Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an online working meeting with participation of Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev who supervise the agro-industrial complex and khyakims of velayats. Its agenda included issues of development of the agro-industrial complex and the course of work carried out in regions of the country.
The first floor was given to khyakim of Akhal velayat R. Khojagulyev who reported on paces of seasonal field campaigns in the region.
As was pointed out, care of wheat fields is taken according to the agro-technical standards. In addition to it, ploughing, levelling and grading of fields to be sown with cotton this year are carried out. Necessary measures are taken to preparer the agricultural machinery and equipment, which will be involved in cotton sowing as well as to supply cotton growers with high quality seeds.
Areas for sowing of potato and others vegetables and gourds in the velayat, where ploughing and levelling activities are carried out, were determined.
Besides it, the khyakim reported on the work carried out with a view of appropriate functioning of heating systems in apartment houses, schools and kindergartens as well as uninterrupted supply of power energy, natural gas and water.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined importance of appropriate conduction of seasonal agricultural campaigns, including observance of agro-technical standards in care of wheat fields and instructed the khyakim to keep control over the work in cotton fields and increase rates of preparation of seeds of this crop by the forthcoming season.
Then, khyakim of Balkan velayat Kh. Ashyrmyradov reported on the state of affairs in agriculture.
As was marked, ploughing, levelling and grading of areas to be sown with cotton as well as preparation of agricultural machinery and high-quality seeds for cotton growers proceed in the region.
The works on care of wheat fields, in particular, application of mineral fertilizers to the fields is carried out. Besides it, necessary measures are taken for organised conduction of spring sowing of potato, fruits and vegetables.
The khyakim also reported on the work carried out for uninterrupted functioning of heating systems of social buildings, maintenance of population with power energy, natural gas and drinking water.
Having heard the report, the head of the state noted importance of qualitative and organised conduction of seasonal agricultural campaigns these days and instructed the khyakim to keep issues of care of farmlands sown with wheat and acceleration of paces of work in the fields to be sown with cotton according to the agro-technical standards and preparation of high-quality seed material for cotton growers under control.
The online working meeting continued further with the report of khyakim of Dashoguz velayat S. Soltanmyradov on the course of agricultural work carried out in the region.
As was marked, due care of wheat fields is ensured in the fields of the velayat at present. With a view of obtaining a rich harvest of cotton this year, ploughing and grading of fields are carried out. Besides it, preparation of the agricultural machinery and equipment, high-quality cottonseeds, which meet natural climate conditions of the region out for the sowing season, is carried.
In addition to it, on the sidelines of preparation for the spring potato and other fruits and vegetables sowing, ploughing, levelling and grading of fields as well as dressing of seeds of these crops are carried out.
Corresponding measures for appropriate functioning of heating systems of apartment houses, schools, kindergartens, uninterrupted maintenance of population with electricity, natural gas and drinking water are undertaken.
Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised importance of proper conduction of present agricultural work. The khyakim was instructed to ensure observance of agro-technicians standards in taking care of wheat fields, accelerated preparation of fields as well as qualitative seed material for the next cotton sowing campaign.
Then, khyakim of Lebap velayat Sh.Amangeldiev reported on seasonal agricultural campaigns.
As was noted, care of wheat fields is taken according to agro-technical standards. Within the framework of preparation for the forthcoming cotton sowing campaign, due measures, including ploughing and grading of fields, vegetative watering, inspection of readiness of agricultural machinery as well as timely maintenance of cotton growers with high-quality seeds are carried out.
With a view of fulfilment of tasks to supply population with local potato, other fruit and vegetable crops, due work is carried out to determine fields to be sown with these crops in the spring sowing season.
Necessary measures on uninterrupted maintenance of social projects with heating, electricity, natural gas and drinking water are also undertaken.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out importance of agricultural work carried out today. In this connection, the khyakim was instructed to keep fulfilment of agro-technical requirements in taking care of wheat fields, accelerated preparation of the fields to be sown with cotton and high-quality cottonseeds under a strict control in the velayat.
Further, khyakim of Mary velayat B.Orazov reported on the state of affairs in the agricultural branch.
He informed that topdressing with mineral fertilizers in the fields sown with wheat is carried out. With a view of preparation for the forthcoming cotton sowing campaign, ploughing, grading and application of fertilizers as well as inspection of the technical condition of park of agricultural machinery and equipment, treatment of seed according to the plan are carried out.
Besides it, corresponding measures are taken for organised conduction of spring potato, other fruit and vegetable crops sowing.
The khyakim also reported on the work of heating systems of social projects adjusted according to requirements, uninterrupted maintenance of population with electricity, natural gas and drinking water.
Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined a great significance of agricultural work carried out at present. The head of the state instructed him to ensure a strict observance of agro-technical standards in taking care of wheat fields in the velayat, acceleration of rates of preparation of the fields to be sown with cotton and high-quality seeds according to soil and environmental conditions of the given region as well as harvest of sugar beet.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev who supervises the agro-industrial complex, reported on the course of seasonal agricultural work carried out in the country.
As was marked, with a view of successful fulfilment of the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan “On the production of a rich wheat crop in Turkmenistan in 2024”, proper care of wheat is taken in the fields of velayats according to agro-technical standards.
Within preparation for the cotton sowing campaign, ploughing and levelling of the fields is carried out, necessary measures are taken for effective involvement of agricultural machinery and equipment. For maintenance of cotton-growers with high-quality seeds during the spring season, seeds are treated in ginneries are stored according to the established requirements.
Along with it, due measures are taken for organised conduction of sowing of potato, other fruit and vegetable crops in spring.
Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted that for today it is rather important to successfully to execute tasks on cultivation of agricultural crops. In this context, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet was instructed to hold the issues connected with care of wheat fields according to agro-technical standards, accelerated preparation of the fields to be sown with cotton and high-quality seeds for cotton growers as well as harvest of sugar beet under strict control.
Addressing khyakims of velayats, the head of the state focused attention on necessities of preparation properly for the forthcoming sowing season and instructed them to provide appropriate functioning of agricultural machinery and equipment, which will be involved in the spring campaign, to take measures for organised conduction of the sowing campaign of potato, other fruit and vegetable crops.
The President of the country also instructed to ensure trouble-free work of heating systems of social projects, supply of population with electricity, natural gas and drinking water in velayats.
Having concluded the online working meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, great successes in their work for happy life of our people and prosperity of our sovereign fatherland.