President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov holds the first joint session of two chambers of National Assembly
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov holds the first joint session of two chambers of National Assembly
Published 14.04.2021

The opening ceremony of the office of the People’s Council, which hosted the first session of new chamber of National Assembly of Turkmenistan of the first convocation, was held in Ashgabat. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the events.

Opening of another important facility, which was built in the southern part of Ashgabat, the place where new administrative and business center is under formation, is timed to remarkable date of national calendar – the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of Turkmenistan.

As is known, construction of the complex, which was started in March 2018, was carried out according to the Resolution of the head of the state. The Office of the Presidential Administration of Turkmenistan was a contracting authority of this important project, which was implemented by French Bouyeges.

6.39 hectares have been allocated for the construction. Decoration of 31.37 m height and 112 m long building has been made from high-quality materials. The surrounding territory was completely developed and planted with trees and shrubs. Open and in-door car parking and helipad have been also built.

…The atmosphere of overall enthusiasm and joy has reigned since early morning at brightly decorated ground in front of new facility. Arrived head of the state has been greeted by the leaders of the Mejlis, newly elected members of the People’s Council and deputies of the Mejlis of National Assembly.

Performance of ‘bakhshys’ group have added special solemnity to the current event. The President has come to ‘bakhshys’, expressed gratitude for active participation in cultural life of the country and presented gifts to them.

The solemn moment came and President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has cut a symbolical ribbon and entered the building under loud applauses of the participants.

The head of Turkmenistan has visited bilateral negotiation hall and after bilateral meeting hall where he looked around interior decoration of spacious and light halls, national color to which is given by pictures of excellent horses and brave Turkmen shepherd dogs, picturesque paintings of native land on the walls.

Having appreciated the design and conditions, Turkmen leader also noted the relevance of meetings with foreign guests as well as international level talks in this place.

Having looked around the building, the head of the state noted that it has all necessary for conducting of conferences of international level, in particular for the session of Inter-parliamentary assembly.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to small hall where the first session of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan of the first convocation, which agenda included number of organizational issues, took place.

Opening the session and addressing the members of the People’s Council and deputies of the Mejlis of National Assembly, the President highlighted a historical importance of the session of the People’s Council last September, at which amendments and addendums of the Main Law of independent and permanently neutral state developed by the Constitutional Commission have been approved.

The draft of the Constitutional law has been unanimously supported by our people and adopted at the session of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. The main goal of proposed initiatives is to improve the activity of legislative body of the state power and formation of new system of legal power in new historical conditions.

According to the amendments and addendums of the Constitution, the Law on National Assembly of Turkmenistan has been adopted, according to which two-chamber parliament was established in the country. It establishment is aimed at further democratization of life of our state and society, strengthening of legal and temporal foundations.

It was mentioned that amendments and addendums have been also introduced to the Election Code, following which the elections of members of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan, which have become an important event in public and political life of the country, have been held on March 28.

The elections have been held based on democratic standards, wide alternative, transparency and publicity under big public and political activity.

Congratulating the participants on the beginning of work of the People’s Council of the first convocation of National Assembly of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that number of organizational issues have to be reviewed at the session.

After approval of the agenda of the session, the head of the state gave floor to Chairman of the Central Election and Referendum Commission of Turkmenistan G. Myradov who informed in details about the results of the first elections of members of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan.

Having expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the opening of new administrative building of the People’s Council, the head of the Central Commission wished success in coming activity to the first composition of new chamber of National Parliament.

It was mentioned that modernization of political system of sovereign Turkmenistan is successfully continued and special attention is paid to democratization of public life.

The first elections of members of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan, which were held according to the Constitution and Election Code of the country on March 28 this year, were convincing evidence to this.

The electors participated actively in indirect elections, which were held for the first time in the country. 98.7 percent of electorate participated in the elections. 112 candidates contested for 48 seats, in other words, 2 -3 people aspire contested one seat.

48 people – 8 representatives from each region and Ashgabat, have been elected as members of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan. 27 percent of this number were women, which has also become an evidence of big work for expansion of women’s rights and their active participation in public and political, social and economic, cultural and humanitarian life of the country.

All members of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan have higher education.

Summing up the report, the head of the Central Election Commission highlighted that outcomes of the elections, which were held in the atmosphere of transparency and publicity according to the standards of international law, have visually demonstrated the commitment of Turkmenistan to democratic principles.

Further, the head of the state has informed about his decision on appointment of 8 members of the People’s Council according to Article 78 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

The Order of the President of Turkmenistan on appointement of K. Babayev, G. Agayev, B. Orazmammedov, D. Gulmanova, M. Taganov, S. Gayipov, M. Halnazarov, Ch. Babaniyazov as members of the People’s Council of National Assembly has been read out.

Therefore, 48 members have been elected by the outcomes of the elections of the People’s Council of National Election as well as 8 members were appointed by the Order of the President of Turkmenistan. It was stated that these works have been carried out in full compliance with election legislation of the country.

It was noted that according to Article 3 of the Law of Turkmenistan on National Assembly of Turkmenistan, the authorities of new members of the People’s Council are recognized at the first session of the People’s Council of the first convocation.

Continuing, the President of the country has noted that by proposal of the mandate commission, the People’s Council has to adopt the Resolution on recognition of the authorities of the members of the People’s Council.

In this regard, the members of the People’s Council were proposed to vote for approval of the composition of the Mandate Commission by raising their temporary identification cards.

The Resolution on election of the Mandate Commission has been adopted.

During the break announced thereafter, the head of the state had a conversation with the heads of the Mejlis’s committees, which informed about integrated work for modernization of national legislation.

Further, Chairman of the Mandate Commission M. Geldiyev has made a report and noted that the first elections of the members of the People’s Council of National Assembly were very important in the contest of strengthening of democratic foundations of Turkmen state.

Based on the documents submitted to the Central Election and Referendum Commission of Turkmenistan, the Mandate Commission has checked the authorities of the members of the People’s Council of the first convocation. In particular, it was found out that the voting was held on high organizational level and in strict compliance with the main provisions of the Constitution and Election Code of Turkmenistan as well as universal standards of international law.

By the outcomes of the voting of the members of the People’s Council, which took place thereafter, the Resolution on approval of the report of the Mandate Commission on recognition of authorities of the members of the People’s Council has been adopted.

The members of the Commission were instructed to organize the replacement of temporary to permanent identifications.

Continuing the session after the break, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated new members of the People’s Council and wished them strong health and success in work, having expressed the confidence that they would justify their trust given to them.

The head of the state has highlighted that issues of elections of the Chairman of the People’s Council, his deputy, establishment of the committees of the People’s Council and elections of their chairmen according to Article 80 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and Article 10 of the Law on National Assembly of Turkmenistan are the main points of the agenda.

On behalf of the members of the People’s Council, the proposal on election of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the post of the Chairman of the People’s Council has been made.

Under applauses of the participants of the session, the candidacy of members of the People’s Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is put to the bulletin for secret balloting.

It was proposed to elect the members of the election board for the voting on this subject. Having studies the proposed composition and approved it by voting, the members of the People’s Council have adopted the Resolution on the composition of election board.

The elected chairman of the Commission H. Hajiyev has informed the members of the People’s Council on the rules of the voting.

The break has been announced thereafter, during which the secret balloting on election of the Chairman of the People’s Council has been held in the foyer of the conference hall. After calculation of the votes, the session was continued with the speech of the Chairman of the election board H. Hajiyev who announced the results of the elections.

The report has been unanimously approved by members of the People’s Council who voted for approval of the protocol of the election board of the People’s Council.

Further, the Resolution on the Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan has been brought out for the voting, which was unanimously adopted.

Addressing the members of the People’s Council, Chairman of the People’s Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expessed gratitude for rendered high trust and presented authorities as well as for the opportunity to implement special right of the Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan in organization period of the formation of two-chamber parliament.

I consider this fact as a sign of big respect and high responsibility for all people, the President highlighted assuring that from his side, he would put all efforts to justify high trust and to give comprehensive support for the activity of both chambers and entire National Assembly.

Further, the subject on election of member of the People’s Council K. Babayev as the Deputy Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly has been brought out to the session.

The Resolution on Deputy Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan has been adopted.

The elected Deputy Chairman of the People’s Council has expressed gratitude to the head of the state, members of the People’s Council for rendered high trust and assured that he would put all efforts for solution of planned objectives aimed at the prosperity of the country and improvement of wellbeing of the nation.

Having congratulated K. Babayev on the election to the post of the Deputy Chairman of the People’s Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished him big success in his activity on this post.

Continuing the session, the head of Turkmenistan has noted that it is necessary to think over the organization structure of any establishment has to be thought in details for organization of fruitful work and management.

In this regard, it was proposed to form up five committees – the Committee for human rights and freedoms, the Committee for economics, finances and social policy, the Committee for science, education, digital system sports and culture, Committee for regional development, environment protection and agricultural policy, Committee for international affairs, in the composition of the People’s Council.

The Resolution of the People’s Council on establishment of the committees of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan has been approved by direct voting.

Next, the subject of election of the chairmen of the main structural divisions of new chamber of the Parliament and their deputies has been brought out for discussion.

First, the subject on election of the chairman of the Committee for human rights and freedoms has been reviewed. Legal provision of the government policy for protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens as well as further modernization of legal base taking into account the standards of international law are the main goals of this Committee. By the results of the voting for the post of the chairman of the Committee, M. Taganov has been elected as the chairman and D. Gulmanova as its Deputy.

Implementation of the main directions of social and economic development and provision of strategic development of our country are the main goals of work of the Committee for economics, finances and social policy. Strengthening and improvement of economic power of the state, provision of its dynamic growth, development of industry, investments and innovative activity, effective budget, taxes, pursue of banking policy, modernization of legal foundations of support of small and medium business are also among the key objectives.

At the proposal of the members of the People’s Council, this Committee was chaired by G. Agayev. M. Halnazarov was elected as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for economics, finances and social policy.

Further, the election of the Chairman of the Committee for science, education, digital system, sports and culture has been reviewed. Modernization of the legislation in these fields, establishment of cooperation with the population, deputies of National Assembly, ministries and profile departments of the country as well as with international organizations are the main activities of this Committee. By the outcomes of the voting, B. Seyidova has been elected as the Chairperson of the above-mentioned Committee.

Coming over to the elections of the Chairman of the Committee for regional development, environment protection and agricultural policy, it was highlighted that improvement of legal base regulating the activity in these spheres is the main goal of the activity of this Committee.

Ch. Babaniyazov has been unanimously elected as the Chairman of the Committee for regional development, environment protection and agricultural policy and B. Orazmammedov as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee.

Further, the Chairman of the Committee for international affairs of the People’s Council, which goal is to provide legal foundations of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan including efficient continuation of economic and political cooperation with foreign states, UN and other competent international organizations, has been elected.

M. Byashimova has been unanimously elected as the Chairperson of the Committee for international affairs.

Relative Resolutions of the People’s Council have been adopted on all these decisions.

Therefore, the voting procedure has become a visual indication of the compliance of conducted elections with set requirements.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has congratulated the elected heads of the committees of the People’s Council wishing them big success in coming work and in solution of their responsible objectives aimed at further prosperity of the Motherland.

Further, joint session of two chambers of National Assembly of Turkmenistan with participation of members of the People’s Council and deputies of the Mejlis of National Assembly, members of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of the ministries and profile departments, political parties, public organization, mass media took place in the building of the Council’s Palace.

Opening the session, President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the People’s Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has informed about the end of the session of the People’s Council, at which number of organizational issues have been solved, and congratulated the participants on establishment and beginning of work of new chamber of National Assembly.

National anthem of Turkmenistan has been played.

Further, Turkmen leader has invited Speaker of the mejlis G. Mammedova and Deputy Chairman of the People’s Council K. Babayev.

Addressing the participants of the session, the head of the state noted that new stage in life of independent neutral Motherland starts with the establishment of two-chamber structure of national Assembly of Turkmenistan. Its main goals are to strengthen the state sovereignty of the country and to implement neutral status, to achieve intensive social and economic development of Turkmenistan and to bring it to the level of developed countries of the world.

As is known, two-chamber parliaments, which have had several stages in its development, works successfully in many countries. In this context, favorable conditions have to be made that the composition of National Parliament would include representatives of all levels of the population for bringing of the legal body of the country to modern condition.

Having noted that the parliament has to solve the main modern objectives, to improve the process of development and application of laws as well as to enforce the control over fulfilment of adopted national programs, the head of the state highlighted that joint coordinated work would be arranged for achievement of set goals.

Speaking of historical event – the formation of new legal body in the government organization of Turkmenistan – the People’s Council of National Assembly, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed about the review of important organizational issues including the election of the head posts and establishment of relative committees, at the first session of the People’s Council.

Further, the floor was given to the Speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan G. Mammedova.

The Head of the Mejlis has noted that members of two chambers of National Parliament received an opportunity to take part in joint session of new legislative body – the People’s Council of National Assembly, and the Mejlis, which is held in the days of big events on occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence and 140th anniversary of Ashgabat.

G. Mammedova has informed that members of the first convocation of the People’s Council has unanimously elected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as the Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan.

It was noted that entitling Turkmen leader, who is an excellent example of selfless service to native people and Motherland, to use the authorities of the Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan is a logical fact.

Our country is transferring to two-chamber legislative system for the first time in the history. Big experience in thoughtful governing of the state gained by the head of the state will be very important in provision of coordinated activity of two chambers of the Parliament.

Further, the floor was given to President, Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Addressing the participants, the head of the state highlighted that today, Turkmenistan moves confidently along the way of large-scale reforms, which provides big goals for the members of the People’s Council.

We have to support the improvement of legal-making activity, which is aimed at political, economic, social and cultural development of our country, efficient implementation of our humanistic course.

It was highlighted that following the set objectives, the People’s Council has to work effectively in number of important directions.

Protection of rights and freedoms of citizens is one of the key directions of legal making activity of National Parliament. The main law of our country guarantees tights and freedoms, which are in compliance with national practice and standards of international law.

According to the Constitution, each citizen has a right to protect its honor, dignity and freedom as well as to move free and choose the place to live in Turkmenistan.

Every human being is guaranteed with freedoms of words and thoughts.

The citizens of Turkmenistan have right to participate in public and state administration both directly or through the freely elected representatives as well as to elect or to be elected to the bodies of the government authorities and local administration.

The citizens of Turkmenistan have full right for the government services according to their abilities and professional training.

Each citizen has a right for free use of his abilities and property for entrepreneurship and other economic activity not prohibited by the law as well for work, selection of profession, occupation and place of work as per his own discretion, healthy and safe work conditions, rest, healthcare and education.

Each person has a right to participate in cultural life, right for freedom of art, scientific and technical activity.

Each person has a right for the environment favorable for life and health, for truthful information about is condition and compensation for the harm caused to health and property in the result of violation of ecological legislation or natural disasters.

Each citizen has a right for living and support of the government in receiving or buying of comfortable living or in construction of personal house as well as for social provision.

Having listed the rights and freedoms of the citizens laid out in the Main Law, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that members of the People’s Council have to make relative work for their protection, having provided legal humane government policy in this field, as well as to continue improving legal base of the country based on international law, which regulates human rights.

Law-enforcement and fair judicial activity of justice authorities, Ministry of Interior, prosecution authorities and other law enforcement agencies, which has to be carried out according to international standards, have to be under attention of the members of members of the People’s Council.

New legal acts related to civil. Public and religious organizations, civil, criminal and administrative legislation have to be developed. The citizens have to receive legal support and their rights have to be protected.

The work of the People’s Council has to be focused on modernization of legal foundations of national security, defense and other law enforcement agencies for legal consolidation of operation of the government systems.

Law-making activity in the sphere of the government administration, normative and legal acts, military service, mobilization, civil defense and fire safety, which have to use such aspects as social protection of military personnel, prevention of terrorism, human trafficking, operation and investigation work, emergency situation were specified among the main objectives.

According the President, implementation of the key vectors of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and its strategic reformation aimed at strengthening and enhancement of economic potential and provision of diplomatic development of the country have to be the main vectors of activity of the People’s Council.

These measures have to provide modernization of legal bases of industrial, investment and innovative activity as well as to support budget, tax and banking policy and to support small and medium business.

The Mejlis and Cabinet of Ministers have to work on development and approval of the State budget, to control, its execution, implementation of the investment, tax, banking and trade strategy, to provide legal foundations of small and medium business as well as legal basis of property and activity of the companies.

The President has noted that special attention is paid to coordinated development of the branches, production of raw materials and readymade commodities in realization of large-scale reforms. Following this, special attention is paid to legal provision of the process of the formation of industrial, agricultural and other zones in the regions of the country. In this context, the necessity to ensure the provision of optimal conditions for opening new work places in these zones has been highlighted.

Construction of living for provision of the access of the population to social facilities especially for satisfaction of needs of the citizens with low income is among the main aspects, the head of the state continued.

Development of production facilities including production complexes is the main objective provided by the adopted programs. For this purpose, it is necessary to improve relevant organizational, administration, financial and legal terms for efficient use of raw materials and manpower.

It was highlighted that members of the People’s Council have to be in the center of public life and all events, to meet and get advice from heads of local administrations, which would allow getting information for amendment of existing legislation, giving active dynamics to adoption of new laws and to current reforms.

Therefore addressing relative ministries and departments and the committees, relevant committees of People’s Council have to give relative assignments and to achieve full and timely solution. The focus has also been made on importance of coordinated cooperation of executive and legislative powers.

Outlining the utmost objectives, the head of the state has noted the necessity of active participation of members of the People’s Council in development and implementation of new concepts, state programs and plans aimed at the improvement of wellbeing of the people as well as popularization of home and foreign policy and national legislation among the population, especially among the youth.

Taking this into account, National Assembly of Turkmenistan has to take active participation in work for support of family. First, it is important to provide the occupancy of the citizens who bring up children.

The society is not only the government body but also a power, which involves various public organizations that give belief in future and making wishes and dreams of our citizens to become true.

In this regard, it was highlighted that it is necessary to fill the work of public organizations, which activity has to meet modern requirements and the policy of the epoch of new reforms, with new content.

Reformation of educational system is the main streamline of our ideology and political course, which requires to bring legal base of the country, the main factors that enhance its integration to the world space and improvement of competency, to modern condition.

The activity in this direction is directly related to preparation of experienced, qualified specialists in all spheres of economy, science, technology and culture.

It was also noted that science, education, culture, tourism and sports have entered high level and big success has been achieved owing to program measures undertaken in the country.

Relevant training of specialists, incorporation of innovative technologies into production are carried out to transferring all sections of the economy to digital way.

The youth policy is also one of priority directions of the government policy. The importance of relevant work for preservation of cultural heritage, traditions and customs, development of native language has been highlighted.

Big objectives related to legal making activity for protection of national values face new composition of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan.

National Assembly of Turkmenistan has an objective to support major reforms in agricultural complex. Following this, it is necessary to take measures for improvement of legal bases of agricultural management and structural reforms, rational use of land and water reforms

Development of the regions of the country is one of strategic directions of legal activity of the People’s Council.

Speaking of the necessity to pay more attention to work of local administration authorities, the President outlined the improvement of legal base of activities of these bodies, expansion of their authorities and their support among the utmost objectives. The relevance of development of relative proposals for improvement of cooperation with other authorities and Government administration has been highlighted.

Addressing the participants of the session, the President noted that versatile activity of the People’s Council on extension of international relations also plays a big role.

Legal status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan gives big advantages for promotion of modern political views in regional and international scale, which is very important for consolidation of efforts for achievement of mutual trust and understanding as well as for development of cultural relations and solution of common objectives on international level.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that development of international legal acts is important in the aspect of cooperation with other states in the structure of foreign policy for justification and promotion of proposed initiatives.

Noting the importance of establishment of long-term cooperation with foreign companies, the President highlighted that optimal investment climate would be made on legal basis for foreign partners, modernization of legal and normative base would, training of qualified personnel.

Highlighting that new composition of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan has to work closely with the Government, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that being the President of Turkmenistan, he would comprehensively support this work, making of capabilities for coordinated activity of two chambers, legislative and executive powers for the interests of the state and society.

The decisions made at the session of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan have to be a standards, which unite and guide our people to new high levels. Having congratulated new members of the People’s Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished them productive work.

The speech of the head of the state was listened with great enthusiasm and was interrupted by loud applauses.

President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the People’s Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to his place in the podium.

Addressing the participants of the joint session, the head of the state highlighted that it was a historical day, a day when new body, the People’s Council of Turkmenistan, has been established. Congratulating on this event, the President expressed the confidence that formation of new two-chamber legal making body would serve for further development of our independent neutral state and improvement of wellbeing of people.

Having congratulated the participants on coming holidays, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced the closing of the first session of the People’s Council and Mejlis of National Assembly of Turkmenistan.

National anthem of Turkmenistan was played. Having said goodbye to the participants, the President left the session hall and left the place of event.

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