Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev and khyakims of the velayats to consider issues related to the progress of work in the agricultural complex and regions of the country.
The first floor was given to the khyakim of the Ahal velayat T.Nurmyradov, who reported on the pace of agricultural campaigns in the region.
As noted, seasonal activities, guided by the tasks set by the President of Turkmenistan to increase agricultural production, are continuing in the velayat.
In accordance with agro-technical standards, mineral fertilizers are applied and watered in the wheat fields of the velayat.
In order to organize the start and proper conduct of cotton sowing, the necessary steps are being taken to prepare areas and high-quality cotton seeds.
Along with this, appropriate measures are being implemented to sow potatoes and vegetable and melon crops within agro-technical deadlines.
It was also reported on the preparations for the upcoming cultural and mass events on the occasion of International Women’s Day – March 8 and the pace of construction of social, cultural and industrial facilities planned for opening this year within the framework of the National Rural Program.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the organized implementation of current agricultural work within agro-technical deadlines is an important condition for obtaining high yields of agricultural crops, addressing specific instructions to the khyakim in this regard.
The head of state also ordered to keep under control the quality and timing of the implementation of the tasks planned for the current year within the framework of the country’s socio-economic development programs.
Then, the khyakim of the Balkan velayat H. Ashyrmyradov reported on the agricultural campaigns carried out in the region.
As noted, care and watering continue in the wheat fields of the velayat. Measures are being taken to prepare high-quality seeds for cotton producers for the upcoming sowing.
Along with this, efforts are being made to prepare fields and seeds of vegetable and melon crops for the season, as well as to complete the planting of potatoes and onions within the established timeframes.
It was informed on preparations for the celebration of International Women’s Day in the velayat, as well as on the progress of construction of social and industrial facilities scheduled for commissioning this year.
After hearing the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of complying with agro-technical standards as a guarantee of obtaining high-quality products, and in this regard, ordered to ensure the proper implementation of current seasonal agricultural work in the fields of the region.
The head of state also assigned the khyakim to monitor the quality and timely completion of tasks planned for the current year within the framework of the National Rural Program.
Then the khyakim of the Dashoguz velayat D. Babayev reported on the state of affairs in the fields of the region.
As noted, in accordance with the tasks set by the President of Turkmenistan for the comprehensive development of the agricultural sector and strengthening food abundance in the country, seasonal work continues on the agricultural lands of the region.
In accordance with agro-technical standards, wheat is cared for, in particular, fertilizing with minerals and watering.
Currently, as part of the preparation for sowing cotton, land leveling, planning and flushing irrigation are being carried out. A sufficient number of high-quality seeds adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the region have been prepared for agricultural producers. Along with this, onion planting has begun in the velayat.
It was also reported on preparations for the celebrations on the occasion of International Women’s Day and the progress of construction work at social, cultural and industrial facilities that are planned to be commissioned this year as part of the country’s socio-economic development programs.
After hearing the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted the importance of high-quality and organized agro-technical measures at present, giving specific instructions to the khyakim in this regard.
The head of state also instructed to monitor the proper and timely implementation of the work planned for this year in the velayat in accordance with the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program.
Then, the khyakim of the Lebap velayat M. Annanepesov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the region.
As noted, in order to obtain rich wheat harvest this year, additional mineral fertilizers and irrigation are being carried out in the fields of the velayat.
Leveling and planning are underway in the cotton fields, and flushing irrigation is in the final stage, as well as the preparation of high-quality seeds for agricultural producers.
At the same time, the sowing of potatoes and onions is being completed in the region. Information was provided on preparations for the celebrations in the velayat on the occasion of International Women’s Day and the progress of construction of cultural, social and industrial facilities planned for commissioning in the region this year within the framework of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program.
Summarizing the report, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need for strict adherence to agricultural technology standards during seasonal agricultural activities, giving the khyakim specific instructions in this regard.
The head of state also ordered to monitor the quality and timely execution of work at the facilities planned for commissioning in the velayat this year in accordance with the country’s socio-economic development programs.
Then, the khyakim of the Mary velayat B. Orazov reported on the progress of current seasonal agricultural campaigns in the region.
As reported, in order to obtain a rich harvest this year, wheat is being cared for in the fields in accordance with agricultural technology standards.
In preparation for cotton sowing, leveling, planning, flushing irrigation of agricultural lands and preparation of high-quality seeds for producers are carried out.
At the same time, appropriate measures are being taken to ensure timely sowing of potatoes and other vegetable and melon crops in the velayat, as well as proper preparation of areas and seeds for sowing.
In addition, it was informed on the preparation of festive events on the occasion of International Women’s Day, as well as on the progress of construction of social, cultural and industrial facilities scheduled for commissioning this year in accordance with the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program.
Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of conducting current agricultural work at a high organizational level and in this regard gave the khyakim a number of specific instructions.
The head of state also noted the need for timely and high-quality implementation of the tasks outlined in the programs for the socio-economic development of the country, ordering to monitor their implementation.
Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev reported on the state of affairs in agriculture. As reported, in order to successfully implement the tasks set by the President of the country to obtain a rich harvest this year in accordance with agro-technical standards, mineral fertilizers are applied and wheat is watered in the fields of the velayats.
Along with this, measures are being taken to prepare land and high-quality seeds for sowing cotton.
In order to provide the population with domestically produced vegetable and melon crops, preparation of fields and seeds for sowing vegetable and melon crops, as well as planting potatoes and vegetables, continues.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the need to take comprehensive measures to successfully fulfill the tasks set for the development of the agricultural sector, taking into account the requirements of the time, further strengthening food abundance in the country due to high yields, and gave the Deputy Prime Minister relevant instructions in this regard.
Then, addressing the participants of the working meeting, the head of state emphasized the importance of seasonal agricultural campaigns and ordered strict control over the work on preparing and washing the soil in order to sow cotton in the regions within the established time frame, taking appropriate measures to provide producers with high-quality seeds before the campaign, and ensuring wheat care and irrigation in accordance with agricultural standards.
In addition, the President of Turkmenistan gave relevant instructions to accelerate the pace of sowing potatoes and vegetable and melon crops, to conduct timely payments for the work performed between agricultural producers and service enterprises in the regions, as well as to organize preparations for the planned events on the occasion of International Women’s Day – March 8.
Focusing on the need to successfully solve the problems outlined in the country’s socio-economic development programs, the head of state instructed to keep under strict control the construction of socio-cultural and industrial facilities planned for commissioning in the velayats this year.
At the end of the working meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work.