Events of the week
Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals – the strategy of Turkmenistan’s foreign and home policy
Events of the week
Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals – the strategy of Turkmenistan’s foreign and home policy
Published 09.08.2021

Being an initiative participant of international processes, independent neutral Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov strengthens still more its economic might, improves social and living conditions of the people’s life, and increases its authority as a reliable, responsible partner at the regional and global level. The past eventful week was yet another demonstration of successful realization of the ‘open doors’ policy and multi-faceted socially-orientated programs initiated by the leader of nation. 

On August 2, a good news came from the UN Headquarters located in New York. Thus, on July 29 of the current year, at the 96th plenary session of the UN General Assembly 75th session, on the initiative of the Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and with co-authorship of 48 states, the Resolution “Strengthening of ties between all types of transport to ensure stable and reliable international transportation and accordingly – sustainable development during and after the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic” was approved by the complete consensus.

Pleased with the news and extending congratulations on the event to all countrymen, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has noted that approval of the within-named document in the Year of Peace and Trust makes a particular sense, for the fact is yet another evidence of high efficiency of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy relying on the principles of neutrality.

The key tasks of that special Resolution are in activation of the international community’s efforts in mitigating the risks of the present time, which are ongoing in the global economy, in the transport sphere in particular, and formation of the core legal base in that direction.

As the head of state highlights, in the years ahead Turkmenistan intends to increase the effective full-scale and long-term interaction with the Global Community of Nations. Taking an active position in elaborating of the dovetailed solutions of the key issues of regional and global agenda, our country seeks to unleash its untapped creative potential for the benefit of the mankind, advocates optimization of the approaches to the multilateral partnership, in the transport sector inclusive.

On August 2, the head of state held an online working session with the participation of velayat leaders of Akhal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats, khyakims of regional etraps. Preparedness rate to the cotton-harvesting and winter wheat- and other crops seeding campaigns were in the focus of the session.

Special consideration was given to the construction rates of the objects scheduled for commissioning on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Motherland’s independence and to the organizational issues of the upcoming cultural-mass holiday measures and events.

Provision of tenants with agri-machinery and other resources, irrigation water, selected seed material, as well as consistent and dovetailed interaction of all structures concerned were sorted out by the head of state among the key aspects of the upcoming agri-campaigns. Particular accent was placed on the importance of widespread adoption of innovatory methods and motivation of agri-producers.

Speaking of the significance of the ongoing reform-based changes aimed at the regions’ further socioeconomic development, growth of the quality of life of the people, the leader of nation has exhorted the chief officials concerned to exercise tough control over the construction rates of the objects of social and production purposes, first of the first it concerns the objects scheduled for commissioning in run-up to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

On August 3, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov conducted an enlarged session of the State Security Council to draw together conclusions from the running year’s seven-month activities of the military and law-enforcement agencies, discuss the tasks of priority assigned to the security structures, and consider manpower policy issues.

The top-level meeting on August 4 in the Turkmen capital between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who arrived to our country on a state visit, was one of the significant events of the past week.

In the course of the negotiation process, the interlocutors were pleased to note availability of large prospects for enhancement of the political-diplomatic, trade-economic, and cultural-humanitarian ties, which fully meet reciprocal interests and sustainable development goals of the entire region.

Regarding the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), in which Turkmenistan is in the chair in the current year, as a regional format for further strengthening of interaction, the head of state has voiced the hope for Tajikistan’s active participation in the measures, including in the 15th ECO Summit, which is expected to be held in Ashgabat in November of the current year.

The Turkmen leader has also highlighted that the Consultative Meetings of the heads of Central Asian states is a new format of the political dialogue in the multidimensional cooperation of the five countries of the region assigned to ensure necessary conditions for sustainable development of partnership in different spheres.

In the negotiation process, particular attention was given to the situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. As was noted, against the background of military withdrawal of a foreign contingent of troops from the neighboring country, a particularly urgent question arises about developing of efficient political-diplomatic instrumentalities with the participation of the reputable international organizations, the UN particularly.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has also placed accent on the necessity to activate the coordinated activity to counteract the negative consequences of climate change, careful and rational use of water resources of the Central Asian region, and solution of the Aral Sea problematics.

Not the least significant are the concrete initiatives avowed by the leader of nation on state-backing of Turkmen and Tajik companies’ participation in the joint investment projects, establishing of the Business Council for cooperation between the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the two friendly countries.

As the head of state has stated the efforts of our countries can and must be channeled for achieving of the main goal – creation of a powerful and modern infrastructure capable to ensure unification of transport systems of Asia, Europe, and Near East.

In this regard, to optimize the employment of cargo transportation routes, it would have been advisable to study the issue on simplifying the ground cargo traffic from Tajikistan via the territory of Turkmenistan. Moreover, in the light of commercial interest, it was proposed to consider the possibility of resuming the negotiations on establishing of the direct or transit air communication between the two states.

In the course of meeting, the head of Tajikistan has extended an invitation to President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov to take part (in the capacity of a distinguished guest) in the September 16-17 Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization devoted to the 20th anniversary of that reputable organization.

On completion of negotiations, the ceremony was held of signing the bilateral documents, which incorporated the issues of the Turkmen-Tajik interaction in different spheres and enriched considerably the contractual-legal base of the interstate dialogue.

Key directions of bilateral cooperation in the light of the priorities of the two countries’ socioeconomic development in the new historical round, as well as concrete steps towards practical realization of the earlier achieved agreements were in the focus of the talks of the two friendly states’ leaders aboard of the airliner, which on August 5 brought the President of Turkmenistan and his Tajik colleague to Balkan velayat to participate in the Consultative Meeting of the heads of the Central Asian states.

That same day, a telephone talk was held between Presidents Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The two countries’ leaders exchanged opinions on the urgent issues of the international and regional policy, which are of reciprocal interest.

Given the complicated situation induced by mass wildfires in certain regions of Turkey, the head of the friendly country has proposed to carry over the Tripartite Summit, scheduled for conducting in our country in August of the running year.

Showing a sympathetic understanding of the Turkish leader’s proposal, the head of Turkmenistan has expressed deep condolences on the occasion of the tragedy, and on behalf of the Turkmen people, Government of the country, and personally conveyed words of sincere empathy and support.

On August 6, the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone hosted a number of significant international measures, notably – the Consultative Meeting of the heads of the Central Asian states; Dialogue of Women of the region’s countries; Economic Forum; International Exhibition of the national produce; International Festival of National Cuisines; and the joint holiday concert of masters of arts of the region.

The top-level Forum under the chairmanship of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov was attended by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Kyrgyz republic Sadyr Japarov, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomaly Rahmon, and President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as well as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Central Asia, head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Turkmenistan Natalya Herman.

Prior to the Summit, the leader of nation conducted the bilateral meetings with the participants of the Summit to exchange opinions on the issues included into the agenda of the third Consultative Meeting. Particular accent was thereto placed on the importance of integration of efforts for realization of new joint projects aimed at ensuring well-being and prosperity of the Central Asian peoples.

In his speech at the Forum, the head of Turkmenistan has noted that the outcomes of the Consultative Meetings, which were held in March of 2018 in the city of Nur-Sultan and in November 2019 in Tashkent, are the positive examples of the dovetailed constructive activity of the states of the region. At present, the results of Meetings received their replication in activating of the political-diplomatic contacts between the Central Asian states.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has forwarded a number of significant initiatives. In particular, it was proposed to entrust the Governments of five countries with the authority to analyze the content of the documents adopted by results of the previous Meetings and to complete development of the medium-term “Road Map”.

Regarding the energy as a dominant ingredient of the Central Asian states’ economies, the leader of nation has confirmed Turkmenistan’s readiness to the substantial increase of supplies of its natural gas to the Central Asian countries, or via their territories – to the foreign markets under the mutually advantageous conditions.

The head of state has also avowed the proposal on establishing at the governmental level of the pentalateral Workgroup to study the possibilities of formation of new transport-communication routes in the Central Asia-Caspian-Black Sea directions with an outlet to Southern Europe, as well as – in the Central Asia-Near East direction.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has also initiated the proposal on establishing of the Business Council for encouraging the economic and entrepreneurship activity in Central Asia and establishing of the earmarked channels of the partnership-based dialogue on the economic ties and infrastructure projects of Central Asian countries with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and other interested states of Near East and Southern Asia.

It was noted that the period after the top-level pentalaterla meeting was complicated in terms of the regional stability. Ambiguous is the current situation in Afghanistan; there are conflict situations in a number of other regions located not far from the borders of Central Asian countries. We are to be particularly responsible and reasonable in the present conditions, the leader of nation noted.

The head of Turkmenistan has proposed to activate the contacts between the medical communities of the countries of the region in the scientific diplomacy sphere; the leader of nation has also expressed himself in favor of establishing of the Central Asian Regional Center of Epidemiology, Virology and Bacteriology and coordinating the efforts for improvement of the situation in Central Asia.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has stressed the importance of integrated approach to solution of all urgent issues, setting forth openly and confidentially the countries’ positions, with taking mutual interests into account and resting on the age-old experience of good neighborliness.

In turn, the heads of states of the region rated high the efforts for strengthening of the economic ties between the countries of Central Asia; they have also expressed their vision of international and regional problems, the approaches to their solution, as well as have outlined the ways of the regional cooperation advancement in different spheres of economy.

The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Central Asia, head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (RCPDCA) in Turkmenistan Natalya Herman has noted colossal success the Central Asian countries have achieved over the 30-year period of the statecraft upward advancement, economic growth, and improvement of the population’s standards of life. The diplomat has also confirmed readiness of the United Nations Organization and the RCPDCA to completely support the strategic directions of the region and the decisions, which would be adopted by results of the Forum.

By results of the Summit, the Joint Statement of Heads of the Central Asian States was adopted.

In compliance with the unanimous decision of the Summit participants, the Bolshoy Conference-Hall of the “Avaza” Congress Center hosted a solemn ceremony of awarding President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomaly Rahmon the Honorable Badge of heads of Central Asian states for his meritorious activity aimed at encouraging of friendship, neighborliness, mutual understanding and cooperation between the countries of Central Asia, for strengthening peace and security in the region, advancing of joint interests and initiatives of Central Asian states in the international community.

The results of the regional Consultative Meeting of the heads of the Central Asian states were avowed at the press-conference with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Meredov and the UN Secretary-General Special Representative, the RCPDCA head Natalya Herman.

The Dialogue of Women of Central Asia was also held in the “Avaza” NTZ with the participation of representatives of five countries of the region, the RCPDCA heads, and the UNDP Regional Bureau for the countries of Europe and CIS.

The Dialogue participants were familiarized with the experience of different global and regional platforms and associations of women of the Central Asian Group in achieving of more essential political and social role, as well as in enhancing of the possibilities for exerting influence on the decision-making processes related to the topical issues of safeguarding of peace, stability and development in the region.

By results of the Forum, the Declaration was adopted, which incorporated the recommendations on the measures to be adopted at the national and regional levels for empowerment of women’s participation in the political and socioeconomic life of the state.

Trade-economic and investment possibilities of the Central Asian countries, prospective vectors of cooperation in the energy and chemical sectors and transport-logistics sphere were in the center of the agenda of the Economic Forum of the Central Asian countries.

The event, timed to the Consultative Meeting of the heads of Central Asian countries, was attended by members of governments, chief heads of ministries and sectoral departments, representatives of financial organizations, private businesses, other structures concerned, as well as of mass media of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.

The outcomes and recommendations of the Forum were reflected in its Resulting Document.

Worth of noting are also the bilateral meetings, which were held between the heads of ministries and departments, state-run and private enterprises of Turkmenistan and their potential partners, were focused on the promising directions of interaction and concrete projects.

Representatives of our country’s business circles have made 74 export-import contracts and agreements of cooperation (some US $131.5 million total amount) with the companies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, including the contracts for deliveries of agri-produce and food industry products, plastic pipes, various polymer goods, rendering of transport services, and others.

In the frames of the Economic Forum of Central Asian states’ heads, 11 important interdepartmental documents have been signed on confirming of certain sides’ intention to enhance the interest-based cooperation in a number of key directions, including transport, international container and multimodal traffic, industry, oil/gas and energy spheres.

In Avaza, the session of the Joint Turkmen-Uzbek Commission for trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation has placed particular emphasis on the urgency of realization of joint scale infrastructure projects, including construction of new transport-transit corridors.

At the session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Kyrgyz Commission for trade-economic, scientific-technical and humanitarian cooperation, interaction in the formation of transport-transit corridors, trade-economic and energy spheres, agriculture, communications, health, education, science, sports and tourism were sorted out among the important spheres of the long-term cooperation.

That same day, the Presidents of Turkmenistan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan visited the International Exhibition of national produces and the International Festival of national cuisines of Central Asian countries, as well as the grand concert of masters of art of the region’s states.

The Turkmenbashy International Seaport has become the venue of showcase of economic successes achieved by our and neighboring countries. The expositions of the leading ministries, sectoral departments, organizations, business structures of Turkmenistan, of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan were demonstrated at the 2,090 sq m exhibition platform.

The stands have demonstrated the successes achieved by the countries of Central Asia in the development of key branches of their national economies, including in the FEC, construction, agriculture, transport, logistics, car-manufacturing spheres, textiles and food industries.

In the course of the bids at the State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan (SCRMET), the auctions of national produces were held. Representatives of the companies from Great Britain, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Russia, Turkey, businessmen from Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and others.

Among the SCRMET bids notable were the commercial transactions for trading petrochemicals and construction and light industry products, carpet items. The sum total of the 113 transactions was some US $108.9 million and 3.6 million manats.

The participants of the International Festival of National Cuisines have demonstrated their mastership in cooking the original dishes on the basis old and modern recipes with a glance to local peculiarities of the cooking art of the peoples of the region.

The 300-dish exposition of Turkmenistan, including the ones prepared by the recipes included in the book «Bereketli türkmen saçagy» (“Turkmen dastarkhan”) authored by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, was a truly decoration of the National Cuisines Exposition.

The results of the top-level measures initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, which were a great success in the capital of the Turkmen coastal velayat, were symbolically summed up in the gala-concert of masters of culture and arts of the Central Asian countries.

The intensive and creative gamut of the festive concert program reflected the richness and originality of the folk and modern art of representatives of the region’s neighboring states, intergenerational continuity, inviolability of ties of friendship and fraternity of the peoples living in peace and harmony.

The Turkmen President-authored song «Leýlisaç barada rowaýat» was a remarkable gift for the Turkmen people. Performed in the Turkmen language by Ozodbek Nazarbekov to the accompaniment of the folk collective “Dokmachylar”, the song has become a wonderful dedication to our independent Motherland.

“Bagt nury” song (the Turkmen leader is the author of its text and music) was met with burst of applause, which developed gradually into ovation.

The triumph of the creative close unity in the name of peace and progress has found its reflection in the traditional concert-culminating ancient dance kushtdepdi, which was performed by Turkmen artists and their colleagues from Central Asian countries.

The concert program incorporated also the ceremony of awarding the best cooks, who took part in the International Festival of National Cuisines of Central Asian countries.

On the whole, the past eventful week was an eloquent confirmation that in the year proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust” independent neutral Turkmenistan is striding confidently along the path of progress and creativity under the direction of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, whose innovatory and constructive activity is wholly aimed at growth of prosperity of the native people.

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