The President of Turkmenistan arrived in St. Petersburg to participate in the informal Summit of the Heads of the CIS countries
The President of Turkmenistan arrived in St. Petersburg to participate in the informal Summit of the Heads of the CIS countries
Published 26.12.2023

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrived on a working visit to the Russian Federation to participate in the informal Summit of the Heads of the CIS countries.

The head of state was seen off by officials at the Ashgabat International Airport.

A few hours later, the presidential airliner landed at «Pulkovo» International 

Airport in St. Petersburg, where President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was met by officials.

Turkmenistan, which by virtue of its neutral status is an associated member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, builds relations with the CIS member states on an equal, mutually beneficial basis, taking into account the common goals and national interests of each party. This position of our country contributes to the strengthening of historically strong ties of friendship, good neighborliness and effective ties, and the successful implementation of significant major joint projects in various fields.

Being invariably committed to strategic partnership with the CIS states - both in bilateral and multilateral formats, Turkmenistan strives to fully promote the strengthening of mutually beneficial relations in the Commonwealth space, filling mutual interaction with new specific content. A clear evidence of this is the regular participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the CIS Summits and the initiatives put forward that are in demand over time.

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