with the SCO are an important trend of the international partnership strategy, which is based on the adherence to the broad geographical and structural diversification of our foreign relations.

We are interested and show the deference to the SCO activity, recognizing its considerable potential in the energy and transport spheres, in trade and investment, industry and agriculture, in the sphere of high technologies and innovations, the head of state noted.

The SCO member-states are the long-standing traditional partners of Turkmenistan, its neighbors and friends, the head of state added. For this reason we consider the relations with the SOC in close association with the progressive dynamics of the bilateral partnership and with common orientation of its participation in the global and continental affairs.

In the frames of its neutral status Turkmenistan is ready to active interaction with the SCO in realization of those important tasks, first of the first in such directions as combating terrorism, organized crime, illegal drugs turnover, in promoting international partnership for ensuring informational and biological security.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that at present, when the world has faced new serious threats, the role of SCO increases objectively. And certainly, along with traditional spheres of interaction, its possibilities, experience accumulated are highly acclaimed in the context of the pandemic consequences minimization, rehabilitation of the continental economic and transport ties, infrastructure and logistics.

The leader of nation has invited the SCO member-states to participate in the International Conference of the developing landlocked countries, which Turkmenistan in association with the UN intends to organize in our country in April of 2022. The Turkmen side considers the Conference as a good opportunity for promoting the concrete and practical dialogue in the issues of international transport cooperation in emergency conditions and the post-crisis periods.

Being confident that establishing of the many-faceted systemic, goal-directed cooperation between Turkmenistan and the SCO is capable to attach new powerful development-favored impulses, promote the dynamic and qualitative course of the political, economic, social, humanitarian processes in the entire Eurasian area, the leader of nation has confirmed readiness of our country to the constructive joint work.

In the frames of the SCO Council session, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a meeting with the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

The leaders of the two states exchanged opinions on the priority directions of the Turkmen-Tajik cooperation, successfully developing in both the bilateral and regional format.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has invited President Emomali Rahmon to pay a visit to our country to take part in the 15th Summit of the ECO under Turkmenistan’s chairmanship, which is to be held in Ashgabat on November 28. The leader of nation believes that the visit will considerably invest in strengthening of the regional and international interaction for the sake of further progress and prosperity of the region.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had also a meeting with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Ebrahim Raisi.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Turkmen leader one more time has extended congratulations to his Iranian colleague on his election to the post of the IRI President and wishes of great success in his responsible state activities.

The two states’ leaders have noted that at present, with a glance to the prospects for the national economies development, the advantageous conditions are available for bringing the trade-economic relations at a qualitatively new level, for unleashing comprehensive facilities for enhancement of the gamut of export-import goods due, to a large degree, to joint activity of the Joint Turkmen-Iranian Intergovernmental Commission.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also invited his Iranian colleague to take part in VI Summit of the Caspian states’ leaders and in the 15th Summit of the heads of the ECO member-states, as well as to pay an official visit to Turkmenistan whenever it will be convenient to him.

Proceeding to other events of the past week, not the least important is to mention the startup of cotton-harvesting campaign in Dashoguz velayat. This year, the velayat is to produce 275 thousand tons of raw cotton from the 155,000-hectare land area planted to cotton. Due to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s concern, the recent years’ procurements have reinforced the AIC machinery fleet; hundreds of new “John Deer” high-performance combines and other agri-machinery will be set in motion in the cotton-harvesting campaign.

The events of the past seven-day period have clearly highlighted the priorities of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s peaceful and creative policy aimed at further socioeconomic development of the Motherland, the growth of prosperity of the people.

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