Chronicles 2017: Transport and Communication
Chronicles 2017: Transport and Communication
Published 06.03.2018

2017 was marked by the implementation of large-scale projects for modernization of existing roads, construction of railways and improvement of work of air and maritime fleet of the country. Our state playing important role in consolidation of trust and good neighbourhood in the region plays more active role as a generator of new ideas demanded by the time, which are implemented in the project of international importance. Constructive proposals made by Turkmen leader find wide support of the world community. It was proven by unanimous adoption of the Resolution on Strengthening of the links between all modes of transport to achieve the goals of sustainable development at the 74th meeting of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly on December 2017. It is important to note that previously, the United Nations adopted the Resolution on Role of transport and transit corridors in provision of international cooperation for sustainable development and the Resolution on Towards comprehensive cooperation among all modes of transport for promoting sustainable multimodal transit corridors by the initiative of our country. New UN document supports the efforts of Turkmenistan in its conducting of the first Global Sustainable Transport Conference and states with delight Ashgabat Declaration adopted during the forum. During joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council on December 22, 2017, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it was not the first Resolution of the UN General Assembly on transport subject. This fact as well as the election of our country as the Chairman of the Energy Charter Conference in 2017 indicate total support and high appreciation of the policy of independent neutral Turkmenistan by the world community. In this regard, the Head of the State requested to present proposals on organization of the next Global Sustainable Transport Conference in Ashgabat or Avaza National tourist zone. Highlighting the importance of new Resolution, Turkmen Leader notes that this is another step toward the establishment of international regulatory and legal base for further formation of transport networks combining automobile, railway, maritime and air lines by intermodal logistics centres and bases, which would support economic growth on regional and international levels. Steadfast integration to the world logistics system and further expansion of the infrastructure on the main lines, connecting routes and hubs in the East – West and the North – South directions are among the key objectives for the nearest future. Formation of important logistics corridors on these lines is very important in the context of realization of the objectives of restoration of the Great Silk Road in new format and in connection of two economic poles of Eurasia. This project also implies the opportunity of connection to international transport system in southern and eastern directions with the entry to China, India, Pakistan and Asian Pacific countries. The idea of creation of bigger form of cooperation itself is an example of genuine innovative thinking in geopolitics and the vision of strategic perspectives of its development. Back in May 2017, Avaza National tourist zone hosted International Conference on Sustainable Transport and Logistics dedicated to the diversification of transit and transport cooperation in Eurasian continent. It included the participation of high-rank officials of the ministries and departments, experts, investors and representatives of international organizations, banking structures, transport, logistic and forwarding companies and mass medial from Europe, Asia and America. This representative forum was logical continuation of Global Sustainable Transport Conference, which was held in Ashgabat in 2016 under the United Nations aegis and aimed at practical implementation of presented ideas. Proposing the initiatives aimed at the development of wide partnership and meeting fundamental interests of the countries and people, Turkmenistan takes steadfast measures for their practical implementation. This is indicated by one of the most remarkable projects realized in this sphere – the formation of such important link of the North – South transport corridor as transnational railway Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran. Opening ceremony of new locomotive depot, which was built under the complex of the activities for optimization of transport process on Kazakhstan - Turkmenistan – Iran railway, was held at Bereket railway station on October 23, 2017. Building of the depot at hub station allows bringing the service and maintenance of diesel locomotives, organisation of service base for traction rolling stock, improving the use of locomotive fleet and increasing economic output this line. In addition to production aspect, new structure of railway sphere has social component more than 600 hundred occupancies have been created after opening of this facility. Opportunities of Turkmen state in logistics of transit stream make special impression taking into account the opening of Kerki – Imamnazar (Turkmenistan) – Akina (Afghanistan) railroad, which is the first part of Asian International Transport corridor. Restoring the Silk Road and designated to increase transport and transit throughput potential of our country, this road will be important connecting link in Europe – Asia – Pacific – South Asia direction. Its main purpose is to support the consolidation of fruitful trade and economic cooperation with the states of the world serving to the interests of millions of people, universal peace and prosperity. The significance of this event was reflected in prestigious award of famous contest AV Awards 2017 that selects the best projects of multimedia industry of the world. Turkmen project of construction of Kerki –Ymamnazar – Akina railroad was the winner of the last year. The award ceremony took place in London and gathered more than 1.5 thousand spectators fro 38 countries. The prize was delivered to Turkmenistan in October 2017. Considerable role of large-scale infrastructural projects initiated by our country, which are to support the development of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in all directions and the involvement of the republic to regional partnership, has been highlighted at the 7th session of Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA VII). Signing of five-side Agreement of establishment of Lyapis Lazuli international transport corridor Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey was important outcome of the forum. This corridor will support the improvement of the cooperation on vast geo-economics space including the regions of Central and South Asia, Caspian and Black sea basins and Mediterranean. During working trip to Mary Velayat on November 29, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave start to the construction of new railway from Turkmen border to Afghan city Turgundy. This event is another evidence of successfully developing good neighbourhood relations between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, which railroad authorities signed the Memorandum of Understanding on modernization of the above-mentioned railway in Ashgabat on November 23. The project elaborated in accordance with the orders of the Head of Turkmenistan is aimed at the expansion of transport infrastructure between two states and at the provision of integrated logistic services to the partners from fraternal country. For the last decade, our country achieved record progress in construction and putting into operation of unique engineering and transport facilities meeting the highest international standards together with other objectives of social and economic development. This is visually reflected in the eastern region of the country. Super modern automobile bridges Atamyrat (Kerki) – Kerkichi) and Seydi – Eldjik, railway bridge Atamyrat (Kerki) – Kerkichi) across Amudarya River with the length of 1415, 1400 and 1414 meters accordingly have been put into operation in 2009 – 2016. Last year, transport corridors across the Amudarya, which runs for 830 kilometres across Lebap Velayat, were supplemented by another two grandiose engineering facilities. Ceremonial opening of transport and communication infrastructure facilities have been held with the participation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on March 7. The Head of the State noted during opening ceremony that the importance of such facilities as the bridges across the Amudarya is hard to be overestimated. They open direct access of cargo traffic from the states of Asian Pacific and South Asia to Caspian Sea and farther to Black Sea and Mediterranean regions, to Europe, Caucasus and Middle East countries. Fruitful idea of diversification and optimization of transport communication system in Eurasia, which is to involve new geographic spaces, economic and production centres, become true. It will inevitably cause the increment of business activity, income of big investments and creation of numerous work occupancies. 1750 meters long and 5.8 meters wide, the railway bridge was built taking into account the world practice in bridge construction. Enhanced seismic and operation durability structures taking into account super heavy cargo trains have been used during the construction of the facility. Navigation space under the bridge is 10 meters high and 60 meters wide. New 1600-meter bridge is located down the stream of the river from the railway. Modern structures and progressive technologies that have no analogues in Central Asia have been used during the construction of these two facilities. According to its engineering, technical and operational characteristics, new transport corridor fully complies with international standards of bridge construction. The bridge is design to withstand the earthquakes measuring 9 on Richter scale. It is important that the access to the left bank side of automobile bridge is available not only form Turkmenabat but also from new wide highway built from Charjew etrap. Transit heavy trucks from close and distant foreign states will go by this road to new bridge Turkmenabat – Farab without entering the administration centre and creating traffic jams on the streets. Today, the effect of recently built transport communications is felt not only in rapid social and economic development of Lebap Velayat but also in economy of the country. They have huge geopolitical, economic and social importance for neighbouring countries. The Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan instituted the Day of Transport and Communication Sphere Personnel that is to be annually observed on March 7 for honouring of honest and selfless work of the staff of this sphere for further development of the branch and for improvement of the quality of serviced provided to the population. Pontoon bridge Halach – Hojambas across the Amudarya have been put into operation on May 24 under the realization of the objectives set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the improvement of social and living conditions of the population. This logistic project was accomplished by the specialists of Turkmenabat Deryayollary Production Association of the State Maritime and River Lines Service, which made entire scope of works for installation of the facility for few months. The bridge is made of 10 pontoon barges and 26 bridge spans with 36 tons weight capacity. It is 842 meters long and 7.5 meters wide with 1 meter fenced walkways on each side. All technological measures for safe operation of the bridge including the standby of two tugboats and one dredger have been provided. Therefore, the banks of the Amudarya are now connected in all parts where there is a necessity of active transport communication what allowed considerably reducing logistic expenditures and increasing throughput capacity of the region, its transit potential and role in intensification of transit routes. With regards to the development of motor road infrastructure, complete replacement of engineering and communication networks, introduction of new traffic control systems, installation of electronic information boards and LED-monitors are provided under integrated works carried out in the velayat. It is worth mentioning that in this field, Turkmenistan focuses at innovative technologies and advanced world practice. New super modern roads are built, construction of speed highways are planned. New road Ashgabat - Turkmenbashy starts from the 24th kilometre of Ashgabat – Dashoguz highway and will end up in Turkmenbashy. Around 60 big and small bridges and more than 70 underpasses including the bridges across the railway and at intersections with other roads, across the mud streams and Karakum River will be built on the highway according to the project. Modernization of technical fleet of automobile and other transport are the key aspects of social and economic policy. During offsite session of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 28, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of further expansion of the spectrum and improvement of quality of transport services, which are to meet international standards. V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games have been successfully held in autumn 2017. In this regard, the Ministry of Automobile Transport bought new vehicles for servicing in the city and for the participants of Ashgabat 2017 Games. As per the contracts, the fleet was supplemented with 840 motor vehicles in total from the world famous brands as «Hyundai New Super Aero City», «Toyota Corolla», «Yutong», «Toyota Hiace». In addition, new buses decorated with the symbols of Asian Games have entered the streets of the capital last May. The buses and light vehicles have GPSs what allows finding present location of the car as well as controlling the speed limit. There are high safety, reliability and ecological compliance requirements for all types of public transport and light vehicles, which new comfortable cars of the world famous brands comply. Total, the plan of services rendered by the Ministry of Automobile Transport was fulfilled to 125 percent in 2017 with the growth rate of 100 percent. Share of automobile transport in 2017 in total volume of cargo and passenger traffic was 101 percent. Development of maritime cargo and passenger transportation is considered by Turkmenistan as important condition of full-scale integration of the countries of Central Asia and Caspian basin in international system of economic relations. Special role in implementation of the plans is given to International Seaport, which is built on the Caspian coast and is to be the key logistic hub of Central Asian region. Big investment project envisages the construction of ferry, passenger and container terminals. At the same time, the complex includes general cargo terminal, bulk cargo and polypropylene terminals as well as ship wharf and shipyard. Realization of this grandiose project will give additional impulse to economic progress of Turkmenistan, to the development of industrial and transport infrastructure, creation of work occupancies and will support the attraction of large investments. Great perspectives are opened in the development of Avaza National tourist zone, in increment of the tourist coming to our country for sea resort from other states. According to the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2024, new dock will be built in Karabogaz where carbamide plant with annual production of 1 155 000 tons is planned to be opened this year. Modernization of the infrastructure and technical rearmament of national civil aviation, which has great role in passenger and cargo traffic both in domestic and international flights, is an integral part of large-scale plans that are steadily implemented in transport sphere. According to the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov of March 17, 2017, the State National Service «Türkmenhowaýollary» was renamed to «Türkmenhowaýollary» Service for the improvement of the activity of civil aviation and bringing of its organizational structure in accordance with international standards. Owing to the greatest attention paid by Turkmen leader to the development of civil aviation and improvement of air services, Ashgabat International Airport has become the most important link of transport and transit infrastructure of the country. The main air carrier “Turkmenistan Air Company” is provided with first class equipment, which is regularly upgraded. For the last year, the fleet was supplemented by three top modern Boeing NG aircrafts. Ten aircrafts that have long operation period have been brought to flight readiness by timely technical service. Comfortable new generation aircrafts Boeing 737-700 and Boeing 737-800 replaced the planes that reached the end of service in Turkmen airlines. At present, 24 aircrafts with high flight characteristics are in operation. Number of these types of aircraft is to increase and by 2020 it will replace existing fleet of the branch. The construction of modern air terminals providing full complex of services to the passengers and having runways that are able to receive any types of aircrafts in all velayats is the part of strategy for the establishment of developed air transport infrastructure of the country and for the provision of advanced equipment for safety reasons. Turkmenbashy International Airport, passenger terminal and runway in Mary have been built and the construction of Turkmenabat International Airport that has been opened in February 2018 was under construction for the period under review. New runway that is able to receive Boeings 777-200 LR and other types of aircrafts have been built in Dashoguz airport. Considerable role in international integration of our state is assigned to communication sector, which entry to new level is related to the modernization of the industry based on space technologies. Turkmenistan satellite «TürkmenÄlem 52°Е» allows providing number of communication services including digital TV and radio broadcasting, telephony, video conference communication, data transfer, satellite internet not only to the users in our country but also to other states of Central Asia, Iran, Turkey, North Africa and Europe. More than half of living houses in Ashgabat are covered with fibre optic connection while the replacement of regular cables with fibre optic lines in all settlements of the country is carried out by thus expanding the access to modern high technology telecommunication services. Number of internet users is growing. For the last five years, this index increased several times. «TürkmenÄlem 52°Е» satellite gave an opportunity to provide mobile and line telephone communication to remote regions located in mountain areas and in Karakum Desert. Modernization of external networks will increase the capabilities of Turkmenistan for change over to high-speed internet and for connection to 4G mobile communication based on LTE technologies. The country continues the routing of transnational fibre optic communication lines. All analog automated telephone exchange have been replaced with digital ones and switching over to high-speed communication systems STM-64, CWDM/DWDM and IP/MPLS is carried out for the provision f better services and expansion of their spectrum. Main route networks are modernized based on DWDM-systems (channels distribution) what allows improving the access to various information and reduce communication tariffs. In his speech at the session of the Council of the Elders in October, the President of Turkmenistan outlined the expansion of use of advanced space technologies in different branches of national economy of the country among the main objectives in the nearest future. According to the decision of the Head of the State, 1 billion 300 million manats will be invested to the development of national space sphere and improvement of its activity in 2018 – 2024. Ending up the review dedicated to the main events of 2017 in transport and communication spheres, it is worth mentioning that Turkmenistan is turning into the largest international transit and transport and telecommunication corridor of the world significance.

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