Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: To celebrate the remarkable dates with labor victories – a good folk tradition
Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: To celebrate the remarkable dates with labor victories – a good folk tradition
Published 12.09.2021

Included in the headline, the words of the leader of nation serve as an epigraph to the events of the past week, which went under the sign of preparation activities to the historical event – the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s independence. The remarkable holiday Turkmenistan celebrates with record-high achievements in its progressive development.

In achieving by the country of the positive results in the jubilee year, the solidarity and unity of the Turkmen people are of great importance. Due to the people’s inspired and selfless labor, our independent neutral state is going on its indomitable upward movement – toward new heights of progress and prosperity.

On September 6, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held an online working session with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers (in charge of the agriculture) and khyakims of velayats.

The agenda of session implied the issues of implementing the programs of the country’s socioeconomic development, preparation to the festivities on the occasion of the incoming 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s sacred independence, and the comprehensive measures to be taken to ensure well-organized implementation of the seasonal agri-works.

The head of state has fixated attention on the effective conducting of the winter wheat-seeding campaign with observance of the most important requirement – full-fledged use of agri-machinery and sufficient supply of the farmers with the necessary high-quality seeds and farmstead implements.

Not the least significant is to ensure well-organized preparation to the incoming cotton-harvesting campaign, observance of agri-technical requirements in farming the autumnal potato, vegetables, fruits and other crops, the leader of nation stressed.

To successfully cope with the tasks enshrined in the governmental programs, it is necessary to more actively adopt modern experience, innovatory methods, and digital system in the production processes.

Necessitating ensuring of high organizational level of all measures on the occasion of the jubilee date, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted an exclusive significance of the upcoming Halk Maslakhaty’s historical session.

Preparations to the upcoming regular session of the Joint Turkmen-Uzbek Commission for trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation and to the soon-to-be visit of the governmental delegation led by the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan were one of the subjects included in the agenda of session.

As was noted, the agreements achieved in the course of top-level meetings and negotiations and the future-orientated plans are assigned to bring the Turkmen-Uzbek political, trade and cultural ties at a higher interest-based level.

To worthily celebrate the glorious date, of great importance is to successfully tackle the tasks outlined for the running year, the slogan of which is “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”. To celebrate the remarkable dates with labor victories is a good folk tradition, the leader of nation has noted.

On September 7, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme-Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted the session of the State Security Council to draw together conclusions from the eight-month activity of the military and law enforcement agencies and discuss the tasks of primary importance on further upgrading of the security structures’ activity.

Concentrating attention on the priority directions of the upcoming work, the leader of nation has sorted out widespread and active adoption of advanced technologies, revamping of the hardware and logistics base of all combat arms of the Army, strengthening of the professional training and retraining system and educational activity among the active-duty officers and soldiers, creation of necessary conditions for efficient service and life of servicemen.

The Supreme-Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces has noted that sovereign Turkmenistan will always be committed to its neutral status delegated to the country by the Global Community of Nations, for the neutral status is regarded as a key factor of safeguarding peace and stability in the Central Asian region.

A number of presidential assignments were avowed in connection with preparation of festive measures in honor of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of Motherland and military parade timed to the remarkable date.

That same day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, Mejlis Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh to discuss the issues related to proper organization of the upcoming Halk Maslakhaty session and festive measures on the occasion of the glorious 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, and commissioning of a number of new objects.

Consideration was also given to the importance of further upgrading of various structures’ activity, adoption in the production sector of the advanced experience, innovative technologies, and digital system.

The head of state has highlighted the importance of the Halk Maslakhaty’s activity in improving the legal fundamentals and strengthening of the genuine democratic principles of the Turkmen society. Having taken strides toward cardinal reforms, Turkmenistan has proclaimed supremacy of Law, protection of citizens’ interests, rights and freedoms as a dominant ingredient of state policy. Guided by those principles, large-scale systematic work is ongoing assigned to ensure sustainable dynamics of social evolution and promote strengthening of unity of the people. This is why, in the future, we are to apply maximum efforts to cope with the tasks in that sphere.

Having placed emphasis on the necessity of ensuring well-organized celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s sacred independence, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has concentrated on the significance of the objects to be launched in the running year. The country’s glorious jubilee is to become an unforgettable landmark event in the life of the Turkmen people.

On September 10, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted an online regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers to sum up the running year’s eight-month outcomes achieved in the national economy complex of the country; other topical issues of the country’s socioeconomic development were also discussed.

The January-August period of the current year is characterized by the steady GDP growth rate. In comparison with last year’s similar period, the output of products in general increased by 5.5 percent; the retail trade turnover increased by 17 percent; foreign trade turnover – by 9.6 percent.

In the reporting period, the revenue part of the State Budget is 114.5 percent, expenditure – 97.5 percent.

The average monthly wage at the large and medium-sized enterprises increased by 10.5 percent; wages, pensions, state allowances, and student scholarships were timely funded.

In the frames of the National Rural Areas Redevelopment Program, construction was ongoing of different objects (1449.1 million manats total budget), including: 102 objects of social purpose; 35 water treating facilities; 129.1 thousand sq m housing construction; and engineering systems.

In the course of session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to prepare the proposals on the country’s State Budget and submit them to the Cabinet of Ministers for consideration. The accent was thereto placed on the necessity to envisage in the draft State Budget a 10-percent average increase of wages, pensions, state allowances, and student scholarships.

The leader of nation has also exhorted to keep the work going on analyzing the state of affairs in the economy and on estimating the anticipated indicators of the country’s socioeconomic development with a glance to the by-now situation. Besides, not the least significant is to intensify implementation of the programs aimed at further development of the state, in order in the near-term and mid-term outlook to mitigate the impact on the national economy of negative factors occurring now in the global economies.

An increase of the revenue part of State Budget and attraction of large volumes of investments to fund implementation of the programs adopted were singled out among the topical directions of the forthcoming activity.

To further streamline the activity of sectoral ministries of the country’s oil/gas complex, the leader of nation has necessitated increasing of oil production volumes, running of the refinery enterprises at their full capacity, increasing of the liquefied gas and other production output.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also exhorted to continue the work on encouraging of small and medium-size businesses and the private sector of the national economy, create the modern entrepreneurship sphere, render methodological support in increasing the volumes of the import-substiotuting production, as well as in searching for new markets and marketing methods.

Having pointed to the necessity of preparing of the Investment Proigram-2022, the leader of nation has noted that in the next year the volume of construction works in the country will grow considerably. In this regard, particular attention is to be given to the development of construction industry, notably to construction of new workshops and enterprises.

It is also necessary to intensify the construction rates of residential houses, settlements, edifices of social purpose, the objects of the new administrative center of Akhal velayat in particular; to continue construction of the ring energy system of the country and the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission lines.

The major task of the agri-industrial complex is to increase the output of agri-products, reduce their import, saturate the domestic market with home-produced foodstuffs, take immediate measures for advancement of animal husbandry, and increase livestock population.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also highlighted the importance of developing a complex of programs on giving support to the youth, and in case of need to fixate them legislatively via the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.

In the sphere of culture, as usual, major directions include: creative coverage of the events occurring in the independent neutral Motherland; organization at a higher level of the cultural measures timed to the holidays and remarkable dates.

Outlining the range of tasks of the transport-communications sector, the leader of nation has highlighted the necessity of optimum enactment of its resources to increase profitability of the sector and improve the activity of its agencies, including through widespread adoption of the advanced digital technologies.

As for the advancement of international cooperation, Turkmenistan, pursuing its foreign-policy strategy based on the principles of positive neutrality, good neighborliness, and ‘open doors’, will over the longer run develop wide many-faceted interaction with the countries of the region and the world, constructive dialogue with the reputable international organizations.

Summing up the results of eight-month work accomplished in the country, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stated that despite the spread of coronavirus infection in the world and its negative impact on the global economy, they (results) demonstrate the progressive development of our independent state in the jubilee year in tune with the programs adopted.

In the accounting period, the GDP growth rate was at the level of 6.2 percent. Construction in the country of large industrial and social objects, including new settlements, residential complexes, recreation centers, schools, kindergartens, etc. is ongoing at a growing rate.

In compliance with the plans outlined, in the period under review, 56 large objects (instead of 30 ones planned) were launched; about half-million sq m – housing construction; for the reminder of the year, a number of new objects are expected to be commissioned.

Reformation of the scientific-educational sphere is also in progress; the production facilities are modernized; the market-style economy is in the phase of formation; new oil and gas deposits are developed; construction is ongoing of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission and communications lines and Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline; other international projects are in the phase of development.

Much is to be done to implement in the running jubilee year the tasks, which were concretely identified at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers devoted to the half-year outcomes and which were enshrined in the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025”, the head of state highlighted.

In this context, to successfully cope with the tasks set, particular accent was placed on the necessity of zealous and selfless labor, on attaching additional impulse to realization of the State Program on import-substitution and increase of production volumes of export-orientated produce. Together with efficient use of the untapped potential of different branches, it is necessary to continue advancement of the economy through its diversification, extension of the list and export routes of the home-made goods.

In compliance with the programs adopted, not the least important is the issue of transition of economy to the market-style relations, as well as training of young competent, goal-directed managers capable to work and manage the national economy in tune with the times in the name of further prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.

On the past Saturday, the workers of construction, energy and communal services spheres celebrated their professional holiday.

In his Complimentary Address, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed the branches’ weighty role in achieving by the Motherland record-high successes in the epoch of power and happiness. In the years ahead, to renovate and improve their activity, the state will render all-round support to the branches, through widespread adoption of the digital system inclusive.

On September 10, VI Caspian Media-Forum in the online format was held in the administrative center of the Astrakhan Oblast (the Russian Federation) with the participation of representatives of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russia, the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.

Tourism and ethno-cultural communication were key issues the agenda of Forum was centered on. Consideration was given to the educational media-projects in the new system of information communications.

In the frames of the Forum, the results were summed up of the International contest “Caspian Sea without Borders”. Representatives of the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper were among the winners of nominations “PhotoCaspy” and “Prize of Spectators’ Sympathies”.

On September 8, with the blessing of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, mass cotton-harvesting campaign started in Akhal, Lebap, and Mary velayats. In a week, the farmers of Dashoguz velayat will embark on the important agri-campaign. On the whole, it is projected to produce 1 million 250 thousand tons of raw cotton from the 620,000-hectare land area planted to cotton. 122 cotton-purveying points and 39 ginneries are ready to accept the new harvest of ‘white gold’.

A thousand of cotton combines “John Deere 9970”, 2,227 trucks to transport the cotton, 2,301 tractors, and 3,620 tractor trailers will be engaged in the cotton-harvesting campaign; specialized tractors and aircraft of agri-aviation will be applied in the pre-harvesting defoliation operations.

On the occasion of the cotton-harvesting campaign startup, an exhibition of agri-machinery, agri-food and textiles industries was arranged; the performances of artistic collectives of velayats invested in the holiday atmosphere. The foremost people in agriculture – the best leaseholders who produced heavy cotton yields – were presented with valuable gifts on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The countrywide holiday marathon in honor of the incoming 30th anniversary of independence received its continuation in the final round of the annual «Ýaňlan, Diýarym!» TV-contest of amateur performers , which was held in the capital’s song-musical center Ashgabat”.

In his Message to the talented Turkmen youth, the head of state notes that music and songs, which were performed in the final round of «Ýaňlan, Diýarym!» contest, are to dovetail the national coloring and modern arrangement, excite the hearts and souls of listeners. “The scale work ongoing today in the country and the culture and art development-favored conditions are assigned to inspire you for achieving of the bewitching world of vocal music and successes in that sphere!”,- the leader of nation stresses in his Message.

On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, the winners of that musical contest were presented with special diplomas and prizes, and the rest of the holiday participants – with honorable mention prizes.

The new specialized secondary education school #42 named after Annak Sahetmuradov (Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat) hosted a conference dedicated to the issues of education and patriotic upbringing of the rising generation.

The conference was attended by the Mejlis Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, chief heads of the scientific-educational and educational-training institutions, representatives of media community, and the dwellers of Babarap village, Geoktepe etrap.

The speakers have highlighted that in the modern epoch, under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov a pretty good work is being done in Turkmenistan to revivify and thoroughly study the country’s glorious history, its distinctive traditions, and rich spiritual heritage of the nation. The state creates every condition for forming the system of education, which meets the highest international standards, for educating of the erudite, highly educated generation of genuine patriots who know well history of people, who are proud of the present record-high achievements of the country and strive for increasing the glory of independent Turkmenistan.

Thus, the events of the past seven days were yet another confirmation that Turkmenistan’s all-round progress is conditioned first of the first by the universal policy pursued under the leadership of the head of state, comprehensive approach to tackling the urgent tasks of the national economy intensification, improvement of social and living conditions of the people, enhancement of the society’s spiritual life horizons. By his many-sided activity President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspires the native people for new labor victories and achievements in the name of the Motherland’s happy present and bright future.

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