Events of the week
Priorities of Turkmenistan’s Policy: Peace, Trust and Constructive Cooperation
Events of the week
Priorities of Turkmenistan’s Policy: Peace, Trust and Constructive Cooperation
Published 11.08.2024

Our country takes an active part in developing balanced solutions to key issues on the regional and global agendas related to strengthening peace, security, stability and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Specific initiatives of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, destined to promote the optimization and further expansion of multifaceted international cooperation based on modern realities and with a long-term perspective, put forward at the sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia held last week in Astana, are aimed at implementing these important tasks.

On August 5, a telephone conversation took place between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

The heads of state noted the high level of Turkmen-Kazakh relations, which are fruitful and strategic in nature.

An exchange of views took place on priority issues of bilateral partnership, in particular, in the trade and economic sector and the cultural and humanitarian sphere, as well as on the coordination of interaction in the international arena.

The subject of detailed discussion was the implementation of joint projects, in particular, in the gas, energy, transport, and transit sectors. Having placed special emphasis on the transport sector, which is one of the key directions of interstate partnership, Presidents Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized the importance of implementing the agreements reached earlier.

During the conversation, Turkmenistan’s firm commitment to further strengthening fraternal, good-neighborly relations with all states of the region was confirmed.

On August 9, the President of Turkmenistan made a working visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan to participate in the sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia.

Speaking at the Summit, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that, as the initiator of the organization of this format of high-level meetings, Turkmenistan proceeds from the fact that they should be of a consultative nature, be a platform for political communication without strictly regulating rules and procedures. At the same time, the opinion was expressed from both a political and practical point of view that, there is no need to burden the created format with the establishment of additional add-ons.

Another important element of the Consultative Meetings, the President of Turkmenistan noted, is the participation of only the heads of state of Central Asia. This is primarily due to the purely regional theme of the five-party political dialogue. As noted, such an approach will ensure high efficiency of joint work, and will allow concentrating on cooperation issues that concern only the states of our region.

An indispensable condition for maintaining security in the region is stability and calm along the perimeter of its external borders. This refers to the issue of interaction in the Afghan direction.

Another important aspect of regional stability, according to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is the coordination of actions by Central Asian countries in the political, diplomatic, law enforcement and special spheres.

Turkmenistan advocates for the intensification of the activities of foreign policy agencies to develop consolidated approaches to issues of countering new known threats, destabilization of our region, protection of the information space, prevention and neutralization of attempts to penetrate by radical and extremist elements. At the same time, it seems important to create conditions for close and coordinated work of border, migration, customs agencies, and special services of the five countries.

Among the priorities of the regional agenda, the head of Turkmenistan noted economic development through close and mutually beneficial partnership. In this context, the key significance of cooperation in the transport and communications sector was noted. Today, this area is developing rapidly, competition is increasing, and active work is underway to create new transport and transit corridors in Eurasia. Timely and effective integration of the region into these processes, using geographical, logistical and other advantages – this should be the common task of the Central Asian states in the very near future.

Strengthening the transport interconnectivity between Asia and Europe involves the creation of modern logistics in the territories of our countries, harmonization of legislation, mutual provision of customs, tariff and other preferences.

Speaking about the importance of the role of the Central Asian states in international energy cooperation, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the strategic goal is to meet the growing energy needs of the Central Asian countries, taking into account the availability and future emergence of new industrial and agricultural capacities, infrastructure facilities, and the launch of joint production projects.

Among the promising areas of cooperation, expansion of trade, industrial cooperation, and partnership in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses were identified.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also invited the heads of state of Central Asia to the upcoming international forum dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, “The Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – the Basis of the Modern World and Development”, which will be held on October 11 this year in Turkmenistan.

It was noted that this forum is considered not only as a tribute to Magtymguly, but also as an important and timely opportunity for a broad international dialogue, a platform for presenting constructive, creative approaches and points of view on the fate of the world, the state of current global political, socio-cultural, geo-economic and humanitarian ties, their trends and prospects.

Having emphasized the special demand for such a dialogue today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the key importance attached by Turkmenistan to the fact that the positions of the fraternal Central Asian states are voiced at it in a weighty and authoritative manner, are heard and understood.

Following the Summit, a number of documents were signed.

These include: Joint Statement following the Sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, the Concept for the Development of Regional Cooperation “Central Asia-2040” and the Decision of the Sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia.

“On awarding the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev the Honorary Badge of the Heads of State of Central Asia”.

Following the results of the five-sided summit, a Roadmap for the Development of Regional Cooperation for 2025-2027 was also adopted.

The Sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia continued in an expanded format. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia, head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Kakha Imnadze took part in it as honorary guests.

The speakers noted the broad prospects for the development of mutually beneficial interstate cooperation in various fields, effective interaction of the participating countries at multilateral venues, as well as within the UN and other authoritative international organizations.

At the end of the meeting, it was a solemn ceremony of awarding the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev the Honorary Badge of the Heads of State of Central Asia.

On the same day, the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov met with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. During the meetings, the intention of the friendly neighboring countries to build up fruitful cooperation, successfully developing in bilateral and multilateral formats, was confirmed.

Having completed the program of the working visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov returned to Ashgabat.

The Sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia in Astana was preceded by a meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Central Asia to consider the agenda and draft final documents of the Summit in detail.

The participants of the meeting discussed issues of further development of interstate cooperation in its priority areas, exchanged views on the results of joint activities within the framework of this format, as well as on current aspects of regional and international issues. At the same time, the importance of continuing the established constructive dialogue between the foreign ministries was confirmed.

Prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation in such areas as trade and economic sphere, transport and communications, energy sector, industry, contacts in the area of entrepreneurship were discussed during bilateral meetings of members of the official delegations of our country and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Continuing the review, let’s note that the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is on labor leave, being an ardent supporter and promoter of an active lifestyle, visited the Center for Motor Sports of Turkmenistan, located in the northern part of the capital.

Hero-Arkadag inquired about the conditions created for athletes, the types and main parameters of the motor vehicles at their disposal, and personally tested the technical capabilities of one of the cars, making a series of complex turns along the track of the motor-racing track.

Considering the increasing number of young people involved in this sport, and the location of the relevant infrastructure near residential buildings, which creates a number of inconveniences for the population, Hero-Arkadag noted the advisability of building the Center in a new location.

Last week, the seventh issue of the Arkadagly Ýaşlar electronic magazine, issued by the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, was published.

It opens with the article “Ady dünýä dolan beýik Pyragy”, dedicated to the visit of the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Readers will be greatly interested in the report from the Olympic Games from the capital of France, as well as the material about the participation of the delegation of Turkmenistan in the creative youth festival in Russia.

In addition, the magazine offers materials on digital technologies, the famous Ayal-Bakhshi, and measures taken by Turkmenistan to develop international cooperation in the field of food security. New poems by young poets are also presented.

One can download the new issue of the magazine from the pages of the Türkmenmetbugat website and its mobile applications.

As part of the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan held in Budapest, residents of the Hungarian capital got acquainted with museum treasures, works of national fine and decorative arts, and the original modern performing skills of soloists and creative groups of our country.

The Turkmen delegation took part in the Kurultai, a holiday reflecting the ancient traditions of the Hunnic and Turkic peoples, and the celebrations on the occasion of the opening of a monument to the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi.

Events dedicated to the outstanding classic of Turkmen literature are intended to increase his fame, promote wider acquaintance of the world community with the work of Magtymguly, reveal the depth and uniqueness of Fragi’s talent and, in general, strengthen humanitarian dialogue, friendship and mutual understanding between peoples, which is an important factor in promoting the culture of peace and trust on the planet.

Speaking at a meeting of the “Russia-Islamic World” Strategic Vision Group, held in 2022 in Kazan, Hero-Arkadag expressed the idea that the celebration of Magtymguly’s anniversary should not end with the celebrations, but become a starting point for the formation of a new stage of cultural, humanitarian, spiritual and scientific-educational interstate cooperation.

In this context, scientific conferences, thematic meetings and exhibitions, cultural and poetic events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the outstanding poet and thinker are held in our country and abroad.

In many countries around the world, monuments have been erected to the outstanding master of words, who left behind a huge poetic legacy filled with profound judgments about the future, humanism, peacefulness, as well as love for the Homeland, a call for friendship and brotherhood.

Thus, the events of the past week clearly demonstrated the constructiveness of the strategy of peace and creation implemented by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, aimed at the prosperity of the Homeland, the well-being of the people and the expansion of international cooperation.

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