Turkmen leader launches construction of Ashgabat city and opens new residential complex
Turkmen leader launches construction of Ashgabat city and opens new residential complex
Published 25.05.2021

On the Day of Ashgabat and 140th anniversary of the capital, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the events on occasion of ground-breaking ceremony of big residential complex Ashgabat City and opening of new complex of double-store houses built in the northern part of Ashgabat.

Ashgabat becomes better and better every day and its magnificent architectural ensemble is added with new buildings and constructions. Urban infrastructure is gradually modernized, which provides Ashgabat’s residents with amenities and comfort according to international standards. The whole districts have been reconstructed, new developed residential estates, numerous social and other facilities have been built in the capital in the last years.

The President of Turkmenistan holds all stage of realization under close personal control. At the same time, the head of the state focuses on use of original solutions, advanced, including digital technologies, and engineering and technical developments, which are actively applied in Ashgabat, which is permanently growing and expanding its borders.

The time for implementation of grandiose mega project, which idea belongs to Turkmen leader, has come. Everything latest and progressive, what the world architectural and urban construction spheres have, will be reflected in this project. Relative Interdepartmental commission has been established and its composition has been approved for provision of high level of construction of Ashgabat city.

From early morning, the atmosphere of big holiday reigns at the place of the ground-breaking ceremony of mega complex, which will be built in the north of the city. The Speaker of the Mejlis of National Assembly, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and profile departments, capital administration, public organizations and mass media have gathered in this place.

Everybody have greeted President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with enthusiasm.

Masters of art have prepared their creative gift on occasion of remarkable event.

Further, the head of the state went to the place of current ceremony, which is made in the shape of traditional Türkmeniň ak öýi.

Addressing the participants and all fellow countrymen, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that the Day of Ashgabat, which is a pride of each Turkmenistan’s citizen, is celebrated today. This holiday, which was established in 2013 and received new content every year, has taken an important place in national calendar.

According to good tradition formed up in Turkmenistan, opening of new buildings and various facilities, ground-breaking ceremony of new facilities are timed to each remarkable date.

Today, the head of the state continued, we lay the foundation of the complex of buildings and facilities, which will be erected in the northern part of the capital. This large-scale complex with total area of 744 hectares can be called a city inside city as it includes more than two hundred various facilities, which form urban infrastructure with all amenities for comfortable living.

Many facilities will be built in this place, in particular the building of district administration and other facilities. Four kindergartens for 1,200 children and the same number of schools for 3,000 students, cultural club and sport complex with stadium for 5,000 visitors will be built at the cost of investments.

In addition, it is planned to erect new buildings of Turkmen National Conservatory and specialized music school, multi-profile hospital, two health centers, four multi-level car parking as well as the branches of the State Commercial Türkmenbaşy and Halkbank, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

180 fashionable high-rise namely 12 - 35-store buildings of 8 various modification with 17,836 apartments for more than 107,000 tenants are planned to be built in the complex.

The entrance to residential complex will be represented by roundabout bridge with metal construction in the shape of traditional Turkmen tent, which will be a symbol of hospitality of our people as well as its transparency in friendship and transparency.

In addition, the head of the state noted that it is planned to build the Center of Children Creativity, park, facilities of transport infrastructure, municipal services, engineering and communication systems, to build roads. Therefore, entire modern place named Ashgabat city will appear in this place in the next few years.

Our white-marble capital has to become not only one of the most beautiful and comfortable city for living but also to turn into advanced mega city. It has to be reflected in its image and optimal operation of all systems of social provision. It is necessary to involve young specialists with innovative thinking, in particular students of Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute and State Art Academy, in the process of implementation of these ideas.

Modern education system, which is to provide steadfast dynamics of development of urban construction sphere, has been formed in the country. Therefore, using and expanding its capabilities, it is necessary to support creative initiatives of young architects, designers and engineers, the President highlighted.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused attention of the participants of the event on issues related urban ecology, introduction of optimum mechanisms for development of surrounding territory, in particular advanced world practice and resources as well as energy saving technologies in this field, which are very topicalfor entire world community today.

Ashgabat has to become the most beautiful, clean and comfortable city of the world, for which we have all capabilities and resources. Significant resources are invested under the program of fundamental reforms for establishment of modern social and economic infrastructure, which is to provide the most favorable conditions for life and creative work of our citizens, the head of the state noted.

The results of urban construction program in Ashgabat have to comply with its status of the capital of prosperous, rapidly developing and powerful state in long-term perspective.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that big preparation work has to be carried out prior to construction of new city. Having made detailed analysis of seismic situation, scientists of the Academy of Sciences have to determine optimum number of floors of the buildings, which would be possibly erected in this place while project design personnel to draw construction sites on maps.

It is also necessary to open a profile enterprise, which will manage this large-scale work and to provide it with qualified specialists, to make design of facilities and buildings, which are planned to be built, to find out from where construction materials can be obtained in the conditions of coronavirus pandemics. In this context, it is necessary to find out the ways of delivery of material, which are not produced in our country, from abroad.

Speaking of this, the head of the state has also outlined an objectives for the Minsitry of Agriculture and Environment Protection to find the sources of water provision of the population, irrigation of the plants and work of the fountains of Ashgabat City.

The head of the state noted that we put the foundation of big city, which construction would take several years, and in addition to the above-mentioned tasks, many issues have to be solved. After several years, we will see beautiful city of the world level with all amenities for comfortable living at the border of magnificent Kopetdag Mountains and endless spaces of Karakum Desert.

Ashgabat city, which ground-breaking ceremony we hold in one the most beautiful place of the capital, reflects rapid development and growing power of our state.

In the end, the President of Turkmenistan has cordially congratulated all on the Day of Ashgabat, which is observed on the state level, and ground-breaking ceremony of new city, having wished them strong health, family wealth and big success in work for the prosperity of the Motherland and people.

After, special video presentation, which allows having visual impression of the project of Ashgabat city, its facilities and architectural ensemble in general, profile infrastructure has been demonstrated to the head of the state and participants of the ceremony.

According to the project, administrative, social and cultural, sport, shopping and service, educational, preschool and medical facilities, modern roads, under and overpasses will be built in this pace in addition to residential buildings. Latest technologies and digital systems will be actively used in operation of the buildings and urban management structure.

At the same time, special attention is given to construction of smart houses, development of smart public bus stations. Therefore, new multi-purpose complex, which is designed based on the principles of ‘city inside city’ will grow in this part of the capital in the next few years. Their image will reflect organic combination of the latest trends of the world urban construction and primordial traditions of national architecture.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that new residential complex has to match the style of white-marble Ashgabat and its facilities to meet modern standards both in design, quality of construction and aesthetic as well as from ecological point of view and environment protection. Therefore, special attention is paid to formation of green and park zones, organic combination of urban and natural landscape.

Further, representatives of growing generation addressed the head of the state. At the request of children, the President of Turkmenistan has signed a message to the successors on occasion of current remarkable event, which was placed in special capsule.

Under loud applauses of the participants, Turkmen leader give symbolical start to the construction by placing the capsule into foundation and throwing the first shovels of concrete to the foundation of new residential estate. Multi-colored cloud of balloons flies in the sky at this moment.

Other participants of the ceremony have followed the example of the head of the state.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has had a joint photo with young Turkmenistan citizens and representatives of elder generation.

Having said warm goodbye to the participants of the ceremony, the head of the state with his colleagues went in new bus to the place of the next event – the opening of 140 double-store houses, which were built in Choganly residential estate of Bagtiyarlyk District of the capital.

On his way, the President of Turkmenistan has focused on the development and natural features of Turkmen capital.

Joyful atmosphere also reigns at the complex of residential buildings from the morning. The participants have cordially greeted the head of Turkmen state.

The moment comes and Turkmen leader cuts traditional ribbon under applauses of the participants of the ceremony – new residential complex is opened. Its opening was an excellent present to the residents of the capital to the holiday. Therefore, the number of houses, in which happy families celebrated house-warming party, is symbolical.

The head of the state went to the territory of the complex. Bright music and dance performances of art collectives and art masters create atmosphere of true Turkmen celebration with expansion and hospitality so typical to it, replay national traditions and customs.

On his way, Turkmen leader has looked around the buildings, which were erected in accordance with time requirements.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited one of the houses, in which he was cordially welcomed by the family, which moved to new house. The head of the state has congratulated hospitable hosts on new house and asked them about their opinion on new living, planning and amenities.

The head of the family said that he is a doctor and his wife also works in national healthcare system. New tenants expressed gratitude to the President for comprehensive care of the nation.

It is worth to mention that the houses built in Choganly residential estate have spacious rooms, comfortable kitchen equipped with necessary items and other premises. Each cottage has a yard. Relative infrastructure is well-thought, roads, engineering and technical systems are built. The surrounding territory is developed and planted with trees and shrubs. In other words, all conditions are made for comfortable living.

Provision of deserved conditions for life of people in all relations is the utmost objective of the state policy of Turkmenistan, the President highlighted, having noted that all measures would be taken for improvement of social and living conditions of the citizens of the country.

Having congratulated the hosts on new house again, Turkmen leader presented gifts to them wishing family wealth, health and success. In return, new tenants presented traditional Turkmen gift ‘duvuncheck’ to the President.

After, the head of Turkmenistan continued looking around new complex. Music and songs, which reflect the richness of cultural traditions of Turkmen people and modern national art, have been sounded everywhere on that day.

After the ceremony, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has said warm goodbye to the participants and left the place of event.

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