Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov: in Turkmenistan all conditions are created for constructive labor and happy life of the people
Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov: in Turkmenistan all conditions are created for constructive labor and happy life of the people
Published 22.08.2021

The past week’s events for the umpteenth time have demonstrated how systematically and successfully the major goals are being realized of the domestic and foreign policy pursued by the President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov aimed at ensuring progress in every sphere of the country’s life, its confident integration into the global system of coordinates.

The topical issues of the state’s vital activity were in the center of the Cabinet of Ministers regular session, which the head of Turkmenistan held in the digital format on August 20. At the session, consideration was also given to a number of draft documents aimed at the dynamic development of key branches and the national economy at large.

Prior to the session, the leader of nation was informed about the current work carried out by the two Chambers of Milli Gengesh on further improvement of the country’s legislation and large-scale programs’ legal base; particularly it related to the programs aimed at realization of the internal and foreign policy and consistent improvement of the social and living conditions of the people.

The head of Turkmenistan has placed accent on the necessity of keeping that work going with a glance to the priorities of statecraft development and generally-admitted standards of international law as well as in close contacts with the ministries and sectoral departments, local government bodies, social organizations.

At the governmental session, a report was submitted to the President of Turkmenistan on our country’s key positions, which are to be presented at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on September 14 of the running year in New York.

Consolidation of the international community’s efforts in combating the global threat induced by the new-type dangerous infection as well as minimization of socioeconomic consequences of the disease pandemic were singled out among the directions of top priority, which were developed on the basis of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov’s constructive ideas and proposals.

In this context, the steps will be undertaken: to activate the international cooperation in the sphere of scientific diplomacy; to streamline the WHO multi-lateral mechanism for combating pneumonia; develop the WHO Special Program for studying the coronavirus infection genome; establish the WHO Methodological Center for treating and prevention of acute respiratory diseases, and the Epidemiology, Virology and Bacteriology Center in Central Asia.

To strengthen Central Asia’s key role in the modern global geopolitics and to coordinate the present-time changes with the global agenda, the Turkmen side proposes to submit the draft of the relevant Resolution to the UN General Assembly for consideration. The document will create in the UN frames the advantageous prerequisites for upward advancement of the international proposals, which were avowed at the Turkmen leader-initiated Consultative Meeting of heads of the Central Asian states on August 6 in our country.

Besides, at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, it is proposed to promulgate the initiative on establishing of the zone of peace, trust and cooperation “Central Asia – Caspian Region”. It may have well been advisable to legally fixate the initiative at VI Caspian Summit, which is to be held in Turkmenistan in the running year.

In the frames of implementing the UN General Assembly’s special Resolution approved in the current year on the initiative of the Turkmen side on the activity of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, it is planned in the course of the 76th session of the General Assembly to develop such forms of international cooperation, as the Preventive Diplomacy Academy for the youth and the Dialogue of Women of Central Asian countries.

The Global Community of Nations will also be proposed to consider the issue of opening in Ashgabat of the structure on international projects of the UN Counter-Terrorism Department.

Being a member of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), our country pays great attention to enhancement of relations with the UN core regional structures to realize the Sustainable Development Goals. In this aspect, in the frames of the presidency in the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), our country has developed a draft Resolution of the General Assembly on interaction between the UN and the ECO. To adopt the document and implement its provisions, in the course of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly it is envisaged to carry out the relevant international measures.

To ensure a universal access to energy sources (one of the SDGs), in association with the UN initiative “Free-for-all sustainable energy” it is proposed to organize the International Forum on that subject. In the context of realization of the President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov’s proposals in the sphere of sustainable transport, in 2022 it is planned to hold in Turkmenistan of the International Conference of ministers of the developing landlocked countries. Besides, it may have well been advisable to propose under the UN aegis to establish a Special Program on advancement of the inter-regional transport communication.

It is also envisaged to accomplish the work on practical realization of the Turkmen leader’s initiatives on preparing of the Strategy for Low-Carbon Energy Advancement in the UN frames, as well as the international “Road Map” to promote hydrogen energy development. To this end, it is proposed to intensify cooperation with the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development (UNIDO), the UN Environment Program (UNEP), and the UN Development Program (UNDP).

In the light of the present-time migration situation in the world, it would have been appropriate to activate the ties with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Migration Organization.

It is also projected to enhance our country’s participation in the activity of the United Nations Organization in the issues of education, science and culture (UNESCO). In particular, it is advisable to optimally use Turkmenistan’s possibilities in the capacity of a member of the Executive Committee of the Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Culture and Sports and to promote the country’s election to the Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO International Hydrogeology Program for 2021-2025.

As President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has noted the new concrete initiatives forwarded by Turkmenistan in the key directions of international relations are assigned to encourage multi-aspect strategic partnership with the UN, which is year after year acquiring a new content.

In this regard, the leader of nation has stressed that relying on the legal status of permanent neutrality, twice recognized by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, the foreign-policy strategy of our state meets both the national interests and the long-term goals of the global community of nations.

At the session of the Government, the head of state has signed the Resolutions: “On improvement of the activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” and “On the financial issues of the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan”.

To secure the Motherland’s sustainable development – is a key goal of the President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov’s state policy, the present-day result of which is the country with steady economy, integrating actively into the system of global economies.

The corollary of it was the ratings conferred on Turkmenistan by the International Agency “Fitch Ratings” despite the extant complicated situation in the global economic system. The fact will, undoubtedly, promote the international financial status of our state, increase the volumes of investments attracted to our country and simplification of credit conditions, further development of the foreign economic activity, and strengthening of Turkmenistan’s prestige.

The leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has stressed the importance of consistent realization of the Program of the country’s oil/gas industry development until 2030 aimed at strengthening of the resource, scientific-technical, and export potential of the leading branch of the national economy.

A number of presidential assignments were addressed to the officials concerned related to further modernization of the production objects of the Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex on the basis of widespread adoption of innovatory technologies and advanced engineering developments assigned to increase the volumes of the Complex’s produce highly-acclaimed in the country and world markets.

To diversify the national economy, further improve the activity of departments and enterprises of the construction and industrial sphere, to create advantageous conditions for market-style relations, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolutions on authorizing the Balkan Quarry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production to take part in the PSA-based establishment (with 49% share in the authorized capital) of the “Turkmen kaolin” Public Corporation.

Change of the organizational-legal form and reconstruction of the kaolin workshop of the Balkan Quarry Department will enable to increase production capacity of the enterprise, create new workplaces and promote saving of costs for purchasing abroad of necessary raw materials.

On the basis of the hydro-mineralogical riches of the Garabogazgol Bay, production of sulfates is projected. The results of investigations, which were conducted by the “Turkmenhimiya” State Concern and Chemistry Institution of the Academy of Sciences, have confirmed availability in the Bay of great resources of chemical elements, mineral salts, sodium and magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, lithium and its compounds, magnesium oxide, magnesium metal.

To assess the economic expedience of the Bay’s resources commercial development, it is necessary to develop new ecology-friendly technologies, to prepare the feasibility study.

Radical comprehensive modernization of the urban and rural infrastructure, invariable increasing of standards and quality of life of the people are the key goals of the scale town-building program consistently realized on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov. The leader of nation has underlined that every condition is created in Turkmenistan for the constructive labor and happy life of the people.

At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the head of state has signed the Resolution on construction in Mary (in the structure of «Türkmeniň аk öýi») of the 3,000-seat building for conducting of mass festive events. The social-cultural object will become a new architectural remarkable sight of the day-after-day growing prettier administrative center. Very soon, a new residential complex will be commissioned in Mary, and a carpet-making workshop – in the town of Bairamali.

The preparatory works are also in progress for launching of a modern textile complex in Kaahka etrap, Akhal velayat. The new sophisticated enterprise is expected to produce 3,650 tons of yarn, 12 million sq m of different fabrics, and 1million 200 thousand tons of finished goods.

The ecology-friendly and high-quality production of the new 1,300-job enterprise will not only meet the needs of the country’s market, but will strengthen its export-orientated possibilities.

The head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov was also informed about the ongoing work on improvement of the Regulations ”On training and retraining the drivers of motor vehicles”. The document regulates the issues of activity of auto-schools and also envisages organization of training courses in the electronic format with the use of digital technologies.

At the session of the Government, the leader of nation has approved the Regulations on government regulation of rendering cultural services at the wedding and other festivities in the country. The document was developed in association with the ministries and departments concerned on the basis of the earlier presidential assignments and Law of Turkmenistan “On Culture”.

The head of Turkmenistan has exhorted to ensure high organizational level of all planned measures devoted to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Motherland, including the final round of the annual children’s contest «Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri» and the solemn military parade.

Worth of noting is the last week’s event in the Olympic Village of Ashgabat of honoring the Turkmen weightlifter Polina Guryeva, who first ever in history of independent neutral Turkmenistan has won silver medal in the weight category under 59 kg at the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Congratulating Turkmen sportsmen on the remarkable success, the President of Turkmenistan in his Welcoming Address has highlighted that their sport achievements are the best gift to the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of the country.

By the Ukase of the head of state, the title “Honored Master of Sports of Turkmenistan” was conferred on Polina Guryeva. Besides, the sportswoman was also presented with valuable gifts.

Thus, the events of the past seven days are a convincing replication and confirmation of the well-thought, science-based economic strategy of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov directed at acceleration of the entire national-economy complex industrialization, rational and effective use of the richest natural resources, creation of most advantageous conditions for prosperity of the country, rise in the population’s standards of living , achievement of success by each and every one of the Turkmen citizens in any of the chosen spheres of activity.

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