Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of peacemaking
Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of peacemaking
Published 16.08.2021

Key priorities of the policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov – strategic partnership in the name of common peace, socioeconomic prosperity of the Motherland, improvement of the Turkmen people’s well-being – found their reciprocation in the past week’s events. Commissioning of new important objects in run-up to the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence has become an eloquent confirmation of the Motherland’s continued advancement towards new heights of progress.

On August 11, the leader of nation took part in launching of a new military unit of the Naval Forces of the country’s Armed Forces and a complex of new buildings of the State Border Service’s frontier post.

The issues of systematical strengthening of the National Army’s defense capacity and modernization of its hardware and logistics base in compliance with the exclusively defensive Military Doctrine based on the Motherland’s status of permanent neutrality are always in the center of unabated attention of the head of state.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov got acquainted with the infrastructure and performance specifications of the new military unit; with the help of the latest technologies and digital system the unit is capable to monitor ships’ movements in the Caspian Sea. Using the field glasses, the leader of nation watched some time the patrol ship “Sanjar” of the country’s Armed Forces.

In the course of the remarkable event, the leader of Turkmenistan has also presented the servicemen of the Naval Forces with the keys to new motor cars.

The military unit was built in tune with the requirements of the sector and times. The instructional-training center is equipped with the newest technologies. The advanced study courses are conducted on the basis of software programs developed by the Naval Institute’s cadets. At the digital system-based extension courses the students are taught to steer the military ships, operate the ships’ equipment, and shadow the sea’s water area.

Their leisure time, the service men use for going in for different sport disciplines in the unit’s indoor and outdoor sport grounds; the unit accommodates also the medical point, Culture House, a library with reading hall, and the premise for holding the solemn events.

The two modern three-story 60-apartment residential houses and a two-story hostel are intended for young officers and members of their families.

Besides, the unit’s infrastructure includes a well-equipped comprehensive education school, kindergarten with the playgrounds equipped with necessary facilities, and the department store with a broad range of convenience goods.

Timed to the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s sacred independence, the beautiful gift for the military men and members of their families has become yet another evidence of the fact that improvement of the social system is a key direction of the President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov’s creative policy, the crux of which is capaciously expressed in the principle “State – for Man!”

The unit’s infrastructure envisages a moorage intended for military ships. One such is «Deňiz han» - a new military ship, built at the ship-repairing enterprise of the Defense Ministry of Turkmenistan. By tradition, the State Flag of Turkmenistan and the Flag of Naval Forces of Armed Forces of Turkmenistan were hoisted at the military ship.

After watching from the command post of the military unit the turns and curves of new military aircraft of the country’s Air Forces, the leader of nation took part in the ceremony of commissioning new objects of the State Border Service.

The new military unit’s complex includes the barracks with every condition for comfortable way of life of young border guards, a mess and library, sport grounds and a special ground for training Alabay-breed dogs.

Intended for the families of border guards and members of their families, the enhanced-comfort apartments in the new houses have all the appurtenances of modern life; children’s playground, parking lot, other infrastructure objects are within easy reach of residents.

The issues of successful realization of the military reform under the leadership of the head of state were in the center of the agenda of the meeting conducted by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces with the participation of chief heads of the military and law enforcement agencies of the country.

The head of state has addressed a number of assignments to the leadership of security agencies on worthy continuation by all security structures of the heroic glorious traditions of our courageous ancestors, on strengthening of the patriotic spirit of Motherland’s defenders, ensuring high organizational level of the holiday measures in honor of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of Motherland, of the solemn military parade particularly.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has presented the State Border Service’s leadership with the keys to new motor cars.

Rendering of social support to the most vulnerable strata of the population was and remains to be one of the characteristic features inherent to our nation. At present, that humane tradition implies the complex of legal guarantees of provision and protection of the child’s legal interests, as well as the system of economic measures and earmarked actions aimed at adaptation of parentless children in the society, their preparation to independent living.

On the past week, the President of the country approved the decision on channeling the funds to the relevant medical entities of the capital and velayats of the country from the Charitable Foundation for making various operations to the children in need of tutelage.

The Charitable Foundation created in the running year’s March and named after Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov (in tune with Resolution of Mejlis of Turkmenistan) in the less-than-half-year period has accomplished the scale effective work. The corollary to it is granting of new well-equipped modern “Ambulance” cars to the pediatric departments of hospitals of etraps and towns of Balkan, Dashoguz, and Lebap velayats. The keys to new cars were presented by the head of state in person in the frames of his working trips to the velayats in the summer of the current year.

Living up to the Turkmen people’s age-old tradition of good neighborliness and humanism, to render medical assistance to the victims of fires in the Turkish Republic, the President of Turkmenistan signed an Order, which authorized the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry to gratuitously transfer the relevant medicines and medical facilities to the Turkish Republic as a humanitarian aid.

Among other not the least important events of the past week was a solemn measure “School of Courage”, which was held in the capital’s military unit #1001 named after Myalikguly Berdymuhamedov of the Interior Ministry. The event was devoted to the exemplary life way of Myalikguly Berdymuhamedov – an honorary veteran of the Interior Ministry’s bodies, the father of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces, Army General Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov.

The event was attended by the servicemen and officers of security structures, cadets of the country’s military schools, veterans of the Interior Ministry bodies, representatives of the media community, outstanding writers, as well as the creative collectives of core structures.

In their speeches, the participants of the action have highlighted that the meritorious life way of Myalikguly aga is an example of wholehearted devotion to the native people and Motherland, a bright example of patriotism, humanity, and lofty spirit.

Honorary diplomas, breast badges, and numerous medals – the awards conferred on Myalikguly Berdymuhamedov for his irreproachable service, success achieved in combating crime, and in ensuring law and order in the country – are an eloquent evidence of his honest and impeccable service in the bodies of the Interior Ministry system. Myalikguly Berdymuhamedov’s responsible attitude to the work, devotion to the military oath, and perseverance are a demonstration school and pattern for the young military men.

The ceremonies were also held of laying flowers to the monument of Myalikguly Berdymuhamedov in the military unit #1001 and to the monument of the President’s grandfather – Berdymuhamed Annayev, in the secondary education school #27 in Yzgant settlement, Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat.

On the threshold of the glorious 30th anniversary of Motherland’s independence, to direct the water of the Karakum River for irrigating arable lands, a new reservoir was commissioned in Bereket etrap, Balkan velayat, as a result of the science-based approach to the issues of rational water resources use.

The solemn events dedicated to the reservoir commissioning were attended by members of the Government, chief heads and specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection, State Water Industry Committee, khyakimliks of Balkan velayat, toilers of the settlement, representatives of social organizations and mass media, honorary elders and youths.

In the Address of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, who has extended his heartfelt congratulations to the workers of water industry and all toilers of agriculture of independent Turkmenistan on the occasion of the remarkable event, it was noted that over recent years much had been done to preserve that priceless asset of the country and use rationally its water resources. The resource-saving technologies, newest scientific achievements and advanced experience are adopted in the production sphere and construction of water facilities and systems.

The 18-million cu m reservoir is built at the 1096th kilometer of the Karakum River, where the diversion facilities are located (30 cu m per second). The reservoir is intended for water collection in the downstream of the ‘water artery’ in the autumn-winter period and for regulation of the water distribution process in the period of watering the arable lands.

The project of the hydrotechnical complex was developed by «Türkmensuw­ylymtaslama» Institute, and the construction works were accomplished by specialists of «Garagumderýagurluşyk» State Water Industry Committee.

While constructing the weirs and dams of the reservoir, the construction materials from local quarries were applied. In particular, to stabilize the weirs and dams, 167.5 thousand tons of gravel was used; total length of dams is over 7.8 kilometers; along with basic structures, the objects of the road and energy infrastructure were built.

Commissioning of the new hydroeconomic complex (10 cu m per second) will enable to increase reliability of irrigational water supply to the arable lands of Bereket etrap.

On the whole, realization of the within-named project is yet another important step towards successful solution of the tasks set by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov on the rational use of water resources, improvement of the effectiveness of the irrigated land farming as an important factor of the agrarian sector dynamic development, increase of the level of yield of wheat, cotton and other crops, optimum unleashing of the untapped potential of the national agri-industrial complex.

A scientific-practical conference under the title “Cooperation for protection of the Caspian Sea marine environment” timed to the Caspian Sea Day holiday annually observed by the Caspian states is one of the significant events of the past week.

The forum was attended (in the online format inclusive) by the chief heads and specialists of core ministries and departments of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan, as well as by the officials of diplomatic missions accredited to our country.

The forum agenda implied a broad range of urgent issues related to activation of cooperation of the coastal countries in ensuring of the Caspian Sea’s ecological wealth. At the conference, consideration was also given to key directions and results of the systematical work implemented at the national level in the sphere of the Caspian Sea’s environment protection, preservation of its biodiversity, and rational use of its marine resources.

As it was stressed at the conference, protection of environment and rational nature management are one of the dominant ingredients of the state policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov. As an active participator of the international dialogue in that direction, Turkmenistan makes maximum efforts to make the interaction consistent, comprehensive and constructive, in the context of the UN-approved Sustainable Development Goals inclusive. A visual confirmation of it is the creative initiatives of the Turkmen leader, which were avowed from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly and other large forums.

On the whole, the past eventful week was yet another proof of the upward development of our state, in which all the reform-based changes and grandiose achievements realized under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov are entirely directed at ensuring of the people’s well-being.

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